RECORD of pre-graduate practical training – Family medicine ( minimum of 2 weeks) in the academic year ______ /______ Name + UČO Hospital Period of training from: to: Hrs per day PART 1: Practical Training Content PROCEDURE OBSERVED (date) compulsory PARTICIPATED (date) optional SUPERVISOR’S SIGNATURE 1. Writing of anamnestic data 2. Examination of older patient 3. Examination of patient with diabetes mellitus type 2 4. Semiquantitative examination of urine 5. Taking of blood 6. Intravenous/intramuscular administration of drugs 7. Taking of urine (catheterization of urinary bladder - optional) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PART 2: Student’s Evaluation by Supervisor Supervisor’s signature ……………………………………………………….. ........................................ ……………………………………………… Date Hospital Official’s signature and stamp The subject/matter of the practical training of 6th-year in Family medicine The goal of the practical lessons in family medicine is to acquaint students with different areas of treatment and prevention in general practice. Student shall acquire and implement theoretical knowledge in care of registered patients. Student shall summarise her/his knowledge in diagnostics, therapy and prevention of most frequent diseases in different age periods, according to particular physiological systems. By the end of the course students should be able to perform physical examination of the patient. They should be able to assess physical findings and distinguish them from pathological ones. Students shall know standard diagnostic procedures and tests for individual clinical conditions of the adults and seniors and shall be able to apply them in practice. Students shall also be able to indicate and substantiate basic laboratory and examination methods for specific disease groups. Students will learn about work organization in GPs office. Students will gain practical experience how to work with medical records and other relevant documentation. In the end of the course students shall be able to set up the diagnosis and to treat different diseases and conditions. Syllabus: * Individual practical training. * Examination of sick patient. * Examination of adults and seniors, comprehensive geriatric assessment. * Special laboratory and diagnostic methods in different types/groups of illness in adulthood and older age. * Differential diagnosis, including pharmacotherapy.