Simulation rules Tereza Vafková First Aid – Simulation rules2 Learning goals ̶ Student will become familiar with the rules of the simulations used in First Aid practice. First Aid – Simulation rules3 Course of the practice DISTRIBUTION OF THE ROLES SIMULATION BRIEFING SIMULATION SCENARIODEBRIEFING SKILL TRAINING First Aid – Simulation rules4 Roles in the simulations Rescuer Simulated patient Dispatcher Observer First Aid – Simulation rules5 Instructions for the students ̶ Always follow the prepared instructions in the simulation. ̶ Unless you get the information in the instructions or from the lector, everything is how you (as the rescuer) see it. ̶ Do not ask the lector about anything during the simulation, he/she just observes the simulation. First Aid – Simulation rules6 Example of the instructions First Aid – Simulation rules7 Do not comment it, but do it ̶ If you want to do something in the simulation, do not comment it or explain it, but do it practically. ̶ Exceptions: ̶ Emergency calls ̶ Chest compressions ̶ Using tourniquet First Aid – Simulation rules8 Emergency calls ̶ The rescuer says: ̶ The lector or the student chosen by the lector communicates with the rescuer as a dispatcher according to a prepared scenario. „I want to call 155 / 112.” First Aid – Simulation rules9 Chest compressions ̶ Never start chest compressions on the simulated patient. Do it always only on the mannequin. ̶ If you want to start with CPR, say it to the lector and he/she will give you the mannequin. First Aid – Simulation rules10 Tourniquet ̶ Choose the spot where you want to apply the tourniquet and demonstrate the application, but never tighten it. ̶ Explain the procedure of the application. First Aid – Simulation rules11 Material and requisites ̶ The lector will show you in the beginning of each practice the requisites and simulators that will be used in the simulations. ̶ All the requisites used in the simulations are safe. They are intended for training. First Aid – Simulation rules12 Safety and gentle manipulation with the SPs ̶ Always have in mind the safety and the gentle manipulation with the SPs. First Aid – Simulation rules13 The beginning / The end of the simulation ̶ The simulation is always started and terminated by the lector either when the time is up or when you complete certain procedure or reach certain point in the scenario. ̶ Until then continue playing your roles in the simulation (both the rescuer and the SP). First Aid – Simulation rules14 Immersion in the simulation ̶ Always try to identify with your role as much as you can (as the rescuer or as the SP). ̶ Read the instructions carefully and behave according to them. ̶ We will not use moulage during the practice. First Aid – Simulation rules15 Fiction contract ̶ It is always not possible to prepare everything as it would be and look like in the reality. We will try hard to be as real as it is in the practice possible. ̶ In the role of the rescuer try your best to solve the simulation as you would do in the real situation. ̶ We realize that sometimes it can happen in the simulation that we have to behave differently than we would do in the reality. First Aid – Simulation rules16 Mistakes are welcomed ̶ Simulations you will undergo in the practice are designed for your training. ̶ Your performance in them will have no impact on the final assessment in the subject First Aid. ̶ You will be assessed during the colloquium at the end of the semester. First Aid – Simulation rules17 Learning outcomes ̶ Student knows the rules of the simulations used in First Aid practice. First Aid – Simulation rules18 Thank You for Your attention. Tereza Vafková Simulation Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2020