Measure of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Masaryk University No. 1/2022 Implementing Regulations to the Masaryk University Selection Procedure Regulations (As amended with effect from 27 November 2023) Pursuant to Section 28(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Higher Education Act"), and in accordance with Article 8 of the Masaryk University Selection Procedure Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "SPR"), I issue the following measure: Article 1 Introductory Provisions (1) This measure is an implementing regulation of the SPR. It regulates uniform conditions of selection procedures at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as "the Faculty"). (2) The terms HR manager, rector, dean, secretary, professor, associate professor, assistant professor, lecturer, manager, specialist, chair/person, employee, worker, applicant, representative, and member also include their feminine noun gender. The generic masculine is used only for reasons of clarity and comprehensibility of the text and does not refer to the identity of specific persons. Article 2 Formalities of Announcing a Selection Procedure (1) The selection procedure at the Faculty is announced by the Dean for academic staff and by the Secretary or Dean for non-academic staff. (2) The selection procedure is open for the groups of posts listed in Article 3 of the Staff Regulations: Group I: professor, associate professor, researcher III and IV, Group II: assistant professor, researcher III and IV, postdoc I to III, Group III: assistant, lecturer I and II, research worker I and II, researcher I and II, manager II to IV, specialist III to V, all senior posts across all positions except those listed in group I and II when the post and function are filled, Group IV: extraordinary professor I and II, Group V: other work positions not listed above. (3) The mandatory parts of the advertisement, the method of advertising and all formalities of the selection procedures are governed by the principles of the European Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers OTM-R (open, transparent, merit-based recruitment): a) Openness; Vacancies are advertised in such a way as to be accessible to all applicants and to reach the widest possible range of potential candidates, b) Transparency; The selection process is simple and easy to understand. Applicants who are not MU employees have the same access to information concerning the selection procedure as applicants who are MU employees, c) Merit-based evaluation of the candidate; The evaluation of the candidate is based on clear and objective criteria that ensure the selection of the most suitable candidate for the post by an independent and trained selection panel, d) Equal opportunities; Discrimination or unequal treatment in the selection procedure is unacceptable. The selection procedure shall be conducted with respect and consideration for all applicants, taking into account the specificities of the various social groups of applicants and respecting the specific requirements of applicants resulting from disabilities or other handicaps, e) Efficiency; The selection procedure is carried out without unnecessary delays and represents a minimal administrative burden for the candidates and the selection committee. Electronic communication and documentation are preferred in the selection procedure, f) Gender balance; The selection procedure shall ensure appropriate gender balance of selection panels and the elimination of gender stereotypes in the evaluation of candidates, g) Protection of rights; the selection procedure includes mechanisms for evaluation and quality control and procedures for submitting complaints to investigate its conduct and results. The rules and conditions of selection procedures are without prejudice to any other protection of rights under MU legislation or regulations. Article 3 Method of Establishing the Formal Conditions and Selection Criteria and of Evaluating Their Fulfilment (1) The formal conditions of the selection procedures shall comply with the applicable version of the SPR. (2) In justified cases, the Dean may, on the proposal of the Head of the Department at which the position is filled by a given selection procedure, set additional conditions that are part of the announcement of the selection procedure. (3) In cases of recruitment and selection of staff for positions that are part of grant projects paid for by an external provider, some of the recruitment and selection steps may be supplemented/refined according to the requirements set by the grant (e.g. the content of the advertisement or the way the selection procedure is organised). (4) The faculty selection procedure is at least in two rounds. (5) In the first, administrative, round, the formal conditions of the selection procedure are checked. Failure to meet them will result in the applicant not progressing to the next round of the selection procedure. Compliance with the conditions is verified by the HR Manager, who submits his/her proposal to the Selection Committee. (6) In the second round, the personal interview, the Selection Committee assesses the suitability of the candidate for the position, ensuring that his/her skills and abilities are as close as possible to the job description. (7) The Chair of the Selection Committee decides on the form of the selection procedure: face-to-face, hybrid or online, depending on the situation. Article 4 Rules for the Establishment of the Committee (1) Members of the committee are appointed by the Dean of the Faculty for academic staff and by the Secretary or Dean of the Faculty for non-academic staff. (2) A member of the Committee is always: a) a representative of the department for which the selection procedure is announced; usually its Head. This shall not apply in the case of a competition for the Head of the Department. This is without prejudice to paragraph 3, b) in the case of a competition for the position of Head of the Department, an internationally recognised expert who does not work at Masaryk University, c) in the case of a competition for a Group I or IV position, an internationally recognised expert who is not permanently based in the Czech Republic and is not a citizen of the Czech Republic. In a justified case, a citizen of the Czech Republic may be a member of the Committee if the other conditions set out in the previous sentence are met. (3) No candidate, person close to a candidate or person whose impartiality is otherwise excluded may be a member of the Committee. In fact, according to the preceding sentence, the member of the Committee or whoever has been notified by the promoter of the intention to appoint them as a member shall promptly notify the promoter. (4) A member of the Committee is bound by confidentiality with regard to the facts of which he/she has become aware in connection with the selection procedure, except for communication with other members of the Committee. This confidentiality may be waived by the announcer or the Rector. (5) The Selection Committee must have at least three members. In the case of a larger number of members, the number must always be an odd number, including the Chairperson. This rule applies to both academic and non-academic positions. (6) In appointing the members of the Committee, the HR Manager shall take into account gender balance wherever possible. (7) The HR Manager may participate in the selection procedure as administrative support at the request of the Chairperson of the Committee. In this case, the HR Manager is not a voting member of the Selection Committee. (8) The Committee shall be constituted in such a way that its members are able to assess the candidate's aptitude across the full spectrum of the field or job specifics and skills in the different strands of the discipline for which the competition is advertised. Article 5 Duties of a Member of the Committee (1) A member of the Committee is bound by confidentiality with regard to the facts of which he/she has become aware in connection with the selection procedure. This confidentiality may be waived by the announcer or the Rector. (2) Members of the Committee will undergo training on recruitment and selection of employees via e-learning in IS MU before their first participation in the Committee from 1 January 2023. They are obliged to make themselves familiar with applicants' materials and participate in the Selection Committee meetings. Article 6 Rules for the Committee’s Deliberations and Decisions (1) The Selection Committee is chaired by its Chairperson. (2) The selection procedure shall consist of a minimum of two rounds. (3) The first round – administrative – always includes the assessment of the formal conditions of the application. If the application does not contain all the formal requirements, the applicant cannot proceed to the next round. (4) In the second round, the personal interview, the Selection Committee assesses the suitability of the candidate for the position, ensuring that his/her skills and abilities are as close as possible to the job description. (5) Depending on the situation, there may be a third round of the selection procedure, which may include a proficiency test and/or psychodiagnostic examination, or another tool may be used. (6) As a result of the Committee's deliberations in the final round, the final ranking of the candidates is determined. If the members of the Committee agree on a vote to determine the ranking of the candidates, this vote will not be secret. Article 7 Informing Applicants (1) Applicants are informed immediately after submitting their application by an automated email from the system that their application has been accepted. (2) After the first round of the selection procedure, the applicants are informed within 10 working days of their elimination or advancement to the next round, the composition of the Selection Committee and the further course of the selection procedure. (3) Once the selection procedure has been completed, the applicants are informed of the outcome within 10 working days. (4) Information to applicants under this Article shall be by e-mail correspondence to the e-mail address provided by the applicant at the contact address on their application form. Article 8 Method of Documentation of the Selection Procedure (1) A record of the selection procedure shall be made by the HR Manager and shall be drawn up within 10 working days of the decision of the Committee. The minutes contain the composition of the selection committee, names of applicants, success in the administrative round, success and ranking of applicants in the personal interview and, if applicable, success in the professional part. (2) The minutes shall be signed electronically by all members of the Committee who participated in the selection procedure. (3) The minutes of the Committee meeting and the announcer's decision are kept in the archives of the Personnel Department in accordance with the time limits set out in the MU Records and Shredding Regulations. Article 9 Filing a Complaint (1) A candidate has the right to file a complaint about the conduct or outcome of the selection procedure. The complaint may be filed from the date of the announcement of the selection procedure until 30 calendar days after the end of the selection procedure, in writing, with the formalities of submission according to the regulations governing the protection of rights at MU, MU Directive No. 1/2023 Protection of Rights. The complaint shall be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty in writing or by e-mail to Article 10 Means of Remote Communication (1) In all parts of the selection procedure, the Selection Committee may, where justified, decide by majority decision to make partial or full use of the means of remote communication. Article 11 Final Provisions (1) This measure repeals the Measure of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Masaryk University No. 1/2022 "Implementing Regulations to the Masaryk University Selection Procedure Regulations", effective from 1 May 2023. (2) The entire selection process is administered by the Faculty's HR Department. (3) The other rights and obligations set out in the SPR are not affected by this Regulation. (4) I entrust the interpretation of the individual provisions of this measure to the Faculty's HR Department. (5) I entrust the Faculty's HR Department with the ongoing updating of this measure. (6) Compliance with this measure is monitored by the Secretary of the Faculty. (7) This measure shall enter into force and effect on 27 November 2023. In Brno, 27 November 2023 prof. PharmDr. Mgr. David Vetchý, Ph.D. dean signed electronically