Strategie Plan of the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2 8 MUNI MED Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University for years 2021-2028 Brno 2021 CONTENT I Introduction / Mission / Values / Priority Education and teaching in undergraduate studies 18-23 Research and doctoral studies 24-37 E Specialisation education Internationalisation and studies of international students 38-41 42-47 Information sources and systems, IT support 48-51 i Management of human resources, administration of institutions and infrastructure 52-59 Academic environment and social role 60-65 INTRODUCTION Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, At the moment, you are holding a document in your hands that will not only influence the direction of the Faculty of Medicine in the next seven years, and thus also the academic and professional career of all of us who are connected to the faculty. I am very pleased to present you the Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University for the years 2021 to 2028. It is a key document that defines our mission and vision and summarises the seven strategic areas of development of the Faculty of Medicine. It is all the more important that the goals contained in it were consensually decided through a number of debates of the parties involved, in which members of the faculty, departments and clinical departments, employees of individual offices of the Dean's Office and student representatives participated. Thanks to the involvement of all the important actors, we were able to draw up a strategic plan that reflects the current needs of the faculty, and also includes completely new challenges that we can use as catalysts for further development. The document is also closely related to the Strategic Plan of Masaryk University for the years 2021 to 2028. Like the Faculty itself, this strategic plan is a living document to which we should regularly return and evaluate individual goals and activities. It should serve us as an imaginary compass, which shows us that we are on the right track. Our common vision is for the Faculty of Medicine MU to be a unique centre of medical and healthcare education, science and research, which will be attractive for academics and students, a workplace with great importance and prestige, not only in the Czech Republic or Central Europe. I believe that a jointly set and discussed strategy is the right way to strengthen our position and further develop our faculty. However, it is just the first step. It is now up to all of us to actively participate in all processes, to try to improve them and move them forward. As your Dean, I will do my utmost in the coming years so that together we can successfully fulfil this mission. Sincerely yours Martin Repko 7 SI • • + ***#*•*•**■ ■ • # * * » * *•■*• The mission of Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University is to educate a new generation of doctors and healthcare professionals, share the best knowledge and skills and actively participate in scientific research. Our values are based on respect for human beings and their individual diversity, on our constant task to help improve the conditions for human existence and on our commitment to provide treatment to people regardless of their social status, health status or eligious beliefs UlSIOnS FOR 2028 To be a leader in the field of medical and healthcare education in Central Europe, to be a prestigious place to study and build an academic career, to attract the attention of excellent students and academics. To be sought-after partners for cooperation with the academic, medical, industrial and public administration sectors To be active in international networks in the field of education, science and public _ administration To be part of successful scientific teams, to be a place of innovation in education, research and development in the field of _ medicine. To be the creators and bearers of health care topics that we intend to promote in regional, national and international policies To strive to maintain a humane level of medicine 13 THE Ml AIM PRIORITIES OF THE FII IIU 2021 TO 2028 Education and teaching in undergraduate studies The Faculty of Medicine has been, is and always will be a professional faculty. Therefore, we take pride in taking maximum care of our undergraduate students, to whom we want to offer an opportunity for quality studies in the upcoming period, not only by contact teaching, but also by distance form of teaching. However, quality studies will not be possible without changes in the evaluation of studies, in cultivation of studies, and especially in increasing the competencies of the lecturers themselves. SIMU, among other things, is becoming a unique tool for qualitative shift. Research and doctoral studies Doctoral studies and research will be significantly emphasised in the upcoming period. The development of doctoral studies is clearly led at a qualitative level, from the emphasis on the quality of the supervisors themselves, improvement of the socio-economic status of our doctoral students and involvement in local and global research structures to direct support of international and multidisciplinary grant activities. The research activities of the FM MU must then reflect modern trends and carefully monitor social interests. Activities related to the translation of basic research results into clinical practice will be significantly supported. Proactive search for international partners and ensuring a quality research environment for international junior and senior researchers is an essential way to increase the quality of research at the Faculty of Medicine. Specialisation education Providing specialisation education has long been an activity of our faculty. A varied offer is our unique asset that we try to not only keep, but to further qualitatively develop. 16 Internationalisation and studies of international students The international importance of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University is unquestionable, as evidenced by the growing number of international self-payers, which has been increasing for many years. However, the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU has brought new challenges in connection with the international aspect of the recognition of medical education. Our long-term interest in this context is to at least maintain the existing numbers of students, provide them with adequate education, service and care, and ensure the recognition of our education abroad. Above all, however, uncompromisingly increase the quality of both contact teaching and distance teaching. Information sources and systems, IT support The current situation has clearly shown the need and also the limits of full online teaching and administrative operation of the faculty. In the near future, we must be able to develop the functionality of all electronic systems and agendas much more intensively. Management of human resources, administration of institutions and infrastructure Dynamic development of the faculty is not possible without properly set processes in the field of human resources and finance management. Above all, the area of human resources management is a key area of development for the period 2021-2028, not only due to the efforts to obtain the HR Excellence Award. The management of FM MU MU is fundamentally aware of the need for a quality personnel background and a transparent personnel policy, which will be attractive both for junior researchers and for already established scientists, but also for clinical staff. An equally important parameter for the further functioning of our faculty will be the maintenance of a leading position in transparent public procurement and the involvement of the faculty in the processes of sustainable development. Academic environment and social role The current openness of the faculty to the surrounding environment is one of its great assets. Furthermore, the activity of students and their social involvement is not only extremely beneficial, but also generally important. The faculty, together with a deeper sense of belonging, intends not only to develop these activities, but to further build onto them as well. 1 Education and teaching in undergraduate studies STRATEGIC GOALS 1 . 1 Care for potential applicants (General Medicine, Dentistry, Healthcare study programmes). 1 . 2 Rationalisation of the offer of study programmes 1 . 3 Continuous cultivation of studies 1 . 4 Continuous development of pedagogical competencies of lecturers at the FM MU 1 . 5 Reducing academic failure 1 . 6 Support for gifted students and the P-Pool programme 1 . 7 Improving the quality of education with the involvement of simulation techniques and the use ofSIMU 1 . 8 Stabilisation of staffing of disciplines at the Faculty of Medicine Education and teaching in undergraduate studies KEY RESULTS AND INDICATORS 1.1 1 Numbers of multiple applications, numbers of successful applicants, increase in the number of applicants from prestigious high schools. 1.2 1 Numbers of successful, accepted and enrolled applicants, analysis of the results of faculty-specific tests. 2 Numbers of SP, numbers of students in relation to the economic situation of FM MU and societal need. 1.3 1 Numbers of successful students taking the FSE and number of students passing it, analysis of study failure. 2 Number of qualified mentors, cooperating healthcare providers. 3 Number of modified courses/lessons within individual courses. 1.4 1 Number of trained lecturers. 1.5 1 Number of courses with OSCE classification. Proportion of the number of courses with OSCE vs. the number of courses in the General Medicine curriculum in total. 2 Study success rate after the 3rd year - 6th semester of study at dMgr. SP. 20 Education and teaching in undergraduate studies MEASURES TO IIE E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 1 1 Attractive presentation of SPs for applicants, higher student involvement in the presentation of SPs, cooperation with high schools, Junior Academy. 1 Implementation of changes in the admission process (content, process and structural changes), analysis of the number of accepted and enrolled applicants (fullfilment of study programmes). 2 SP cost analysis, cooperation with representatives of employers, as for teaching - optimisation of teaching preclinical theoretical courses by merging within programmes based on common theoretical foundations of the curriculum - rationalisation of the use of human resources and spatial-material equipment of the FM MU. 1 Functional programme boards (PB SP), implementation of conclusions from internal evaluation of SP, functional feedback from students (course survey), refinement of final thesis preparation methodology, electronic processes - FSE, study materials and their sharing, identification of interdisciplinary links, increase of interactive and heuristic forms of teaching, support of simulation teaching for Healthcare study programmes, support of multidisciplinary education, cooperation with employers' representatives. 2 Extension of cooperation (healthcare providers in Brno, outside Brno and outside the South Moravian Region), educational and motivational programmes for mentors, Logbooks of internships of individual SPs, electronic preparation of internship schedules. 3 Modification of education of individual courses in General Medicine, according to the need of Dentistry and Healthcare study programmes. 1 Involvement of CERPEK in raising competences of FM MU lecturers. 1 Inclusion of OSCE into the practical part of clinical courses' examination, including SRE. OSCE parameterisation in SIMUportfolio. 2 Regular evaluation of the course of study (failure, study results) according to the method of admission. Applies to SP using variable parameters, i.e. mainly General Medicine. Early indicators of study failure rates - passing the study after the 2nd semester according to Office for Studies analyses and consultation with study Vice-Deans, the need to repeat courses - discussion on learning techniques. Education and teaching in undergraduate studies KEY RESULTS AND INDICATORS 1.6 1 Number and quality of graduates, number of doctoral stu- dents in standard period of study. 1.7 1 Number of courses with immediate feedback through the SIMUportfolio platform. 2 Number of courses with pre- and post-examination. Com- parison of the pre- and post- test results. 3 Number of courses with simulation lesson. Proportion of courses with simulation lessons vs. number of courses in the General Medicine curriculum in total. 4 Improvement of feedback from student and graduate sur- veys. 5 Curriculum corresponding with the current legislation. 6 Number of newly included lessons within the courses con- cerned. 7 Number of modern methods newly included in lessons. 1 Number of lecturers with Ph.D., specialised education, habil- itation or professorship. 22 Education and teaching in undergraduate studies MEASURES TO IIE E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 1 1 Stimulation of thesis supervisors (target bonus), media coverage, employment of graduates as an attracting factor. 1 Inclusion of immediate feedback in individual lessons through the SIMUportfolio platform. Inclusion of feedback from students, student lecturers and academics. 2 Inclusion of pre- and post- exam as an integral part of individual lessons through the SIMUportfolio platform. 3 Demonstrable inclusion of simulation lessons into courses. Their implementation into SIMUporfolio. 4 Use of the structure of course sections, extra-faculty workplaces, foreign trips, logbook. 5 Strengthening key courses while maintaining credits and the number of hours until the 8th semester. 6 Including simulation lessons into the individual courses' curricula. 7 Inclusion of these methods in teaching, both simulated lessons and clinical practice. 1 Continuous support for the growth of academic staff with the aim of gradually changing the lecturers involved in teaching. 1 23 2 Research and doctoral studies STRATEGIC GOALS 2TI 2 . 2 2 . 3 2 . 4 2 . 5 2 . 6 Support of experimental work of doctoral stu dents, strengthening scientific performance of students. Integration of doctoral students into research teams of grant projects, development of excellence Quality and internationally competitive doctoral studies emphasising quality, adherence to the study schedule and reducing the study failure rate Improving the quality of doctoral students' supervisors Further development and strengthening of the existing interdisciplinary cooperation within the doctoral studies, development of the PhD School concept within the campus and the university Securing the socio-economic status of doctoral students, including their full integration into the faculty's and university's scientific community and setting their career paths Strengthening the degree of internationalisation of doctoral studies, involvement of international supervisors, financing students in English study programmes 2 . . 7 Addressing global and local challenges through basic and applied research and applying its results in the areas of health and quality of life 2~ . 8 Identification and support of strategic scientific research topics, strengthening of interdisciplinary cooperation, support of promising research areas, including support of new research topics 2~ . 9 Emphasis on quality scientific performance with national and international response, striving to achieve excellence in the international research area 2~ . 1 0 Greater involvement in prestigious international grant schemes 2~ . 1 1 Efficient use of resources (financial and human), faculty and shared infrastructure (core facilities), based on a comprehensive evaluation system 2~ . 1 2 Development of infrastructure for research in strategic areas (Animal Breeding and Experimental Facility, shared facilities for preclinical research, infrastructure for innovative therapeutic approaches and their conversion into clinical trials) 2~ . 13 Conversion of basic research results into clinical practice, extension of the application potential of the results of scientific research activities, development of academic clinical trials (connection with the University Hospital, active approach in technology transfer and cooperation with the application sphere) 2~ . 14 Development of internationalisation of research activities, contracting junior and senior international researchers (including stabilisation of the postdoc position in the career structure) using supporting grant schemes and other financial instruments 2 Research and doctoral studies KEY RESULTS AND INDICATORS 2.1 1 Proportion of Higly-cited Publications by WoS. Number of doctoral students' scientific results indexed in WoS. Number of publications of doctoral students published in Qi and Q2 of relevant WoS journals. 2 Proportion of doctoral students completing science methodology courses. Number of interdisciplinary research doctoral projects. Measures concerning comunication within the coordination of doctoral studies at the FM MU at the level of Doctoral Boards and the creation of a standard for the assignment of a doctoral project (see Established system of work with supervisors, members of the Doctoral Board and the Doctoral Committee). 3 Number of doctoral students who are members of research teams supported by projects AZV, GA CR, grant schemes of international providers. Number of supported doctoral student projects within IGA MU, InGA FM MU, etc. Number of internal doctoral students who are holders of the MASH Junior award. 4 Number of regional, national and international awards (or scholarship programmes) for doctoral students. 2.2 1 Number of accepted students from the total number of ap- plicants. 2 Established system of work with doctoral students (regular discussion meetings, training courses and workshops). 26 Research and doctoral studies MEASURES TO IIE E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 1 Creation of tools and resources to support the scientific performance of doctoral students, leading to the publication of research results in prestigious sources (publication fund, scholarship opportunities, workshops, individualised project support). 2 Development of experimental work of doctoral students, support of doctoral theses in the field of biomedicine based on original research projects (clinical and preclinical), interdisciplinary doctoral projects, connecting clinical topics with preclinical methodology; support of doctoral students' competencies in science methodology. 3 Introduction of a faculty-wide project strategy and individualised grant support for workplaces, research groups and teams in order to strengthen the involvement of doctoral students in project activities. 4 Strengthening the response to excellent doctoral results. 1 Setting the conditions of the admission procedure, taking into account the professional knowledge and motivation of applicants, for the selection of quality doctoral students, as a key tool for reducing study failure and increasing the excellence of doctoral study results. 2 Systematic work with doctoral students, sharing good practice, regular meetings, workshops. Support of a common university platform for meeting, sharing, education and career development of doctoral students and supervisors, campus meeting point, setting up direct information channels for doctoral students at the faculty level. Development of information literacy, pedagogical competencies, communication, presentation, publishing and other transferable skills of doctoral students. 2 Research and doctoral studies KEY RESULTS AIID INDICATORS 2.2 3 Number of doctoral students who are members of research groups. Number of doctoral graduates in postdoc positions in foreign and external research institutions. 4 Established regular evaluations of the causes of study failure, activities and workload of tutors. Decline of the study failures (Graduation Rate) of individual DSPs. Growing number of graduates within standard study time. 5 Number of supervisors / consultants from prestigious external national institutions (Czech Academy of Sciences, BIO-CEV, etc.), from foreign institutions. 6 Number of graduates in the position of postdoc at prestigious foreign institutions. 2.3 1 Established system of work with supervisors, members of Doctoral Boards and Doctoral Comittees (regular discussion meetings, training courses and workshops). 2 Number of students per non-habilitated and habilitated supervisor (decreasing trend) Number of students who successfully complete their studies with the supervisors from individual Doctoral Boards in the standard time. Number of students who successfully complete their studies with the supervisors from individual Doctoral Boards. 3 Established system of work with supervisors, members of Doctoral Boards and Doctoral Comittees (regular discussion meetings, training courses and workshops). 2.4 1 Number of listed interdisciplinary doctoral thesis topics (combination of clinical and preclinical topics, two different clinical disciplines or more scientific fields). 2 Number of implemented shared activities for doctoral students within the "Campus Umbrella". 28 Research and doctoral studies II EASURES TO IIE E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 3 A doctoral student as an attractive member of a research team of cooperating research institutions, who will find employment at prestigious domestic or foreign institutions after graduation. 4 Monitoring the causes of study failure, prevention, counseling, the introduction of the position of a mentor as a counselor or mediator of possible disputes. 5 Systematic work with recent graduates, setting professional and academic career paths (Life after PhD, the postdoc position). 6 Systematic work with recent graduates, setting professional and academic career paths (Life after PhD, the postdoc position). 1 Systematic work with supervisors, Doctoral Boards and Committees, sharing and implementation of good practice of supervisors and Doctoral Boards. 2 Establishing system of evaluation of DSP quality, the activities and workload of supervisors and regulation of the number of students per supervisor. 3 Workshops and other possibilities of education for supervisors. 1 Strengthening interdisciplinary cooperation in doctoral studies through the offer of courses from other scientific disciplines and the involvement of students in interdisciplinary projects. 2 Cooperation of faculties based at the University Campus Bohunice within the so-called "Campus Umbrella", shared space for group work of doctoral students and informal meeting point. 29 2 Research and doctoral studies KEY RESULTS AND INDICATORS 2.4 3 Number of doctoral students studying under the guidance of a supervisor from another faculty, the Czech Academy of Sciences or another domestic or foreign institution. 2.5 1 Number of doctoral students - researchers of Brno PhD tal- ent projects, MU Internal Grant Agencies, FM MU Internal Grant Agencies, etc. 2 Number of doctoral students involved in a grant project. 3 Rising trend of the average amount of financial evaluation of doctoral students. 4 Number of applicants and accepted students in English study programmes. Number of students completing an internship abroad of minimum of 30 days. Establishment of the Faculty Welcome Office. 2.6 1 Number of applicants and accepted students in English study programmes. 2 Number of foreign supervisors of doctoral students. Number of students studying under double supervision in cooperation with a foreign institution (cotutelle, European doctorate). 3 Number of bilateral agreements on cooperation in science and doctoral studies with foreign institutions. 2.7 1 Setting and further developing strategic research priorities that respond flexibly to current societal challenges. 30 Research and doctoral studies 11/1 EASURES TO IUI E E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 3 Support for national and international collaborative doctorates. 1 Motivation for doctoral students to apply for internal grant competitions, regional, national and international competitions and scholarship programmes. 2 Involvement of doctoral students in research teams of external providers' research grants. 3 Ensuring the adequate background of doctoral students as beginning researchers within the workplace, ensuring the financing of the dissertation project and the costs associated with the dissertation project. Support of harmonisation of studies and family life. 4 Establishment of the Faculty Welcome Office as a support tool for ensuring the administration and financing of foreign internships as well as as a support tool for incoming international PGS, postdocs, academics and Science and Research workers. 1 Advertisements promoting PGS at FM MU abroad (websites, magazines), promotion at specialised fairs. 2 Strengthening international ties within the preparation of doctoral students, support for double supervisorship of doctoral students in the framework of international cooperation (cotutelle, European doctorate). 3 Formalisation of international cooperation in doctoral studies, science and research in the form of bilateral agreements with foreign institutions. 1 Compliance of research at the FM MU with the priorities of the Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2019-2030 and the Regional Innovation Strategy of the South Moravian Region 2021-2027, the National Renewal Program, Horizon Europe programmes and other global strategic documents. 31 2 Research and doctoral studies KEY RESULTS AIID INDICATORS 2.7 2 Number of successful co-research applications at AZV, GA CR, TA CR. 2.8 1 Identification of strategic research topics and implementa- tion of an appropriate project support strategy. Bibliometric analysis and its regular evaluation. 2 Number of submitted and supported interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary projects. 3 Number of junior research groups, number of holders of prestigious junior grants (MASH JUNIOR, GACR Junior star, AZV). 4 Number of research groups at FM MU. 2.9 1 System of evaluation Growing number of Higly-cited publications according to WoS, number of results indexed in WoS and Scopus, or other relevant databases, growing proportion of such publications with respect to the total number of FM MU authors, the number converted to l FTE, number of publications published in Qi and Q2 WoS journals according to their respective fields, growing proportion with respect to the total number of FM MU authors, number converted to l FTE, number of publications in i%, 5% and 10% of the world's most cited publications according to WoS with the first or correspondent authors from the FM MU, growing proportion with respect to the total number of FM MU authors, number converted to 1 FTE. 32 Research and doctoral studies MEASURES TO IIE E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 2 2 Securing cooperation with important traditional partners (Brno University Hospital, St. Anne's University Hospital, ICRC, CEITEC, Czech Academy of Sciences, etc.). Searching for new partners, establishing and further developing cooperation. 1 Identification of promising topics, determination of criteria for evaluation of promising topics (research evaluation, bibliometric analysis, international comparison within the field), personalised support for their further development (funding from the budget, internal and external grant schemes). 2 Supporting the creation of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research teams (natural sciences, social sciences, humanistic and technical fields). 3 Identification of new dynamic research topics and researchers with rapidly developing scientific activities through regular monitoring of scientific outputs and their personalised support. 4 Incorporation of the institute of the research group into the structure of workplaces, creation and publication of research groups. 1 Introduction of regular internal evaluation of science at the faculty level with clearly set monitoring indicators (usable for the purposes of budgeting and other evaluations), strengthening the importance of regular evaluations for determining the further direction and strategic priorities of the faculty. 2 Increasing the percentage of high-quality research results through the development of the academic environment, infrastructure and instrumentation, support services for science and research, including funding mechanisms, identification of key areas with unique expertise at the FM MU and their support. 33 2 Research and doctoral studies KEY RESULTS A II D INDICATORS 2.9 3 System of budgetary rules 4 Established regular research evaluations, linked to doctoral study evaluations and other cyclical internal and external evaluations (peer review panels), unification of indicators. 5 Number of reports in the media, social networks, impact analysis. Number of popularisation activities. 2.10 1 Number of submitted proposals and successful applications in grant schemes of international providers in the role of researcher, co-researcher or holder (Horizon Europe, ERC, etc.). 2.11 1 Established functioning facilities connecting basic and clini- cal research. 2 Number of shared devices. 2.12 1 Infrastructure development projects. Concept of preclinical animal research facility. Expansion of ACIU operations and services. 2.13 1 Number of non-published research results, number of com- mercialised results of applied research (number of sold patents, licenses, etc.), growing trend in revenues from sales of science and research results. 2.14 1 Number of bilateral agreements on cooperation in science and doctoral studies with foreign institutions. Number of mobility activities of academic staff of the FM MU. 34 Research and doctoral studies MEASURES TO IIE E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 3 Elaboration of budgetary rules of individual workplaces and research groups so that it is possible to manage resources for personnel and operating costs. 4 Supporting workplaces to develop their scientific performance and efforts to increase the success of applications in grant schemes, individualised support of excellent individuals and research teams with the application in prestigious international grant schemes. 5 Popularising the success of individuals and research groups / teams towards the academic community and the public. 1 Securing and possible modification of the faculty grant support strategy in order to obtain more international grants as researchers, motivating researchers and teams to join international consortia, sharing the experience of successful applicants for prestigious grants as a tool of motivation and increasing success in future grant applications. 1 Audit of the use of laboratories and instrumentation for the purpose of efficient use and economics of purchase. 2 Effective use of laboratories, sharing of core facilities, support of synergies and sharing of laboratories and instrumentation. 1 Preparation and implementation of projects enabling the development and sustainabil-ity of research infrastructures, connection to other national and international large research infrastructures, coordination with research infrastructures within the MU campus. Development and elaboration of a new concept of the preclinical animal research facility and the ACIU. 1 Creating tools and environment for expanding the application potential and commercialisation of research results, contract research, administrative and methodological support of researchers at the faculty level (creating and filling the position of technology transfer manager at the FM MU). Active approach in technology transfer and cooperation with the application sphere, with search for potential partners. Popularisation of applied research, successful start-ups, spin-off companies and exceptional cooperation with training. 1 Securing international cooperation with traditional and new partners in the field of science and research (concluding bilateral agreements, valid also for doctoral students' internships), support for international mobility of doctoral students, postdocs, researchers. 35 2 Research and doctoral studies KEY RESULTS AND INDICATORS 2.14 2 Number of junior research groups, number of newly estab- lished and well-established research groups, newly formed teams of MASH and MASH JUNIOR holders, number of occupied postdoc positions. 3 A document on the rules of creative leave. 4 Number of foreign academic and scientific staff (junior, senior), number of foreign visiting professors. Research and doctoral studies MEASURES TO IIE E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 2 2 Strengthening programmes supporting junior positions, evaluation of the effectiveness of the functioning of the Internal Grant Agency of the FM MU (adjustment of conditions for financial support of researchers to bridge the period between grants). 3 Creating rules to support the use of creative leave. 4 Support of contracting of excellent researchers from abroad (through suitable grant and other financial instruments), the creation of an attractive and supportive environment for work and stay (Welcome Office), their integration and full involvement in faculty and university events. Extension of the use of the institute of extraordinary professors for contracting foreign top senior academic and scientific professors. 5 Translation of documents, training courses and website to English. 37 3 Specialisation education STRATEGIC GOALS 3 . 1 Preserving and deepening of the unique and comprehensive offer of specialisation education in General Medicine, Dentistry, Healthcare study programmes and other specialised workers education 3 . 2 Qualitative growth of specialisation education 3 Specialisation education KEY RESULTS AIID INDICATORS 3.1 1 Numbers of trainees and postgraduate certificants in indi- vidual fields, the range of fields where FM MU provides specialised education. 3.2 1 Number of postgraduate certifications and base fields, num- ber of included trainees, number of carried out postgraduate certification examinations and exams by field. Specialisation education 3 MEASURES TO IUI E E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 1 Care for sufficient personnel and qualification background of lecturers at the FM MU, use of simulation techniques, cooperation with healthcare providers, in whose facilities the practical training is carried out. 1 Expansion of the portfolio of training courses, systematisation and qualitative growth of processes of specialisation education, support of joint theoretical core courses including involvement of academics across MU. Participation in the solution of jobs in specialised education in a combination of faculty and university hospitals. 41 4 Internationalisation and studies of international students STRATEGIC GOALS 4 . 1 Promoting mobility and international cooperation 4 . 2 Promotion of the FM MU abroad 4 . 3 Improvement of the quality of education of international students in clinical disciplines 4 . 4 Building international reputation 4 . 5 Continuous development of language competen- cies of lecturers and administrative staff at the FM MU, as well as students Internationalisation and studies of international students KEY RESULTS AND INDICATORS 4.1 1 Number of functional Erasmus+ contracts and numbers of international project. 2 Numbers of outgoing students. 3 Numbers of incoming students. 4 Numbers of bilateral contracts. 4.2 1 Numbers of international students enrolled in the study / maintaining the current number of international students, possible increase. 2 Accreditation abroad. 3 Implemented Buddy programme. 4.3 1 Number of successful graduates in a group of international students. 2 Number of shared courses in English. 3 Results of retrospective evaluation of teaching. Internationalisation and studies of international students MEASURES TO IUI E E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 1 Continued efforts to conclude partnership agreements on cooperation and education of the FM MU with universities belonging to the top 500 according to the evaluation (AFyWU, QS THE...) and to build partnerships and participation in international organisations. 2 Intensive support for all forms of mobility, increasing the share of students completing a study stay abroad or a practical internship of at least 1 month /1 semester during their studies. 3 Creating optimal conditions for those interested in a study stay at FM MU. Adoption of measures for the maximum level of recognition of results from the period of study abroad. 4 Building of bilateral exchange agreements with the FM MU and medical facilities in the UK as a replacement for the canceled Erasmus programme in response to Brexit. 1 Strengthening awareness of the FM MU and promoting the possibilities of studying at the FM MU in English through active marketing abroad, participation in foreign education fairs, online forms and campaigns on social networks, through student ambassadors of theFMMU. 2 Extension of the recognition and accreditation of the FM MU abroad so that the FM MU is interesting for quality applicants (accreditation in the USA). 3 Support of the Buddy programme for international students. 1 Systematic development of pedagogical competencies of academic and other staff involved in education in the field of internationalisation of the curriculum, teaching in a foreign language, teaching shared with foreign lecturers (cooperation with visiting professors, etc.). 2 Make use of offered CERPEK and CJV educational events. Development of the offer of shared courses in English for domestic and foreign students with the aim of streamlining teaching and widening opportunities for meeting students. 3 Application of feedback in the evaluation of the quality of teaching at the end of block internships of clinical courses. Internationalisation and studies of international students KEY RESULTS AIID INDICATORS 4.4 1 Numbers of foreign academic, scientific and non-academic staff at MU. 2 New mobilities and COIL seminars. 3 Structured offer of comprehensive counseling in English for international students. 4 Functional programme for graduates. 1 Proportion of students completing a study stay abroad dur- ing their studies (lasting l month, l semester...). 2 Language competence for work in the academic environ- ment. 3 Courses taught in foreign language, foreign language sum- mer schools, online language courses. 4 Study offer in foreign languages. 5 Shared lessons with foreign academics and lecturers 6 Courses led by visiting professors. 7 Online consultations with partner universities, targeted language preparation for the departure of non-academic staff. Internationalisation and studies of international students II EASURES TO IIE E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 1 Active support for the mobility of academic and non-academic staff in the form of trips abroad, internships, work stays, and the effective use of creative leave for this purpose. Implementation of measures to prevent academic inbreeding, filling the positions of academics and researchers on the basis of open competitions advertised internationally. 2 Use of a consortium of cooperating EDUC universities to establish non-traditional types of mobility and other forms of internationalisation. 3 Providing comprehensive information services about the offer of study programmes, services for students, the process of recognition of previous education obtained abroad, the process of obtaining a visa, etc. to international students interested in studying at FMMU 4 Setting up a system of cooperation with foreign students and graduates and developing FM MU's own graduate programme. 1 Determination of minimum requirements for the implementation of elements of internationalisation into the curriculum and study obligations at the Master's degree level (obligation to complete at least one course in a foreign language given the type of study or to complete part of the study abroad). 2 Requirement of foreign language competencies, and subsequent targeted development of professional language competencies of students in various forms as an integral part of the study for its successful completion. 3 Developing students' foreign language skills (not only English) in various forms. 4 Ensuring a sufficient offer of foreign language courses for students, academics, researchers and administrators. 5 Increasing the motivation of academic staff for sharing lessons with lecturers from foreign universities. 6 Support and expansion of the offer of courses with visiting foreign workers. 7 Offer of opportunities for intensive training of employees to prepare for a stay abroad. Information sources and systems, IT support STRATEGIC GOALS 5 . . 1 Development of IS MU in connection with the needs of FMMU 5 . . 3 Implementation of the planned new university economic information system considering the pro- cesses and needs of the FM MU 5 . 4 Complete computerisation of scheduling at FM MU 5 Information sources and systems, IT support KEY RESULTS AND INDICATORS 5.1 1 Numbers of electronic agendas and their user friendliness. 5.2 1 A new economic system set up to meet the needs of the faculty 5.3 1 Functional scheduling system (electronic tool, definition of scheduling competencies, updated inputs and outputs). 50 Information sources and systems, IT support MEASURES TO IIE E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 5 1 Continuous cultivation of IT literacy of Office for Studies assistants, continuous cultivation of IT literacy of academic staff, support for the use of a shared teaching environment and new interactive online teaching tools. 1 Allocation of staff capacities (especially from the Finance Office) for cooperation on parameterisation, setting and testing of the new system. 1 Allocation of staff capacities of local schedulers and their continuous education, continuous cultivation of the system for scheduling and updating of data sets. j l_ I •I Management of human resources administration of institutions and infrastructure STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 6 . 1 Becomi Becoming an internationally prestigious employer with an open personnel policy 6 . 5 Creation of an open internal mechanism for the distribution of funds and remuneration, which will take into account the strategy of the faculty and support its development in the identified priority areas 6 . . 2 Continuous education of administrative and management staff 1 . 3 Optimisation of administrative processes and their digitisation 6~ . 4 Strengthening the administrative and support facilities for research and development n •i JU 6 . 6 Optimisation of the use of premises outside the UCB 6 . 7 Introduction of the concept of responsible public procurement (procurement which, in addition to economic aspects, also takes into account social and environmental aspects) 6 . 8 Creating conditions for an attractive academic and scientific career 6 . 9 Creating conditions for a balanced relationship between pedagogical, research and clinical activities 6 . 1 0 Providing equal opportunities and creating conditions for combining work and family life 6 Management of human resources, administration of institutions and infrastructure KEY RESULTS AIID INDICATORS 1 The HR Award certification. 2 Implementation! of the OTM-R methodology. 3 Creation and implementation of HR marketing strategy, a growing trend in the number of applications of foreign applicants. 4 Creation and implementation of talent management. 1 Hiring of a worker responsible for education. 2 Providing training courses - not only language ones, but also other soft and hard skill courses. 1 Performing analysis of administrative processes, optimisa- tion according to their importance and priorities. 2 Amendment of internal regulations including the use of electronically assisted processes. 1 Optimisation of the structure. 1 Creation and approval of rules. 2 Seminars for Heads of clinics, institutes and departments. 1 Construction of premises for workplaces within UCB FM MU. 1 Creation of suitable parameters for competitions for given commodities (e.g. lifetime costs, repairability, ecological packaging, ecological friendliness, production with the help of people disadvantaged on the labor market, etc.). 54 Management of human resources, administration of institutions and infrastructure MEASURES TO IIE E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 6 1 Obtaining and maintaining the HR Award. 2 Open, transparent international competitions for recruiting new highly qualified em- ployees. 3 Development of HR marketing with the aim of strengthening the FM MU brand as a prestigious employer. 4 Support of personnel viability of the FM MU - implementation of tools to ensure contin- uous generational change, motivation of successors. 1 Securing a worker with specialisation and responsibility for education. 2 Providing training courses. 1 Analysis and optimisation of processes in administration. 2 Electronic support of suitable processes. 1 Securing a sufficient number and structure of staff to support science and research and projects. 1 Implementing budgetary rules reflecting the strategy and priorities of the faculty. 2 Raising awareness of budgeting methodology. 1 Transfer of all FM MU workplaces from Komenského 2 to the UCB. 1 Preparation of parameters for responsible public procurement for suitable competitions. 55 6 Management of human resources, administration of institutions and infrastructure KEY RESULTS AIID INDICATORS 6.8 1 Career path system (document, weblink). 2 Description of the adaptation process, plans, checklists. 3 Creation and implementation of talent management. 4 Weblink, number of involved mentors and mentees. 5 Comprehensive system of education and development. 6 Number of trained employees. 7 Number of trained employees. 8 Number of supported employees (growing trend). 1 Description of individual personnel processes. 2 Conceptual document. 3 Conceptual document of support tools. 4 Document of functional positions of academic employees. 56 Management of human resources, administration of institutions and infrastructure 11/1 EASURES TO IUI E E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 1 Setting up a system of career paths and career development to better meet the needs of workplaces in terms of "viability" and "sustainability", increasing the prestige of the career of a lecturer, including setting up a system of career development, education and career guidance. 2 Setting up the adaptation process for academic and non-academic staff, including employees starting in new positions (supervisor, Head of a clinic, Department Head). 3 Creating a system for recognising and developing talents. 4 Building a mentoring platform and involvement in an international mentoring network. 5 Setting up a system of targeted education and development of employees to support key competencies in connection with the system of positions and career development of academic, scientific and non-academic employees, including e-learning support. 6 Creation and regular updating of courses on ethical and professional aspects of scientific work for supervisors, Pis, RGLs and grant applicants. 7 Development of managerial skills of managers. 8 Support for academic and non-academic staff for international mobility and gaining foreign experience. 1 Setting personnel processes to support strategic goals of FM MU. 2 Creation and implementation of a system of positions, including the definition of professional and personal competencies, teaching burden and rules of career advancement in connection with the European Framework for Careers in Research, including revision of qualification requirements and criteria for the habilitation procedure and the procedure for appointment as a professor. 3 Creating a concept, motivational and support tools for employing staff in postdoctoral positions (recruitment, conditions, career paths, etc.). 4 Proposing a system of academic staff positions and length of term. 57 6 Management of human resources, administration of institutions and infrastructure KEY RESULTS AIID INDICATORS 5 Number of involved workplaces. 6 Conceptual document, number of involved workplaces. 1 List of measures and number of involved workplaces. 2 Number of trained employees. 3 Analytic document. 4 List of translated documents, number of trained employees. Management of human resources, administration of institutions and infrastructure MEASURES TO IIE E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 6 5 Modernisation and implementation of individual evaluation of academic, scientific and non-academic staff, including its harmonisation with other types of evaluation at the university 1 Setting up a transparent system for allocating performance bonuses and bonuses according to the priorities of the FM MU. 1 Introduction of tools for combining family and work life, including tools to support the return to working life and support for children's groups. 2 Strengthening the perception of work ethics and conduct of all employees as part of personal integrity. 3 Analysis of obstacles in career advancement and formulation of targeted support policy including Gender Equality Plan, which will also include the introduction of preventive tools to prevent and address possible undesirable behavior (bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, etc.). 4 Support of working conditions for foreign employees including translation of internal documents into ENG and development of language competencies of Dean's Office's staff. 59 Academie environment and social role STRATEGIC PRIORITIES . 1 Support of the social role of the faculty, the so-called 3rd role . 2 Support of activities of students and student associations . 3 Use of the professor Karel Zlabek Anatomical Museum as a place of promotion of the FM MU . 4 FM MU as a place of education of the general public . 5 Junior Academy as a tool for bringing FM MU closer to students and finding talent . 6 Cultivation of a sense of belonging to the institution, pride, loyalty, and sharing of common values between employees, students, and graduates . 7 Development of counselling as a tool for motivation to study and reduce study failure . 7 Ethical principles as basic prerequisites for work for academic and non-academic staff Academie environment and social role KEY RESULTS A U D INDICATORS 7 . 1 1 2 3 4 Numbers of "engaged" academic and non-academic employees, students, numbers of jointly implemented projects. Debate forum. At least two events a year. Strategic document. 1 2 3 4 Functional cooperation and communication between FM MU and student associations at FM MU. Active students and student associations involved in educational and volunteer activities towards the public. Numbers of implemented activities of students and associations with the support of the FM MU. Numbers of active and cooperating students and joint or supported events. 1 Number of accessible exhibits for virtual tours, number of visitors. Implemented educational programmes for the general public, but also for schools. 1 High school students trained in First Aid with the help of simulation medicine techniques. 1 Involvement of preclinical workplaces and numbers of graduates of individual "runs". 7.6 1 Information materials for individual areas. 62 Academie environment and social role MEASURES TO IUI E E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 1 Cooperation with state administration bodies, with the recognition body of Ministry of Health, cooperation with the South Moravian Region and Brno municipality - university open to life, Junior Academy and other projects. 2 Creation of a communication platform at the FM MU for the formulation of expert opin- ions towards the public. 3 Organising events on socially relevant topics (with a significant impact on the region). 4 Creating a clear activity management structure for the area of the 3rd role. 1 Mutual support of the FM MU and associations, cooperation with graduates and partners of theFMMU. 2 Mutual support of the FM MU and associations, cooperation with graduates and partners of the FM MU. Development of volunteer activities at the FM MU. 3 Making the FM MU visible to the public. 4 Development of communication and social life at the FM MU to improve the quality of studies in all study programmes. 1 Implementation of security by a camera system, digitisation of museum exhibits and preparation of a virtual tour. Complete renovation of the textual and pictorial part of the museum. 1 Offer and implementation of specialised courses for high school students and the general public. 1 Numbers of students completing courses in individual semesters. 1 Support of internal communication and knowledge of employees - information materi- als (adaptation guides, descriptions of administrative processes, overview of available MU support - CJV, TTO, CERPEK, etc.). 63 Academie environment and social role KEY RESULTS A U D INDICATORS Academie environment and social role MEASURES TO IUI E E T THE STRATEGIC GOALS 1 Cultivation of counseling at FM MU + development of counseling through IT technologies. 1 Standardisation and introduction of ethical principles into scientific work and routine activities of FM MU employees. Typesetting and graphic design: Ing. Martin Janíček Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2021 Masaryk University Faculty of Medicine Brno 2021