Request for publication in the Spisy FF MU (‘Writings of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University) series APPLICANT (head of unit) Name, surname, academic degrees Contact (authorized e-mail) Statement of the applicant on the publication (justification of the application in terms of the R&D significance of the presented findings, and in terms of the formal quality of the text; the level to which the manuscript has been developed, e.g. defended doctoral thesis) CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WORK Name and surname of the author(s)* (including academic degrees) *The author(s) should have an employment relationship with the given unit (employment, agreement to complete a job, agreement to perform work) at the time of creating the work. Author’s contact details (e-mail) Title (subtitle) of the work In Czech (or in the language of the work and in Czech) Language of the work Abstract Czech (approximately 800 characters) A sample of one chapter of the publication. (Please provide as an attachment to the application.) Reviewers’ proposal (list at least 3 reviewers*) * None of the reviewers of the publication can be an employee of the same department as the author(s). Reviewers should be scientific authorities in the field of the submitted publication. ** The Publications Board of the FF MU reserves the right to propose at least one of the reviewers of the publication. Name and surname, academic degrees Unit PUBLICATION Publisher (check as appropriate) The work will be published by the FF MU in cooperation with MU Press In the case of a coedition, please specify the other entity* *In the case of co-editions, the FF MU reserves the right to publish the book in the graphic design of the Spisy FF MU (‘Writings of the FF MU’) series. The work will be published in a co-edition of the FF MU, MU Press and ... Licensing and distribution of the work (check as appropriate) Employee work An employee’s work is an individual’s or collective authors’ work created by the author(s) at the initiative and under the direction of MU to fulfil their obligations arising from their employment relationship with MU (see Rector’s Directive No. 8/2009). A publishing licence agreement is not concluded. A university work A university work is a work created by an MU student to fulfil their academic obligations. A publishing license agreement is concluded.* *In the case of university works (e.g. a doctoral thesis of an FF MU graduate who is not in an employment relationship with the FF MU), the applicant undertakes to conclude an agreement to complete a job with the author who will adapt the university work into a professional book. A university work created while studying at another higher education institution Please provide the name of the institution. If the title is accepted into the Publishing Plan, you will be asked to secure the consent of the indicated higher education institution to publish the work and credit it to the FF MU Number of manuscript pages: xxx Proposed number of copies (print run)* *Recommended 200 copies, unless it is a particularly commercially attractive title. xxx Number of figures, diagrams, and graphs, or other appendices (= total number of pages in the manuscript): xxx Of which in black and white: xxx Of which in colour: xxx Required publication format B5 160 x 230 mm (recommended) A4 210 x 290 mm Non-standard 220 x 220 mm Type of issue Publications included in the Spisy FF MU (‘Writings of the FF MU’) series are published in printed and electronic versions. printed electronic FINANCIAL PROVISION Expected cost of the publication Total amount (in CZK): Use the indicative table to calculate costs. The total financial cost of the publication includes the following items: 1. Preparation of review reports (2 reviewers): up to 120 pages of text: CZK 2,000, over 120 pages of text CZK 3,000. 2. Professional editing: CZK 5,000 for the whole work (the price can be lower or significantly higher depending on the quality of the submitted text, ranging from CZK 3,000 to 10,000). 3. Stylistic revision Czech language: CZK 20–30/1 standard page. 4. Stylistic revision English language: CZK 150/1 standard page. 5. Graphic and typographic design: CZK 3,000-5,000. 6. Typesetting and preparation for printing: CZK 60-80/1 printed page (depending on the complexity of the text structure). If the typesetting is done by a faculty employee, this item is automatically included in the costs paid by the faculty. 7. Printing (up to 200 copies): 1 b/w page CZK 0.50, 1 colour page CZK 9. 8. Printing (over 200 copies): 1 b/w page CZK 0.30, 1 colour page CZK 2. 9. Promotion/printing of dust jackets and annotations in promotional materials: 500 CZK (always paid by the faculty). Note: These figures are approximate. They are based on the usual amounts. Produced by the MU Press. Of which covered by the unit budget of the applicant Fill in the item numbers listed above (usually 1, 2, 3, 4) for which the funds will be committed. Add any other details if necessary. * Fees for image materials used in a manuscript are not part of the total calculation. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account any later increase of the budget by the applicant’s unit. Amount (in CZK) Source of funding Order number Name of the principal of operations Name of the budget administrator … from the unit’s funds … … … … from the grant … … … Of which requested from the faculty budget … Faculty funds for editorial activities usually cover items 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Note: We can provide contacts for high quality proof-readers (Czech, English). STATEMENT OF THE FF MU PUBLICATIONS BOARD Recommended for publication. Recommended for publication with requested changes. Not recommended for publication in the Spisy FF MU (Writings of the FF MU) series. Date Name of the Chair of the Publications Board Signature doc. Mgr. Jana Horáková, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for Publishing and Public Relations