Directive of the Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University No. 3/2020 Administration and Use of Information Technologies at the FEA MU (as amended with effect from 1 July 2020) Pursuant to Section 28, Subsection 1 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education Institutions), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), and the FEA MU Organizational Regulations, I issue this Directive: > Article 1 Subject of adjustment This Directive defines the principles of administration and use of information technologies (hereinafter referred to as “IT”) of the Faculty of Economics and Administration of MU in connection with MU Directives No. 9/2017 Administration of Information Technologies and No. 10/2017 Use of Information Technologies. Article 2 Operation 1. The FEA MU IT administrator is the Center for Information and Communication Technologies (hereinafter referred to as “CICT”). 2. Users are obliged to comply with MU Directive No. 10/2017 Use of Information Technologies. 3. Users, employees, and students are entitled to be granted access to the FEA MU IT according to their job and/or study classification. 4. The network administrator may grant access to other persons only on the basis of this person’s contractual relationship with the FEA MU. 5. Upon the termination of studies or employment at the FEA MU or the termination of another contractual relationship with the FEA MU, the relevant user rights expire. 6. It is forbidden to interfere in any way with the IT equipment. 7. Users report all IT defects to the e-mail 8. Users are obliged to maintain increased order and cleanliness when working with IT. Food consumption is prohibited. 9. Each user is obliged to observe all safety regulations for working with electrical equipment. Any defect that endangers occupational safety shall be reported immediately to the teacher, CICT staff, or building administration staff. Article 3 Operation of computer classrooms 1. Classrooms VT105, VT202, VT204 are used primarily for teaching subjects given by the schedule. 2. Classrooms VT203 and VT206 are used for teaching subjects given by the schedule and experiments according to the decision of the head of the Laboratory of Experimental Economics (MUEEL). 3. At the end of the course, the teacher is obliged to turn off all computers. It is not necessary to turn off the computers only if teaching will take place in the classroom in the next lesson. Article 4 IT for independent work 1. Computers for independent work are located in the library and on the 1st floor in the lobby. 2. Computers can be used during the operating hours of the library and building according to the Operating Rules. Article 5 Sanctions 1. Violations of this Directive and MU Directives No. 9/2017 and No. 10/2017 will be: a) solved according to the Disciplinary Code in the case of students, b) considered a breach of the employee’s basic obligations under the Labor Code in the case of employees, c) solved according to the valid contract in the case of other users. Article 6 Final Provisions 1. This Directive repeals FEA MU Directive No. 2/2005. 2. I entrust the interpretation of the individual provisions of this Directive to the Head of CICT. 3. Compliance with this Directive shall be monitored by the Faculty Bursar. 4. This Directive shall enter into force on the day of its publication. 5. This Directive shall enter into force on 1 July 2020. In Brno on 23 June 2020 Prof. Ing. Antonín Slaný, CSc. m. p. Dean