Dean’s Directive No. 5/2017 On changes to the mode or type of studies at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University In accordance with Section 28(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (Higher Education Act), I hereby issue this Directive: Section 1 Subject of regulation This directive specifies the conditions which the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the “Faculty” or “FF MU”) requires for the approval of student applications for a change in study mode from full-time to combined study mode and from combined to full-time study mode, and a change from double-subject studies to single-subject or to two single-subject studies, and vice versa. Section 2 Application 1) Applications to change the study mode (full-time, combined) and applications to change the type of study (double-subject, single-subject) may be granted at the earliest after successful completion of at least one semester of study and at the latest before advancement to the final semester of study. 2) The application is submitted after the end of the teaching period and after all conditions for advancement to the next semester of study have been met, no later than 3 days before the end of the changes in course enrolments. 3) The application for a change in mode or type of study cannot be made during the semester (after changes in course registration/enrolment have been completed). 4) The conditions for changing the mode or type of study are fulfilment of the conditions for enrolment in the semester according to Section 12 of the Study and Examination Regulations and, in justified cases, the consent of the department/institute. 5) The student submits the application to the Faculty’s office for studies. The application must include a description of the requested change and its justification. The office of studies shall send the request to the appropriate department for comment. 6) Transfers for interfaculty studies (FF+FEA, FSS+FF, FSci+FF, FEdu+FF, FSpS+FF) a) The procedure for changing from double-subject interfaculty studies to single-subject studies: - the student submits an application for changing to the field of study of the home faculty to the office for studies of the home faculty; - the student submits an application for transfer to the non-home faculty to the office for studies of the non-home faculty; - the student submits the application for transfer to each of the fields of study to both faculties according to the fields of study. b) Changing from two single-subject studies to double-subject studies: - the student submits an application to either of the faculties whose fields of study they wish to combine into double-subject studies. Section 3 Final provisions 1. I authorize the Vice-Dean for Bachelor’s and Master’s Studies of the FF MU to interpret the individual provisions of this Directive. 2. This Directive shall become effective on 16 October 2017. 3. Upon the entry into force of this Directive, the Dean’s Directive of the FF MU No. 2/2015 shall simultaneously expire. Brno, 16 October 2017 Dean of the FF MU