Stroke Deana Slovjaková 2 Learning objectives ̶ Student will learn main stroke causes. ̶ Student will learn how to recognize the symptoms of stroke based on an abbreviation FAST. 3 Introduction • serious cardiovascular condition • the second most common cause of death • „time is brain“ – if stroke is suspected, call EMS very quickly • longer the patient without any help, lower the chance of his recovery Risk factors: • hypertension • atherosclerosis • obesity and lipid metabolism disorders • smoking and lack of exercise 4 Definition • poor blood flow to the brain results in its dysfunction and cell death • brain cells are able to survive without oxygen supply for 3-5 min • sudden change in behaviour or movement can occur • according to damaged cerebral artery and area of the brain, we can see different symptoms Image source: 5 Types of stroke ̶ 2 types: hemorrhagic: low perfusion behind the hemorrhage from cerebral artery (20%) - intracerebral bleeding occurs Image source:  ischemic: an obstruction of the cerebral artery due to thrombus (80%) Image source: 7 Symptoms • sudden onset of face and muscle weakness, dizziness, rapid headache (thunderclap headache), abnormal speech,... • vomiting • F (face) • A (arms) • S (speech) • T (time) (BE)FAST • B balance (loss of balance, dizziness, headache) • E eyes (blurred vision, anisocoria)  CAVE: Stroke is not diagnosed JUST to elderly but more often also to young people! Image source: F - FACE • face asymetry • one side of the face is dropping • crooked smile • eyelid drop Can the casualty smile symmetrically? Image source: A - ARMS • arms asymetry • muscle weakness (more on one side) • arm drift Can the casualty hold his arms in the same level after raising them with closed eyes? Image source: S - SPEECH • speech disorder • abnormal speech • inability to say a whole sentence • incomprehensible words Can the casualty speak clearly without difficulties? (f.e. name or simple sentence) Image source: T - TIME • time is brain • call an ambulance immidiately • one positive symptom of acronym FAST is enough to suspect stroke • if you are not sure – call! 12 First Aid • SSS ABC • sit the casualty down and calm him down while waiting for an ambulance • monitor his vital signs (level of consciousness, airway, breathing, circulation) • if the casualty is unconscious and not breathing normally start providing CPR • do not give any fluids or food to the patient for the risk of aspiration 13 Learning outcomes ̶ Student can recognize the main symptoms of stroke by following FAST abbreviation. ̶ Student knows how to provide first aid in the conscious or unconscious patient with stroke. Zápatí prezentace14 Resources 1) Stroke - Symptoms and causes. In: Mayo Clinic [online] [cit. 22.08.2020]. Available from: 20350113 2) CÉVNÍ MOZKOVÁ PŘÍHODA DETAILNĚ – FNUSA [online] [cit. 22.08.2020]. Available from: 3) FA-CPR-AED-Part-Manual.pdf [online] [cit. 22.08.2020]. Available from: AED-Part-Manual.pdf 15 Thank you for your attention. Simulation Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2020