Dean’s Directive No. 6/2017 On final state examinations at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University In accordance with Section 28(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (Higher Education Act), I hereby issue this Directive. Section 1 This Directive specifies the conditions for conducting final state examinations (hereinafter referred to as the “FSE”) in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes. Section 2 In the semester in which the student will submit and defend the diploma thesis, they are obliged to check, no later than 31 October, 31 March, or 30 June (for the extended examination period of the spring semester, see the university calendar – ( topic schedule szz.pdf), whether the thesis topic is properly listed in the Topic Lists application. The student must be registered for the topic, and the name of their thesis supervisor, the title in Czech and English, and the official assignment of the thesis must all be entered. Section 3 For students who have been admitted to the defence in a given semester, the diploma thesis archive is established collectively by transfer from the Topic List into the IS (based on the enrolled subjects Bachelor’s Thesis or Master’s Thesis and the subject of the FSE). Students do not, therefore, ask the office for studies to open the archive individually, except in cases where the archive is not established due to non-compliance with the procedure described in Section 2. The dates associated with the process of opening and closing the archives are listed in the university calendar ( szz.pdf) Section 4 a) The printed Master’s thesis is to be handed in exclusively to the department/institute, either to the thesis supervisor or to the institute/department secretariat, as is customary. At the same time, the thesis archive in the MU Information System (IS) must be properly filled – the electronic version of the thesis. b) Submission of both the printed and electronic versions of the thesis is binding. Once the student’s thesis is published in the IS, the student must proceed to the defence, even in the case of negative reports. c) Each attempt to defend the thesis must be concluded with an evaluation. Section 5 At the latest 5 days prior to the date of the final examination, the student shall report to the office for studies (hereinafter referred to as the “OFS”) to check that they have fulfilled their study obligations. If the student fulfils the conditions for graduation, they will receive written confirmation at the OFS which they subsequently submit to the examination board or in advance to the secretariat of the institute/department; without confirmation of having fulfilled all conditions/obligations, the student is not admitted to the FSE. Section 6 The FSE must have the examination dates listed in the IS in the Final State Examination Dates application ( Section 7 (a) The examination dates must be published at least 14 days before the start of the examination period. The composition of the board must be published no later than 14 days before the first examination day of the FSE, in accordance with Section 22 subsection 5, of the Masaryk University Study and Examination Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”). b) The thesis reviewer’s report must be published in the IS no later than 5 working days before the thesis defence, in accordance with Section 23 subsection 4 of the Regulations. c) The roster of students for each board must be published at least 14 days before the first examination day of the final state examinations. Section 8 Retaking the FSE Retaking a failed final state examination in the summer semester is possible within the same semester, i.e. in the extended examination period, only under the exemption regime. With reference to Section 22 subsection 7b) of the Masaryk University Study and Examination Regulations, such a retake is conditional on the student’s request submitted immediately after the failed attempt. This request must be accompanied by a statement of approval from the head of the relevant Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the “FF MU”) department or the guarantor of the corresponding degree programme. Section 9 Interruption of studies a) If a student receives a grade of “failed” in any part of the FSE and meets the conditions for progression to the next semester, the Dean will interrupt the student’s studies only at the student’s request. b) Apart from situations referred to in Section 9 clause a), the Dean shall interrupt the studies of students who have fulfilled the requirements of the degree programme and do not meet the conditions for advancement to the next semester, and have received a grade of “failed” in some part of the FSE. c) A reason for not interrupting studies is ongoing disciplinary proceedings. Section 10 Procedure for registering students with interrupted studies for the FSE a) According to the Regulations, students who have interrupted their studies until the examination period begins shall return to active study at the beginning of the examination period (Section 13 subsection 4). This interruption cannot be extended. b) Students have the topic of their thesis registered in the Topic List: during the period of interruption they can submit their thesis, they can fill the archive, and they can have this archive published. c) Students must independently register for the final examination through the IS in the application Topic Lists/Final State Examination. Section 11 Final provisions 1. I authorize the Vice-Dean for Bachelor’s and Master’s Studies of the FF MU to interpret the individual provisions of this Directive. 2. This Directive shall enter into effect on the date of signing. 3. Upon this Directive coming into force, the Dean’s Directive of the FF MU No. 3/2015 shall simultaneously expire. Brno, 14 January 2019 Dean of the FF MU