1 PhD Day Faculty of Medicine MU 2021 Brno PhD Talent 2021 2 Brno PhD Talent 2021 ̶ Intended for doctoral students up to 32 years of age, in the 1 or 2 semester of study ̶ 25 selected candidates receive scholarship CZK 100 000 per year for three years ̶ Submission of electronical applications 2. 8. – 30. 9. 2021 ̶ Application structure (∑12 pages in English language): ▪ Applicant’s CV (2 – 3 pages) ▪ Scientific Project (4 – 6 pages) ▪ Teams and Facilities (2 – 3 pages) 3 Brno PhD Talent 2021 ̶ Three rounds competition: 1. Formal review of applications 2. Expert review of applications 3. Final project presentations More information 4 Contacts – Office for Quality Petr Bureš 549 49 3278 petr.bures@med.muni.cz - Internships Abroad - PhD Studies in English Language 5 Thank you for your attention!