Measures of the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University No. 13/2023 Scholarship Programmes of the Faculty of Informatics MU (as amended with effect from 27 September 2023) Pursuant to Section 28(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Additions to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education Institutions), as amended (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"), I issue the following measure: Part One General provisions Article 1 Subject of modification (1) This measure follows the Scholarship Regulations of Masaryk University and regulates the conditions and procedure for awarding scholarships at the Faculty of Informatics (hereinafter referred to as FI). Scholarships at FI are awarded in accordance with the Scholarship Regulations of Masaryk University: a) in the framework of FI scholarship programmes, b) outside the FI scholarship programmes as scholarships under the provisions of Part Three of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. (2) If the rules of the scholarship programme do not contain specific conditions for the award and payment of the scholarship, then Part Three of this measure shall apply. (3) The scholarship programmes announced by this measure are not limited in time, unless otherwise specified for a particular scholarship programme. (4) Unless otherwise specified for a particular scholarship program, the scholarship is not an entitlement. (5) The sources of funding for the scholarships are: a) a contribution from the state budget for educational and creative activities (hereinafter referred to as the "contribution"), or b) institutional support for the long-term conceptual development of a research organisation (hereinafter referred to as "institutional support") provided pursuant to Section 3(3) of Act No. 130/2002 Coll., Act on Support for Research and Development from Public Funds and on Amendments to Certain Related Acts (Act on Support for Research and Development), as amended (hereinafter referred to as "Act on Support for Research and Development"), or c) special purpose aid granted under section 3(2) of the Research and Development Support Act (hereinafter referred to as "special purpose aid"), if the conditions approved by the relevant provider allow it, or d) FI Scholarship Fund, or e) funds raised by the FI's complementary activities. Part Two Scholarship programmes Article 2 Benefit Scholarship Programme for outstanding students of bachelor and master study programmes at FI (1) The purpose of the scholarship programme is to increase the motivation of students of FI bachelor and master study programmes to achieve excellent academic results. (2) The scholarship may only be awarded to students who are not subject to the provisions on fees associated with studies under Section 58(3) of the Higher Education Act. (3) The criteria for awarding a scholarship in the current semester are the results achieved by the student in the last two completed semesters of study. For students who have completed only one semester of their studies, the results in that semester (hereinafter referred to as the "relevant period") are decisive. (4) The average classification of a student is determined in accordance with Article 17(2) of the Masaryk University Study and Examination Regulations (hereinafter referred to as "SERS") and rounded to 2 decimal places. (5) Classification and credits for recognised courses from unsuccessfully completed studies and from successfully completed studies pursuant to Article 14(5) of the CPR shall not be included in the result of studies in the relevant period, with the exception of classification and credits obtained with the consent of the FI at a higher education institution in the Czech Republic or abroad. (6) The following conditions must be met for the scholarship to be awarded: a) the average classification in the reference period did not exceed 1.50 and b) the ratio of the number of credits earned in the reference period to the average classification in the reference period is at least 20 times the length of the reference period in semesters; and c) all courses enrolled in the relevant period are successfully completed; and d) the student has not committed a disciplinary offence during his/her studies. (7) Eligibility for the scholarship begins on the date of successful completion of all courses in the applicable period. (8) If a student fulfils the conditions of paragraph 6 in several studies at FI at the same time, only one scholarship is awarded for the study in which he/she achieved the best average classification value. (9) In awarding the scholarship, the extent to which individual students have met the conditions for the award is taken into account as follows: a) the highest scholarship is awarded for the student's average classification value up to 1.10, b) for a student's grade point average between 1.11 and 1.30 (inclusive) up to a maximum of two-thirds of the amount referred to in paragraph 9a), c) for a student's grade point average between 1.31 and 1.50 (inclusive) up to a maximum of one-third of the amount referred to in paragraph 9a). (10) The last day of the examination period of the semester preceding the semester in which the scholarship is awarded shall be the determining date for determining whether the student has met the requirements of the program. In the case of recognized study abroad, the dates of study abroad apply accordingly. (11) The scholarship is awarded automatically after meeting the criteria set out in this scholarship programme on the basis of the criteria entered from the MU Information System. (12) If the student is subject to disciplinary proceedings, the award of the scholarship shall be deferred until the condition under paragraph (6)(d) has been met. (13) The scholarship is paid in one lump sum. (14) The Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme in accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. Article 3 Scholarship programme to support promising students in their first year of undergraduate studies (1) The purpose of the scholarship programme is to support the studies of promising students in the first year of their bachelor studies at FI. (2) Scholarships under this scholarship program may be awarded to duly enrolled and properly studying first-year students in FI undergraduate degree programs who have passed the graduation examination in a given calendar year and meet at least one of the following criteria: a) is a graduate of a secondary school in the Czech Republic who has passed the matriculation examination in mathematics in the common (state) part of the matriculation examination or the Mathematics Extension exam with a pass percentage of 85 or higher, b) is a graduate of a secondary school in the Slovak Republic who passed the matriculation exam in mathematics in the external part of the matriculation with a pass percentage of 85 or higher, c) the student has participated in one of the following competitions at any time during secondary school: the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), the Central European Olympiad in Informatics (CEOI), the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). (3) Regular students in paragraph 2 above means all students who have not received an X grade in any of their enrolled courses as of November 30. (4) The scholarship cannot be awarded to students who are concurrently enrolled in studies other than FI. (5) The Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies decides on the allocation of the scholarship on the basis of the student's application submitted in the first half of December via the IS MU information system to the FI Study Department, and in the case of an application based on participation in a competition, it is necessary to provide proof of participation in the competition. (6) The scholarship is paid in one lump sum. (7) The awarding of a scholarship under this scholarship programme is without prejudice to the possibility of awarding a scholarship under the merit scholarship programme for outstanding students of FI Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. (8) The Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme in accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. Article 4 Scholarship programme to support the completion of studies of prospective students of doctoral programmes at FI (1) The purpose of the scholarship programme is to support FI PhD students who have not completed their studies in the standard time and who are likely to complete their studies successfully. (2) The scholarship may be awarded to a doctoral student who is enrolled at FI in a year higher than the standard period of study. (3) The scholarship is awarded for a maximum period of one semester and its payment is terminated on the date of completion or interruption of studies. The scholarship may be awarded repeatedly. (4) The criteria for awarding the scholarship in the current semester are the previous results of the study and a high expectation of successful completion of the dissertation. (5) The application for the scholarship with the supervisor's statement is submitted by the student to the Department of Doctoral and International Studies. The application is then reviewed by the FI Branch Council. After the discussion, the FI Branch Council submits the proposal for payment of the scholarship to the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies for approval. (6) The stipend is paid monthly. (7) The Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme in accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. Article 5 Scholarship programme to support the study of talented students in the doctoral programme at FI (1) The programme to support the study of talented doctoral students contributes to making doctoral studies at FI more attractive. The main purpose of this programme is to increase the interest of outstanding master's students in doctoral studies at FI. (2) The scholarship may be awarded to a student enrolled in a semester during the standard period of doctoral studies at FI. (3) The awarding of the scholarship is decided by the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies on the basis of the recommendation of the Head of the Department, which is based on the results of the competition for an extraordinary scholarship for doctoral students implemented by the Department (hereinafter referred to as the "competition"). (4) The selection of supported topics and the evaluation of the competition of applicants is carried out by a committee whose members are appointed by the Head of the Department. The committee must consist of at least five members. The head of the department is the chair of the committee. (5) The competition is preceded by a call for proposals for supported topics for doctoral studies announced by the head of the department. The announcement of the call includes a deadline for the submission of proposals for supported topics, after which the proposals received are considered. (6) Proposals for new topics can be submitted by all supervisors of the respective department. One supervisor may submit more than one proposal. (7) The proposal for a new topic must include in particular: a) topic title, b) A description of the issues the student should address, including the specific subfield or specific problems the student should address, c) description of the topic for publication on the FI website, d) Brief characteristics of the supervisor, demonstrating competence to supervise the student within the given topic, including a list of publications in the last five years that are relevant to the proposed topic. (8) Each topic is guaranteed by one trainer. Consultants may be listed within the topic description but cannot guarantee the topic. Each topic is for one student only. (9) The head of the department may specify other requirements for the submitted proposals in the call announcement. (10) The Head of the Department will publish the supported topics and announce a call for applications for scholarships within the supported topics. The call includes a time limit after which the applications received will be considered. At the same time as the call, the number of students for whom the Department has allocated funding is published. (11) The application for the scholarship is submitted by an applicant who is not a doctoral student at FI. The call for applications is usually published at the same time as the call for applications for doctoral studies. (12) The scholarship application must include in particular: a) the name and surname of the applicant, b) CV including a list of previous R&D achievements (including JRC), c) the title of the topic for which the candidate is applying, d) the expected results to be achieved by the applicant over the next two years, including a specification of the expected outputs (publications, software, etc.), e) a motivation letter, which in particular demonstrates the applicant's professional qualities and suitability for research within the chosen topic, f) written opinion of the supervisor who proposed the supported topic. (13) Scholarship applications are reviewed by a committee based on the quality of the applicants. (14) Each tutor can supervise a maximum of one supported student. (15) The scholarship is awarded for the first two years of study, with the possibility of extension for a further two years based on an evaluation of the results of the studies to date. (16) At the end of the second year of the scholarship, the student submits an interim report in which he/she presents and evaluates his/her achievements. At the same time, the supervisor will submit an interim evaluation of the student. Together with this interim report, the student may request an extension for a further two years. The application must include a plan for working on the topic over the next two years. All of these documents will subsequently be published. (17) The deadline for the delivery of the documents coincides with the deadline of the call for proposals for the selection of supported topics open at the time, so that the committee can decide in time to extend the scholarship for another two years and so that the maximum number of newly supported students is known at the time of the call for applications. (18) The Head of Department will decide on the extension of the scholarship for the next two years based on the student's performance to date, the student's interim report, the supervisor's evaluation, and the plan for the next two years. (19) After four years of scholarship payments, the student submits a final report and the supervisor submits a final evaluation of the student to the head of the department. (20) For serious reasons, a student may request a break from work on a given topic. The request should be submitted to the relevant Head of Department. In the case of a positive decision, the Head of Department will also set the rules and deadlines for the continuation of support. (21) The Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme in accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. Article 6 Scholarship programme to reward long-term excellent academic performance and outstanding final theses (1) The purpose of the scholarship programme (hereinafter referred to as the "Dean's Award") is to motivate students to achieve excellent academic results throughout their studies and to produce outstanding final theses. (2) The Dean's Award is intended for students of FI bachelor's and master's degree programmes. (3) The Dean's Prize may be awarded for successful completion of studies in an FI bachelor's or master's degree programme with an overall grade of "passed with distinction" (according to Article 26(4) of the CBA) or for an outstanding final thesis by FI bachelor's or master's students. (4) The Dean's Award for successful completion of studies in the FI Bachelor's or Master's degree programme with an overall grade of "passed with distinction" is awarded automatically, based on the results in the Information System. Eligibility for the scholarship is established on the date of successful completion of all state final examinations. The award of the Dean's Prize for successful completion of a bachelor's or master's degree programme at FI with an overall grade of "passed with distinction" does not affect the possibility of awarding the Dean's Prize for an outstanding final thesis. (5) The proposal for the award of the Dean's Prize for an outstanding final thesis may be submitted by the thesis supervisor, the thesis opponent, the State Final Examination Committee or the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies on the basis of the opponent's opinions. The proposal must include a professional evaluation of the thesis. The award is decided by the Dean of FI. The successful completion of the state final examination by the candidate is a condition for the award of the prize. The prize may be awarded to one or more candidates; the prize may also be withheld. The awarding of the Dean's Prize for an outstanding final thesis does not affect the possibility of awarding the Dean's Prize for successful completion of studies in an FI Bachelor's or Master's degree programme with an overall grade of "passed with distinction". (6) The Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme in accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. Article 7 Scholarship programme to support students' creative activities (1) The purpose of the scholarship programme is to support the research, development and other creative activities of students of MU bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programmes beyond the scope of their study programme obligations, to support cooperation in research and development teams, and to support significant results of research, development or other creative activities. (2) A proposal for the award of a scholarship may be submitted by the supervisor, the head of the research programme, the head of the FI laboratory or the FI project investigator. (3) The amount of the grant must be agreed by the operation's principal and the budget manager of the contract from which the grant is to be paid. (4) The award of the scholarship is approved by the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies in the case of Bachelor and Master students, and by the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies in the case of Doctoral students. (5) The scholarship is awarded for a maximum period of one calendar year. (6) The scholarship can be awarded repeatedly. (7) The scholarship is paid monthly or in one lump sum. (8) In the case of Bachelor's and Master's students, the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies and in the case of Doctoral students, the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies is the Dean responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme in accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. Article 8 Scholarship programme to support student research and development projects (1) The purpose of the programme (hereinafter referred to as the "Dean's Programme") is to support the development of high-quality, generally applicable and freely distributable software and the results of other creative activities of students. The aim of the Dean's Programme is to contribute to the development of free software and at the same time to make the creative potential and professional skills of FI students visible in a national and international context. (2) The Dean's Programme is intended mainly for students of bachelor and/or master studies in FI. (3) The support is intended for the further development of student projects that are already showing results (e.g. a development version of the programme is available). (4) Support cannot be obtained solely on the basis of a project plan that is not further supported by at least partial results. (5) Support may be requested for a maximum of one year at a time. Long-term projects may be supported repeatedly if their objectives are properly pursued. (6) Student projects are mainly carried out by students of bachelor and/or master studies under the guidance of an FI employee. The professional guarantor responsible for the project solution, its coordination and public presentation of the achieved results is either the guarantor or a doctoral student authorized by him/her. (7) Student projects are internal projects within the meaning of the Rector's Directive on Management and Administration of Projects at Masaryk University and other relevant legal regulations and internal standards. (8) The competition for support of student projects is announced by the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies, usually twice a year. An application for the allocation of support for a student research and development project may be submitted on the basis of a currently published call for proposals, which specifies the form of the application and sets the relevant time limit after which individual project proposals are considered. (9) The application for the competition is a project proposal submitted through the Information System for the Evidence of Projects (ISEP). The application for support must include in particular: a) project proposal, b) expected outcomes, c) a requirement for the amount of aid and a corresponding financial balance sheet, d) the guarantor's assessment of the project's level to date, his/her comments on the granting of support and his/her agreement to the professional guarantee of the project. (10) The objectives of the project may or may not be of a scientific nature, and may or may not be carried out within one of the existing FI laboratories. (11) The project leader submits the application for a new student project. (12) The Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies decides on the granting of support to projects on the basis of the recommendation of a committee consisting of: the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies, the Head of Departments and the Secretary. The duration of the accepted projects starts on the first day of the calendar month following the positive decision of the Vice-Dean. (13) Upon completion of the project, a final report will be prepared on the results achieved by the project and an overview of the use of the funds provided. The project results are evaluated at a public presentation. (14) For serious reasons, the guarantor may request the interruption of the project. The request is submitted to the Vice Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies. In the event of a positive decision, the Vice-Dean will also set the rules and deadlines for the continuation of the project. (15) If the supervisor withdraws from the project completely, he/she is obliged to notify the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies immediately. In this case, the support will be stopped immediately. (16) The Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme in accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. Article 9 Mobility and exchange scholarship programme (1) The purpose of the scholarship is to support international mobility and exchange visits of FI students who are completing part of their studies abroad and also students of a foreign university who are completing part of their studies at FI. This activity leads to improving the quality of the educational process, gaining experience in foreign universities and institutions and leads to deepening professional knowledge and practical skills. (2) A mobility grant may be awarded: a) FI student to partially cover the costs of study or exchange at a foreign university, b) to a student of a foreign university to partially cover the costs associated with studying at FI. (3) The application for the scholarship is submitted to the Department of Doctoral and International Studies by the student after returning from his/her stay abroad. The decision to award the scholarship is made by the Vice Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation. (4) The scholarship is awarded on a one-time basis. (5) The Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme in accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. Article 10 Scholarship programme for foreign nationals to support their studies in the FI MU master's or doctoral programme (1) The aim of the programme is to support the study of foreign students studying in master's or doctoral programmes in a foreign language at FI. (2) The scholarship may be awarded to a foreign national who is enrolled in a master's or doctoral degree programme in a foreign language at FI. (3) The application for the scholarship is submitted to the Department of Doctoral and International Studies by FI academic staff. (4) The scholarship is awarded for a maximum period of four semesters in the case of a master's degree and eight semesters in the case of a doctoral degree, and its payment is terminated on the date of completion or interruption of studies. (5) The critical date for determining whether a student has met the program requirements is the date of enrollment in the relevant semester. (6) The awarding of the scholarship is decided by the Vice Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation. (7) The Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme in accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. Article 11 Scholarship programme to support short-term study stays of foreign university students at FI (1) The scholarship programme for support of short-term study stays of students of bachelor and master study programmes of foreign universities contributes to strengthening international contacts and professional cooperation of FI staff and students with students of other countries, including non-EU countries. (2) Scholarships may be awarded to students of foreign universities studying in bachelor's or master's degree programmes at universities outside the Czech Republic. (3) Proposals for support of short-term study stays of students from foreign universities can be submitted by heads of FI laboratories or heads of research groups operating at FI. One proposer may submit a proposal for the support of a maximum of two students per call. (4) The proposal must include in particular: a) a description of the issues students should address, including the specific problems they should solve (in Czech or English), b) the number of positions created under the proposal (maximum two), c) description of the technical support for students; the proposer is obliged to provide adequate spatial and technical facilities, usually within the laboratory. Further details of the proposal may be added by the Head of Department based on the recommendation of the FI management until the call is announced. (5) From these proposals, the heads of the departments select the supported topics of study stays that will be offered to the applicants. (6) Proposers of supported study visits (hereinafter referred to as "guarantors") will prepare the text of the advertisement, which will be published on the FI website. The advertisement must be written in English and must include in particular: a) a description of the issues that the applicant should address during the study stay, b) the skills expected of the candidate, c) the number of advertised places (in line with the original proposal), d) the expected time interval of the study stay, e) the exact documents you should attach to your application (in particular, a CV and proof of studies no older than two months at the time of application), f) contact details for sending the application (usually the email address of the sponsor or his/her delegated person). (7) Applications will be evaluated regularly every two calendar months, except during the summer holidays. (8) The evaluation of applications is carried out independently for each advertisement published. The guarantors are responsible for the wording of the advertisement, including its timeliness, the evaluation of the applications and the correct conduct of the competition. (9) In justified cases, it is possible to adjust the interval of the study stay from the advertised figure; it is possible to postpone the start of the study stay, but not more than two months. The total duration of the study stay may be reduced, but not extended, from the advertised figure. (10) The awarding of the scholarship is decided by the Vice Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation on the basis of the recommendation of the chair of the selection committee. The members of the committee are appointed by the Dean of FI. The committee must consist of at least five members. The Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation is the chair of the committee. (11) The scholarship is awarded for a maximum period of three months. (12) In the event that a student fails to fulfil in a serious manner his/her obligations set by the guarantor, the scholarship may be withdrawn with immediate effect by the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation upon written request of the guarantor. (13) In the event that the student graduates from his/her home university, the scholarship will be terminated. (14) The Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme in accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. Article 12 Scholarship programme to support study-related activities (1) The purpose of the scholarship is to support bachelor, master and doctoral students of FI who: a) contribute in a significant way to the representation of Masaryk University or FI beyond their study duties, b) contribute significantly to the promotion and representation of FI (e.g. by creating promotional texts, photographs, videos, on-line presentations, graphics, presentation of FI at secondary schools, etc.), c) selflessly and on a long-term basis assist other students in fulfilling their study or administrative duties related to their studies, d) develops activities aimed at improving and enhancing the teaching environment, teaching methods and procedures. (2) A proposal for the award of a scholarship may be submitted by an FI employee. The award of the scholarship and its amount is decided by the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies in the case of Bachelor and Master students, and by the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies in the case of Doctoral students. (3) In the case of Bachelor's and Master's students, the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies and in the case of Doctoral students, the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies is the dean responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme within the meaning of Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. Article 13 Scholarship programme to support the attractiveness of doctoral studies at FI (1) The purpose of the scholarship programme is to increase the attractiveness of doctoral studies at FI by increasing the regular monthly doctoral scholarship. (2) A scholarship under this programme may only be awarded to a full-time doctoral student at FI who is also receiving a scholarship to support studies in a doctoral study programme within the meaning of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations or a scholarship to support the completion of studies of prospective students of doctoral study programmes at FI (Article 4 of this measure), is pursuing a single doctoral study in the Czech Republic and has not been subject to termination proceedings. (3) The scholarship is awarded for one semester. The scholarship may be awarded repeatedly. (4) Students are awarded the scholarship if the following conditions are met: the student has published in RIV during the last four semesters in peer-reviewed conferences of rank B or higher, or in journals with impact factor except for non-serious (so-called predatory) journals and listed in one of the SCIE, SSCI and AHCI indexes. (Publications included in RIV for an FI organisational unit without a reported contribution from the department are taken as having a contribution of 1 for the FI department). The conditions for awarding the scholarship are evaluated only once per semester, always before the FI Branch Council meeting date according to the FI MU academic year schedule. (5) Students in the first three semesters of their studies who are not eligible for a scholarship under paragraph (4) of this Article and who also meet the conditions of paragraph (2) of this Article shall be awarded a scholarship of 50% of the amount specified in Annex 1 to this measure without further conditions. (6) The stipend is paid monthly. (7) The Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme in accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. Article 14 Scholarship programme to support foreign internships of students of doctoral study programmes at FI (1) The purpose of the scholarship programme is to support doctoral students of the FI during their trips to compulsory internships at foreign workplaces. (2) The award of the scholarship is conditional on the justified assumption of the contribution of the internship to the professional growth of the student and the acquisition of new scientific knowledge in the field of study. (3) The scholarship is intended to cover travel costs to the host site and living expenses for the duration of the traineeship at the host site. (4) The scholarship can only be awarded for internships involving a minimum of 10 calendar days of net stay at the host site and a maximum of 3 months of stay (however, the stay at the host site itself may be longer). (5) The maximum amount of the grant is set in proportion to the net duration of the stay at the host institution according to the table in Annex 1 to this measure, while the daily rate may be doubled in the first 15 days. To the amount so calculated shall be added the travel allowance for one journey to and one journey from the place of the visiting workplace (according to distance) as set out in the table in Annex 1 to this measure for the entire duration of the traineeship. (6) In the event that the student receives support for the internship in another form (e.g. in the form of travel reimbursement, other scholarship), the maximum amount of support under point (5) will be reduced by 80% of this additional support or 80% of its expected amount. This reduction does not apply to the support that the student receives directly from the host institution. (7) In the exceptional case where the amount of support awarded is insufficient to cover the costs of the placement, the student may apply for an additional scholarship after returning from the placement and after providing evidence of the costs economically incurred in direct connection with the placement up to the actual costs after deducting all other funds provided for the placement. The award and amount of the additional scholarship is decided by the Vice Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies. (8) The application for the award of the scholarship and any supplementary payment is submitted to the Department of Doctoral and International Studies by the FI student. (9) The scholarship can be awarded repeatedly up to a total of 3 months of internship time during the course of study. (10) The scholarship is paid in one lump sum after the required data and documents are provided, usually before the start of the internship. Any additional scholarship is also paid in one lump sum after the end of the internship. (11) In the event that the duration of the stay at the visiting workplace is reduced or the internship is not carried out, the student is obliged to return the proportional part of the scholarship or the scholarship in full. (12) In accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations, the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme. Article 15 Scholarship programme to support the study of talented students from non-OECD countries (1) The purpose of the scholarship programme is to support the studies of talented students from countries undergoing social and economic transition. (2) A scholarship under this programme may be awarded to a student of the Faculty of Informatics in full-time study who: a) does not exceed the standard period of study, b) from a non-OECD country, c) does not hold a government scholarship from the Ministry of Education. (3) The application for the scholarship is submitted by the FI student to the Department of Doctoral and International Studies on the basis of a call announced by the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation in accordance with the strategic plans of MU or the Ministry of Education and Science. The call for scholarship applications may contain additional conditions for the award of the scholarship, as well as the requirements for the scholarship application. (4) The award of the scholarship is approved by the Vice Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation. (5) The scholarship is awarded for a maximum period of one calendar year. (6) The scholarship may be awarded repeatedly. (7) The scholarship is paid monthly or in one lump sum. (8) In accordance with Article 4 of the Scholarship Regulations of Masaryk University, the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation is the Dean responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme. Article 16 Scholarship programme to support theses in English (1) The purpose of the scholarship program is to support students completing their thesis in English. The aim is to motivate students to write their thesis in English. (2) A scholarship under this programme may be awarded to a student of the Faculty of Informatics in full-time Bachelor's or Master's studies. (3) Only the supervisor of the thesis in connection with which the scholarship is proposed may submit a proposal for the award of a scholarship in the semester at the end of which, based on the student's achievements and the maturity of the individual parts of the thesis, the supervisor actually expects the thesis to be submitted. (4) The supervisor of the final thesis may propose the award of a scholarship only to a student who has already submitted part of the thesis written in English to the supervisor of the final thesis and it was written in fluent and clearly understandable English at a level that is usual for successfully defended theses at FI. (5) A proposal for the award of a scholarship for one student may be submitted by the supervisor of the thesis no more than once in the framework of the Bachelor's degree and no more than once in the framework of the Master's degree. (6) The application for the scholarship is submitted by the thesis supervisor to the Department of Studies on the basis of a call announced by the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies in accordance with the strategic objectives of the FI. The call for scholarship applications may contain additional conditions for the award of the scholarship, as well as the requirements for the scholarship application. (7) The award of the scholarship is approved by the Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies. (8) The scholarship is awarded on a one-time basis. (9) In accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations, the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme. Article 17 Scholarship programme to support students from Ukraine (1) The purpose of the scholarship programme is to support FI students with Ukrainian citizenship who hold a Ukrainian travel document and who, as a result of the war conflict, are unable to study at Ukrainian universities or who, in the course of their ongoing studies at a public university in the Czech Republic, have fallen into a difficult situation for the above reason. (2) The scholarship is intended for students referred to in paragraph 1, regardless of the type of study programme and form of study. (3) If a student is studying at more than one MU faculty or at more than one university, he/she is entitled to receive the scholarship within the Czech Republic only once. This fact is documented by an affidavit attached to the application. (4) The amount of the scholarship is CZK 6,000 per month. (5) The award of the scholarship is decided by the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies. (6) The scholarship is awarded for a single calendar month in a given semester and is paid monthly, always in arrears after the end of that month. Students enrolled for the first time in the Spring 2023 semester will receive the scholarship no earlier than the date of enrollment. Students first enrolled in the fall semester 2023 will receive the scholarship from September 2023 or later from the date of enrollment. (7) The scholarship is awarded to students who: a) they are holders of temporary protection in the Czech Republic, students shall submit a scan of a travel document with a valid temporary protection and an affidavit in accordance with paragraph 3; or b) are not in receipt of temporary protection, the application must contain a sufficient description of the student's situation and be supported by the student's bank statements for the last three months, showing all payments received and sent, and at the same time (jointly for points a) and b)), are enrolled in the semester in question, of which at least 60% of the credits enrolled in the semester in question are from compulsory courses of the chosen study programme, have not committed a disciplinary offence in the semester in question and regularly attend classes, where participation in classes means, in the case of students in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes, attendance at full-time classes, completion of assignments and participation in tests and examinations. In the case of doctoral students, the fulfilment of the participation requirement is assessed on an individual basis, taking into account the student's individual study plan. If this condition is not fulfilled by the student without a proper excuse, the scholarship will not be awarded. (8) Students submit their application via the Office in the IS MU to the FI Study Department at the beginning of each semester in one application for the entire semester (however, the scholarship is awarded monthly, see paragraph 6 above). (9) A scholarship cannot be awarded to a student who has been subject to termination proceedings. If the student has appealed against the Dean's decision to terminate his/her studies and this decision has been reversed or changed and the student has been allowed to continue his/her studies, the scholarship may be awarded retrospectively. (10) Support under this scholarship programme can be applied for repeatedly. (11) In accordance with Article 4 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations, the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies is responsible for the administration of this scholarship programme. Part Three Common provisions Article 18 General provisions (1) Proceedings under this measure shall proceed in accordance with Section 68 of the Act. If the Act, the Scholarship Regulations of Masaryk University or this measure does not provide otherwise, the procedure is governed by Act No. 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrative Code"). (2) The scholarship can only be awarded to a student who is an MU student at the time of application and on the date of the decision. The scholarship can be paid to the graduate within 30 days after graduation. (3) Preparation of documents for payment of scholarships and control of the provisions of this measure is carried out by an authorized employee of the FI Study Department in the case of bachelor's and master's students, or by an authorized employee of the FI Department of Doctoral and International Studies in the case of doctoral students and international students, and by the FI Department of Research Support, Projects and Cooperation with Industrial Partners in the case of scholarships whose sources of funding are funds obtained from FI industrial partners. (4) The scholarship is paid in one lump sum or in instalments, the number, amount of each instalment and due dates of which are determined by the decision to award the scholarship. If the scholarship cannot be paid on the due date due to an obstacle on the part of the student, the awarding authority shall decide to set an alternative due date, withdraw the scholarship or reduce it. (5) The scholarship is paid in Czech crowns, non-cash to a bank account designated by the student and held in Czech currency at a bank in the Czech Republic. In the case of a scholarship awarded to a foreign student pursuant to Article 9 or 11 of this measure, payment of the scholarship in Czech crowns may also be made at the FI cash desk upon the student's request. Article 19 Change of scholarship amount and withdrawal of scholarship (1) The authority to award a scholarship also includes the authority to decide on a change in its amount if the prerequisites set out in the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations or the conditions of the scholarship programme are met. (2) The awarding body shall decide to withdraw the scholarship if the student no longer fulfils the conditions for the award of the scholarship. (3) In the case of a scholarship to support studies in a doctoral study programme pursuant to Article 6 of the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations, a decision may be taken to withdraw the scholarship for failure to fulfil the individual study plan in cases where the withdrawal is proposed to the Dean by the doctoral study programme's disciplinary board. Article 20 Transitional provisions (1) Scholarships awarded under the previous regulations shall continue to be paid after the date of entry into force of this measure in accordance with the conditions laid down in the decision awarding them. Article 21 Final provisions (1) As of the effective date of this measure, the Measure of the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics No.12/2023 Scholarship Programmes of the Faculty of Informatics of MU as effective from 1 September 2023 is repealed. (2) I hereby delegate the interpretation of the individual provisions, the monitoring of compliance and the continuous updating of this measure to the administrators of the individual scholarship programmes, i.e. the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies, the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies and the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation. (3) The Secretary shall control the use of funds for scholarships. (4) This measure shall enter into force on the date of its publication. (5) This measure shall enter into force on 27 September 2023. Annexes: No. 1 - Overview of scholarships, their amount and sources of funding Jiří Barnat Dean FI signed electronically