> Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University Measure No. 7/2023 Scholarship programme to support the study of a second university abroad (as amended with effect from 31 October 2023) Pursuant to Section 28(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Higher Education Act"), I issue the following measure: Article 1 Purpose of the scholarship programme (1) Under the Mobility Scholarship Programme, a scholarship is provided to financially support students who have participated in studies at a second university abroad leading to a double degree, according to the terms of an agreement concluded between the faculty and the foreign university. Article 2 Duration of the scholarship programme (1) The scholarship programme is announced for an indefinite period until further notice. Article 3 Conditions for awarding the scholarship (1) A person eligible for a scholarship is a full-time student who successfully completes their studies at a foreign university as part of a foreign student mobility co-organised by the faculty and obtains a university diploma there. Article 4 Source of funding (1) The source of funding is the Faculty's scholarship fund for students studying in Czech study programmes. The source of funding for scholarships for students studying in foreign language programmes is the fee for studying in a foreign language. Article 5 Amount of scholarship (1) The amount of the scholarship is set at a maximum of CZK 20,000 and is intended to serve as a contribution to travel and living expenses related to the mobility to the partner university. Article 6 Application for a scholarship (1) The application for the scholarship is submitted by the student via the Document Office in the Masaryk University Information System, where the student selects the relevant agenda of the scholarship application. (2) The application shall contain the following: (a) the name and surname of the applicant, (b) their UCO (university identification number), (c) the study programme, (d) the semester of study, (e) justification of the request (f) proof of successful completion of studies abroad and proof of the results achieved. (3) The scholarship is awarded on the basis of an application, which the beneficiary must submit within 30 days of obtaining the diploma abroad. (4) The documents required for the award of the scholarship are prepared by the Office for International Relations. (5) Each application is considered on an individual basis and submission of an application does not mean automatic award of a scholarship. The scholarship is not an entitlement. (6) The Vice-Dean for Internationalisation is responsible for the scholarship programme and awards scholarships. Article 7 Final provisions (1) I entrust the interpretation of the individual provisions of this measure to the Vice-Dean for Internationalisation. (2) Compliance with this measure shall be monitored by the Office for International Relations. (3) This measure belongs to the methodological management area "Study matters and fees related to studies in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes taught in the Czech language" and "Study matters and fees related to studies in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes taught in a foreign language". (4) This measure shall enter into force on the date of signature. (5) This measure shall enter into effect on 31 October 2023. prof. Mgr. Jiří Špalek, Ph.D . Dean signed electronically