Diabetes mellitus Diabetic emergencies Václav Vafek 2 Learning objectives ̶ Student will learn to recognize acute life-threatening conditions of diabetes. ̶ Student will learn the basic principles of first aid for diabetic emergencies. 3 Diabetes mellitus ̶ “diabetes“ ̶ a group of chronic, metabolic disorders characterized by a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism and the associated high blood sugar level ̶ 1 million patients in Czechia, more than 30 millions in EU ̶ the treatment prevents long-term complications ̶ in addition to a medication, the treatment includes a strict diet and a regular regimen 4 How does carbohydrate metabolism work in a healthy person? ̶ blood sugar and insulin levels fluctuate depending on food intake ̶ food  increase of the blood sugar level  insulin is released from the pancreas  muscles and liver can process sugar thanks to insulin  decrease of the blood sugar level 5 How does carbohydrate metabolism work in a diabetic? ̶ in diabetics, the physiological mechanism does not work 1. the pancreas does not produce insulin at all 2. the pancreas makes insulin, but the tissues don’t respond to its releasing ̶ the body cannot utilize the sugar from food  high blood sugar level (hyperglycaemia) ̶ high sugar levels can cause long-term complications (chronic kidney disease, foot ulcer, cardiovascular disease,…) 6 Diabetes types, therapy ̶ type 1 diabetes ̶ the pancreas does not produce insulin at all ̶ early onset in children ̶ therapy: strict diet + INSULIN (insulin pen, insulin pump) ̶ type 2 diabetes ̶ the pancreas produces insulin, but the tissues don’t respond to its releasing ̶ insulin production in the pancreas decreases progressively ̶ adult-onset, often obese ̶ therapy: strict diet+ drug treatment, in later stages INSULIN 7 Hyperglycaemia - high blood sugar level ̶ unrecognized diabetic or severe diabetes management mistake ̶ frequent urination ̶ increased thirst ̶ fatigue, weakness, blurred vision ̶ several days lasting condition ̶ severe dehydration may occur after a few days  disorder of consciousness  life threatening condition 8 Hypoglycaemia - low blood sugar level ̶ commonly in diabetics treated with insulin • repeated dose of insulin • physical activity • insulin taken on an empty stomach ̶ a person with hypoglycaemia looks like an inebriated person ̶ increased appetite, weakness, fatigue ̶ behavioural changes - aggression, nervousness, lack of concentration ̶ pale skin, sweating, palpitation ̶ after that progressive loss of consciousness and seizures life threatening condition ̶ the quick reaction of the rescuer is crucial, the condition may worsen very quickly in a few minutes! 9 First aid ̶ the diabetic begins to behave strangely  give him sugar • conscious (holds the mug): sugar in a liquid form (sweet tea, lemonade, sugar in water) • unconscious - SSSABC, call an ambulance ̶ if a diabetic has hyperglycemia, the sugar will not significantly harm him ̶ if he has hypoglycemia, his condition improves after taking sugar 10 First aid Caution! ̶ never give insulin to the patient (it should only be given by a doctor or diabetic in full consciousness) ̶ if a person has a disorder of consciousness, don’t put a sugar cube under his tongue or pour sugar into his mouth - there is a risk of suffocation! 11 Diabetic equipment ̶ Glucagen kit ̶ Insulin pen https://www.glucagenhypokit.com https://www.diastyl.cz/pomucky-aplikaci-inzulinu/ 12 Take home message Always save diabetics with sugar 13 Learning outcomes ̶ Student is able to recognize acute life-threatening conditions of diabetes. ̶ Student understands the basic principles of first aid for diabetic emergencies. 14 Resources ̶ https://www.cprguidelines.eu ̶ https://www.erc.edu ̶ AUSTIN, Margaret, Rudy CRAWFORD a Barry KLAASSEN. First aid manual : the Authorised Manual of St John Ambulance, St Andrew's First Aid and the British Red Cross. Revised 10th edition. London: DK, 2016. 288 stran. ISBN 9780241241233 Simulation Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2020