Approach to the unconscious child Václav Vafek První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)2 Learning objectives ̶ Student will learn the algorithm of the approach to an unconscious child. ̶ Student will learn the differences in the approach to an unconscious child and an adult. 3 Basic algorithm No signs of life? Not reacting? Safety both of child and rescuer Verbal and tactile stimulation Shout for help Open the airway Not breathing normally? 5 rescue breaths 15 compression: 2 breaths S Safety S Stimulate S Shout for help A Airway B Breathing C Circulation AED První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)4 Classification of the children in BLS 1. infants: newborns → 1 year 2. children: 1 year (10 kg)→ the first signs of adolescence (60 kg) 3. adolescent (~ adults) První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)5 Differences in childhood ̶ body size ̶ lower lung volume ̶ possible difficult mouth-to-mouth ventilation ̶ large head in relation to the body ̶ different position when opening the airway První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)6 Approach to the unconscious child - SSS ABC SAFETY • check if the situation is safe for you and for the child STIMULATE • verbal stimulation (e.g.: „Are you all right?“) • tactile stimulation (e.g.: fix the head and shake the hand gently) • watch the reaction – answer, cry, movement, … • reaction – check the condition of the child, call an ambulance if necessary • NO reaction→ s První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)7 Approach to the unconscious child - SSS ABC AIRWAY • turn the child on its back, carefully! • open the airway • infants – neutral position of the head • children→ adolescent – (gently) tilt the head SHOUT FOR HELP • shout for help loudly • someone else can help us (e.g. call ambulance) or get an AED První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)8 Approach to the unconscious child - SSS ABC První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)9 Approach to the unconscious child - SSS ABC První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)10 Approach to the unconscious child - SSS ABC BREATHING • 10 sec., we have to find out if the child is breathing normally • look, listen and feel • keep the airway open all the time • gasping breaths are not normal breathing První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)11 Approach to the unconscious child - SSS ABC BREATHING B breathes normally call ambulance, assess breathing repetitively doesn‘t breathe normally 5 rescue breaths, call ambulance První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)12 Approach to the unconscious child - SSS ABC BREATHING B breathes normally call ambulance, assess breathing repetitively doesn‘t breathe normally 5 rescue breaths, call ambulance První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)13 The right procedure ̶ unconscious child, breathing after opening the airway ̶ call the ambulance ̶ keep the airway open, repetitively assess if the child is breathing (look, listen and feel) ̶ if the child stops breathing → start CPR immediately První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)14 Learning outcomes ̶ Student is able to describe steps of the algorithm of an approach to the unconscious child. ̶ Student is able to explain the differences in the algorithm of an approach to unconscious child and adult. ̶ Student is able to describe the procedure what to do with a child who is unconscious and breathes normally. První pomoc – přednáška (VLPO011, ZLPO011p)15 References: ̶ ̶ Van de Voorde P, Turner NM, Djakow J et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021: Paediatric Life Support. Resuscitation. 2021 Apr;161:327-387. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.02.015. Epub 2021 24th March. ̶ Madar J, Roehr CC, Ainsworth S, Ersdal H, Morley C, Rüdiger M, Skåre C, Szczapa T, Te Pas A, Trevisanuto D, Urlesberger B, Wilkinson D, Wyllie JP. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021: Newborn resuscitation and support of transition of infants at birth. Resuscitation. 2021 Apr;161:291-326. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.02.014. Epub 2021 Mar 24. Simulation Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2020