- 1 THE FACULTY SENATE RULES OF PROCEDUR OF THE FACULTY OF SOCIAL STUDIES, MASARYK UNIVERSITY (in the version effective from November 8, 2023) PART ONE BASIC PROVISIONS Art. 1 Introductory provisions (1) These Rules of Procedure of the Faculty of Social Studies Faculty Senate (hereinafter referred to as the “FSS FS”) of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules of Procedure”) are the internal regulations of the Faculty of Social Studies (hereinafter referred to as the “FSS”), Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as “MU”) according to Section 33 Subsection 2 (c) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”). (2) In accordance with the Act and the Statutes of the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the “Statutes”), the Rules of Procedure regulate the performance of the membership and activities of the FSS FS, define its bodies, and regulate the manner and course of its sessions. PART TWO PERFORMANCE OF MEMBERSHIP AND ENSURING THE ACTIVITIES OF THE FSS FS Art. 2 Status of members of the FSS FS (1) The position of a member of the FSS FS is honorary and cannot be deputized. (2) Members of the FSS FS are only bound by the Act and internal regulations of the FSS and MU in the performance of their duties. (3) A member of the FSS FS is entitled to request from the FSS management the information necessary for the performance of their function. (4) A member of the FSS FS has the right and obligation to participate in sessions of the FSS FS and its bodies, and to actively participate in the activities of such sessions or bodies. The FSS is obliged to take appropriate measures to ensure this right. (5) A member of the FSS FS has the right to submit their proposals, suggestions and comments at an FSS FS session, to request their solution, and decide on them. Art. 3 Ensuring the activities of the FSS FS (1) The activity of the FSS FS is paid for from FSS funds. (2) The Dean of the FSS (hereinafter referred to as the “Dean”) provides the FSS FS with the necessary technical and administrative assistance to ensure its activities. PART THREE ARRANGEMENTS OF THE FSS FS - 2 Art. 4 The FSS FS chambers (1) The FSS FS is internally divided into the academic staff chamber and the student chamber. (2) The FSS FS chambers have separate sessions, appoint their representatives, and may adopt their own rules of procedure in accordance with the Act, the Statutes and these Rules of Procedure. Art. 5 The FSS FS Board (1) The FSS FS Board consists of a Chair and two Vice-Chairs. The Vice-Chairs come from different chambers. (2) The FSS FS is headed by the Chair, who in particular: a) represents the FSS FS externally, b) convenes, opens, directs and closes meetings of the FSS FS, c) prepares or delegates the preparation of the minutes of FSS FS sessions and signs them, d) signs resolutions of the FSS FS, e) submits to the Academic Senate of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the “MU AS”) proposals for FSS internal regulations to which the FSS FS has consented, f) at least once a year acquaints the academic community of the FSS with the activities of the FSS FS, g) performs all other duties entrusted to them by the internal regulations of the faculty or by a resolution of the FSS FS. (3) Vice-Chairs in particular: a) deputize for the Chair on the Chair’s instruction, having the rights and obligations of the Chair, b) preside over the chambers to which they belong, c) co-sign a resolution of the FSS FS, the signature of one of the Vice-Chairs being sufficient. Art. 6 Election of the Chair and Vice-Chairs (1) The Chair is elected by members of the FSS FS from their ranks by secret ballot. Any member of the FSS FS can nominate a candidate for Chair. The candidate who received an absolute majority of votes cast is elected; the presence of at least two thirds of all members of the FSS FS is required for the election to be valid. (2) The Vice-Chair is elected by members of the relevant chamber from among their ranks by secret ballot. Only a member of the relevant chamber may nominate a candidate for Vice-Chair. The candidate who receives an absolute majority of votes cast is elected; the presence of at least two thirds of all members of the relevant chamber are required for the election to be valid. (3) The electoral term of the Chair and Vice-Chair is the same as the electoral term of the FSS FS, unless before such time: a) they are revoked in accordance with Clause 4, b) their mandate expires pursuant to Article 12, Clause 2 of the Electoral Rules of the Faculty Senate of the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, c) they resign. (4) The consent of two thirds of all members of the FSS FS is required for the removal of the Chair from office, the consent of two thirds of all members of the relevant chamber is required for the removal of the Vice-Chair from office. Art. 7 Committees - 3 (1) The FSS FS establishes committees from among its members and from other members of the academic community of the FSS as its bodies for individual areas of its activity. The Chair of a committee is always a member of the FSS FS. (2) Committees are responsible for their activities to the FSS FS; they shall submit to it their resolutions in the matters for which they have been established. (3) The FSS FS shall always establish an Arbitration and Conciliation Committee, the composition, position and competence of which, its principles of proceedings and other requisites are regulated by the Rules of Procedure of the Arbitration and Conciliation Committee, which is an annex to these Rules of Procedure. PART FOUR FSS FS MEETINGS Art. 8 Communication within the FSS FS and FSS FS outside sessions (1) The FSS FS informs members of the academic community about its activities through the Masaryk University Information System (MU IS) and the FSS website. (2) For communication among FSS FS members, a collective e-mail senat@fss.muni.cz. is established and operated. Art. 9 Quorum The FSS FS constitutes a quorum if an absolute majority of all senators is present. Art. 10 Inaugural session The Chair of the FSS FS from the previous election period convenes and chairs the inaugural meeting of the FSS FS until the election of the Chair. The session shall be convened so as to take place no later than one month after the beginning of the FSS FS electoral term. The agenda of the inaugural meeting includes, in particular, a report on the election results, the election of the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the FSS FS, and the establishment of the Arbitration and Conciliation Committee pursuant to Article 7. Art. 11 Ordinary and extraordinary sessions (1) The FSS FS holds regular and extraordinary joint meetings of both chambers; if necessary, chambers shall meet separately. FSS FS meetings are public. (2) The convening of a regular session of the FSS FS shall mean communicating the day, time and place of the session to all members of the FSS FS by bulk e-mail at least seven calendar days before the beginning of the session and the simultaneous publication of these data. (3) The Chair is obliged to convene an extraordinary session of the FSS FS immediately if it is proposed by: a) the Rector, b) the Dean, c) the FSS FS Board, d) at least one third of all members of the FSS FS, e) an absolute majority of all members of one of the chambers. Art. 12 Opening a session and the procedure to be followed in proceedings - 4 (1) At the set time, the Chair of the FSS FS opens the meeting, regardless of the number of members present, of the FSS FS and announces the agenda; at the proposal of any member of the FSS FS, the agenda may be extended, narrowed or otherwise changed, with the consent of an absolute majority of members present. (2) Members of the FSS FS and the Dean have the right to submit proposals; other bodies or persons may submit proposals through a member of the FSS FS. The proposal must contain the exact wording of the resolution on which FSS FS is to vote. In the case of proposals under Section 27 Clause 1 (a) to (e) and (h) of the Higher Education Act and information and documents for a decision pursuant to Section 27 Clause 1 (g) of the Higher Education Act, their submitter is obliged make proposals accessible to members of the Faculty’s academic community, in a manner enabling remote access, at least seven calendar days before they are discussed. (3) Each submitted proposal shall be introduced by the proposer or person authorized by them; the discussion is then opened, the first part of which is, in particular, whether the FSS FS is to pursue the proposal further, whether to return it to the submitter for revision, or whether to reject it. In the discussion, the Chair of the FSS FS gives the floor to members of the FSS FS in the order in which they ask to speak. The Chair may give the floor to other persons present in the discussion. At the invitation of a majority of the members of the Senate present, the Chair shall give the floor to another person or persons present. Members have the right to submit proposed amendments. (4) Minutes shall be taken of each session, containing a precise description of the course of the session. The minutes shall be published immediately after the end of the session. Minutes are archived. Art. 13 Decision making (1) The FSS FS acts within its competence by passing resolutions; it shall vote on each motion for a resolution in the order in which they were submitted. The exact wording of the resolution is an integral part of the minutes of the session. (2) Voting is done in public or secret. Voting is public when conducted by a show of hands or by name. When voting by name, the voting of individual members of the FSS FS is recorded in the minutes. Secret voting is voting by ballot. (3) The method of voting, if it is not stipulated by an internal regulation, shall be determined by the FSS FS; unless otherwise stated, the vote shall be taken in public by a show of hands. Procedural matters are only voted on in public. (4) Unless otherwise stipulated in this or another internal regulation, the approval of an absolute majority of members present of the FSS FS is required for the adoption of a resolution. PART FIVE FSS FS SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES Art. 14 FSS FS COMPETENCE The competence of the FSS FS is determined by Section 27 of the Act, the internal regulations of MU, and the internal regulations of the FSS. Art. 15 Announcing the internal regulations of the FSS (1) If a submitted internal regulation of the FSS or its amendment has been approved by the MU AS, the Chair of the FSS FS shall announce the internal regulation or its amendment no later than the sixth calendar day following the day of the approval by the MU AS. (2) The internal regulation of the FSS or its amendment shall be promulgated by the publication of a notice of its announcement and the publication of its full text. - 5 (3) The internal regulation of the FSS or its amendment shall enter into force and effect on the day of its announcement, unless otherwise stipulated in the relevant or other internal regulation of the FSS. It is not possible to stipulate the effectiveness of an internal regulation of the FSS before the day of its entering into force, nor its having entered into force before the day of its announcement. Art. 16 Rights and duties of the Dean in relation to the FSS FS (1) The Dean, or on their behalf the Vice-Dean, the Rector, or on their behalf the ViceRector, and the Chair of the MU AS, or on their behalf a member of the MU Academic Senate, have the right to appear at the session whenever they request it. (2) The Dean is obliged to attend a session of the FSS FS if requested by the FSS FS by resolution; however, if their personal participation is not explicitly required, they may be represented by one of the members of the FSS management. (3) The Dean submits proposals pursuant to Article 12 of the Rules of Procedure seven calendar days in advance, unless the FSS FS decides otherwise. (4) Every year, the Dean submits an annual report on the management and activities of the FSS to the FSS FS for approval; they shall also submit other reports to the FSS FS if they deem it appropriate or if the FSS FS so requests. If the submitted report is not approved, the Dean is obliged to submit a new report no later than thirty calendar days from the date of the adoption of such a resolution. (5) The Dean shall not appoint or dismiss a Vice-Dean if the FSS FS has not communicated its opinion to them; this shall not apply if the FSS FS does not communicate such an opinion within thirty calendar days from the day when it received the Dean’s notification of the intention in question. Art. 17 Proposal for the appointment of the Dean The FSS FS submits a proposal for the appointment of the Dean to the Rector of MU. Art. 18 Candidacy for Dean (1) The election of a candidate for the position of dean is announced by the FSS FS at least three months before the expiry of the term of office of the Dean. In this case, the FSS FS shall publish a call for the submission of nominations for dean within a time limit to be determined by the FSS, which shall not be shorter than 21 calendar days. (2) The notice of candidacy must be delivered electronically to the Chair of the FSS FS no later than the day determined by the election schedule. The candidate may attach their election programme, which will be made available at the appropriate address in the MU IS Document Server, notified in the announcement of the election. The Chair of the committee will confirm the acceptance of the candidacy to its submitter by signing a electronically by e-mail. (3) The notice of candidacy must contain: a) surname and first name of the proposed person, b) a statement by the candidate that they agree to their candidature, confirmed by their signature, c) the date of submission of the proposal, d) a list and signatures of the proposers of the candidacy, at least 15 members of the academic community of the FSS, or 2 members of the FSS FS. (4) The notice of candidacy is stored at the appropriate address in the Document Server of the MU IS, which is notified in the announcement of the election. Art. 19 Presentation of candidates for the position of Dean - 6 (1) Candidates for the position of Dean are those who have been nominated in a timely manner in the manner specified in Article 18. (2) In order to present the candidates for the position of Dean and their programme statements, the Chair of the FSS FS shall convene a session so that it takes place no later than two weeks after the deadline pursuant to Article 18, Clause 1. The Chair of the FSS FS will notify the Rector of MU about the holding of this session. Art. 20 Resolution on a proposal for the appointment of the Dean (1) The FSS FS decides on a proposal for the appointment of the Dean by secret ballot. The election is prepared and managed in cooperation with the Chair of the FSS FS by the scrutineer elected by the FSS FS for this purpose from among the senators. (2) In order to elect a candidate for the position of Dean, an absolute majority of all members of the FSS MU must agree with the proposal. (3) In the event that none of the candidates for the position of Dean receives the required number of votes referred to in Clause 2, the two candidates who received the highest number of votes shall proceed to the next election round. In the event of a tie of more than two candidates in first place, or of two or more candidates in second place, all those candidates shall advance to the second round. (4) In the event that none of the candidates for the position of Dean obtains the consent of an absolute majority of all members of the FSS FS, a third round shall take place no earlier than seven and no later than fourteen calendar days later. Candidates shall advance to the third round according to the rules set out in Clause 3. (5) If, even in the case of a repeating the election pursuant to Clause 4, none of the candidates for the position of the Dean obtains the required number of votes, the Chair of the FSS FS shall announce a new election pursuant to Article 18 Clause 1, so that the new election takes place at the earliest one month after the last unsuccessful election. (6) As soon as the election process is completed and a candidate for Dean is elected, the Chair of the FSS FS shall immediately notify the Rector of MU and submit to them a proposal for the appointment of the Dean. Art. 21 Proposal for removing the Dean from office (1) The FSS FS may submit to the Rector of MU a proposal to remove the Dean from office. (2) The approval of at least three-fifths of all members of the FSS FS is required for the adoption of a resolution on a motion to remove the Dean from office. (3) In the event that the Dean seriously fails to fulfil their duties or seriously damages the interests of MU or the FSS, the Rector of MU may remove the Dean from office on their own initiative, but only with a prior statement from the FSS FS and with the consent of MU AS. PART SIX FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 22 Final provisions (1) An integral part of these Rules is Appendix No. 1 – Rules of Procedure of the Arbitration and Conciliation Committee. (2) The Election Regulations and Rules of Procedure of the Faculty Senate of the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University in Brno, approved by the MU AS on May 15, 2017, are repealed. - 7 (3) These Rules were approved by the FSS FS on September 25, 2023 pursuant to Section 27 Subsection 1 (b) of the Act and submitted for approval to the MU AS. (4) These Rules were approved by the MU AS on November 6, 2023 according to Section 9 Subsection 1 (b) Clause 2 of the Act. (5) These Rules shall enter into force and effect on the day of their announcement. Prof. PhDr. Stanislav Balík, Ph.D. děkan Czech version is legally binding. - 8 Rules of Procedure of the Faculty Senate of the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University Appendix 1 RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE ARBITRATION AND CONCILIATION COMMITTEE OF THE FSS FS Art. 1 Subject matter This Appendix regulates the position and activities of the Arbitration and Conciliation Committee of the FSS FS (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”). Art. 2 Composition of the Committee (1) The Committee consists of five members of the FSS FS, of whom at least two are from the student chamber. (2) The members of the Committee are elected by the FSS FS for a period identical to the electoral term of the FSS FS. (3) Membership in the Committee shall end a) by resignation, b) by removal; the removal of a member of the Committee requires the consent of threefifths of all members of the FSS FS, c) termination of mandate in the FSS FS. Art. 3 Committee Chair (1) The Committee is headed by a Chair, who is always elected by the Committee at its inaugural session. (2) The Chair of the Committee a) convenes, directs, interrupts and terminates sessions of the Committee, b) prepares or delegates preparation of the minutes of the Committee session and signs them, c) prepares and signs the decisions of the Committee, d) performs other duties entrusted to them by the internal regulation of the FSS or by a resolution of the Committee. Art. 4 Quorum of the Committee (1) The Committee constitutes a quorum if at least three of its members are present. (2) The consent of at least three members of the Committee is required for the adoption of a resolution. Art. 5 Competence of the Committee (1) The Committee shall decide in arbitration proceedings (hereinafter referred to as “proceedings”) a) in disputes between members of the academic community of the FSS, b) in disputes between a member of the academic community of the FSS and an autonomous university body of the FSS, c) in disputes between autonomous university bodies of the FSS, d) where there is doubt whether the mandate of a member of the FSS FS has expired, e) where there is doubt whether an FSS internal regulation has been properly announced. - 9 (2) The Committee also takes a position on the interpretation of the internal rules of the FSS. Art. 6 A proposal to initiate proceedings or to deliver an opinion (1) A proposal to initiate proceedings may be filed a) in cases referred to in Article 5 Clause 1 (a), (b), and c) by a member of the academic community of the FSS or an autonomous university body of the FSS, which is a party to such dispute, b) in a case referred to in Article 5 Clause 1 (d) and (e), by each member of the academic community of the FSS. (2) Pursuant to Article 5 Clause 2, the Committee shall deliver an opinion when proposed by any member of the academic community of the FSS. (3) The proposal to initiate proceedings must state who is filing it, or against whom it is filed, what the motion concerns, and what its purpose is; it must contain evidence to substantiate the allegations made therein. (4) The Chair of the Committee shall reject any proposal to initiate proceedings which does not contain the requisites pursuant to Clause 3, or a proposal to initiate proceedings on a matter regarding which the Committee has already decided, or is acting on. (5) If the proposal to initiate proceedings is not rejected, the Chair or another member of the Committee authorized by them shall prepare proceedings on the matter. Art. 7 Parties to proceedings The party to the proceedings is the proposer, and also the a) person against whom the proposal to initiate proceedings is filed, in the case of proceedings under Article 5 Clause 1 (a) through (c), or; b) member of the FSS FS whose mandate it concerns, in the case of proceedings under Article 5 Clause 1 (d), or; c) Chair of the FSS FS in the case of proceedings pursuant to Article 5 Clause 1 (e). Art. 8 Interim measures (1) If it is necessary to avert serious harm that threatens the proposer or another member of the academic community of the FSS, the Committee may, even without a proposal, order the person against whom a proposal to initiate proceedings has been filed to refrain from certain actions. (2) Before the initiation of proceedings, the Chair of the Committee may also decide on a measure pursuant to Clause 1. Art. 9 Initiation of proceedings (1) Proceedings shall be commenced on the day a copy of the proposal to initiate proceedings is delivered to the party to the proceedings referred to in Art. 7 a) through c). (2) The Chair of the Committee may order parties to the proceedings to comment in writing on the matter before oral proceedings. Art. 10 Oral proceedings (1) Oral proceedings shall be held on the matter no later than fifteen days after the day of commencement of proceedings. (2) Oral proceedings shall be held in the presence of the parties to the proceedings. Other persons may also be present, unless the Committee decides otherwise for - 10 important reasons, in particular to protect the interests of the parties. (3) The Chair of the Committee opens the oral proceedings by announcing the matter to be discussed and the results of the proceedings to date. (4) Evidence to prove or refute the allegations stated in the proposal to initiate proceedings shall be heard only in oral proceedings. Evidence is taken by the Committee on the proposal of the parties to the proceedings, or even without a proposal. (5) If the Committee recognizes the results of the oral proceedings as sufficient for a decision in the matter, it shall decide to end the oral proceedings. Art. 11 Decision (1) In the case of proceedings under Article 5 Clause 1 (a) through (c), the Committee shall use all appropriate means available during the proceedings to settle the dispute by agreement between the parties. If, in the course of the proceedings, a mutual agreement is reached between the parties to the dispute, the Committee shall issue a conciliation award stating, in particular, the facts relevant to the agreement between the parties to the dispute and what that the agreement consists of. The parties to the dispute are obliged to stick to the mutual agreement in their further action. If it is clear that the dispute cannot be settled by the agreement of the parties, the Committee shall decide by arbitration. (2) In matters referred to in Article 5 Clause 1 d) and e), the Committee decides by arbitration award. (3) In the matter referred to in Article 5 Clause 2, the Committee decides by a resolution. (4) The decision shall be delivered to the parties in the proceedings and the FSS FS, and shall be published. (5) The arbitration award shall be binding for the parties to the proceedings and enforceable against them on the day it is delivered. Art. 12 Interpretative provisions For the purposes of the provisions of this regulation, delivery means sending the relevant document to the person concerned by e-mail to their mailbox in the MU IS.