C O N T R A C T between Masaryk University Faculty of Medicine Kamenice 5, CZ-625 00 Brno, Czech Republic Represented by Prof. MUDr. Jiří Mayer, CSc., Dean Bank details: Name of account owner: Masarykova univerzita Address: Žerotínovo nám. 9, CZ-601 77 Brno Bank name: Komerční banka, a.s. Bank address: nám. Svobody 21, CZ-631 31 Brno, Czech Rep. Account No.: 85636621/0100 IBAN: CZ43 0100 0000 0000 8563 6621 BIC: not indicated SWIFT Code: KOMBCZPPXXX (hereinafter referred to as MU Faculty of Medicine) And Name: ........................................................................................... Place and Date of Birth ............................................................... Residence ...................................................................................... Correspondence address................................................................. ………........................................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as the student) I. Object of Contract Regular full-time five-year studies at an accredited study programme of Dentistry at the MU Faculty of Medicine for a foreign self-paying student in the English language. Section A: The student undertakes to do the following: 1/ Submit, at the time of enrolment for the study but no later than two months after the beginning of the first semester, a document on recognition of his/her achieved secondary education (Nostrifikace). Until submission of the required document the student is only enrolled conditionally. 2/ Enrol for the studies before every semester electronically via Information System of Masaryk Universtiy (is.muni.cz). 3/ Legalise his/hers stay, without any delay after the enrolment for studies, by applying with the Czech migration office (Czech name: Obor imigrační a azylové politiky Ministerstva vnitra) for an appropriate permit or visa. 4/ Pay a tuition fee for the relevant school year in the amount as stated in Article III of this Contract. The charge for the bank transfer is to be covered by the student. 5/ Observe the Rule of Study of the MU, and the Regulations of the Halls of Residence if accommodated therein. 6/ Pass examinations in the Czech language by the end of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year of studies (communication with patients); courses in Czech are a compulsory part of the studies of foreign students at the MU Faculty of Medicine. 7/ Complete the courses within the time limits prescribed by internal regulations of the faculty and university and achieve at least prescribed number of credits within every semester (the current required amount is 20 credits). 8/ Take out a health insurance on his own expenses for cases of disease or accidents during the stay in the Czech Republic, either with a health insurance office in the home country or with the General Health Insurance Office of the Czech Republic. The student who will not have insurance will pay all the expenses relating to medical care and treatment. 9/ Take the compulsory vaccination against hepatitis B on the dates determined by the MU Faculty of Medicine. 10/ Observe the disciplinary code of the MU Faculty of Medicine. 11/ In the case of non-compliance with paragraphs 1-10, the MU Faculty of Medicine is entitled to expel the student from studies without refunding the tuition fees. Section B: The MU Faculty of Medicine undertakes to do the following: 1/ Enable the admitted students to attain complete medical education in the disciplines of Dentistry, concluded by the graduation ceremony. 2/ Award the student the academic degree of 'MDDr.' (Medicinae Dentalis Doctor) after a successful completion of his/her studies. 3/ Issue International Student Identity Card for a student and re-validate it every year of his/hers studies. 4/ Provide the education in English language throughout the studies. II. Conditions of Enrolment In order to enrol to the first semester the student is required 1/ Pass the admission examination successfully. 2/ Pay the tuition fee for at least one semester with the tuition payment conditions. 3/ Sign a contract with MU Faculty of Medicine. III. Tuition Fees and Payment Conditions 1/ The tuition fee is CZK 298, 000.00 per academic year (say: CZK two hundred ninety-eight thousand) for the discipline of Dentistry in the English study programme. 2/ The tuition fee can also be paid in two instalments. This means that the student pay CZK 149, 000.00 (say: CZK one hundred forty-nine thousand) per each semester. 3/ In case that the inflation rate in the Czech Republic for the calendar year has risen by more than 2 %, the MU Faculty of Medicine is entitled to raise the tuition fee as from the following academic year. The rise of the tuition fee will amount to the total percentage corresponding to the published total rise of the inflation rate as announced by the Czech Statistical Office for the past calendar year. 4/ The tuition fee does not include accommodation, food or insurance. 5/ An invoice with a new Variable Symbol is sent to the student every year and the student is obliged to use the new Variable Symbol for his/her payment of the tuition fee. 6/ Enrolled students are obliged to pay their tuition fees for the next semester no later than by the 1st of October for the autumn semester or for the whole academic year, and no later than by the 1st of March for the spring term of the academic year. If the payment is not settled within the set date, students are only enrolled on condition for the period until 31 October or 31 March, as the case may be. For cases of delayed payment a contractual penalty is agreed in the amount of CZK 5,000 (say: CZK five thousand). After the payment conditions inclusive of the contractual penalty have been fulfilled, the conditional enrolment is changed to regular enrolment; otherwise the study will be automatically terminated. The payment is completed either on the day of depositing the sum in cash at the cash office, or on the day when the payment is transferred to the MU Faculty of Medicine’s account in accordance with payment details stated in paragraph 9. 7/ The student who interrupts his/her studies will not pay the tuition fee for the period of interruption. 8/ The tuition fee may be refunded at the student’s request only in extraordinary cases worthy of consideration, and solely provided that the student meets the conditions for continuation of the study (especially conditions for enrolment to the next semester) and has submitted his/her request for refund no later than 15 days from the beginning of the semester. The application will be decided by the Dean of the MU Faculty of Medicine. 9/ The tuition fees have to be paid on the bank account: Bank account: Name of account owner: Masarykova univerzita Address: Žerotínovo nám. 9, CZ-601 77 Brno Bank name: Komerční banka, a.s. Bank address: nám. Svobody 21, CZ-631 31 Brno, Czech Rep. Account No.: 85636621/0100 IBAN: CZ43 0100 0000 0000 8563 6621 BIC: not indicated SWIFT Code: KOMBCZPPXXX Variable Code: Variable code will be generated by the faculty on request for each semester IV. Extra payments The tuition fee covers costs for tuition which proceeds in accordance with the approved curriculum of the study program. If the student misses lectures, seminars or, practical training without providing a serious reason for his/her absence in an extent greater than 20 % of the prescribed number of lessons for the respective subject, he is not entitled to receive credits for the respective subject. In exceptional cases, with regard to all circumstances of the case and seriousness of the reasons indicated, the Dean may, at the student’s request, allow student to make up the missed lectures or seminars. However, the student is obliged to cover the expenses connected with such exemption. The amount of the charges for such compensation is specified by the Dean's provision published electronically at the official noticeboard of the MU Faculty of Medicine. V. [INS: :INS] Final Provisions 1/ The legal relationships based on this Contract are governed by the Czech law. Possible disputes based on the Contract will be settled by Czech courts. 2/ Any changes and supplements to the Contract can only be made in writing after a consent of both contracting parties. 3/ Failure to observe the conditions as stipulated in the present Contract may be a reason for its termination both on the part of the student and on the part of the MU Faculty of Medicine. 4/ This Contract come into force on the date of its signing by both contracting parties. 5/ This Contract is printed in two copies in the English language; each party to the Contract shall keep one copy. Brno, .................................... ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Student's signature prof. MUDr. Jiří Mayer, CSc. Dean