Draft programme strategy Support of the programming of the cooperation programme INTERREG Austria – Czechia 2021-2027 8th DRAFT version - short, October 2021 Page 1 Disclaimer: The information and views set out in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the contractor. Methodological note: some sections might be subject to textual cuts, respecting specifications regarding max. characters in the IP template. The Programme draft focuses on section which will be part on the future public consultation. Recommended citation: 8th draft of the cooperation programme INTERREG Austria – Czechia 2021-2027, Draft programme strategy - short, October 2021 Authors: M&E Factory monitoring and evaluation GMBH: Christine Hamza, Andreas Resch Vychodoceska rozvojova GmbH: Jiří Škoda, Tereza Tyrychtrová Contractor: Mag.a Kathrin Huber INTERREG V-A Austria-Czech Republic Verwaltungsbehörde / Řídicí orgán / Managing Authority Amt der NÖ Landesregierung Abteilung Internationale und Europäische Angelegenheiten (LAD4) 3109 St. Pölten, Landhausplatz 1 Page 2 Content 1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Programme area ...................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Regulative framework............................................................................................... 5 1.3 Purpose of this document......................................................................................... 6 2 Overall programme strategy ........................................................................................... 7 2.1 Priority 1 - Research & Innovation............................................................................ 7 2.1.1 Specific objective - Research and innovation..................................................... 7 2.2 Priority 2 - Climate & Environment............................................................................ 9 2.2.1 Specific objective – climate change adaptation................................................ 10 2.2.2 Specific objective – nature protection and biodiversity ..................................... 11 2.3 Priority 3 - Education, culture & tourism ................................................................. 13 2.3.1 Specific objective – Education and training...................................................... 14 2.3.2 Specific objective – Culture and tourism .......................................................... 15 2.4 Priority 4 - Cross-border Governance..................................................................... 17 2.4.1 Specific objective – Legal and institutional cooperation.................................... 17 2.4.2 Specific objective – People-to-people action for increased trust....................... 18 Page 3 Abbreviations CP Cooperation programme CPR Common Provisions Regulation ETC European Territorial Cooperation ERDF European Regional Development Fund ISO Interreg Specific Objective MS Member State PG Programming group PO Policy objective R&D&I Research, Development, Innovation SCO Simplified Cost Option SO Specific objective SPF Small Project Fund Page 4 1 Introduction The draft of the Interreg cross-border cooperation programme Austria – Czech Republic for the programming period 2021-2027 is the result of an intensive discussion among stakeholders and programme management bodies since early 2019 taking into account analytical findings from preparatory studies. The Interreg AT-CZ programme 2021-2027 builds on the achievements and cooperation established during 2014 and 2020 and previous programming periods. 1.1 Programme area The programme area covers the following NUTS 3-regions: Table 1: Cooperation Programme INTERREG Austria – Czechia border regions 2021- 2027 Country NUTS 3 Belongs to NUTS 2 Austria Mostviertel-Eisenwurzen (AT121) Niederösterreich (AT12) St. Pölten (AT123) Waldviertel (AT124) Weinviertel (AT125) Wiener Umland – Nordteil (AT126) Wien (AT130) Wien (AT13) Innviertel (AT311) Oberösterreich (AT31) Linz-Wels (AT312) Mühlviertel (AT313) Steyr-Kirchdorf (AT314) Czech Republic Jihočeský kraj (CZ031) Jihozápad (CZ03) Kraj Vysočina (CZ063) Jihovýchod (CZ06) Jihomoravský kraj (CZ064) Source: Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung (2019); letter from the EC 02/2021 Page 5 Figure 1: Programme area Interreg VI-A Austria – Czechia 2021-2027 Source: https://www.at-cz.eu/at/programm/programmgebiet 1.2 Regulative framework The main aim of the programme is to strengthen cooperation among Czech and Austrian stakeholders to reduce the mental and legal barriers across the border and to better cope with joint challenges such as climate change, demographical change, economic disparities and territorial imbalances. Financial framework The most significant changes compared to the previous programming period is the reduction of the ERDF budget. Total ERDF budget of the 2021 – 2027 programme is 86.821.148,- EUR which is app. 11% lower compared to previous period (97.814.933,- EUR). Legal framework New CPR, ERDF and ETC regulation although aiming for a continuation of the current programming period do foresee some changes in the new programming period for the crossborder cooperation between EU MS which strongly effects the thematic orientation of the cooperation programmes, for example:  Thematic concentration on 5 policy objectives (CPR1 Article 5);  The Interreg regulation2 article 14 lists additional Interreg relevant specific objectives and ISO (“a better cooperation governance“) 1 REGULATION (EU) 2021/1060 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 24 June 2021 2 REGULATION (EU) 2021/1059 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 24 June 2021 Page 6 1.3 Purpose of this document The purpose of the programme draft in hand is to present the programming status as a basic information for future stakeholders – programme partners. Table 2 shows the current structure of the programme draft. In line with the thematic concentration requirement. Table 2: Draft AT-CZ cooperation programme structure Priority Specific objective Type of action Priority 1 / PO1 (short title: “Research and innovation”) SO i) (short title “Research and innovation”)  1.1 Cross border research and know how exchange  1.2 Joint pilot actions and joint solutions in shared research facilities and research application  1.3 Communication and mobility of researchers Priority 2 / PO2 (short title “Climate & Environment”) SO iv) (short title “Climate change adaptation”)  2.1 Joint knowledge base - stocktaking and data exchange to improve the preparedness towards climate change impacts.  2.2 Joint pilot actions and joint solutions in climate change adaptation  2.3 Awareness raising and training on climate change adaptation SO vii) (short title “Nature protection and biodiversity”)  2.4 Joint knowledge base - stocktaking and data exchange to improve water management  2.5 Joint pilot actions and investments in joint ecological water management solutions  2.6 Joint knowledge base - stocktaking and data exchange to enhance biodiversity  2.7 Joint pilot actions and joint solutions to improve and protect biodiversity  2.8 Awareness raising activities and training for enhanced biodiversity Priority 3 / PO4 (short title “Education, culture & tourism”) SO ii) (short title “Education and training”)  3.1 Cross border cooperation to improve the crossborder education offers of kinder gardens, primary, secondary, tertiary education and vocational schools  3.2 Joint pilot action and investments to improve the cross-border education offers of primary, secondary, tertiary education and vocational schools SO v) (short title “Culture and tourism”)  3.3 Cross border know how and data exchange to foster resilience of the tourism and cultural sector  3.4 Joint pilot actions and investments to foster resilience of the tourism and cultural sector Priority 4 / ISO1 (short title “Cross- border Governance” ISO ii) (short title “Legal and institutional cooperation”)  4.1 Joint strategy development and know how exchange  4.2 Joint pilot actions to approach the removal of border obstacles  4.3 Networking and cluster activities ISO iii) (short title “People-to-people action for increased trust”)  4.4 Small projects to improve cultural, social and economic relations in the border area Source: 8th Programme draft Page 7 2 Overall programme strategy 2.1 Priority 1 - Research & Innovation Innovation and research The border region is generally well-equipped with research and development facilities. Nevertheless, cross-border cooperation is an opportunity to create and strengthen R&D&I platforms in order to unlock the full potential of R&D in the region’s economic development. This is not limited to sharing good practice in technology transfer and related fields; cooperation could also increase market availability for local R&D institutions and give them the opportunity to engage in global networks. An important challenge for the cross-border innovation environment is also mobility and exchange of experts and research staff. Furthermore, SMEs play a crucial role in innovation policy, as they are likely to face barriers when innovating or commercialising their innovations. Thus the cooperation programme considers SO i (Research and innovation) as significant SO with high needs and potential for joint approaches. Table 3: Overview of types of action under the respective priority and specific objective Priority Specific objective Type of action Priority 1 / PO1 (short title: “Research and innovation”) SO i) (short title “Research and innovation”)  1.1 Cross border research and know how exchange  1.2 Joint pilot actions and joint solutions in shared research facilities and research application  1.3 Communication and mobility of researchers 2.1.1 Specific objective - Research and innovation Expected contribution to specific objective:  utilization of the R&I potential of the programme area,  development of specific areas of research common to both sides of the border,  increase the competitiveness of SMEs through improved access to R&I results and advanced technologies,  diffusion of innovations, where the peripheral parts of the programme area also benefit from the joint results implemented in areas with a concentration of research and innovation activities,  acceleration of the transfer of research and innovation results into practice (to the market of goods or services, incl. public services),  increasing the efficiency of the use of existing or new research and innovation capacities,  sharing and transfer of know-how of research institutions. Page 8 Types of actions Type of action 1.1 cross border research and know how exchange The aim of the type of action is to strengthen cross border cooperation among researchers as well as with SMEs. Particular fields of interest in the region are for example circular economy, bioeconomy, biotechnology, ICT and digital transformation, environmental branches, life sciences, creative industries, medicine, building and construction materials and the introduction of eco-innovation. Indicative actions:  cooperation in research and innovation in fields of common interest with possible involvement of SMEs  research and innovation driven by demand from local businesses with specific focus on sectors of relevance in the border area. Type of action 1.2 joint pilot actions and joint solutions in shared research facilities and research application The aim of the type of action is to improve existing and boost new shared research and innovation infrastructure and services in the cross-border region and to improve access to research infrastructure for SMEs. Indicative actions:  investments in new jointly used/shared R&I facilities, based on relevant research strategies and with high thematic focus to the programme area;  adding services to core offerings of industries by “servitization” to make industries more innovative and competitive;  extension and modernisation of technology facilities and research capacities of crossborder interest; Sharing of high-quality R&I facilities;  better linking research institutions with SMEs and increase access of SMEs to R&I results, application of research and innovation results with the aim to reach the market;  joint set-up of innovation hubs. Type of action 1.3: communication and mobility of researchers The aim of this type of action is to increase access to research results to the to the relevant target groups in the cross border area like SMEs or researchers with suitable communication and to enhance the exchange between individual researchers. The indicative actions should only form a part of projects and are not seen as stand-alone projects. Indicative actions:  supporting the cross-border mobility of researchers;  science communication (informing, educating, raising awareness of science-related topics). Page 9 2.2 Priority 2 - Climate & Environment Climate change Climate change is an identified challenge for the AT-CZ border region. It is expected that regions on both sides of the border will be affected in similar ways by climate change, including an increase in warm temperature extremes, decrease in summer precipitation, increase in water temperature, increase in the risk of forest fires and decrease in the economic value of forests. Cross-border cooperation in this field is already well advanced and can therefore be identified as a reasonable means to effectively address issues arising from climate change, such as disaster risk assessment and management, or flood protection etc. Environment With regard to the conservation of biological diversity, the strength of the border area lies in the large number of protected areas of different classifications in the Austrian and Czech regions. Protected areas and their interlinked biotope systems represent the most important starting point for conserving biodiversity and adapting to climate change. Cooperation between these areas, both in terms of protected status and across national borders, is therefore an important topic for the Interreg programme. Thus, the cooperation programme considers SO iv (Climate change adaption) and SO vii (Nature protection and biodiversity) as significant SOs with high needs and potential for joint approaches. Table 4: Overview of types of action under the respective priority and specific objective Priority Specific objective Type of action Priority 2 / PO2 (short title “Climate & Environment”) SO iv) (short title “Climate change adaptation”)  2.1 Joint knowledge base - stocktaking and data exchange to improve the preparedness towards climate change impacts.  2.2 Joint pilot actions and joint solutions in climate change adaptation  2.3 Awareness raising and training on climate change adaptation SO vii) (short title “Nature protection and biodiversity”)  2.4 Joint knowledge base - stocktaking and data exchange to improve water management  2.5 Joint pilot actions and investments in joint ecological water management solutions  2.6 Joint knowledge base - stocktaking and data exchange to enhance biodiversity  2.7 Joint pilot actions and joint solutions to improve and protect biodiversity  2.8 Awareness raising activities and training for enhanced biodiversity Page 10 2.2.1 Specific objective – climate change adaptation Expected contribution to specific objective: The programme will contribute to climate change adaptation by supporting joint action in:  joint adaptation actions in sectors particularly affected by climate change, (e.g. production, environmental protection, civil society, agriculture and forestry),  resource efficiency as climate adaption measures,  climate fit communities & cities: climate protection and adaptation to climate change in communities and cities as an integrative cross-cutting theme. Type of actions Type of action 2.1 joint knowledge base - stocktaking and data exchange to improve the preparedness towards climate change impacts. The aim of the type of action is to enhance the cross-border understanding of climate change impacts and to enable adequate actions based on a common data base. Indicative actions:  exploring the impacts of climate change in the programme area and specific regions including economic risks created by climate change;  data exchange and set of monitoring systems of climate change related impacts;  know-how exchange across the border on climate change related impacts. Type of action 2.2 joint pilot actions and joint solutions in climate change adaptation The aim of the type of action is to implement joint risk management, joint solutions and investments across the border to be better prepared towards climate change. Indicative actions:  strengthen cooperation to build up an integrated risk management system;  cooperation in climate change adaptation actions (e.g. planting drought-resistant species, urban / rural gardening, green and blue infrastructures for reducing heat island effects);  joint solutions for environmental measures on agri-land and in forests (e.g.: soil improvement, avoidance of erosion);  joint pilot activities for example in the areas of greening, reduction of land consumption, building refurbishment, water retention for a pleasant microclimate, increase of resilience in the soil. Type of action 2.3 awareness raising and training on climate change adaptation The aim of the type of action is to increase awareness of the danger and social, economic and ecological consequences of climate change impacts and to enhance behavioural change of the public as well as local authorities. Indicative actions:  Awareness raising campaigns, making the issue of climate protection visible to the population in the communities (e.g. awareness raising campaign among community leaders, common civil protection awareness raising);  Training and skill development in the field of climate change (e.g.: support population training); Page 11 2.2.2 Specific objective – nature protection and biodiversity Expected contribution to specific objective: The cooperation programme will contribute to nature protection and biodiversity by supporting joint action in:  joint improvement of water management concepts and practice to better adapt to climate change,  ecological measures to improve the natural status and water quality of surface waters/rivers in the border region,  supporting joint ecological actions to preserve and restore biodiversity in sensitive areas including better control of invasive species and relevant pests,  the sustainable use of natural resources can also be supported by eco-tourism projects in an integrated way,  increase the awareness of the population on biodiversity issues by environmental awareness raising activities. Type of actions Type of action 2.4 joint knowledge base - stocktaking and data exchange to improve water management The aim of the type of action is to enhance the cross-border knowledge and data exchange to support adequate and coordinated water management in the region. Indicative actions:  cooperation for the better protection and management of water resources (e.g.: springs and small watercourses, ground water, joint river basin management, linking water management and nature conservation);  joint actions to increase the cross-border knowledge base concerning the border area. Type of action 2.5 joint pilot actions and investments in joint ecological water management solutions The aim of the type of action is to implement joint projects which should improve the water resource management of the region and increase the preparedness towards unforeseen events such as floods or droughts. The type of actions includes communication and awareness raising measures for wider public. Indicative actions:  joint solutions for appropriate water resource management (e.g.: agricultural irrigation, water retention, ecological measures for natural water retention, securing the drinking water resources);  joint development of tools for identification of risks and water management measures;  water body restoration (e.g.: re-naturalization of rivers and riverbanks, floodplain restoration). Page 12 Type of action 2.6 joint knowledge base - stocktaking and data exchange to enhance biodiversity The aim of the type of action is to enhance the cross-border knowledge and data exchange to improve the knowhow of the biodiversity status in the region to enable suitable response measures. Indicative actions:  improvement of the data situation and monitoring approaches;  joint databases;  joint management plans. Type of action 2.7 joint pilot actions and joint solutions to improve and protect biodiversity The aim of the type of action is to implement joint projects which should improve the biodiversity and protect natural habitats. Indicative actions:  development of biotope networks;  wildlife migration corridors;  joint landscape management;  control of neophytes and bark beetles;  re-settling of FFH species;  biodiversity projects with sustainable and integrated tourism elements (no pure tourism projects);  joint approaches to restore blue and green infrastructures in urban areas. Type of action 2.8 awareness raising activities and training for enhanced biodiversity The aim of the type of action is to increase awareness and understanding in the general public of the richness of the region and its need for better protection. Indicative actions:  increase the awareness of the population on biodiversity issues by environmental awareness raising activities;  biodiversity projects with training activities Page 13 2.3 Priority 3 - Education, culture & tourism Education and training In general, there is a high level of education in the programme area. The border region is wellequipped with educational facilities. Nevertheless, higher vocational education is concentrated mostly in the large cities. In the Czech Republic as well as in Austria there is a mismatch between the qualifications available and the requirements of national and regional labour markets. The rate of adult participation in further education is still low and the figures fall further with advancing employee age. Additionally, a lower share of working-age population characterizes rural areas and the smallest municipalities. The rate of adult participation in further education is still low and the figures fall further with advancing employee age. Additionally, a lower share of working-age population characterizes rural areas and the smallest municipalities. The countryside suffers from migration due to lack of employment opportunities. Language barriers and low level of trust across the border remain a challenge for cross-border cooperation. Education is an essential tool to connect the two sides of the border region. Cooperation in the education sector is still broadly institutionalised. More educational networks would therefore be needed, as they are an investment in future cooperation. It is essential to develop a common educational and training infrastructure and to invest in education, training and vocational training for skills – actions that are already partly addressed in the current cooperation programme. Culture and tourism The programme area is rich in cultural assets and tourist sites of distinctive cross-border value. Austria and the Czech Republic share a common historical and cultural heritage, both having for centuries been part of the former Austrian empire and Austrian-Hungarian monarchy. They have large numbers of protected historic monuments, objects of cultural property and UNESCO cultural heritage sites. In total, the programme region includes nearly 30,000 protected historic monuments, 51 objects of cultural property (Hague Convention 1954) and 12 UNESCO cultural heritage sites that offer potential for tourist exploitation and intangible cultural heritage. Their cross-border added value can be supported accordingly. Tourism based on this cultural and natural heritage is an important economic factor in the programme region. This is shown by the number of establishments and bed-places within the programme region. The current economic situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the tourism and leisure industry. The uncertainties in this sector may leave long-term damage but might also open up new opportunities for local and regional tourism and leisure offers. The support of tourism in the border region should thus foremost support employment and help the sector to adapt to new ways of tourism management and promotion. This can be achieved by better interconnection and promotion of the whole cross-border area, as well as by improving local services for tourism. The potential to put in place strategies to keep visitors in the region for longer should be exploited. Page 14 Thus, the cooperation programme considers SO ii) (short title “Education and training”) and SO v) (short title “Culture and tourism”) as significant SOs with high needs and potential for joint approaches. Table 5: Overview of types of action under the respective priority and specific objective Priority Specific objective Type of action Priority 3 / PO4 (short title “Education, culture & tourism”) SO ii) (short title “Education and training”)  3.1 Cross border cooperation to improve the crossborder education offers of kinder gardens, primary, secondary, tertiary education and vocational schools  3.2 Joint pilot action and investments to improve the cross-border education offers of primary, secondary, tertiary education and vocational schools SO v) (short title “Culture and tourism”)  3.3 Cross border know how and data exchange to foster resilience of the tourism and cultural sector  3.4 Joint pilot actions and investments to foster resilience of the tourism and cultural sector 2.3.1 Specific objective – Education and training Expected contribution to specific objective: The cooperation programme will contribute to the specific objective by  increasing the quality of the education sector across borders and its interaction with the needs of the labour market and business sector  supporting better understanding across borders;  ensuring that initiatives are also adopted in the structural education landscape. Type of actions Types of action 3.1 Cross border cooperation to improve the cross-border education offers of kindergardens, primary, secondary, tertiary education and vocational schools The aim of the type of action is to enhance the strategical basis for cross border education. Indicative actions:  development of joint/bilingual pedagogic/didactic concepts;  joint education schemes (incl. digitalized tools and methods - learning environments, learning room concepts, didactic measures, learning to search online etc.). Page 15 Type of action 3.2 Joint pilot action and investments to improve the cross-border education offers of kindergardens, primary, secondary, tertiary education and vocational schools. The aim of the type of action is to implement cross border initiatives based on the above mentioned strategies and know how exchange. Indicative actions:  joint education actions in topics relevant for cross-border area, esp. environmental education, health and nursing, digital skills and technical education;  joint actions to adapt skills and knowledge to future job opportunities (e.g. development of cross-border augmented/virtual reality and (social) entrepreneurship as future topics);  joint actions to support early childhood education;  joint actions to support primary, secondary, tertiary education;  joint actions supporting job orientation of young people;  joint actions to enhance the harmonisation of the vocational education system for meeting the needs of the joint labour market;  joint actions to enhance the harmonisation of education and qualifications (esp. secondary schools, tertiary education, vocational schools) 2.3.2 Specific objective – Culture and tourism Expected contribution to specific objective: The cooperation programme will contribute to boosting the resilience and adaptivity of the cultural and natural heritage and tourism sector in the region in a long-term perspective by  better embedding tourism in a strategic framework;  treating tourism as an integrative issue linked to other topics;  revitalization of cross-border tourism after the COVID-19 crisis or any other potential crisis in the future;  enhance the digitalisation process in the tourism sector,  strengthening the capacity to take-up innovation and future oriented business opportunities;  improving the resilience and adaptivity of the hospitality sector;  support the economic bailout from the COVID19-crisis in the hospitality sector;  create new and innovative solutions to better communicate cultural and natural heritage site for new potential visitors. Type of actions Type of action 3.3 Cross border know how and data exchange to foster resilience of the tourism and cultural sector The aim of the type of action is to create a solid base of information on main characteristics of the assets and services of tourism in the border area and to develop the key themes in cultural and natural heritage and tourism based on strategically relevant topics in the cross-border region. Indicative actions:  joint development of strategically embedded key themes in intangible and tangible cultural and natural heritage:  joint development of key themes for tourism development; Page 16  combine the expertise and competencies of national actors (e.g. large national museums) with the expertise of regional actors;  implementation of joint procedures for systematic visitor monitoring in order to implement joint management plans in a targeted manner. Type of action 3.4 Joint pilot actions and investments to foster resilience of the tourism and cultural sector The aim of the type of actions is to prepare and implement joint solutions and pilot actions including investments in cultural and natural heritage sites. Activities should be based on a strategic framework and should not be stand-alone projects in the region without integrative aspects. Indicative actions:  joint actions to reconstruct / strengthen the resilience of the hospitality sector in the region to improve better preparedness to future crises and recovery from the Covid- 19-crisis;  joint investment in key themes for tourism development and in intangible cultural heritage and tangible cultural and natural heritage based on a sound strategic framework;  joint digitisation of cultural and natural heritage products for dissemination to different target groups;  joint expansion and adaptation (e.g. in terms of barrier-free access) or maintenance of the tourist infrastructure with focus on quality development and promotion of joint offers to achieve a higher level of resilience in the tourism sector;  improve cooperation of destination managements and create joint (cross-border) destinations under one label with active mutual promotion;  implementation of joint training measures for tourism and culture stakeholders;  joint promotion of joint high-quality tourism marketing which takes into account the requirements of the digital transformation Page 17 2.4 Priority 4 - Cross-border Governance Governance Cooperation between state, municipal and other public institutions in the Austrian and Czech parts of the programme area is already taking place at all levels. However, there is still a considerable need for a further qualitative development and deepening of institutional cooperation, also against the background of societal developments such as more efficient provision of administrative services, securing services of general interest in rural areas. The greatest challenge are the different structures and responsibilities on both sides of the border. This concerns, among other things, the relationship between federal administration and municipalities in Austria and between ministries and districts in the Czech Republic. The further development and strengthening of cooperation between the authorities and in the administration despite different structures is an ongoing challenge to which the cooperation programme can contribute, as far as the legal competence situation allows. Institutional cooperation is a (horizontal) tool to better deliver results across all Priorities of the cooperation programme through increased institutional capacity. In addition, small-scale projects (people-to-people projects) are a specific tool that can help to lower the threshold for cooperation in order to foster the involvement of the local civil societies. Table 6: Overview of types of action under the respective priority and specific objective Priority Specific objective Type of action Priority 4 / ISO1 (short title “Cross- border Governance” ISO ii) (short title “Legal and institutional cooperation”)  4.1 Joint strategy development and know how exchange  4.2 Joint pilot actions to approach the removal of border obstacles  4.3 Networking and cluster activities ISO iii) (short title “People-to-people action for increased trust”)  4.4 Small projects to improve cultural, social and economic relations in the border area 2.4.1 Specific objective – Legal and institutional cooperation Expected contribution to specific objective:  enhancing institutional capabilities in key thematic fields of the further development of the programme area:  strengthened institutional cooperation and better coordinated strategy development of regional/local bodies for the efficient provision of services of general interest,  remove obstacles3 for cross-border development in the longer-term (beyond the programming period). Capacity development of the relevant organisations is expected to stabilise and extend current networks of cooperation, to enhance efforts on capitalising the results of previous programmes and to open up further possibilities for a better cross-border cooperation. 3 as described in the EC study “Cross-border obstacles between EU Member States and Enlargement Countries” Page 18 Type of actions Type of action 4.1: joint strategy development and know how exchange The aim of the type of action is to enhance the information and data exchange across-border to support joint administrative and legal activities addressing for example border obstacles. Indicative actions:  Joint strategy development in different areas such as research & technology & innovation (RTI), water management, transport and mobility, natural and cultural heritage, healthy lifestyle, demographic change, health care, regional development, business support services, rescue services (“blue light organisations”);  Collection and processing of contextual information in the policy areas addressed by the cooperation programme to support strategy development;  Development of joint strategies, structures and communication platforms for the exchange of experience and know-how in tourism. Type of action 4.2 joint pilot actions addressing the removal of border obstacles The aim of the type of action is to boost joint solutions across the border to reduce barriers and obstacles caused by different legal and administrative systems. Indicative actions:  Joint activities and know-how exchange among public actors in relevant thematic fields, e.g. o civil protection and disaster control (e.g. cooperation of fire brigades, rescue services), o health care, o education, o waste and recycling management, o environmentally friendly transport concepts. Type of action 4.3 networking and cluster activities to reduce administrative and legal obstacles The aim of the type of action is to enhance cross border cooperation among administrative bodies to better tackled joint issues in the future. Indicative actions:  Joint actions of SME supporting organisations (Chambers of Commerce etc.) Those include also networking, support to cluster initiatives, coordination activities and others;  Institutional cooperation to reduce administrative and legal obstacles;  Cooperation between administrative bodies to optimise services to citizens and businesses and to meet the requirements of an open and modern administration 2.4.2 Specific objective – People-to-people action for increased trust Expected contribution to specific objective: The types of action indicated in this section contribute to the specific objective predominantly by supporting  bottom-up cooperation among citizens in the border region;  small projects with the aim to reduce mindsets and draw people across-border together. Page 19 Type of actions Type of action 4.4 Small projects to improve cultural, social and economic relations in the border area The aim of the type of action is to improve the local interaction between citizens across-border and to reduce negative mindsets and improve communication among people in the border area. Only small investments are possible, if duly justified: Indicative actions:  people to people activities for improving cultural, social and economic relations in the border area with a clear cross border focus, particularly for supporting building of trust and capacity building  jointly explore and develop solutions at local level, e.g. for overcoming obstacles in the fields of public administration or facilitating exchange between associations, e.g. in the fields of education or natural and cultural heritage, in the social, economic or healthcare sector