FSS Provision no. 2/2024 STIPEND SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH-TAUGHT STUDY PROGRAMMES AT THE MASARYK UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL STUDIES 2024 The following schemes for stipend support for the year 2024 have been announced for the students of Masaryk University Faculty of Social Studies (the Faculty) English-taught studies programmes: (1) Stipend support scheme for supporting long-term internships of Faculty students studying in English-taught study programmes; (2) Stipend support scheme for supporting shorter-term internships of Faculty students studying in English-taught study programmes; (3) Stipend support scheme awarding the best students in pre-graduate Englishtaught study programmes. 1. Stipend scheme for supporting long-term internships abroad for Faculty students studying in English-taught study programmes (1) The aim of the stipend is to support international student mobility, which leads to improvements in the quality of the educational process and public representation of the Faculty. Long-term internships abroad mean, for the purpose of this document, study and work stays lasting not less than one month. (2) The stipend support scheme starts on 1. 2. 2024. (3) The range of students eligible for the stipend and conditions for approval: request for the stipend can be made by students of Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral study through Document Office - Task Submission in IS (here) by 30 April or by 31 October The stipend is intended for students in the Englishtaught programmes who are, at the time of the planned internship abroad, enrolled within the standard length of study in all their active FSS studies. The stipend is not meant to support mobility to the place of the student's permanent residency. (4) The source of financing is each Department's income from its English-taught study programmes. (5) The stipends for Bachelor's study programmes are as follows: (a) Up to 20,000 CZK when the student is registered for 0 FSS subjects during the period of the internship abroad; (b) Up to 12,000 CZK when the student is registered for 1 or 2 mandatory or elective full-semester subjects at the home department; (c) Up to 7,000 CZK when the student is registered for the Diploma Thesis Seminar only. (6) The stipends for Master's study programmes are as follows: (a) Up to 27,000 CZK when the student is registered for 0 FSS subjects during the period of the internship abroad; (b) Up to 17,000 CZK when the student is registered for 1 or 2 mandatory or elective full-semester subjects at the home department; (c) Up to 10,000 CZK when the student is registered for the Diploma Thesis Seminar only. (7) The stipend for doctoral study programmes is as follows: (a) Up to 19,000 CZK when the student is registered for 0 FSS subjects during the period of internship abroad. (8) A student is limited to receive one stipend at each level of Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral study. (9) The stipend is awarded twice a year (call for application April and October, payment in June and November) on the basis of individual assessment of each application, which must contain the following: (a) Basic information about the applicant; (b) Period of stay abroad and its aim, name of the activity, reasons for the application, expected benefit of the internship; (c) Specification of the expected financial expenditure (only in CZK); (d) Confirmation of expert supervision, given by one of Faculty or staff of the Faculty (typically the head of the Faculty, the guarantor of the study programme, or the supervisor of the bachelor's or master's thesis); (e) Proof of the arranged internship abroad – usually an acceptance letter from the hosting institution, which must be included as an appendix to the application; (f) Information about other sources of financing, the amounts, and whether the financial support has already been requested/confirmed. (g) Applicant's consent to publication of relevant personal data on the Faculty web pages; (h) Applicant's declaration that she/he has no unpaid balance due to the Faculty. (10) Decision about the stipends for internships abroad for students in pre-graduate English-taught programmes is taken twice a year by the Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Student Affairs, together with the guarantors of the English-taught study programmes and the chairs of departments that organize them. The decision takes into account the aim and orientation of the internship, the opinion of the professional guarantor of the application, as well as the budget of the study programme. (11) The complete application must be submitted through Document Office - Task Submission in IS (here) during the specified time period. In case of justified reasons one may also apply for a stipend for an internship abroad taking place during the current semester. Applicants will receive the decision about the stipend for long-term internships abroad within 15 days of the decision being made. (12) Each stipend recipient is required to write a report about the activity for which the stipend was provided and upload it into his/her application in IS, no later than 30 days after the completion of the project. The report must include a signed statement by the project guarantor stating specifically whether the project aims were or were not met. Should the report be rejected, the applicant will be informed within 15 days by a qualified person; otherwise, the report is considered accepted. 2. Stipend scheme for supporting shorter-term internships abroad for Faculty students studying in English-taught study programmes (1) The aim of the stipend is to support international student mobility, which leads to improvements in the quality of the educational process and public representation of the Faculty. Shorter-term internships abroad mean, for the purpose of this document, study and work stay lasting not more than one month. (2) The stipend support scheme starts on 1. 2. 2024. (3) The range of students eligible for the stipend and conditions for approval: request for the stipend can be made by students of Bachelor's and master's study programmes only through Document Office - Task Submission in IS (here). The stipend is intended for students in the English-taught programmes who are, at the time of the planned internship abroad, enrolled within the standard length of study in all their active FSS studies. The stipend is not meant to support mobility to the place of the student's permanent residency. The stipend may be used for registration fees for summer/winter schools and other similar short educational programs or internships. (4) The source of financing is each Department's income from its English-taught study programmes. (5) The stipends for Bachelor's and master's study programmes are as follows: (a) Up to 10,000 CZK maximum when the student participates in a shorter-term activity abroad; (b) Up to 5,000 CZK maximum when the student participates in a shorter term activity in the Czech Republic or Slovakia; (6) A student is limited to receiving two stipends at each level of bachelor's and master's study. (7) The stipend is awarded on the basis of individual assessment of each application, which must contain the following: (a) Basic information about the applicant; (b) Name, period of shorter-term activity and its aim, reasons for the application, expected benefit of the internship. (c) Specification of the expected financial expenditure (only in CZK); (d) Confirmation of expert supervision, given by one of the Faculty or staff of the Faculty (typically the head of the Faculty, the guarantor of the study programme, or the supervisor of the bachelor's or master's thesis); (e) Proof of the arranged internship abroad – usually an acceptance letter from the hosting institution, which must be included as an appendix to the application; (f) Information about other sources of financing, the amounts, and whether the financial support has already been requested/confirmed. (g) Applicant's consent to publication of relevant personal data on the Faculty web pages; (h) Applicant's declaration that she/he has no unpaid balance due to the Faculty. (8) Decisions about the stipends for shorter-term activities abroad for students in pre-graduate English-taught programmes is taken twice a year by the ViceDean for Internationalization and Student Affairs, together with the guarantors of the English-taught study programmes and the chairs of departments that organize them. The decision takes into account the aim and orientation of the activity, the opinion of the professional guarantor of the application, as well as the budget of the study programme. (9) The complete application must be submitted through Document Office - Task Submission in IS (here) during the specified time period. In case of justified reasons one may also apply for a stipend for a shorter-term internship taking place during the current semester. Applicants will receive the decision about the stipend for shorter-term internships abroad within 15 days of the decision being made. (10) Each stipend recipient is required to write a report about the activity for which the stipend was provided and upload it into his/her application in IS, no later than 30 days after the completion of the project. The report must include a signed statement by the project guarantor stating specifically whether the project aims were or were not met. Should the report be rejected, the applicant will be informed within 15 days by a qualified person; otherwise, the report is considered accepted. 3. Stipend support scheme awards for the best students in pre-graduate English-taught study programmes (1) The aim of the stipend is to award a one-time stipend to students who have achieved excellent study results in pre-graduate English-taught programmes, with the exception of students enrolled in joint-degree programmes and double-degree programmes. It also seeks to motivate students to aim for high quality results in their studies. (2) The stipend is awarded to pre-graduate students for excellent results after a particular time period. (3) The stipend programme scheme begins on 1.2. 2024. (4) The stipend is awarded in the fourth week of the semester as a one-off benefit after the conclusion of the second-to-last semester of the standard period of study (i.e., the fifth semester in the Bachelor's degree programme and the third semester in the Master's degree programme) to all students (i.e., even more than one student in the same programme) who meet the conditions for its payment. The first condition is a minimum credit gain (140 ECTS in the Bachelor's degree programme and 85 ECTS in the Master's degree programme). The second condition is that the student has no unpaid balance to the Faculty. (5) One does not need to apply for the stipend; it is awarded automatically and the payment (in CZK) is transferred into the student's account within 30 days of the decision. (6) The amounts of the stipends are as follows: Students in full-degree English-taught Bachelor's programmes: a) Category 1: average 1.00: 20 000 CZK b) Category 2: average 1,20: 12 000 CZK Students in full-degree English-taught master's programmes: a) Category 1: average 1.00: 20 000 CZK (7) The source of stipend financing is the income of departments generated by teaching English-taught programmes. (8) The Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Students Affairs awarded the stipend amount, together with the guarantors of the English-taught programmes and the chairs of the departments organizing them. Closing Provisions (1) The provisions are stated for each stipend support scheme. (2) Control of the correct application of these provisions is the responsibility of the Faculty Secretary. (3) These provisions apply to stipend awards beginning on 1 February 2024. (4) These provisions are valid as of the date of signing and take effect on 1 February 2024. Brno, 23 January Stanislav Balík Dean