Measure of the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University No. 4/2017 Metrology Regulations (as amended with effect from 9 May 2017) Pursuant to Section 28(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Higher Education Act"), I issue the following measure: Article 1 Subject of modification This measure ensures uniformity of registration, management and handling of measuring instruments, correctness, accuracy, uniformity and repeatability of measurements in accordance with the applicable standards and operating or manufacturing regulations set for measuring instruments used at the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as (FI MU). Article 2 Terms and definitions (1) Gauge - a control, measuring and testing device for determining the value of a measured quantity. It means a standard, a working gauge, a working gauge not specified or a reference material. (2) Standard - a gauge used to realize and store a unit or scale and to transfer the unit or scale to gauges of lower accuracy. (3) Working gauge established (established gauge) - a gauge established by the Ministry of Industry and Trade for mandatory verification with regard to their importance for the protection of commercial relations or for the protection of health, the environment, occupational safety and other public interests. It shall be published by decree. (4) Non-specified working gauge (working gauge) - a gauge that is neither a standard nor a specified gauge. (5) Calibration - a set of operations which give, under specified conditions, a relationship between the values indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or the values represented by measures or reference material, and the corresponding values of a quantity realized by a reference standard. (6) Calibration sheet - a document indicating the result of calibration. (7) Metrological properties - the characteristics of the measuring instrument required for a given application (e.g. accuracy, stability, range). (8) Meter manager - the head of the workplace that uses the meter to perform work tasks for the FI. (9) Meter user - an employee who works with the meter. Article 3 Responsibilities and powers (1) Meter Manager: a) methodically manages, coordinates and controls compliance with the Metrology Regulations, revises and updates the FI Metrology Regulations, b) keep records of the measuring instruments used at his/her workplace, be responsible for marking them with a calibration label and for keeping calibration dates and records of calibration data, c) determines calibration periods for measuring instruments, checks compliance with the set calibration periods, ensures calibration and external servicing of measuring instruments, d) is responsible for allocating the necessary funds for the purchase, metrological control, maintenance and operability of measuring instruments, e) shall be obliged to instruct each new user of a measuring instrument in the principles of correct handling of measuring instruments, compliance with legal regulations in the field of metrology and the principles set out in these Regulations and shall be obliged to record the training in writing on the Meter Registration Sheet, a specimen of which is attached as Annex 1 to this measure. f) inspects the correct use, storage, method of use and overall care of the measuring instruments, and in the event of defects or faults, is obliged to ensure that they are rectified, g) performs planned checks of the metrological condition of measuring instruments once every six months and records the results in the Meter Registration Sheet. (2) Meter user: a) is responsible for the correct handling of measuring instruments, follows the procedures specified in the instructions of manufacturers, importers or distributors of measuring instruments and complies with the instructions of the instrument manager, b) strictly observes the purpose of the measuring instruments when using them, c) performs maintenance of measuring instruments in accordance with the instructions of manufacturers, importers or distributors of measuring instruments, d) is responsible for the correct and accurate measurement, proper use, storage and protection of measuring instruments so as to maintain their accuracy and suitability for use and to prevent damage by tampering, e) monitors the technical and metrological condition of the measuring instruments (mechanical damage, loss or damage of the calibration label, termination of calibration validity), immediately reports any non-conformity to the supervisor, who is obliged to ensure immediate correction, f) must not use unregistered or defective meters for measurement. Article 4 Organisation of metrology at FI (1) The procedure for purchasing a meter: When purchasing a new meter, in addition to the usual parameters (e.g. price, service facilities, etc.), the availability of metrological continuity of the meter (calibration) is also considered. In addition, for established meters, it is necessary to check whether the meter is type-approved. It is the responsibility of the meter manager to ascertain the above matters before the actual purchase of the meter. (2) Registration and marking of measuring instruments: All measuring instruments at FI are subject to both asset registration (inventory) and metrological registration of measuring instruments. The metrological registration of measuring instruments is carried out by the administrator of the measuring instrument in the form of a Meter Registration Sheet. All gauges on the FI, including indicating gauges, shall be clearly marked with labels describing the type and condition of the gauge. The labels shall be placed in a conspicuous place. The size of the labels shall be chosen so as to ensure that the lettering on the label is easily legible. Labels shall not be overwritten or damaged in any way. Labelling of meters shall be carried out by the meter manager. The metrological continuity of working gauges is ensured by their regular calibration at set intervals. Calibrations are performed exclusively by external companies accredited in the relevant field of metrology. For each gauge, the gauge manager shall establish continuity in accordance with this Directive, with the calibration certificate being the proof of calibration and the record of the implementation being included in the Gauge Record Sheet and the calibration certificate being an annex to the Gauge Record Sheet. (3) Procedure for detecting a fault on the meter: If a meter malfunction occurs or it is suspected that the measured results may be affected by a malfunction of the meter, the user of the meter shall immediately notify the meter administrator. Meter Manager: a) immediately and clearly mark the meter with a label indicating that the meter is defective, b) make an entry in the Meter Record Sheet about the detected fault, c) arrange for the repair of the meter, d) after repairing the meter, ensure that the meter is calibrated, e) make an entry in the meter record sheet about the repair and subsequent calibration, f) removes the meter's defect label and places a calibration interval validity label on the meter, g) in the event of an irreparable defect, clearly mark the meter with a label indicating that the meter is not functioning. (4) Scrapping of meters: In the event of an irreparable defect, expiration of the service life, loss of accuracy and correctness of the meter or for other reasons, the meter shall be removed from the meter register and also from the register of FI assets. The removal of a meter from the register of meters shall be carried out by the manager of the meter, the removal from the register of FI assets shall be carried out by the person in charge of the register of FI assets. The removal of a meter from the register of meters shall be done by making an entry in the Register of Meters and marking the meter with the appropriate label. Article 5 Final provisions (1) I hereby delegate the interpretation of the individual provisions of this measure to the Head of the FI MU Building Administration. (2) Compliance with this measure is monitored by the FI MU Secretary. (3) This measure shall enter into force on the date of its publication. (4) This measure shall enter into force on 9 May 2017. Brno, 9 May 2017 Jiri Zlatuska Dean FI Attachments: Annex No. 1Meter certificate Annex No. 2List of measuring instruments used at FI MU Annex No. 1 - Meter Registration Sheet Meter registration sheet Name and type designation: Manufacturer: Supplier: Production number: Inventory number: Date of registration: Date of de-registration: Calibration interval recommended by the manufacturer: Calibration interval set by the meter administrator: Other meter records Date: Activity Description: Signature of the meter administrator Annex 2 - List of measuring instruments REVEX 2051 · Meter manager: head of Building Management FI · the calibration interval recommended by the manufacturer is 1 year; · the calibration interval specified is 2 years - the instrument is not used daily