MUNI MED l Excellence in Research Action Plan Faculty cf Medicine, MaHryk University 2021-26 2021 2022 2022 AH __a..j _ 2:2; 2024 202: 2026 o|K£ed ACTIONS [CAP Primdpier'Measuremerit) GAP1 Prir:ipl&|*| Timing 2021 Revised Urning ZÜZ3 Unit lrdiLitor|s|/Tir=Et|[| Statu: Ltt 4.Q 1Q 4.Ü. sj me 1Q nt 2,Q 4. a 10 4.Q 2.Q 3.Q 4. a Research infraslnjcture —audh.of insLrumenLaLion, laboratories and breeding Ijl Yes, L'leesLablbhmenLor ruka rorsharing,creaLiono[ renewaland development 3 Iralegy in connection wiLh fie new institute of the Research Group.122-/11 6.7J0J3 In fras LrucLu re Working Group, Vice-Dean for Research, IIRDr WG » Methodology ol 1 haring research in 1 ras LrucLure Idoeu men L| 1 Numberol involved vorkplacs » DscripLion or key inLernal processes IdocumenLl 1 Numberol 3UpporLed persons in IT equipmenL lor virtual mobiliLy ' InspecLion process review report IdocumenLl • Let of implemeri Led measures in indvidual areas .Web link : :: Anarpc and creaLion of descriptions or key inLernal processes aL FM MU in Lheareaol process ing and managing projects.lti/2| Support of virtual rrortiliLy and Lech nicale^uirinrfflLoremplof^l lor opponencies, working in co m miL Lees, coo peraL ion on r*rajoclz,erLc.|. 12 Ftevcionol Lhe process ol inspccLingcompliancewiLh Lhe01 ISaLLheoreLical workplaces,!7/223/41 Furnishing lheFa.ulLy premises LoNLLhe needs ol paren U wiLh small child ren.UQ/71 Pilot study 4.0.21 In^lemenlaliori 4.QJ2 j AudiLand revcionoladmincLraLrwprocessesand Lheir unilicaLciaidd g'LaluaLwn, 123/2, J^/91 33 Infrastructure Working Group, ', !:■ Research, HRFjt WG ' Description or key inLernal processes IdocumenLl ■ Let of elecLron ic processes ■ Weblink 'Nu mber of Lrained employcts ' Let of implemeri Led measures 'Numberol invoked workplaces SLrcnglhcn ins a 1 adminbLraLivesupportof workpliKa Iprqwration and impbrncn LaLion or projozLs, 3 u pport in Lhedreas ol sLalbLics and publicaLionl. 123/21 Increase or LhesupporLol Lhe gran Ldeoarlmen Lin Lhearcaor prcras ing gran LsapplraLion3,cspccialh/ in financial management-including a workshop lor employees.\Cji \ jL-ei^Liei' 1.3 l/iei j.^.-L .1 1da fi ie"t'.a I: - Le.t.1'1.3 aid 1: eriL'l'c j-ese iLjL'oii. [S.fl.^i'J. 33/7I Shared space Tor group workor PhD iLudents and an in formal meeting uoinL.-|23/71 Furnishing [he Fj. j Lv j-eiVses L. I'L Lie leeds :l jj-eiLs wiLh s mall ch i led ren.12 4/4 \ Pilot study 4.Q21 hnplemoilaLiori 4.Q22 CreaLion and im piemen La Lion ol an inLernal communication sLraLegy aL FM MU,LhaL will enable Lhe creation of an open and slrucLured internal communication pljLlorm Lo support Lhe idenLilicaLion or employes or FM MU wiLh its inLernalculLureand valuta and Tor targeted and welFs Lruclu red sharing or sLuLegicdocu men Ls, inlornuLion maleriab, 3 ucass stories, news and opportunities incl. [N version. f4A. 477.31/3 . 32/1.3S£.33/21.Tn is will include areas: 1A5M22 J2J4J0J WW, IS Office for Hesearchand ^ualiLy,Orrice Tor SLraLegy and PublL RefaLions, ;'c'.-Owl Ij' Research, IIRLjt WG ' [mpbyee »rtaland revised content or Lhe FM MUweixsiLc incl. FJ version Iweblinkl ' SLralegic docu men Ls and in lormaLion maleriab on relevai Latus, incl. CN version -m SLraLegicdocumcnLscommunicaLun jsuchas Lhe Long-Lerm P Ian MU and FM MU, preferred research areas |,H/2| CrtaLion and communbaLion of Lhe FL&.D sLraLegy jL FM MU incl. revision or science and reseat'i website |addiLion or information in Lhe led ol projecL s u report, Lhe proLccLion or inLellecLual property righLs jid TTQseYces, j JgJ"'sn.d'isen'uLai jI ^jhhvi isj Li jiJ Omi Ai'.ai. Jl/4.■ j.J/-. !].■'].j!.'j| InLernal marketing and overview or available support from hi U - fJV, TTG, tERP EK, etc..| incl. possibilities or [heir funding. 131/3,33/3, 35/6,33/31 Sulcus sLories, news and 0 j portuniLia 1HR marketing!. 14/71 Possibilities and rules lor R&D Funding and rem u n era Lion Ian inlorrnaLon plaLforml.iti/1, lift 1 ■iL'tj: - ~ t j:lm j 1 1.' :vees |u'.'i ji jJj.LjL .'i jj'des, descriptions of od min b LraLive processes, overview of availablesu report from MU -£JV,TT0. [[RPCK. elc..|. J 24/1,24/2,4/71 Linking Lheactrarliesofthe FM MU MR Award AcLion PlanwiLh Lhe intentions slated in Lhe Long-term Strategic P Ian or FM MU 2(121-28.14/61 Pilot study 2..Q21 hrvlemenLatkMi 4.Q21 1/5 Selling jpi:^ lem oT carcuJ- e _iL~i l- j'l d -l j'lhj' j:'.-:1 lltji: -ig -l j'L'l1, lvll M R- :e e :■■ t:1:1: :l ji: j.'ja j" e tilujI e"g-: :'■ t ii'ji'^.^ji eI : :.-j-: j:j needs in Lhesenseof 'viabilit/ and 'i uiUinabilrLy incl. letting of the ca reel derckjif merit, education aid career con nidling system. 121/2,25/2,23/1,30/12,34/2,37fl,3tfi.m 39/1.4fl/lf 16212225 2ajaj6j Ofrice for Qu arty. Personnel Orrice, Vice-Dun f« Hesearcti, HPDr paLh sysLerniweblinkl - i\lLET El e El JlJ ees ! Ell j! FM ^-e-jLai JiJ ni ETre'i ljl'e 'i eI j ivileti eI 'e ei ji J e e1 l'e "i jl FM Mu. ic j J ig e eIeii :i j .nil ee-le'ij cetieele ic ei ji J J ei I-' c-j-ee' jdvjiteTre i l jy l ie [j--j Eej'i F-jtwwj-i Ij' fteiej-ci £j EE1 Wl ci JeI IE1 l'l u 1 ec El 1 j\ JI J ECETlTlEI JeJ '.l'TL- El e'lC El Ie' EJ-ll - 1 i'll1 1 - j ' '_ j' lit EYE 1 \ B.1 ■ N.-| i'. .'_ EJ' v J El 'l E"J EEl'Llll E 1 jj IE "El EJ"c 1 e"l JI J 111! JlL"J ' .j'l! 1 JI J E e g-l! LIS. 3lA.13fl.3SA] l-.-:: j e d LL-'j jL'-j'l e 1 j -e 1 lll l- e '1 j j-.! v ! Lll -k.-1 e' J -l£ ! e l'l u-l j l- l- 1 j! 11' 1 111 j-1 jj UTi'-l 1 Ljl 1 -l le '1 J V J j j •_ j1 Luj- e jL'l l- [ lm l j ' u'. ' UL- u j'-L '1. j'lJ j-1 jj i't -1 e _T 1 b 111 _rl JlJ i't -1 11 e l- 1 e ' 1l |. T' 1u j T l- le JlLL g'l e-gJ"l 1 jLl""l j "j El 111" "1 d "b'J j j 1VE -|.e jl l'l 11 ! "1 j! ! "1 1" ". Jll Jl iv 111" E1EJ"c "1. LEJL j 1 J c "1 -. j 11" Jl.: 11" i " ."j 11 1.; 25/2 j - y. l,., „.., ^ „ | „.„ ^.jtr:i ljeee'L'-i^jj-ie'eei-'I i;-ii -Ti'i'iiiiJi - llj'iJ-i^;iiiii:J---_iii:i : j-: iivjiiti1-: nl mu iln- l_t l'L1- je .-j" ll,-r i: ■ l,-,.l;:" e" -^ii'ij j:j e ■ e./- jt t i'i 1 e ■ *jeee'!eIjj'i e ■ posiLions Iways ol linancing and developing loots ror careerdcveto^mefLl. H21/3^2C/4| MU :J='_jt!.-i!| * % of updaLed descriptbna » H JTlE E' El TiE ETiEI LEd '. e j 1 El |E' LhedeielopmtnLol managerial i kilLs * Weblin k - men Loring plaLrorm * M umter or * Number or supported junior P * U pdale of PCS i Landards Iweblin k. Building a mentoring platform at Fhl hi U and con neding to the inLernaLbnal mentoring network.12S/4,30/3,38/41 Deve e e t l-i : n 1 tj-i^:'- j j j - ji1:: 'ig j e j lyiLet In- : -i e d eye e et i,-i: nl ie-i n ■ j-i JiJ et -l i: jl 1 ! P.3. P-. P.«L j" n i j e ie ■! | -i ! -i e ! e e'-l n 1 -i ew : n i jh e n ■! i-i !■ -i j- d eye e et e-i ! nl ! ■! e ■ i j e n ■ j 'ijii'j and how Lo lead a research grou r> Tor P1 and PG L. 13 7/3,33/6,40/21 WG ■ |„. TL,,,: 1.| j. llJ j, j| j|J UUTEI: 111 j11-1 Lll "j 1 LJ j El li Jl j 1 j 11 11 "1. 1 ELI Ig j 11 j"E11 "1111 ~t| Jl l' 1 1 Jl 1 E 1 1 e' JE'.ie'j 1 \ j j El Li . EL'. .|. \AQf'3 | Pibi:Ludy 4422 hnp4enen lalkrn Z' EjL'll '1 e 1 j Lj e'l L ee e 111' ET e EVEUJ1 1 l'l E P.1 Jl J fl.2 EES LEI1. J El J'1 1 5 l'Jl 1 e j'El l IE E".LEI '_ ' LE'j.V^- ' i Ij'.EI J '. E 11.j EE' J e'.e ee TlEll j'lJ i'J j"l j! El 1-1 . T JIJgE' j JeVE ee TlElL. ! 2-3j'3 . i'j/A. 38/!] ia2929ja Orrice, HPDr ws,orriccror Fi l'j--. ■■ j'ld :. • Taksn L managemen l policy Idocumen L| ' Number or Pi included in Lhe Lalenl pool * Weblin k - men Loring plaLrorm ^ Lc L or -azLviLies Lo promoLc \"e \ EdgE i".:' 'lg Building a rn=i taring pisiform jl Fhl hi U and con nccLing Lo Lhc international maitoring nstworit.\23}/\, 30/3,39/41 iTlE ETlE ILJLEI El j-lLYl El ie 1 JEEE" il iv) EllgE 1 1 j' IE EElWEEl JJI e ' JlJ lEI e ' Ei e j'. 1 e'1. 11C .■" 11 PikiisLudy 3SX21 ImpianenLaltH, ASX2A DscripLbn y LhcdigiLalLzaLion or HP.agendas.\i7/71 Pibi study ASX21 tmplemen lalkm ie:: ig je Lie jJ jeLjI ei ee-i ess Ie' j iew ete eveej. i-i . jJ je!j! ei gj Jej ji J i!e Jj-iIe v :■ j i \$ Ie_ vj- ejs gE jei eI ete eveee. -v. . CN .E'l ei ! j j7/ii|. li jL w -i ei: j i Iee 12J>1,SA 10JJJU2 j;.j5.57 Office for Research and :. : ...^...... Oirkie, H HE* WG JocumenLs Tor each rcWanLgroupor employees: ■ DescripLion oT Lhe adaoLaLion process 'AdapLaLiongLiide-jnd check-lbL • LsLol rnandaLoryand recommended l" j "i ing wiLhin Lhe adaplaLion = SLralegic docunenis Isuch as Lhe Long-Lerm Plan or FM hi Id, preferred research areas Hd/l,d/7| MU Code*r Ethfc= .\l!2,2/2,32/2,34f21 Publitalinn ethia,co-auLhorship,inLe)lecLiial property and ulagiari m -|3/2,5/1,5/3,31/1,31/2,32/2.32/3,32tf| P ■ EC Ell jl CJTlJ j' 1 'lg jjj JL J'l-1-" Tl'l jl El JlJ j'lEL'l '. J ee 1 Jl'E jv 3i/2| InlormaLion abo jLw:-*. ig-i ei J l j is .123/121 I In Lcrnal processes settinS -15/1, 5/3| PiloL:Ludy J.q22 lrru>lementfllkni 2/5 of a system of development and education of FM MLI employees, intl.funding niks. laa/ijS/HI Liu pport of LargeLL-J d-LV2 j jttj i L jl jigjj£2-L2"n22L2~r_ l"i I2 Lpj-l i "i£ '"i EM programing Dcvc+s-pmcnLol Ian fin aficcompetencies Tor the Dean's Office employees. ilQJ6,14}C\ Support far acadanic writing and publish ing s kilb lor HI and R2. rnailoring, including ijj Lotion elh ics, elh ical principle oT o-au thors h ip \ajSr1f2r32]£\ j i ij 2l -2ipj''.'ip i 21 --).-.: iIjiJ j'Ji jiJ --).-.: tiJ'ijjp np'il. !lu'2I Devp 221-121L 2l tijij^p- j Hi -sell ig J2 j iviLpt 12' L12 J2V2 2 2np 11 ol senior acadei and hwt9 bad a research groupfor PI and RGL.-P J/3,j|3j«, JO/21 nicsLarHRj, Pd, RGLand supervc in \ in the lopizol how Lo support Lhe ca rccr devefopmen L ol theirs 11 bord inales Train ing ol eva j Jt2 "a j-iJ -1J-n'-i'i L-jLl - i ji 2 j' t 21 1 utt'ig j 2 j 'pgj j' 2t'aluation system. - 11-1 P -pi PLi "-u :■ j " ".1; pi ■ i1.2 p ". " 1'ip t1ut1" l1'1 - \ }.•• }y-l'"-\ ■: p'rvn'llppi . '■! he inlornalQTlYl-R methodology. 13/7,ia/j,;7,Ub| Selling ur> the jdapLjLiLtn process lt>- a new en2 2\2>pi. V. . L j 1 1; 1 L ie j-sj j| jeLL ig P internal processes and inLellecLu al property rights protection. 13/11 [tin; ru Ics for u plating- rules of ai :ce»a>d™rplet»n. |3/d|; £-2jL'2'ij'id "PgJ j' j 2 J jLpi 21 j t j'l J j: 2 'v ■ l"I 'L'i'il1' 22 j 'i 2 21 pL'i'-l j j'iJ 2 '21 pi 1*2 'ij j po2ls |esp. rorsupervisors, PI, RG and granLapplicanIs\.{2fA,3/3, 34/3 Period fc training lor M-PJ in thearea of dalaand security, EN usian. 17/1| Refresher Lraining Far PGSiiirmcara -l5^.a^,JlM,a2^l InLernalOTM-R methodology Tor members of selection commilLees. 112/7, 14/3, 2?H b| E™l.»i,„I>,™.„d.,™„.^„i„^™,.,™,.^n.,d^„i„b™n|ll/!| Wi U Code of Ethics ji d Ll jp 2 ■■_ j! p'l 'i ! 1 y 1 p J pi biorrvjd ical science, includ ing the proc ras a\ riling comr*laint!lJj9,3djU |1 m piemen la lion 2.2,5,7.8,9, ~ ,27,31.32.3 - orrice. orrice ro Research and Duality, HRE* AJ0.11 mb-ur and Is 1 of newly created e- |The establish rrrailc-r an Internal Faculty LTTM-RguidelinellRGI for seUingoul clear GTM-R procedures and practizes lorSP or all types of positions in line avtlh a 1 ng Proces Code Idocurrraii and vjeblinkl and profesional requirmsits a\ the Unions ily HoraprLab P ublishing ol j niviUII OTM-R policy and r e Faculty website in a Czech and English version incl. newsletter Fc-r allempbyees with aweblink. Publishing IRC in lhe Czech and Englch veisbns at the Faculty icwMUCiThl-R wed hill ilranel|jiMilable loslaff involved ;ed M. I rocras Code al in LheSP|. a lb tor rnandauryand recommended ica and k reign ponab Tor pocition advertising •. ■ '.\!' j I _' 112 1:1:1 : lii \-'.-T-j ij-^odverlcingal [uraras ■ l1 Li_■■it nili I: - ^ ■ ■ J i- ■ - j j'k l" 1 j 12 l".L';i •. LTiTi'lleei ■eqj -erreili Li 11 aLi'l'ii: ji J '.-T-:y.\i\'.\i - \ Vi'im '.-n n'tl^ji ■m,nj,ji ■ - 211 lI 1: j: il'.j l'.j j j: .1 :l :i:".:r::: : -\ -\ 12 l".L'i-i -ll nn'lLuej 1 L'j-ru 21 g2id^- 2 j j ite ■ J LiL-l-''J t'j'l P I l - ■ U " ill "I LVJ J Jl'l^ - " - I PI 1 P"l J -1 - T " l1: l'T_ PL. L'fcP L'- P'l-: P _TI J - ••• I P'U ^ J J i'pL 'l J VJJV t'l Lli-l ' '2 tL'l J I t'l 2 2 Ul l 2 I 2V J 'l^l I LujJ 2 _K_ ^ |l 1 J V 2 _.: -l Jl J 2 j! PL 'l-l . !'IP 2 2 LL 2 Lv J'l J 2 '2-. 2J J 'P 2 I I 211 2 I 2"! 2 I :_l 2 2 "2". 21J 2 I £2":: 1^ j'lJ L'i J Jj! "I£ I 2"jJ 2 J"_ ^. I" 2 "n J2 2 J"ltl ! "12 J J l£t"l2J.JPlL'2"l" 2^J" J "l£ J ■ l -i 2" 2l i: ■ 2-2'. 2dj_21 |2_ 2i2 11^ J'lJ T|2 I 12 _ lg •- 2 Tl2 J'l '.I J22j! I'l 2 ' lil J !l 2 I 1'IP jP ■ 12lL 'lg J2 J 1V112T1 TVJ ILJ' '\g t'l 2 ^ J J lV 2 I I'l 2 >P J'lJ ! 'I 2 ' '_ 2 T 2 J'l'.i! W ll IIP D"tM Tl2ll 2 J2 2jfl' »IRC will he linked Lo Lhe Hevani information included in the job advetlisemen Is ^orejrample the RCSP, the CD PR, the Career Code, the Internal Wage Ftegulaiion: burdenl in the rorrr -applbanls apj v ig 1 T2jj'i jJv2_L':ing in [urjjress -applbanls Tromoulside Lhe Fhl rVlU ■ J2 2 •-JlLl I 2T JlJp "22 Pll'llld £'2 J21 I'll! ' 1 J'.'. 2i 1 JLP dj" 'lg L'i 2 IP l". L 21 2 2il a,ia,i2,iji, 1J,15,1E,17 tHfice, CWfice for Quality, HRC> t In ternal Facii Ity OThi-H gu ideline *Fjlj!V'2Pl J'l J 221 ! 2'lllVlt2T |d™™t> » MR marketingstralegy-ldociiinenLl * IRtj qualiLy control sysLern |docurnenL,checklrsL| »e-leamingof UUOTM-H. polizyand IRC iv>pblinkl • Numbsof persons Ln CTM P 22 :. j"2 ^1 ■ L.1, Setting u p or new le-m altn \porL of researchers Lo bridge Lhe period between grants. <2£/3| Office for Quality, - Personnel ■Orrice, Dean, ViiL-Duan for * Methodology for allocating IdocummLI *|TIL l"riL"lLjL'LI Ll L"IL TILL'IlJl L£h"' j: lI llj : l"j j"l 'ijtill- lI Plot study [ jl L' j: l 'i l 1 : jJ^Ij'v 'j li l 1 '■ J v J j j wl ■ >.l jlls j-i J ■l'jI'j-'/i^lj-;. » l L'l jl : j l l Ll Tj-ijj:,-:,i:j,::,i I-: ■ l jl 'i 'i l j. l ? : ? j'l J ■j:::1: l 1 'L"j lj'l 'i l/l j l ? - ■ j li l 1 d v d 'ig ! 'i lll l Lt 'i! l j'Jl-! 'i'l-j J-l "J " " u' j! 'i.J "■."■.!■.. j'l J'l J vs s "1 ls ! s 1 - ■ '1 J v'-J J J ■bY"-h." _k_ !!s J'l J . s J " slki j u'l 1 v. L-k'11 .J "1! - Jl-"- - J '1: - 1 : "1 l' " J J'l-1 l' " 1 !'iu 'JJ"'<.- i-.!1, - :jJ^l':. ■L'llJ'-LL'i 1' L ' 1" Jl u J". L v 1 u' !' l_k "1 '!£. research, projects, etc.1 aid ils-CBls, BitlllieLseof rlz iif raslrucLu re. -126^11 IS Research, IIRDr wa - FaciilLy tursar, Vice-Dean ror » Melhode -gf lor delef mining Lhe -hjTLL" lI jjlll ::d :l-jl-i. ■■ M l: " l LL Llv l 1 l_ L ll": j'v '_ l"j l 1 Jf"'<." JL J'l J ' us UJ'-l'i ^'l J ! J J"' Plot study himtai mlalKHi Research, HRfjt WG ol undalel T h JTLL' Ll s j L ll "Ljd J-I "1 L" *Weblinlr LsLablbhing ru les, evaluaLion and mpinilil rnobiliLy: Within the realiialbn ofsdsclibn procedures according Lo LheQTM-P methodologyi.S/2,23jl\ l"ilL" JV_'l ' i j"v til l ' 'tv - Ljl l "lj: l"i l 1 jJjLjljll lI -MM. ■.■iL'j: " ". ."s II i"U""i^jiJ j l d j; "I3 1l" j lli i l '.w ! l i"i j-l j"i d Li Ljl i"i ■"_ l "i LjlLi. LVgj"i i "i^ "i tn"dV. l "i j"v v;l" -ri "i l Li. i:.iL.3j.3i mm for * In Lemal Facu Hy OTM-Pgn ideline (docu mail, weblin kl ■ >j JJJ'l l-U ' V' tj j TILL LV j'l J L IK ' 1' 1 L j l'L j l TiJ'l 1 l 1 !!t l LVLujs ! Il' llll'il1-!'. US .VJL 1 ^ 'i.L. '1 -l l t t :: ll'i. •_ l l l l1'j! l'l l'l l ' l jlf-l ll. j!L .|. j Jv j'K l1 J d j: j t j'l JgLT l'l: l l I l'1 l . | 2 j/'l . 2^."' — | iabbaLical laBiw-the creation of nil= for workplace s u priori in Lhe use or Lhe 'iw (J*A) jjlll'LlI Il ■ u'g'i t"" Lv lI P 'i [) s Lj J u'l Ls j'l J l l'iu' i'tl l;"1-.1^ ! s j l l l ■ 1 l 1 vjl ■ -:.l j: i1* d j ■ -i.l; : 'i i1 'i :i'"i, 'i l . ti1: 'iLd l l£v lI 1 'i j'i-_ ■!£ t j'l J j:l "-■ 'i !u"i, 'i l ^ lI : = I- jt l l ^l'l1^. "r.- , i--" J:,.,li""tli-i: :l ■■ j:l-j Ji^n^lLil.:^.^! if OuaSty, - □fficcVkv-11 Dean for P.— ,,r.-h MPTr WG ^ DaLabaseoT research groups iavcblink| ' In Lemal methodology forSabbaLical * Murnberol suoDorLed persons in If ie| j _ t l'i i 1 l ''■'! j j t:: lv * LcL oT meaz ures implernenLed Lo s j l L l' 1 1l ' u g' 1 TLL DfUYCO Plot study -l"jj : ■■ l" - • ^l lI : lijl ■■ lv j :■:: _l j "l-rV iVjii-t lI :j-luj- j-i J l j- l'l- J :vl ::t:-i: l 1 ltl lvluji .! j j/1 | Q Ljl Li i£ 111! ruliL Jl l^v II - d uLu--n'-i '-ig I le degree if Leaching tansd.\2fit2,i'Aj2 \ 4jLHJ1 l'Jl -i^ -T-vj"'1! , -1 lt: lvlujl jl l j! : -n1 " - ^ " : l1^ l 1 " Lr-L' l ^ - l'Lj^l^ l j l l -r l l1: l1" l ^.; jj..']; jjlll" ij^l'il'J J:'.:1 lltiliI lI j'i^j 4^:' •. :t:l'::' i-l :'i i: - ::jr. i ij i lh ll^j n tills. 133/JI ^L'ii'lgL'lL! i'lS 3" j-i •- dLi g\ 1L!vv. Li Ul L^il i'lJ Jl J l"l u'l L'l "1 l ■ Li LI L JL l 11. ! JJ.'TI - Ofrice for Q ll airly, Vice- * Career jJLh syslem-lweblinkl ' Methodology for determining the degrtMj ol Loach ing load -|docu thmi L| » LLslof imr>lerneriLed measures 'Weblink :===== DgtLalLiatbn o[ Lheagoidm connected Lo Leaching. Des^n or a new form and content of Lhe Con nse opin ions poolftg.a rnobile a|»pM3Jl/E | jl: : 'il jl j iVi: lt l 1 ivj jj: l -i 'i Lu'v -rJf* l -i j "L'^j j- l ji l 1 l ■ j j: jd •. jt l l\lujl. . ■ l^'l'l'i lI t-iu Tl-'AK lvl tuTi '-i t-i u j- jj lI tuj-. "i'"i^. !3 J;'ii| Studies, HPL~r *hjTLL-j'iJ 'iLlIll-lI'L'il j^l'idJS * M umber ol ivorkBiLjces iviLh an Til LTlLILfd LVJ J JLL 1 1V11'JTi Piot study iMpKMMMiM Incrucing Lhe iril=nalkin jl vLi ibilKyof r==ar^h r=ulli o[ Fhl MU^. updated Lhe PJ1D idn K=.HS/l,3/i| A-ddiLhjn j[ infornuLkrn in Lh= jru of dcioninjLion or r==areh r=ulti Jnd OA Lo LhewJnib=of FM MU.-|a/J| Sstling up LheadapULion process Tor all new omploynd, incl. Lraining in Lhe d LsseminaLiLf n ol research results and OA. treaLion or an adar>Lalion guide. Pcfresher Lraining for PGSsu servLsors. &J5\ Su »PonforflcnderniL writings kilbs for PI and PJJ. mentoring.iSJS 1 ^: ■l,-l LI ■|l,,l j^ ! '1 j 1 JL l l "i l 1 £' JL -l l J Lj ^" j l"v "ll'j |l ' ILJL '1 '1 l j'l j j-1 l'l: 1 L l ' Li l'l L Jl l'l j. 1 ImslemenLaLion or Lhe IIMMU II projecL ouLpuLs IDewebrnnenL ol Human Resources and Other Strategic Area: lor Research Su pport at M U httoe J/ nici/v^i ku rn'projefct.v^SS^'S 1 WJ?> 2/J1 LWnn of an e-Louri=on Lhu M U todeof Elhid and lis jffpli^stor in Lh-j led or L>uinedhLalscK.-nu=, including Lhe proc=s or [ihng connrflamls. Including iL in lh= adar*lation L riming for academic i Larr. Making the u-lou rse waBoble to ol «rp*oy«.ilfi,2/4,34/11 Spreadingawareness abouL Lhe useol Pusearch ID-|j/^| Adding in TorrnaLion about plagiarism Lo Lhe -website ol FM ML! it l LTiLILJI l'l Ll lil LJLLJL1 Ll L'lL l "LJLL 1 ii ll"j 1". l 1 j v i j l l l ' \ l 1 [ 1 1 j 1 Rl'i LJ". 1 1 IN iLl P[ 2'Z 2'j 2 j 1 " 11 l j ;■ ■ rVrt-^.t _ ' .'.l .■l- l. l j ' .■l L. l". I j .■S j 2'Zil. ~l l l "LJLL 1 j t 1 ll l ' LJLL j'l l'l l'' l' l 1 Li 1 l '1 j IVi tLTi ll 1 JL l l ' L L'l l jL'ILi l 1 '1 j TiJ'l ' Li l j'l '1 |l ' j "1 VL"i L Li j'l J 'Li l j'L '1 l 'Jl^ j'l ^ Jt l 'li . . ? .. it l LTiL'ilji l '1 l 1 L'lLLJLLJLl l1 L'l l M U L ' l JLL1 it l' LV '1 j£ L'l l P ' LVL'i! l'l l 1 P JJl j' j t '1 ll j j l'l L v/L ' "L '11 ILiLv'iV^.TJ'l .l l ."'l1 '1 .■'' l"j LJ'l 'l.-l' LJLL li.'jij jC ? ! J.-el PiloLSLudy 34 J.Q2S - Office for ■Quality, HRL> - WG . . : . Personnel tWicc, Mead Df - DenartinenL ol •-III :j ::■ -Weblinl L-j'-T'ig w'L'i ''i L'ie adajLJL'j 'i * H u mber ol Lrained su Dervcors ■■ : l'll"" : j^l" Ll LT L l .'.■ li -v : " - H u mber or Liained persons ■ Weblinfc * LbLoT imr>bmenLed measures ■--------z 5/5