1/23 FACULTY OF ARTS, MASARYK UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATIONAL REGULATIONS (as amended, in effect as of 13 February 2024) In accordance with § 28, Paragraph 1 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as later amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), I issue these organizational regulations: Part One Introductory Provisions Section 1 Introductory Provisions (1) These organizational regulations are based on the provisions of Section 33 (2) (f) of the Act, the Masaryk University Statutes, the Masaryk University Organizational Regulations, and the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University Statutes. (2) The organizational regulations determine the organizational structure of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the “FF MU”) and its management system at the central and divisional level, as well as the scope and authority of individual functional positions that affect the activities of the faculty, all in accordance with the above regulations. (3) For the purposes of these organizational regulations, a role or function referred to in masculine nouns or pronouns shall be understood as being in the “generic masculine” and can be performed by persons of any gender, i.e.: a) “dean” means a dean of any gender, b) “vice-dean” means a vice-dean of any gender, c) “bursar” means a bursar of any gender, d) “guarantor” means a guarantor of any gender, e) “employee” means an employee of any gender, f) “student” means a student of any gender, g) etc. Section 2 Legal Status and Competences of the Faculty (1) The Faculty of Arts is a constituent part of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as “MU”). The FF MU is not endowed with a legal personality, which, however, does not affect the rights of the FF MU arising from the above-mentioned regulations, i.e., the right to decide or act on behalf of MU in matters concerning the Faculty, unless otherwise provided for by internal or other regulations of MU and the FF MU. (2) The FF MU implements accredited degree programmes and carries out scientific, research, development, innovation, artistic and other creative activities, and related activities in the academic disciplines of philosophy, history, philology, psychology, pedagogy, culture, and the fine arts. 2/23 Part Two Organizational Structure and Management System Section 3 Organizational Structure of the Faculty (1) Depending on the nature of the activities entrusted by the organizational regulations, FF MU units are divided into: a) academic units and b) non-academic units. (2) The academic units are: • departments, • institutes, • seminars, • centres. (3) The non-academic units are: • Dean’s Office, • Centre for Information Technologies, • Centre for the Advancement of Research in the Liberal Arts, o HUME Lab – Experimental Humanities Laboratory • building management, • Central library of the FF MU (hereinafter referred to as the “Central library”. (4) The Faculty has autonomous, consultative, and other bodies. (5) The autonomous university bodies of the Faculty are: • Academic Senate of the Faculty, • Dean, • Scientific Board, • Disciplinary Committee. (6) The advisory bodies are listed in Section 10 of these organizational regulations. (7) Other bodies include: • Faculty bursar. (8) The legal status and powers of the academic senate are laid down, in particular, by the Act (Section 26, Section 27), the FF MU statutes (Section 9), the FF MU academic senate election regulations, and the FF MU academic senate rules of procedure. (9) The legal status and powers of the Dean are laid down, in particular, by the Act (Section 28) and the FF MU statutes (Section 10). (10) The legal status and powers of the Scientific Board are laid down, in particular, by the Act (Section 29, Section 30), the FF MU Statutes (Section 12) and the FF MU Scientific Board Rules of procedure. (11) The legal status and powers of the Disciplinary Committee are laid down, in particular, by the Act (Section 31, Section 69), the FF MU Statutes (Section 13), and the FF MU Disciplinary Code. (12) The legal status and powers of the faculty bursar are laid down, in particular, by the Act (Section 32) and the FF MU Statutes (Section 16). 3/23 (13) The Academic Senate of the FF MU decides on the establishment, merger, and dissolution of an academic or non-academic unit on the proposal of the Dean. When submitting proposals, the Dean is obliged to inform the Academic Senate of the FF MU of the opinion of the Vice-Deans. If the organizational change concerns another unit, the opinion of the Faculty bursar is required. (14) A diagram of the Faculty’s organizational structure is attached as Appendix 1 to these organizational regulations. Section 4 Academic Units (1) Academic units are established for the purpose of carrying out educational, scientific, research, development, innovation, artistic, or other creative activities, all in direct connection with accredited degree programmes implemented by the Faculty. (2) The establishment of departments, institutes, seminars, centres, and their organizational subunits, and the appointment or removal of their heads are governed by legal, internal, and other regulations of the FF MU. Within an organizational unit, its head may allocate a separate scientific, commercial, or operational area of competence and appoint a representative to administer this area. (3) The FF MU academic units are composed of the following organizational units and sub-units: • Asia Studies Centre o Department of Chinese Studies o Department of Japanese Studies o Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studies • Department of History • Department of English and American Studies o Language School • Department of Theatre Studies • Department of Philosophy • Department of Psychology • Department of Art History • Department of Aesthetics • Department of Archaeology and Museology • Department of Czech Literature • Department of Information and Library Studies • Department of Czech Language o Division of Czech for Foreigners • Department of European Ethnology • Department of Film Studies and Audiovisual Culture • Department of German, Scandinavian and Netherland Studies • Department of Musicology o Academy of Ancient Music • Department of Linguistics and Baltic Languages • Department of Classical Studies o Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East (PANE) • Department of Educational Sciences • Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies 4/23 • Department for the Study of Religions • Department of Romance Languages and Literatures • Department of Slavonic Studies Section 5 Dean’s Office (1) The Dean’s Office is an administrative unit designed to secure the administrative and clerical activities of the faculty. (2) The Dean’s Office is further divided into the following organizational units: • Secretariat, • Personnel Office, • Office for Studies, • Finance Office, • Project Support Office, • International Office, • Office for External Relations. Section 6 Management System and Methodological Management of the Faculty (1) The management of the FF MU has a divisional structure, with management relations arranged so as to combine direct (linear) and methodological (coordinating) management relations at two management levels: a) central, i.e., management at the level of the Faculty as a whole, and b) divisional, i.e., management at the level of individual organizational units. (2) Line managers at the central management level of the faculty are: • the Dean, • the Faculty bursar, and • the heads of individual organizational units. (3) Decision-making support at the central level is provided by the Faculty management consisting of: • the Dean, • the Vice-Deans, • the Faculty bursar, • and, where appropriate, other senior employees designated by the Dean. (4) The methodological senior employees of the Faculty are: • the Vice-Deans in relation to the activities entrusted to them, • the Faculty bursar in relation to the activities entrusted to them, in particular, financial management, internal administration, and financial control, • the Heads of Departments in charge of methodological management. (5) The specific content of methodological management in the individual areas of entrusted activity is always determined by the superior of the relevant organizational unit. (6) The senior employees responsible for the methodological management of the Faculty take care of the development and application of Faculty policy concerning the activities entrusted to them within individual organizational units, direct and coordinate professional activities in their entrusted areas, provide individual 5/23 consultations and binding opinions, and make proposals to the Dean for regulations governing the professional activities within the area entrusted to them. (7) With regard to the status of the FF MU as a constituent part of MU, the Faculty’s activities are subject to the methodological management of MU in the specific areas of competence of the relevant senior employees of the MU Rector’s Office, areas entrusted to them by the MU Organizational Regulations. (8) The Faculty’s management system is formalized by a set of organizational and management regulations: • FF MU Statutes, • FF MU Academic Senate Election regulations, • FF MU Academic Senate Rules of procedure, • FF MU Scientific Board Rules of procedure, • FF MU Student Disciplinary code, • FF MU organizational regulations, • directives, • measures, and • instructions from the Dean or the Faculty bursar. The Faculty’s formalized management system is based on the principles for creating, recording, publishing, and archiving regulations in accordance with the relevant MU directives. Section 7 Organization of Teaching (1) The Dean ensures the organization of teaching together with the Vice-Deans within their competence. (2) The programme guarantor appointed by the Dean is responsible for the quality of teaching and the implementation of the degree programme. (3) The head of the workplace is responsible for the provision of teaching at individual workplaces. Part Three Economic Structure Section 8 Economic Structure (1) In terms of financial management and the related internal need for budgeting, monitoring, and evaluating costs and revenues, the FF MU is an independent economic unit, managing funds and other assets entrusted to it in accordance with the internal regulations and other internal rules of MU and the FF MU on management and budgeting for the given accounting period. (2) The Faculty bursar manages the financial management and internal administration of the Faculty. (3) The management of an individual Faculty unit, and the management of the funds and property entrusted to it, including the performance of financial control tasks, is within the competence and authority of the head of the unit. Their responsibility for exercising financial control is governed by internal and other regulations of MU and the FF MU. 6/23 Part Four Functional Positions Section 9 Functional Positions at the Faculty (1) Functional positions at the Faculty mean the positions of senior employees performing management activities within the competence of the Faculty. (2) The functional positions at the Faculty are the Dean, Vice-Deans, Faculty bursar, and the heads of individual organizational units in accordance with the following sections of these organizational regulations. The function of a degree programme guarantor is established in accordance with the MU internal regulation on Masaryk University Degree Programme Quality Approval, Management and Evaluation Regulations. Section 10 Dean (1) The Faculty is headed by the Dean, who is appointed and removed from office by the Rector on the proposal of the FF MU Academic Senate. The Dean makes decisions in the affairs of the Faculty, unless otherwise stipulated by the Act, the internal and other regulations of MU and the FF MU, or the Rector. (2) Under the direct management authority of the Dean are: a) the Vice-Deans in their assigned areas of activity, b) the Faculty bursar, c) the heads of individual organizational units, d) the guarantors of degree programmes within the scope of their function, and e) the employees designated for this purpose by the Dean. (3) Falling within the exclusive competence of the Dean is, in particular: a) submitting proposals to the FF MU Academic Senate for the purposes of: 1. the establishment, merger, and division of an academic or nonacademic unit, 2. the approval of FF MU internal regulations, 3. the approval of the distribution of FF MU funds, including checking their use, 4. the appointment and removal of members of the FF MU Scientific Board and the FF MU Disciplinary Committee, 5. the approval of the strategic plan for educational, scientific, research, development, innovation, artistic or other creative activities; b) issuing other regulations for the management of the Faculty, c) appointing Vice-Deans and removing them from office after receiving the prior opinion of the FF MU Academic Senate, d) appointing members of the FF MU Scientific Board and removing them from office with the consent of the FF MU Academic Senate, e) appointing the Faculty bursar and removing them from office, f) appointing senior employees under the Dean’s direct management and removing them from office, g) announcing competitive selection procedures for the positions of senior employees under the Dean’s direct management, 7/23 h) announcing competitive selection procedures for the positions of academic staff assigned to the Faculty in accordance with the MU and the FF MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures for Filling Academic and Other Positions at MU, i) concluding, amending, and terminating employment relationships, and contracts for work performed outside the employment relationship, with senior employees under the Dean’s direct management responsibility and academic staff members, j) deciding on pay matters for academic staff and senior employees over whom the Dean reserves this power, k) exercising authority in relation to the habilitation procedure and the professor appointment procedure at the Faculty level, l) initiating legal actions by which the faculty disposes of or manages property entrusted to it, m) sending Vice-Deans, the Faculty bursar, and senior employees under the Dean’s direct management on business trips, n) sending Faculty staff and academic staff abroad on business trips, o) concluding agreements on cooperation in Faculty matters, p) concluding agreements with foreign universities in matters of study, including on the recognition of studies, q) deciding on the award of prizes to students and Faculty employees, r) awarding honorary scientific ranks, titles, medals, and prizes after approval by the FF MU Scientific Board, s) approving statistical reports on the Faculty’s students, t) announcing scholarship programmes paid for from Faculty funds, u) awarding public contracts paid from Faculty funds. (4) Falling within the non-exclusive competence of the Dean is, in particular: a) acting legally on behalf of the Faculty to the extent laid down by the Act and the internal and other regulations of MU and the FF MU, b) submitting proposals to the FF MU Academic Senate that are not defined in Section 27 of the Act, c) deciding on admission to study in accredited degree programmes implemented by the Faculty, and deciding on the rights and obligations of students, d) admitting participants to accredited programmes and other forms of lifelong learning, and deciding on the rights and obligations of study participants, e) issuing certificates of the completion studies as part of lifelong learning, f) issuing supplements to diplomas, certificates, and documents of the completion of studies at the Faculty, g) concluding contracts for external and internal projects, and their financing, h) appointing course guarantors, i) awarding scholarships from the Faculty’s funds, j) entering into written agreements on material responsibility and on the entrustment of items, k) methodological procedure of the HR Excellence in Research (HR Award) certification agenda. (5) The Dean may delegate the performance of activities falling within the Dean’s nonexclusive competence to Vice-Deans, the Faculty bursar, or other employees of the Faculty. (6) The consultative bodies of the Dean are: a) the Dean’s Council, whose members are: 8/23 1. the Vice-Deans, 2. the Faculty bursar, 3. a representative of the Academic Staff Chamber, and 4. a representative of the Student Chamber of the FF MU Academic Senate, delegated by this Chamber, 5. or other members appointed by the Dean; b) the Dean’s Board, composed of the Vice-Deans, or additional persons at the Dean’s discretion, c) the Faculty bursar, d) another consultative body at the Dean’s discretion. Lists of consultative bodies, including their composition, shall be kept and updated by the Dean’s secretariat. (7) The Dean is obliged to designate a deputy from among the Vice-Deans to represent the Dean in full when absent. Section 11 Vice-Deans (1) Vice-Deans ensure a comprehensive, coordinated approach in their specific areas of competence at the Faculty. (2) Vice-Deans are appointed and removed from office by the Dean after receiving the prior opinion of the FF MU Academic Senate. Vice-Deans are permanent representatives of the Dean in those areas of the Faculty activity entrusted to them, in which they act on the Dean’s behalf, unless otherwise stipulated by the FF MU Statutes, these organizational regulations, or other FF MU regulations. One ViceDean is designated by the Dean as their deputy. In other matters, Section 11 of the FF MU Statutes applies. (3) Vice-Deans methodologically manage, control, and coordinate activities in their assigned areas of competence. This is without prejudice to the authority that is the exclusive competence of the Dean or the Faculty bursar. (4) The competence of Vice-Deans is defined, in particular, in the following scope: a) Vice-dean for student affairs in the Bachelor’s and Master’s cycles 1. manages and coordinates the Faculty policy in the field of quality of education and teaching in Bachelors’ and Masters’ studies, 2. provides studies in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in full-time and combined forms, 3. controls and methodologically manages the final state examinations, 4. methodologically coordinates and manages the activities of degree programme guarantors, 5. coordinates the preparation of the academic year schedule and academic ceremonies for the assigned area of study, 6. coordinates the scholarship policy in the areas of activity entrusted to it, 7. administers the fees associated with studies in the areas of activity entrusted to it, 8. manages study matters, in particular methodologically manages the study and foreign departments in the assigned areas of activity; b) Vice-Dean for Admissions and Public Relations 1. manages and coordinates the Faculty’s admissions policy, 9/23 2. prepares proposals for the Dean’s decision on the admission of applicants to accredited degree programmes implemented by the Faculty, 3. methodologically manages the study and foreign departments in the assigned areas of activity, 4. directs and coordinates Faculty policy in matters of public relations, 5. manages the marketing and external relations of the Faculty within the Czech and Slovak Republics, 6. methodologically manages the presentation of the Faculty including its website, 7. coordinates relations with the Faculty’s domestic partners, 8. develops concepts for relations with graduates of degree programmes in the Czech language; c) Vice-dean for Teacher Studies and Lifelong Learning 1. determines the concept of development of studies in teacher training programmes, 2. coordinates relations with partner primary and secondary schools, 3. provides study in lifelong learning programmes implemented within accredited degree programmes or in another form specified by the MU Lifelong Learning Regulations, 4. coordinates support for the activities of the Faculty’s student associations, 5. methodologically manages the study department in the assigned areas of activity; d) Vice-Dean for Studies in Doctoral Programmes and Quality of Degree Programmes 1. manages and coordinates Faculty policy in the areas of quality and teaching of doctoral studies and curricular matters in doctoral programmes, 2. manages and coordinates studies in doctoral degree programmes, 3. controls the activities of the doctoral study programme boards, 4. coordinates the preparation of the academic year schedule and academic ceremonies for the assigned area of study, 5. coordinates the scholarship policy in the areas of activity entrusted to it, 6. administers the fees associated with studies in the areas of activity entrusted to it, 7. methodologically manages the Office for Studies in the assigned areas of activity, 8. determines the concept of development of the degree programmes accredited in the Czech language, 9. coordinates and controls the internal evaluations of the degree programmes, 10. controls the activities of the programme boards of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes, 11. ensures accreditation management of the degree programmes of the Faculty; e) Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs 1. secures accreditation of the habilitation and appointment procedures fields of the Faculty, 10/23 2. manages and coordinates the Faculty policy in the area of habilitation and professorship, 3. coordinates organizational and administrative procuring of the FF MU Scientific Board meetings, 4. methodologically manages the activities of the Central library, f) Vice-Dean for Research and Project Activities 1. manages and coordinates Faculty policy in the field of research and project activities, 2. prepares documents on strategic planning matters, 3. coordinates project support and research activities, 4. coordinates activities related to the reporting of research and artistic activities, 5. manages the Faculty’s applied research policy and coordinates cooperation with the application sphere, 6. coordinates the Faculty’s policy on research promotion and project activities, 7. methodologically manages the Central library in assigned areas, 8. manages and coordinates the Faculty’s policy on publishing activities 9. methodologically manages publishing activities; g) Vice Dean for Internationalization and Information technology 1. manages and coordinates the Faculty’s policy in the field of foreign relations, 2. manages the agenda of internationalization and international cooperation at the Faculty level, 3. coordinates relations with foreign universities, 4. coordinates the European mobility programme and other mobility programmes abroad, 5. coordinates foreign study exchanges of students and teachers, 6. determines the concept of developing degree programmes accredited in foreign languages, 7. controls the activities of the programme boards of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes accredited in foreign languages, 8. in cooperation with the Vice-Dean for admissions and public relations, coordinates admissions to degree programmes accredited in foreign languages, 9. coordinates educational activities in foreign languages, 10. manages the scholarship policy related to foreign mobility and studies for foreigners at the Faculty, 11. manages fees associated with studies in foreign language accredited degree programmes and studies for foreigners, 12. manages the marketing of programmes accredited in foreign languages, 13. methodologically manages the international presentation of the faculty, 14. develops concepts for relations with graduates of programmes accredited in foreign languages, 15. methodologically manages the foreign departments in the assigned areas of activity, 16. coordinates the strategy of using information technologies and providing e-learning support, 11/23 17. manages and coordinates the evaluation of academic staff. Section 12 Faculty Bursar (1) The Faculty bursar controls the financial management and internal administration of the Faculty. They answer to the Dean for their activities. The Faculty bursar represents the Dean in the areas of activity entrusted to them. (2) The position of Faculty bursar is filled on the basis of a competitive selection procedure. (3) Under the direct management authority of the Faculty bursar are: a) the heads of individual departments of the Dean’s office (excluding employees under the direct management authority of the dean), b) the heads of other organizational components of other non-academic units in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 Subsection 3 of these organizational regulations. (4) The Faculty bursar cooperates with the senior employees of administrative and other departments, guides them methodologically, and controls their activities in their areas of responsibility, in particular: a) economic management and financial accounting, b) funding, budgeting, and cost management within the Faculty, c) financial inspections and internal audit, d) investment management, e) operation of buildings and equipment, f) asset management and maintenance, g) operational logistics, h) management of HR and wages, i) management and coordination of the HR Excellence in Research (HR Award) certification agenda, j) coordination, management, and development of economic information systems and computer support systems for economic and administrative activities, k) management and implementation of public contracts reserved for the Faculty in cooperation with the unit concerned by the contract, l) coordination and management of occupational health and safety, fire safety, and crisis management, m) coordination and management of the processing of personal data by Faculty employees and students, n) management of legal activities and coordination of normative initiatives within the scope of the Faculty. (5) Falling within the Faculty bursar’s exclusive competence is, in particular: a) preparing the Faculty’s budget, financial analysis, and the annual financial report, b) announcing competitive selection procedures for non-academic staff, c) concluding, amending, and terminating employment relationships and contracts for work performed outside the employment relationship with non-academic staff, d) deciding on salary and remuneration adjustments for non-academic staff, e) concluding contracts for short-term leases of immovable property that the Faculty is authorized to manage, provided that the duration of the lease in each case does not exceed the period laid down by MU internal regulations, 12/23 f) concluding purchase contracts of the acquisition or assignation of low-value tangible assets, or low-value fixed tangible assets, g) sending employees under their direct management on business trips, h) permitting the use of private motor vehicles on business trips, i) ensuring the operational and technical development of the Faculty, j) managing the construction, maintenance, and renovation of the Faculty’s immovable assets, k) preparing a plan for the inspection of internal activities and carrying out their evaluation, l) entering into written agreements on material responsibility and on entrusting local cash desk funds, m) approving requests for the payment of standing advances, n) approving the procurement budget managers for individual units, o) fulfilling obligations arising from a measure or instruction of the Dean on ensuring the inspection of internal finances, p) fulfilling obligations arising from a measure or instruction of the Dean on compliance with the principles, rules, and procedures for processing personal data within the scope of the entrusted competence. (6) The Faculty bursar may delegate activities that are not within the exclusive competence of the Faculty bursar to a senior employee of an administrative or other non-academic unit. (7) In their absence, the Faculty bursar shall deputize a senior employee, designated by the Faculty bursar and to the extent determined by the Faculty bursar. Section 13 Heads of Faculty Units (1) The heads of Faculty units are the heads of the Faculty’s individual academic and non-academic units and the heads of individual organizational units within the given Faculty unit. (2) The function or position of the Head of the Department is appointed on the ground of selection procedure. (3) The responsibilities of the senior employees are laid down as follows: a) the head of an organizational unit – academic unit (Section 3 Subsection 2 and Section 4 of these organizational regulations), in particular: 1. organizes, directs, coordinates, and checks the activities of subordinate employees in the unit under their direction, except for those powers that are the exclusive responsibility of the Dean or the Faculty bursar, 2. directs and is responsible for the activities and financial management of the unit under their direction, 3. is responsible for the pedagogical and scientific activities of the unit under their direction, 4. submits proposals to the Dean concerning the establishment, change, or termination of employment relationships, and concerning the payroll matters of subordinate employees, 5. sends subordinate employees on business trips within the Czech Republic, 6. is responsible for the organization and taking of regular and extraordinary inventories of the assets of the unit under their direction, 13/23 7. ensures that subordinate employees increase their professional level and observe work discipline, 8. fulfils the obligations arising from a measure or instruction of the Dean on ensuring the inspection of internal finances, 9. provides assistance in awarding public contracts relating to the scope of the unit, 10. fulfils the obligations arising from a measure or instruction of the Dean on compliance with the principles, rules, and procedures for processing personal data by subordinate employees and students of the Faculty in the performance of such persons’ work or study duties, or by other natural or legal persons who process personal data in a contractual relationship with the Faculty, 11. is responsible for the processing and storage of documents in accordance with the MU Document Management Rules, 12. is responsible for the up-to-dateness of information on the Faculty’s website concerning the assigned competence; b) the head of an organizational unit – another non-academic unit (Section 3 Subsection 3 of these organizational regulations), the Head of a Department of the Dean’s office (Section 3, Subsection 3 and Section 5 of these organizational regulations), in particular: 1. organizes, directs, coordinates, and checks the activities of subordinate employees in the unit under their direction, except for those powers that are the exclusive responsibility of the Dean or the Faculty bursar, 2. directs and is responsible for the activities of the unit under their direction, 3. submits to the Faculty bursar proposals concerning the establishment, modification, or termination of employment relationships and concerning the payroll matters of subordinate staff, 4. sends subordinate employees on business trips within the Czech Republic, 5. is responsible for the organization and taking of regular and extraordinary inventories of the assets of the unit under their direction, 6. ensures that subordinate employees increase their professional level and observe work discipline, 7. performs the duties resulting from a measure or instruction of the Dean or Faculty bursar to ensure the inspection of internal finances, 8. fulfils the obligations arising from a measure or instruction of the Dean on compliance with the principles, rules, and procedures for the processing of personal data by subordinate employees in the performance of their duties, or by other natural or legal persons who process personal data in a contractual relationship with the Faculty, 9. is responsible for the processing and storage of documents in accordance with the MU Document Management Rules, 10. is responsible for the up-to-dateness of information on the Faculty’s website concerning the assigned competence. (4) The head of an individual organizational unit of an academic or non-academic unit is responsible for comprehensively ensuring the activities of the unit under their direction. In their actions, they shall be guided by the instructions or measures of the relevant senior employee who exercises managerial authority over them in accordance with these organizational regulations. In their absence, the head of the organizational unit concerned shall deputize a member of the Faculty, designated by the head. 14/23 Article 14 Degree Programme Guarantor (1) The degree programme guarantor is appointed by the Dean from among the academic staff of the Faculty after approval by the FF MU Scientific Board. (2) The competence of the degree programme guarantor is set out in Section 7 Subsection 4 of the MU Internal Regulation on Masaryk University Degree Programme Quality Approval, Management, and Evaluation Regulations. (3) As part of the degree programme quality assurance processes, the degree programme guarantor is responsible for the quality of the degree programme content and the coordination of teaching and for the evaluation and development of the degree programme. (4) The degree programme guarantor is responsible to the Dean of the Faculty for the implementation of the degree programme and its quality. (5) In performing their function, the degree programme guarantor closely cooperates and coordinates their activities with the Vice-Deans whose authority is to methodologically manage fields of accreditation and implementation of the degree programmes. They also cooperate with the head of the academic department that implements the degree programme. Part Five The Substantive Competence of the Administrative Units Section 15 Non-academic Units of the Faculty Non-academic units of the Faculty are divided into: a) the administrative unit that is the Dean’s office, and b) other workplaces: • Centre for Information Technologies, • Centre for the Advancement of Research in the Liberal Arts o HUME Lab – Experimental Humanities Laboratory, • building management, • the Central library. Section 16 Dean’s Office (1) The internal structure of the Dean’s office is defined in Section 5 of these organizational regulations. (2) The Heads of Departments within the Dean’s office are under the direct management authority of the Faculty bursar, unless the Dean determines otherwise by an instruction or measure. (3) The substantive competence of the organizational units of the Dean’s Office is specified, in particular, in the following scope: a) Secretariat 1. ensures organizational and administrative work related to the performance of the offices of the Dean and the Faculty bursar, 2. ensures organizational and administrative work related to the activities of the Dean’s consultative bodies, 15/23 3. keeps a list of the dean’s consultative bodies and their composition and updates them, 4. takes minutes of the Dean’s meetings, 5. organizes and administers meetings of the FF MU Scientific Board, 6. records organizational standards and other regulations of the Faculty, 7. ensures organizational and administrative activities related to Professors Emeriti, 8. records and coordinates requests to reserve the Dean’s office meeting room, 9. operates the mailroom, 10. ensures and maintains the filing service in accordance with the MU Document Management Rules, 11. ensures the administrative work of the Scientific Board and the habilitation and professorship procedures, 12. in cooperation with the Vice-Deans, ensures administrative work related to the FF MU Dean’s Awards, 13. coordinates public procurement at the Faculty, carries out the administration of public procurement implemented in tender procedures, 14. ensures legal activities in cooperation with other departments of the Dean’s office, 15. in cooperation with the Vice-Deans, ensures the administrative work concerning the internal evaluation of degree programmes and checking the activities of programme boards of degree programmes, 16. coordinates the accreditation procedure of the Faculty’s degree programmes, 17. administratively secures the agenda associated with the performance of the activities of the expert institute, 18. organizes the implementation of internships for students of teacher training programmes; b) Personnel Office 1. ensures activities in the field of employment law (creation, change, termination of employment and contracts for work performed outside the employment relationship, wage claims, employment of foreigners, and other matters concerning employees), 2. administratively ensures competitive selection procedures for academic and non-academic staff, 3. is responsible for the processing of attendance records for payroll purposes, determines entitlements to meal allowances, 4. maintains employee personnel files, 5. prepares the plan of wage funds for budgeting, 6. handles the payroll administration, 7. monitors the taking of statutory leave, 8. keeps records of employees’ anniversaries and prepares information and documents for the bonus plan from the Faculty’s wage funds, 9. provides staffing and payroll support to projects, 10. performs statistical and reporting duties to the authorities of state administration for the area of activity entrusted to it, 11. handles the administrative work of issuing employee identification cards, 12. keeps records of occupational medical examinations, 13. ensures staff evaluation and training, 14. ensures cooperation with the trade union, negotiates collective agreements, 16/23 15. ensures cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office in the area of personnel matters, 16. cooperates in the preparation of Faculty regulations concerning personnel matters, 17. is responsible for the overall agenda of the HR Excellence in Research certification (HR Award) and the implementation of the HR management strategy according to the HRS4R methodology at the FF MU, in this context also: i. analyses the state of HR processes, identifies reserves and proposes measures for their correction and further development in the Action Plan, ii. coordinates and methodologically manages activities related to the implementation of the commitments arising from the Action Plan, cooperates with other departments involved in their implementation, iii. coordinates and manages the activities of the FF MU HR Award working group, iv. informs the supervising committee of the HR Award FF MU on the progress and results of internal analyses and on the status of implementation of the Action Plan, and submits proposals for measures for approval, v. ensures interaction with the MU Rector’s Office within the HR Award agenda, vi. reviews the objectives and monitors the implementation of the commitments set out in the Action Plan, vii. cooperates on internal communication of the HR Award agenda towards the Faculty staff and on external communication towards concerned institutions and the public; c) Office for Studies 1. ensures activities related to the administration of studies, for all forms of study and within the framework of lifelong learning, 2. prepares information and documents for determining proposals on the number of students to be admitted, 3. ensures publication of information on admissions in the relevant academic year, 4. prepares the course catalogue for all forms of study and lifelong learning for the relevant academic year, 5. administratively ensures the activities of admissions committees designated by the dean, 6. ensures admissions procedures to Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral studies, 7. prepares information and documents for decisions on the admission and non-admission of applicants to study, 8. collects and prepares information and documents for the review procedure, 9. organizes and carries out enrolment in degree programmes, checks the course of study, 10. checks that all conditions for admission to final state examinations are met, 11. handles the administrative work related to the termination or interruption of studies, 12. organizes matriculation and graduation ceremonies, 13. draws up diplomas of graduates and diploma supplements and certificates, and keeps their records, 14. issues lists of completed courses and other certificates, 17/23 15. ensures the preparation of the teaching schedule in cooperation with the heads of academic units, 16. maintains student files and keeps academic records in the MU Information System, 17. keeps records of study-related fees, 18. keeps records of disciplinary proceedings with students, ensures the administrative work related to the decisions of the disciplinary committee, 19. issues and keeps records of student ID cards (ISIC), 20. keeps records of scholarships paid from Faculty funds, 21. performs statistical and reporting duties for the area of activity entrusted to it, 22. methodologically cooperates with the Faculty’s finance office, 23. ensures cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office in the area of study affairs, 24. prepares information and documents for preparing the budget for study costs, 25. arranges for the reservation of classrooms for non-teaching purposes, 26. cooperates with the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs, 27. publishes the state examination schedules on the official board of the Faculty; d) Finance Office 1. prepares information and documents for the Faculty budget, 2. monitors the implementation of the budget, 3. prepares financial reports, 4. records, checks, and performs annual accounting of the Faculty’s funds, 5. manages activities with regards to the operational economy, accounting, and tax affairs, 6. provides the Faculty’s accounting service and tax administration according to the methodological management of the MU Rector’s Office, 7. comprehensively ensures duties related to keeping records of the Faculty’s assets, keeps their records, manages the inventory taking of assets and liabilities, and carries out their continuous inspection, 8. ensures accounting related to administering the Faculty’s warehouse management, 9. organizes and manages the cash desk service, 10. ensures the issuance of tax documents for all the Faculty’s activities, 11. prepares information and documents on outstanding overdue receivables, 12. handles operations related to the financial statements and the transition to the next period, 13. keeps a central record of orders for all deliveries to the Faculty, 14. ensures central purchasing of materials and their issuance to the units, 15. provides methodological assistance to other departments of the Dean’s Office, 16. ensures administration relating to domestic and foreign business trips, 17. ensures the administrative work and registration related to contracts concluded at the Faculty level, including license agreements, 18. ensures administration related to concluding agreements on material responsibility, their registration, and their updating in cooperation with the personnel office, 19. makes all cash disbursements to Faculty employees and students, 20. keeps the books for supplementary and economic activities, 18/23 21. prepares information and documents for the liquidation and claims committee, 22. ensures cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office in the areas of economic affairs and internal and external audits, 23. performs statistical and reporting duties for the area of activity entrusted to it, 24. records and archives accounting and tax documents in accordance with applicable legislation, 25. updates the order numbering schemes in the Magion Enterprise resource planning system, 26. maintains the register of contracts, except for contracts relating to project matters, 27. coordinates internal and external training in accounting, taxes, the Magion Enterprise resource planning system, and the INET information system, 28. ensures financial management of external and internal projects, cooperates with the Project Support Office in this area, 29. provides technical and methodological assistance to investigators in the financial planning of projects, 30. ensures the financial management of donations, 31. ensures the financial management of extra-budgetary funds from state bodies, foreign embassies, and foreign or educational institutions; e) Project Support Office 1. prepares information and documents for the concept of research and development activities, 2. actively seeks new sources of grant support for research, 3. administers external and internal projects financed from public and nonpublic sources, and ensures the related administrative work, 4. continuously monitors the conditions and changes to the tender documentation of external and internal projects, and informs investigators and other interested staff about them, 5. provides expert assistance to investigators in the preparation of proposals for external and internal projects, 6. provides methodological support to researchers in the implementation of projects, 7. ensures organizational and administrative work related to the ongoing and final evaluation of external and internal projects, providing professional assistance to investigators in registering projects in the Project Management Information System (PMIS), 8. cooperates with the central library of the FF MU in entering the results of the Faculty’s research and development activities into the database of the government’s Research, Development and Innovation Council, 9. provides methodological support for the preparation and implementation of project budgets, 10. carries out planned checks on projects, 11. provides methodological support in archiving projects and supervises the fulfilment of archiving obligations, 12. prepares information and documents for drawing up the Faculty budget for the entrusted area of activity, 13. ensures statistical and reporting obligations for the area of activity entrusted to it, 19/23 14. provides methodological support and assistance to the project investigators in ensuring compliance with the obligation to publish contracts related to the project implementation in the Register of Contracts, 15. ensures cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office in the field of science, research, and development; f) International Office 1. administers exchange study and work programmes for students of foreign universities and the FF MU, 2. manages the agenda of scholarships for incoming international students, 3. administers exchange programmes for academic and non-academic staff of foreign institutions and the FF MU, 4. mediates information and services related to travel insurance for FF MU employees on foreign business trips, 5. ensures the administrative work related to admission procedures for programmes accredited in foreign languages, 6. ensures the administrative work related to verifying the attainment of a previous level of education for applicants to study in programmes accredited in foreign languages, 7. ensures activities related to the study agenda of students in degree programmes accredited in foreign languages, 8. for degree programmes accredited in foreign languages, ensures agendas corresponding to those set out for the Office for Studies in Section 16 Subsection 3 (c) points 2, 3, 5 to 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 27, 9. ensures public relations and presentation of the Faculty abroad, in particular, prepares documents for promotional materials in foreign language, ensures the preparation and distribution of printed promotional materials and items, 10. ensures the promotion of degree programmes in a foreign language abroad, 11. manages and registers international cooperation agreements and mobility agreements at the Faculty level, 12.continuously monitors the conditions and changes to the tender documentation of external and internal projects of selected programme schemes and informs investigators and other interested staff about them, 13.provides expert assistance to investigators in the preparation of proposals for external and internal projects of selected programme schemes (Erasmus, AKTION, CEEPUS), 14. ensures organizational and administrative work related to the ongoing and final evaluation of external and internal projects, providing professional assistance to investigators in registering projects in the Project Management Information System (PMIS), 15. provides methodological support and assistance to the project investigators in ensuring compliance with the obligation to publish contracts related to the project implementation in the register of contracts, 16. methodologically cooperates with the economic department in supporting project proposals for selected programme schemes, 17. prepares statistical reports and outputs for the area of activity entrusted to it, 18. ensures cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office in the field of foreign relations and with the MU Centre for International Cooperation, 19. organizes information seminars within the scope of its activities, 20. administers the Faculty’s social networks in foreign languages; 20/23 g) Office for External Relations 1. ensures the preparation, implementation, and updating of the Faculty’s communication strategy, 2. ensures the preparation, implementation, and promotion of events of Faculty-wide importance, and cooperates in the organization of the events of individual Faculty units, 3. promotes the admissions procedure, 4. ensures support to maintain the unified visual style of the Faculty and university, 5. ensures the preparation and distribution of promotional printed materials and promotional items, 6. promotes the Faculty’s teaching, research, and development, 7. ensures relations with alumni and Faculty partners, 8. registers and supports student clubs, 9. administers the Faculty’s photo library, 10. prepares and promotes events aimed at improving the labour market success of Faculty graduates, 11. arranges babysitting for parents from the FF MU (agreement on the use of the FSS MU childcare centre), 12. ensures cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office in the area of external relations, 13. administers the Faculty’s web presentation and the Faculty’s social network. Section 17 Other Faculty Units (1) Heads of other units are under the direct authority of the Faculty bursar. (2) The material competence of other units is determined, in particular, to the following extent: a) Centre for Information Technologies 1. identifies the needs of departments, staff, and students of the Faculty; proposes the development of information technology and audiovisual equipment and their functionality; monitors and applies modern procedures of administration and management of information technology and audiovisual equipment, 2. ensures the administration and development of the Faculty’s computer network, servers, and online applications – the ELF e-learning system, OJS platform for FF MU journals, FF MU digital library, medial media library, etc.; manages the phil.muni.cz domain, 3. ensures the maintenance of all computers owned by the Faculty and the central administration of all desktop computers in FF MU offices and lecture rooms, 4. ensures the administration and maintenance of audiovisual and computer equipment in the centrally administered lecture rooms of the FF MU, 5. provides consulting and advisory services and support in the areas of computer networks, information systems, hardware and software, elearning, audiovisual recording, and web publishing, 6. creates methodological guidelines and conducts the training and methodological management of users within the scope of its competence, 7. implements the publishing plan and other plans of the FF MU Publication Board, 21/23 8. prepares the printing of publications (monographs in the Spisy FF MU series and Faculty journals) for the needs of the FF MU, 9. ensures the acquisition, processing, publication, and archiving of video recordings related to the Faculty’s teaching or research activities, 10. administers, in cooperation with university-wide units, the university-wide technical platform for creating the websites of the Faculty and its units, 11.provides services for digitizing text documents, including text optimization and metadata creation, 12. administers centrally established groups and assigns rights in the MU Information System, 13. cooperates in technical support of the operation of the Faculty’s camera and access control systems, 14. provides user support for Microsoft Office 365 university services, 15. provides assistance in the award of public contracts within its entrusted area of competence; b) Center for the Advancement of Research in the Liberal Arts 1. develops concepts, programmes, and plans to support educational, scientific, research, development, and innovation areas within the Faculty, and to further the operational and technical development of the Faculty, including the construction of modern infrastructure, 2. provides infrastructural support for educational, research, development, and innovation projects implemented within the Faculty, 3. manages and monitors the sustainability of the CARLA project, consisting of the reconstruction and completion of the historical FF MU campus, stage II (including equipment/facilities), implemented within the framework of the OP Research and Development for Innovations project from 2009 to 2014, 4. provides assistance in the award of public contracts within its entrusted area of competence; o HUME Lab – Experimental Humanities Laboratory i. provides operations, development, coordination, and services related to experimental research in the social sciences and humanities, ii. manages specialized research equipment and ensures its servicing, renewal, and development, iii. supports educational activities related to experimental research, iv. participates in the creation of specialist and technical information and documents for research project proposals in grant competitions, v. participates in selected research projects, mainly by providing expert technical and methodological support, vi. provides consulting and advisory services and support in the field of behavioural and cognitive experimental research, vii. develops methodological guidelines and conducts the training and methodological management of users within the scope of its competence, viii. develops the concept, programmes, and plans for the development of the laboratory, ix. provides assistance in the award of public contracts relating to the activities entrusted to it; c) The Central library 1. develops the concept, programmes, and plans for the library’s activities and development, 2. provides library, bibliographic, reference, and information services to users, and provides facilities for professional scientific and pedagogical activities, 3. cooperates with domestic and foreign information, educational, and memory institutions (archives), 22/23 4. provides methodological, consulting, training, and advisory activities, especially for the branch libraries of the Faculty, 5. in the field of information education, trains Faculty students and employees in selected topics and provides consultations, 6. ensures comprehensive administrative work related to the acquisition, profiling, and updating of library collections, 7. cooperates on selected projects focusing mainly on acquiring specialized electronic information resources, 8. through the international exchange of publications, provides information resources for fields of study and offers the outputs of their scientific activities to foreign institutions, 9. ensures the profiling of library collections with respect to content and type, 10. performs independent cataloguing according to the standards and established methodologies, 11. ensures the management, protection, and revision of library collections and maintains the classification of library collections in the closed stacks and open access collections, 12. organizes and administratively ensures that the results of the Faculty’s research and development activities are entered into the database of the Czech Government’s Research, Development and Innovation Council, and cooperates in this area with the FF MU Project Support Office, 13. prepares and organizes lessons and workshops in the field of information education, 14. prepares documents for the internal methodology for the creation of the Faculty budget, 15. carries out analyses of publishing activities and prepares bibliographic searches for Faculty staff, 16. manages the content of the employee repository at the Faculty level, 17. methodologically ensures and coordinates Open Access and Open Science, 18. provides assistance in the award of public contracts relating to the activities entrusted to it. The Central library is registered as a specialized library in accordance with Act No. 257/2001 Coll., as amended. The Central library and its users are bound by the Operating regulations of the Central Library of the FF MU. d) Building Management 1. ensures the administrative work related to the administration, operation, and maintenance of immovable assets that the Faculty manages and uses, 2. prepares a plan for construction investments within the buildings managed and used by the Faculty, 3. ensures the implementation of requirements for minor operational repairs and the maintenance of property entrusted to the Faculty for management and use, 4. ensures the administrative work relating to occupational health and safety and fire safety, performs tasks relating to crisis management, checks the fulfilment of the contractual obligations of the supplier of these services, and ensures comprehensive checks are conducted on the operability of the electronic fire alarm system (EPS) and the electronic security system (EZS), 5. ensures the operation of reception areas, including night-time building security performed by a contractor, 6. prepares information and documents for the Faculty’s development plan and budget for the area of activity entrusted to it, 23/23 7. develops the concept, plans, and schedules of technical and operational management and maintenance for the requirements of the non-investment budget, 8. manages and checks the cleaning services performed by the contractor, 9. is responsible for the organization and implementation of regular training in occupational health and safety and fire protection for Faculty staff, including crisis management preparation, 10. keeps records of and investigates occupational accidents and illnesses, 11. keeps records and investigates school accidents, 12. ensures the sorting, removal, and disposal of waste in buildings managed and used by the Faculty, 13. provides assistance in the award of public contracts relating to the activities entrusted to it, 14. arranges removal work at the Faculty’s units according to requirements, 15. prepares information and documents for the FF MU Office for External Relations for publication and updating on the Faculty website. Part Six Final Provisions Section 18 Final Provisions (1) These organizational regulations repeal the organizational regulations of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University dated 28 February 2023, effective from 1 March 2023. (2) I hereby delegate the interpretation of the individual provisions of these organizational regulations to the Faculty bursar. (3) I hereby entrust the Faculty bursar with compliance verification and continuous updating of these organizational regulations. (4) These organizational regulations come into force upon signature. (5) These organizational regulations come into effect on 13 February 2024. Appendices: No. 1 – Organizational Chart of the Faculty doc. Mgr. Irena Radová, Ph.D. dean