First aid for poisoning Roman Štoudek 1 Poisoning2 Learning objectives ̶ Student will learn how to recognize and evaluate the severity of the condition of a patient affected by poisoning. ̶ Student will learn the procedure for providing first aid to a patient affected by poisoning. ̶ Student will learn when and how to contact the regional Poison Center. Poisoning3 General ̶ Injury or death due to swallowing, inhaling, touching or injecting various drugs, chemicals, venoms or gases. ̶ The effects of toxic substances are manifested at the point of entry and in distant organs according to the metabolism of the substance. ̶ May cause severe damage to health to death. ̶ Children are also sensitive to small amounts of toxins. ̶ The most common cause of poisoning in paediatric patients is accidental poisoning. Poisoning4 When to suspect poisoning ̶ Poisoning signs can be different and often mimic other conditions, such as seizure, stroke, hypoglycaemia,.. ̶ Symptoms of poisoning may include: ̶ Vomiting ̶ Difficulty breathing ̶ Drowsiness ̶ Confusion or other altered mental state ̶ Burns or redness around the mouth ̶ Breath that smells like chemicals (gasoline, paint thinner) ̶ Empty pill bottles or packages, stains and odours on the person or nearby objects can be seen in the vicinity. Poisoning5 Management Recognize poisoning • unconsciousness, altered mental state, convulsions, etc. • In the vicinity of some empty blisters, letter, empty bottles Assessment of severity • Symptoms – consciousness, breathing, body colour, temperature,.. • Age of person, approximate weight, chronic diseases • The type of substance that caused the poisoning – finding in the vicinity, odour, .. Additional care • Check consciousness and breathing – if breathing normally possible turn to the recovery position • Call Emergency Service (155,112, 911, ..) • Patient unconscious and not breathing – start CPR • Possibility to contact regional poison control centre Poisoning6 When to call for help Call local emergency number immediately • Drowsy or unconscious • Having difficulty breathing or has stopped breathing • Uncontrollably agitated • Having seizures • Known to have taken medications intentionally or accidentally overdosed Call regional poison control centre • The person is stable and has no symptoms • The person is going to be transported to the local emergency department Poisoning7 Regional poison control centre ̶ Be ready to describe the person‘s symptoms, age, weight, other medications and any information you have about the poison. ̶ Try to determine the amount ingested and how long since the person was exposed to it. ̶ If possible, have on hand the medication package or other suspect container so you can refer to its label. Poisoning8 What to do while waiting for help Swallowed poison • Remove anything remaining in the mouth. • A household cleaner or other chemical, follow instructions on the label. Poison on the skin • Remove any contaminated clothing using gloves. • Rinse the skin for 15 to 20 minutes in a shower or with a hose. Poison in the eye • Gently flush the eye with cool or lukewarm water for 20 minutes or until help arrives. Inhaled poison • Get the person into fresh air. Poisoning9 What to do while waiting for help Vomiting • If the person vomits, turn his or her head to the side to prevent choking. CPR • If the person shows no signs of life (unconscious, breathing). • Be careful when breathing from mouth to mouth – some toxins are absorbed through the skin. Call Poison Help • If you need for additional instructions. Gather pill bottles, packages or containers with labels • Gather pill bottles, packages or containers with labels, and any other information about the poison to send along with the ambulance team. Otravy10 Caution Syrup of ipecac • Don't give syrup of ipecac • Don‘t do anything to induce vomiting Button batteries • Especially dangerous to small children • Can cause severe burns in as little as 2 hours • If you suspect that a child has swallowed one of these immediately take him to the hospital Medicated patches • Inspect skin if suspected • Checking the oral cavity where it can be stuck Poisoning11 Source ̶ „Poisoning: First Aid". Mayo Clinic, 20056657 ̶ Co dělat při akutní otravě. Poisoning12 Learning outcomes ̶ Student is able to describe the symptoms of an intoxicated patient. ̶ Student is able to describe basic principles in first aid in an intoxicated patient. ̶ Student is able to describe what a toxicology information centre is, how to contact and what information he gets. Simulation Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2020