Ethics at MU In tune with the Masaryk University (MU) Directive No. 5/2015 Research Ethics at MU all research activities at MU are carried out with the intent to meet the criteria of high professional quality and socially beneficial and significant goals. The research activities of MU employees and students are an expression of the realisation of the freedom of research while strictly observing the relevant discipline’s rules and standards. MU employees and students ensure that the research they carry out at MU is in accordance with applicable laws, internal MU standards and relevant ethical standards. MU HR Policies and Gender Equality Plan The commitment to gender equality is reflected in a number of regulations and strategic documents on the MU level and in the Actions Plans of all faculties have been submitted already to European Commission as a mandatory documents within the HR Excellence in Research Award process. The strategic plan of Masaryk University (MU) for the years 2021–2028 is a fundamental conceptual development document determining the direction of MU in education, research, social role, and its infrastructural development for the next years, which is the result of the intensive university-wide debate. Human resources vision and strategic goals relevant to The European Charter for Researchers & the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers' principles are integrated into the Masaryk University Strategic Plan for 2021- 2028. Specifically, the strategic goal concerning the Personnel management and employee development is to create a motivating environment by rewarding exceptionally high-quality and exceptional work results, providing equal opportunities and conditions for individual development and career growth of employees, and supporting the reconciliation of work and personal life. Full version of the MU Strategic Plan for 2021- 2028 The university currently gives a concise account of measures concerning the implementation of gender equality in the various areas, highlighting the career path, the recruitment process, the filling of senior positions (including gender equality in senior positions), nominations to professional bodies, the evaluation system and remuneration. It also gives a concise account of measures to harmonise family life and work for researchers (flexible working hours, flexible forms of work, management of maternity / parental leave, facilitating child care and care for family members, age management in relation to gender) and measures to eliminate negative behaviour in the workplace such as mobbing or sexual harassment.