č.j. MU-IS/144991/2022/1740880/RMU-2 Appendix No 1 to the COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT concluded on 30 May 2022, No. MU-IS/144991/2022/1740880/RMU Parties: Masaryk University public higher education institution Brno, Žerotínovo nám. 9 represented by the Rector, prof. MUDr. Martin Bareš, Ph.D. (hereinafter referred to as “employer” or “university”) and University Trade Union – Masaryk University Coordinating Union Committee represented by the chairman, RNDr. Luboš Bauer, CSc., acting on behalf of all trade unions operating at Masaryk University on the basis of a mandate from the university trade union board established on 24 November 2005 and tasked with representing all component organizations in matters associated with collective bargaining at university level (hereinafter referred to as “CUC”). within the framework of collective bargaining hereby agree on an amendment to the Agreement concluded on 12 June 2018 (hereinafter referred to as the “CA”) as follows: I. Paragraph 2 of Article 14 is deleted, as follows: „ 2. The fund shall be used primarily as a source of supplementary pension insurance or supplementary pension savings for employees. Fund contribution has been set at 2 % of the wage rate. Employees with contractual wages are subject to a contribution of 2 % of the maximum wage rate in the appropriate wage rate table as set out by the Masaryk University Internal Wage Regulations. Guidelines for allocating supplementary pension insurance contributions to employees are set out in a Masaryk University directive. II. A new paragraph 2 is inserted in Article 14, which reads as follows: "2. The fund shall be used primarily as a source of supplementary pension insurance/ supplementary pension savings for employees or for contributions to school/children's groups. This contribution is set at 2 % of the wage rate. Employees with contractual wages are subject to a contribution of 2 % of the maximum wage rate in the appropriate wage rate table as set out by the Masaryk University Internal Wage Regulations. Guidelines for allocating supplementary pension insurance contributions to employees are set out in a Masaryk University directive. The rules for the provision of a contribution to the tuition fees of a kindergarten/school group are given in the methodological sheet of the Personnel Manangement Office MU. III. The other provisions of the CA remain unchanged. IV. This Amendment shall become valid on the date of its signature by the Contracting Parties and shall enter into force on 1 September 2023. In Brno, on …………………………………………. ……………………………………. prof. MUDr. Martin Bareš, Ph.D. RNDr. Luboš Bauer, CSc. Rector Chairman of KOR