Directive of Medical Faculty of Masaryk University No. 1/2016 RULES OF CONDUCT FOR STUDENTS attending the CLINICAL TEACHING AND PRACTICE According to § 28 para. 1 of Act no. 111/1998 Coll., on universities and on amendments and supplements to other acts (hereinafter the “Universities Act”), as amended (the "Universities Act"), I hereby issue this directive. Part One Art. I. Initial PROVISIONS 1. This Directive specifies the obligations and rules of conduct for students of the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as "MF MU") during performance of the practice in the medical facilities. 2. The provisions of this Directive draws primarily on the MU Study and Examination Regulations, Act no. 111/1998 Coll., on universities, Act no. 372/2011 Coll., on health services and the Act no. 258/2000 Coll., on protection of public health. 3. In the application of this Directive shall be no discrimination or exclusion, especially in terms of gender, age, race, language, origin, nationality, religion or beliefs. 4. This Directive establishes: a. the general rules of behavior of the student, b. basic rules for relationship between student and teacher, c. basic rules for relationship between student and patient and d. sanctions for failure to comply with these rules. Art. II. General provisions 1. Student for the purposes of this Directive, means an active student of at least one study program of the Faculty of Medicine, who attends practice within the study program taught at the Faculty of Medicine. 2. Teacher for the purposes of this Directive means a person involved in teaching students during practice in a medical facility. 3. Practice for the purposes of this Directive means any part of the study, which takes place on the premises of any healthcare provider. Practice, thus referring notably to clinical teaching, clinical practice, practical training and pre-graduation practice. 4. Medical facilities for the purposes of this Directive means a medical facility according to the Act no. 372/2011 Coll., on health services, in which a student practicing. 5. Patient for the purposes of this Directive means any person to whom are providing health services in a health care facility in which the student practicing. PART TWO Art. III. GENERAL RULES OF CONDUCT FOR STUDENTS 1. The student is obliged to show up at practice on time according to the apportioned working hours and abide these working hours. 2. Students are prohibited from leaving the workplace where practice exercises. Students may leave the workplace only with the prior consent of the teacher. 3. The student is required to follow all hygiene rules and regulations that are required at the specific workplace, under which it carries on its practice, especially Act no. 258/2000 Coll., on protection of public health, heed good hygiene practices serving to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, to show up to practice healthy and undergo all the prescribed vaccinations for the workplace. 4. The student respects the general rules of dressing etiquette with regard to the usual practice of dressing for medical staff and with the dignity of the profession to which the student prepares. Especially the student is obliged not to wear a headgear and to wear a clean white lab coat and legible name tag with students name during the execution of the practice. Students dress and act so as to prevent the emergence and spread of infectious diseases and damage themselves and their surroundings. 5. Students wear clean personal protective equipment required by the provider of health services during practice. Students must not leave the grounds of the medical service provider in personal protective equipment. 6. Name tag must be attached to the front of the garment, legible and clear. Name tag must not hang loosely. 7. Shoes must be allocated for practice and clean. 8. Beard and hair must be clean and tidy. Longer hair (length exceeding shoulders) must be tied back. 9. The student may wear no jewelry and watches on their hands at workplaces where it is performed surgical and hygienic hand disinfection. Nail treatment should not jeopardize the health condition of the patient in particular with regard to the possible spread of infections associated with health care and must not impede the provision of health care in its entirety. Fingernails must be groomed, short and clean. 10. Long earrings can pose a risk of injury to the patient and are also a risk in terms of hygiene. They are inappropriate during providing a health care to the patient. Necklaces and bracelets may not be long and may not interfere in the space designated for the job. 11. Jewelry, for example piercings through the nose, tongue, lip, eyebrow or any other should be eliminated on the workplace, or secured in order not to be negatively perceived by patients and staff. 12. Students must wash, eventually disinfect their hands when entering and leaving the department. Hygienic hand disinfection student always conduct: a. before and after the examination or treatment of each patient, b. before putting on and after removing gloves. 13. Examination gloves student uses: a. when handling biological materials, objects and tools contaminated with biological material, including used clothes and hazardous waste, b. when applying a barrier regime treatment. 14. Further indications of using of gloves and washing and disinfecting hands will be set by the teacher or healthcare worker. 15. Disposable protective clothing provided by the department (gloves, masks, disposable aprons etc.) are immediately discarded to infectious waste after the exercise. 16. The student disinfects the diaphragm of the stethoscope after each patient examination. 17. Students are not allowed to procure or abused any prescriptions, drugs or medical supplies without authorization. Violation of this provision shall automatically be considered as a particularly serious case of violation of this Directive. Art. IV. relationship between student and teacher 1. A student has an obligation to educate themselves in various fields and strive for the highest professional knowledge and skills. 2. A student has the obligation to respect the safety and health rules at work, with which he met before the start of practice. 3. A student has the obligation to respect and comply with the instructions of the teacher and perform only those tasks under the direct guidance of the teacher that are part of the practice. Students can carry out activities that are part of the medical performance only on the direct instruction of the teacher. 4. In the event that the objection of conscience did not allow a student to make the medical performance required after him he is obligated to notify his teacher immediately. 5. A student has an obligation, in the event that he learned about the occurrence of the event that caused the damage or is potentially capable of causing harm to himself, another student, patient, medical equipment, staff, medical devices and/or LF MU, to notify the teacher or another responsible person with emergence of such events when it is reasonable to assume that a teacher or another responsible person is not already familiar with this events. 6. A teacher has a duty to maintain the confidentiality of information obtained about the students during practice. 7. Teachers and students are obliged to avoid any discriminatory behavior (especially on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or social status) against all persons with whom they come in contact during practice. 8. Teachers must inform students about the occurrence of possible risk of infectious patient, about the necessary sanitary measures involving during contact with such patient, and other potential risks associated with contact with an infected patient. Art. V. relationship between student and patient 1. A student has the obligation to ensure the welfare of the patient and to act in his favor. 2. A student must not intentionally, needlessly causing pain to the patient or causing any other damage to health or property of the patient. 3. A student has the obligation to respect the autonomy of the patient and the patient's freedom of choice, especially the refusal of the student's presence during the provision of health services, including access to medical documentation, rejection of the medical performance and the right not to be informed about their health status. 4. Student acts with the patient correctly, with understanding, patience, appropriately for age and intellectual maturity of the patient. Student care to preserve their own and the patient's dignity and integrity. Students are forbidden to treat patients rudely, disrespectfully and indecently. 5. Students must refrain from any demeaning activities that directly or indirectly represent a promotion or advertising and its consequences are agitation activities targeted to expand the customer base of any entity. It is also not allowed to initiate these activities through other persons. 6. The student is obliged to maintain confidentiality about all facts of which he learned in connection with performing practice, especially on patients' health. 7. Students have the right to become acquainted with the health status of the patient and inspect medical documentation to the necessary extent for teaching and only in case if there is no express disapproval of the patient. 8. The student must not bring medical records from the medical facility, the student is allowed to take copies of or extracts from medical records only with the express consent of the patient and only in anonymized form. 9. The student is allowed to take any photographs of the patient and audio-visual recordings or photographs related to the health of the patient only with the express consent of the patient. A student may take any audiovisual recordings or photographs of healthcare workers only with the express consent of the healthcare workers. The student must not publish thus acquired audiovisual recordings or photos on social networks. Photographs may be used for the purposes of student work and publications in the scientific literature only with the consent of the patient. Photos will be used for student work only in anonymized form unless the patient explicitly stipulated otherwise. PART THREE Art. VI. SANCTIONS 1. The teacher is entitled to exclude the student from practice for a day in cases a student commits a gross violation of any provision of this Directive. The student is deemed to be absent for all day for the purpose of fulfilling the study obligations. 1.1. Thus expelled student is obliged to reimburse missed lessons. 2. In the case where a student commits gross violations of any of the provisions of this Directive repeatedly, the teacher is entitled to exclude the student from practice without any obligation to provide reimbursing. 2.1. Thus expelled student will be assessed as unsuitable in accordance with the Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University for subject for which practice is carried out. 3. Gross violation of this Directive is perceived as a disciplinary offense under applicable Disciplinary Code of Medical Faculty of Masaryk University and its commission will be discussed before the Disciplinary Committee of the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University. 4. A particularly serious cases of infringements of this Directive and related legislation is regarded as offenses under the Act no. 40/2009 Coll., The Criminal Code and are passed on to the Czech Police for investigation. PART FOUR Art. VII. FINAL PROVISIONS 1. Interpretation of the individual provisions of this Directive and updating of this Directive is entrusted to Legal department of the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University. 2. Teachers, associate dean for teaching in the clinical fields, associate dean for teaching in preclinical fields, associate dean for dental medicine and associate dean for paramedical field monitors compliance with this Directive. 3. This Directive shall enter into force on the date 24. 5. 2016. 4. This directive takes effect on the date 7. 6. 2016. In Brno On the date 24. 5. 2016 prof. MUDr. Jiří Mayer CSc., v.r. Dean of MF MU