Methodology Instruction No. 1/2019 “Methodology Instruction Regarding the Recognized Parental Period” Modifications to the Masaryk University Study and Examination Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) in accordance with modification of the Higher Education Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) implemented by Act No. 48/2013 Coll. effective from 1 April 2013 Section 1 – Introductory Provisions Provisions of Section 13(5) and Section 40 of the Regulations Provisions of Sections 54 and 54a of the Higher Education Act Provisions of Sections 195 et seq. of the Labour Code (Act No. 262/2006 Coll., as amended) The modification to the Higher Education Act introduces the term “recognized parental period” (hereinafter referred to as “RPP”) (Section 21 of the Act), whereas it imposes an obligation on a public higher education institution to take appropriate measures regarding the parents’ studies for the period that would correspond to a maternity or parental leave. Maternity leave is taken by a woman or exceptionally by a man; parental leave can be taken by a woman or a man, or by both students. An RPP of a female student is composed of the maternity period (including the protective period, which is a time for additional fulfilment of study obligations that were not fulfilled in the elapsed maternity period) and subsequently, the parental period; an RPP of a male student is usually composed only of the parental period. Section 2 – Terms and Periods key: W - woman M - man (*) - applies only to W (**) - applies to W, exceptionally to M (in case it is the father who takes care of the child after birth) (***) - for twins, triplets etc. MP is 37 weeks and PrP is also 37 weeks (r) - can be used/applied retrospectively (nr) - cannot be used/applied retrospectively (i) - included into the total period of study (ni) - not included into the total period of study student+ - male student or female student 2 Terms PrP protection period (**) (r) MP maternity period (**) (r) DB date of the child’s birth (r) IP interruption period (nr) PP parental period (r) EPrP extended protection period (**) (nr) PMP prenatal maternity period (*) (nr) EIP extended interruption period (nr) EDD estimated due date (*) (nr) BC birth certificate of the child (r) RPP recognized parental period (RPP34, RPP35, RPP36) RPP34 interruption (IP + EIP) in the RPP, or in RPP35 or RPP36 RPP35 PMP + MP + PrP + EPrP (**) RPP36 parental period (PP) RPP37 date of the child’s 3rd birthday IBC inspection of birth certificate submission at the Office for Studies (recorded in the Document Office) Periods PrP 28 weeks after the end of MP (***) MP 28 weeks after DB, in case of using PMP including PMP(***) IP At any time since DB or at the earliest 8 weeks before EDD (*) until the end of PP; more interruptions are possible PP W – since the end of PrP/EPrP until 3rd birthday of the child M – since DB until 3rd birthday of the child EPrP since the end of PrP until the end of the current semester (**) (EPrP may only be used if it follows on PrP, not separately) PMP max. 8 weeks before EDD (*) EIP until the end of IP, i.e. since 3rd birthday of the child until the end of the current semester (EIP may only be used if it follows on IP, not separately) 3 EDD according to the maternity certificate BC if using PMP, the student shall submit BC to the faculty Office for Studies no later than within 30 days after DB; in other cases, BC may be submitted at any time RPP W – since the maximum of 8 weeks before EDD until the end of PP/IP/EIP M – since DB until the end of PP/IP/EIP __________________________________________________________________________________________ Termination of RPP, i.e. RPP36 or RPP34, after the lapse of RPP37 - termination date of RPP in case RPP36 is identical with RPP37 - termination date of RPP in case RPP34 occurs by the lapse of IP or EIP after RPP37; not if IP is terminated early, i.e. at any time of the RPP before RPP37 In case of concurrent or immediately following RPPs, they are terminated after the lapse of RPP37 of the last one (i.e. on 3rd birthday of the last/youngest child). RPP34 W – since the maximum of 8 weeks before EDD until the end of PP/EIP M – since DB until the end of PP/EIP RPP35 W – since the maximum of 8 weeks before EDD until the end of PrP/EPrP M(**) – since DB until the end of PrP/EPrP __________________________________________________________________________________________ End of RPP35 is set to 31 August or 31 January. The date of an inspection of meeting the requirements in RPP35 is then set to the last week of the period for enrolment in the semester immediately following the end of RPP35, however, no later than to the last day of the enrolment period. RPP36 W(**) – since the end of PrP/EPrP until the end of PP or since the DB if BC is submitted after the lapse of PrP M – since DB until the end of PP RPP37 Date of the child’s 3rd birthday, => termination date of RPP, i.e. RPP36 or RPP34, after the lapse of RPP37 - termination date of RPP36 is identical with RPP37 - termination date in case RPP34 occurs by the lapse of IP or EIP after RPP37; not if IP is terminated early during RPP, i.e. before RPP37 In case of concurrent or immediately following RPPs, they are terminated after the lapse of RPP37 of the last one (i.e. on 3rd birthday of the last/youngest child). IBC Inspection of submitting BC – deadline: 30 days after DB or EDD (the IS shall make the calculation since EDD entered in the Document Office and shall send a notification to the Office for Studies and to the student – see IS notification below) 4 Graphical representation timeline DB RPP37 |..............|..........................................................................................................................|.................| |......................................................................RPP............................................................................| |.....................................................RPP36........................................................| |...............................RPP35............................|..........................RPP36......................| |... PMP|.......MP......|.........PrP.......|..EPrP.|.............................PP.............................| |.....................................................RPP34....................................................| |...........................................................................IP...............................................................EIP...| Section 3 – IS Application IS codes 34 Interruption of studies in RPP (ni) Followed by: 54 - planned return after interruption, then 35/36 - if interruption is terminated during RPP, 22 - (termination of interruption / return after interruption) – if RPP finished 35 Start/continuation of studies in RPP35 (i) 36 Start/continuation of studies in RPP36 (i) (is entered to Academic Records in the IS immediately upon starting studies in RPP) 37 Date of the child’s 3rd birthday (is entered to Academic Records in the IS immediately upon submitting BC). - RPP36 is terminated, studies remain active - is not entered as termination of RPP in case studies are interrupted as RPP34 in the semester in which the child reaches the age of 3 (Before the date of RPP37, the Office for Studies shall receive a notification pursuant to which it makes an inspection of the entry in the IS Academic Records. In case the studies are active (code 36), code 37 in the Academic Records remains unchanged; if the studies are interrupted by code 34, code 37 shall be deleted from the records and code 54 added if applicable; RPP shall then be terminated by code 22 – return after interruption). 5 Please note: Upon the start of studies in RPP, all codes whose dates are currently known must be entered in the IS. IS notification re 34 5 working days before the planned return: notification of the student+ on the end of interruption of studies in RPP re 35 1) as per the start date of RPP35 in Academic Records: notification of the student (**) on the start of studies in RPP35; in case of concurrent studies at another faculty, the notification is also sent to the Office for Studies of that faculty 2) 5 working days before the transition from RPP35 to RPP36: notification of the student (**) and the Office for Studies on the end of studies in RPP35 and the necessity to meet the requirements for continuation in RPP36 as per the inspection date (set by the dean’s decision on studies in RPP35) (RPP35 ends as per 31 August or 31 January) re 36 As per the start date of RPP36 in Academic Records: notification of the student+ on the start of studies in RPP36 re 37 5 working days before RPP37 date 1) in case of code 37 and concurrent validity of code 36 – notification of the student+ and the Office for Studies on the end of studies in RPP 2) in case of code 37 and concurrent validity of code 34 – notification of the Office for Studies on the performance of an inspection and modification of the entry on studies in RPP (if studies are interrupted in the last semester of RPP, code 37 shall be deleted from the IS Academic Records and code 54 shall be added; RPP shall then be terminated by code 22 – return after interruption) re IBC 5 working days before the lapse of 30 days after EDD (in the Document Office) a call to the student and Office for Studies to submit/check the child’s BC (only in case EDD is entered in the Document Office without the added DB) Bulk selections in IS RPP34 interruption of studies List of students+ whose studies are interrupted in RPP RPP34 planned return after interruption in the given semester List of planned returns after the end of interruption in RPP36 or RPP35 (code 54 after code 34) when a concrete semester is entered; e.g. spring2016, autumn2017 etc. (code 54 is used for the planned return as in standard studies) RPP35 study in the maternity period List of female students (**) studying in RPP35 6 RPP35 inspection of submitting BC (from the Document Office) List of female students who have not submitted BC for inspection (IBC); applies to those students who have EDD without DB in the Document Office. RPP35 inspection of meeting the requirements List of female students (**) whose meeting the requirements for the period of studies in RPP35 should be inspected (on the transition to RPP36) RPP35 a repeated course not completed Female students (**) who are threatened with termination of studies in RPP35 due to a failure to complete a repeatedly studied course after the regular examination date as well as the resit date. RPP36 study in the parental period List of students+ in RPP36 RPP37 termination of RPP in the given semester List of students+ where RPP37 occurs, i.e. whose child reaches the age of 3 in the semester entered (e.g. spring2016, autumn2017) Section 4 – General Principles of RPP Studies in RPP begin upon submitting the child’s BC by the student+ at the Office for Studies of the faculty; in case of concurrent studies, upon submitting the BC at the Office for Studies of each faculty that keeps records of his/her studies and where the student+ applies for granting the mode of RPP studies in connection with care for a child who is younger than three. Upon presenting the maternity certificate, a female student may start the studies in RPP or interrupt the studies due to RPP even before childbirth, however, no earlier than 8 weeks before EDD. The Office for Studies makes records (also retrospectively) of active studies in RPP in all the active, interrupted and failed studies of the student+. Records of studies in RPP (RPP35, RPP36) copies the period of active studies. In case the date of the start of studies in RPP falls on the date before the original enrolment or on the date when the studies are interrupted, the studies in RPP shall begin on the day of the original or repeated enrolment. Records concerning the interruption of studies are never changed retrospectively; RPP34 always starts as per the date of filing the application for the interruption of studies in RPP. Before PMP, RPP34 may start at the earliest 8 weeks before EDD. Section 5 – Study in RPP35 A student (**) who submits the maternity certificate at the Office for Studies in the prenatal maternity period (PMP) or who submits BC in the maternity period (MP) or in the protection 7 period (PrP), however, not in the extended protection period (EPrP) may be included in the studies in RPP35. (If BC is submitted after the lapse of PrP, the student (**) is automatically included in RPP36). A female student may take maternity leave no earlier than 8 weeks before EDD. A male student (**) may start maternity leave at the earliest after the childbirth. The student (**) does not apply for RPP35; submitting BC and the maternity certificate (MC) equals to filing the application. The dean shall issue a decision on the requirements for studies in RPP35 and shall set the inspection date. In case of concurrent studies, the student (**) shall submit BC (or MC) at the Office for Studies of each faculty that keeps records of her/his studies. After submitting MC, the student (*) is entered the RPP35 mode into the records as per the date of MC submission, however, no earlier than 8 weeks before EDD. If BC is submitted at any time after DB (the student did not take PMP) the RPP35 mode is entered into the records always as per DB or as per the enrolment date if DB precedes the date of the original enrolment (or, as the case may be, as per the date of repeated enrolment if DB falls on the period of interruption). If RPP35 starts in PMP, the student submits MC immediately and BC shall be submitted within 30 days of the childbirth. If the student who uses PMP fails to submit BC within 30 days of DB, the RPP35 mode, i.e. MP including PMP, shall be terminated (by a dean’s decision), the commenced protective period shall become invalid and the student will have to meet the requirements for the continuation of studies retrospectively for the period when she started to use RPP35 (in the current and, as the case may be, in the past semester). In case this BC is then submitted at any time before the end of PrP, the protective period shall be renewed (again, by a dean’s decision) from the original date of the PMP start that was set by the previous decision of the dean. The Office for Studies shall file the documents in the IS MU Document Office (“Child’s records” available in Academic Records). Each file contains only the scanned BC of one child and the date of EDD, in case the student (*) submits the maternity certificate before the due date. If BC is submitted (after DB), EDD is not filled in. In case that the student (**) enrols in the next semester during PMP before BC is submitted, she/he shall be enrolled conditionally until the date when BC should be submitted; - if she fails to submit BC within the prescribed period while she meets the requirements for the continuation of studies, RPP35 shall be terminated (see above) and she shall be enrolled in the semester as any other student; - if she fails to submit BC within the prescribed period and she has not met the requirements for the continuation of studies in the past semester, the proceedings on termination of studies shall be initiated immediately. The protective period (PMP, MP, PrP, EPrP), its cancellation and renewal are always set by a dean’s decision (see above for the dean’s decision on studies in RPP35). 8 The student (**) is enrolled in each semester during RPP35 in accordance with Section 12(3) of the Regulations. The Office for Studies shall enrol the student (**) regardless of whether the Section 12(1) and (2) of the Regulations has been met or not, except for the situation where the student(**) has not completed a repeatedly studied course after the regular examination date as well as the resit dates. The fulfilment of obligations in RPP35 and meeting the requirements for the continuation of studies is assessed as per the date of inspection stated in the dean’s decision on studies in RPP35 or before the final state examination (FSE), upon the first to occur. This date is usually set to the last week of the period for enrolment in the semester immediately following the end of RPP35. The conditions of Section 12 of the Regulations must be met separately for each of the elapsed semesters, not jointly for all semesters. In case the student (**) has not met the requirements for any of the elapsed semesters, the proceedings on termination of studies shall be initiated as per the date of the inspection. (Note: If PrP (not EPrP) ends after the last day of the period for enrolment in the next semester, e.g. on the 1st day of the teaching in the next semester, the EPrP shall continue until the end of the next semester). Section 6 – Study in RPP36 The student+ does not apply for RPP36; submitting BC equals to filing the application. The dean’s decision on studies in RPP36 is not issued. In case of concurrent studies, the student+ shall submit BC at the Office for Studies of each faculty that keeps records of his/her studies. Studies in RPP36 are governed by the Regulations, i.e.: - requirements for enrolment under Section 12(2) of the Regulations must be met no later than by the last day of the period for enrolment in the next semester, - if the conditions of Section 12 of the Regulations have been met, the student+ shall be entitled to take the remaining examinations, colloquiums, or credit tests also after the end of the semester, however, no later than by the date when he/she has to enrol in the course as a repeated course, - if the conditions have not been met, the student+ shall pass to stage 38 – termination of studies. At this stage, the studies cannot be interrupted as RPP34. RPP36 does not allow any concessions for the student+ except for performance of study obligations (taking examinations, colloquiums, credit tests, etc.) outside the exam period. Section 7 – FSE in RPP The conditions for taking the FSE are equal for students+ in RPP (RPP35 and RPP36) as for any other student. In case the student (**) meets the requirements for taking the FSE during RPP35, she can take the FSE either in the semester in which she met the requirements or in any of the following semesters of RPP35, however, no later than in the semester immediately following the end of RPP35. 9 If the student(**) fulfils the study plan during RPP35, she intends to take the FSE after the end of RPP35, and she does not wish to enrol in any further (elective) courses in the semester following the semester in which the requirements for the FSE were met, there is no other way than to interrupt the studies, otherwise the requirements for the continuation of studies will not be met at the end of RPP35 and the proceedings on termination of studies shall be initiated. After the end of RPP35 (or before taking the FSE, upon the first to occur), there will be an inspection of meeting the requirements for taking the FSE, as well as of fulfilment of study obligations in each elapsed semester in RPP35. In case the requirements have not been met in any of the elapsed semesters, the dean may consider granting an exemption, based on the study outcomes. The exemption may be granted if the student makes a request in writing. The dean shall issue a decision in writing on granting the exemption. If the student fails to apply for the exemption, the proceedings on termination of studies shall be initiated. The fulfilment of requirements for taking the FSE shall not cancel / prevail over the fulfilment of obligations in RPP35 for the semester concerned. Should the student+ fail to appear at the FSE, he/she must submit an acceptable excuse for absence, otherwise the FSE date shall expire. Interruption of studies in the FSE process After the fulfilment of the study plan and before taking the FSE, the student+ may interrupt the studies until the end of RPP, i.e. until the end of the semester in which the child reaches the age of 3. If a student+ registered for the FSE applies for the interruption of studies no later than a day before the FSE, the dean shall interrupt the studies, the student+ shall be de-registered from the FSE, and the FSE date shall not expire. The request for interruption need not be reasoned or documented with a medical or other certificate. In case the student+ fails to appear at the FSE and applies for the interruption of studies within 5 working days after the FSE date, he/she must submit an acceptable excuse for absence, otherwise the FSE date shall expire. Then the studies can be interrupted provided that the FSE resit date has not expired in this way, which would mean the proceedings on termination of studies shall be initiated. FSE resit In case a student+ fails the FSE on the first attempt, he/she shall either interrupt the studies (RPP34) or if he/she remains an active student, shall resit the FSE in the immediately following semester. After the failure of the FSE on the first attempt, the studies may be interrupted until the end of RPP, i.e. until the end of the semester in which the child reaches the age of 3 (not just until the immediately following FSE period). Note: After a failure of the FSE on the first attempt, he/she is allowed to remain an active student only provided he/she meets the requirements for advancement to the next semester pursuant to Section 12 of the Regulations (as in the standard studies). 10 Section 8 – Interruption of studies in RPP A student+ applies for the interruption of studies due to parenthood, i.e. RPP34, in writing. The dean shall always issue a decision. If a student applies for interruption in PMP, she submits MC immediately and BC within 30 days of the childbirth. interruption of studies in RPP35 - If a student (**) applies for the interruption of studies during RPP35, her request shall always be granted in PMP/MP regardless of whether the requirements for the continuation of studies have been met; the request shall be granted in PrP/EPrP only if the inspection date set in the decision on RPP35 has not passed. RPP36 follows; therefore, after the inspection date in RPP35, the fulfilment of requirements is assessed against RPP36. interruption of studies in RPP36 - if a student+ applies for the interruption of studies during the semester (i.e. teaching and exam period), the request shall be granted regardless of whether the obligations of this semester have been fulfilled, - if a student+ applies for the interruption of studies after the semester, i.e. after the last day of the period for enrolment in the next semester, the studies shall be interrupted only provided that the requirements for the continuation of studies have been met; if not, the student+ shall pass to stage 38 – termination of studies. interruption of studies after admission/enrolment - studies may also be interrupted immediately after enrolment, i.e. in the 1st semester (after submitting BC or MC) interruption of studies in the FSE process - after the fulfilment of the study plan and before taking the FSE, the student+ may interrupt the studies until the end of RPP, i.e. until the end of the semester in which the child reaches the age of 3 - a student+ who is registered for the FSE may apply for the interruption of studies (BC is sufficient) no later than a day before the FSE; after the date of the FSE only upon submitting an acceptable excuse for absence (within five working days) and the relevant documents (e.g. a medical report if the child is sick etc.). Studies may be interrupted until the end of the semester in which the child reaches the age of 3. Termination of RPP34 during RPP - if before the beginning of the semester (i.e. before the start of teaching, at the latest before the last day of the period for changes in course enrolment elapses), the student shall only notify the Office for Studies of his/her resuming the studies. It is not necessary to issue a decision on RPP34 termination. 11 - during the semester (when RPP35 or RPP36 would apply), the student+ shall file a written request with reasoning. The dean shall issue the decision on RPP34 termination in a non-standard period, shall set the inspection date and a summary of obligations to be fulfilled by the student+ by the set date in the given semester. (This date refers to the fulfilment of obligations in the semester in which the student+ terminated RPP34; it is not an inspection date in the sense of transition from RPP35 to RPP36). The dean is not obliged to grant the request in justified cases. If the student+ terminates the interruption RPP34 after RPP37 but before the end of this semester, he/she shall not be entitled to the renewal of EIP that has not been used. Please note: In stage 38 – termination of studies – THE STUDIES CANNOT BE INTERRUPTED even due to RPP! Section 9 – Enrolment, Repeated Enrolment in RPP (in RPP35 female student (**), in RPP 34, 36 male student / female student) If a student (**) terminates the interruption of studies, i.e. she again enrols in the studies during RPP35, she shall continue to perform her obligations in accordance with the rules of RPP35. RPP35 shall not be extended by the period of interruption. If a student (**) interrupts the studies in RPP35 and again enrols during RPP36 before the beginning of the semester, she has to meet the requirements for RPP35 at the latest by the end of the semester in which she enrolled after the termination of interruption. If RPP34 ends during the semester (when RPP35 or RPP36 would apply), the student+ shall file a written request with reasoning. The dean shall issue the decision on RPP34 termination in a non-standard period, shall set the inspection date and a summary of obligations to be fulfilled by the student+ by the set date in the given semester. (This date refers to the fulfilment of obligations in the semester in which the student+ terminated RPP34; it is not an inspection date in the sense of transition from RPP35 to RPP36). The dean is not obliged to grant the request in justified cases. Enrolment after admission: After the student+ submits BC, he/she is included in the applicable stage of RPP based on DB. The RPP starting date is entered as per the enrolment date. Section 10 – Enrolment in Courses and Their Repetition in RPP in RPP35 A course in which a student (**) enrolled in RPP35 for the first time must be completed no later than by the inspection date at the end of RPP35; if the course is not completed by the inspection date, it applies that if the inspection ascertains that the conditions of Section 12 of the Regulations were met in each of the elapsed semesters of RPP35, the student (**) shall be allowed to use the remaining examination dates until the time when the teaching of the given course starts in RPP36 (at that moment, the course shall be treated as repeated). 12 In case that during RPP35, all the three dates (i.e. one regular and two resits) for completion of a course in which the student (**) is enrolled for the first time have expired, the student (**) shall enrol in the course as a repeated course in the nearest semester when it is taught, although RPP35 has not elapsed. A repeated course must be successfully completed no later than by the inspection date at the end of RPP35. If all the examination dates for completion of a repeated course in RPP35 have expired, the studies shall be terminated in the semester in which the last (resit) date occurred; the inspection of completion of the repeated course, or of the use of the last (resit) date, in RPP35 shall be made at the end of each semester, not on the date of the summary inspection of fulfilment of the conditions at the end of RPP35. in RPP36 Enrolment and repeated enrolment are governed by the Regulations. In case studies were interrupted during the semester (the course has not been completed), then after resuming the studies, the student+ shall enrol in courses of that semester as if enrolled for the first time, i.e. the courses are not treated as repeated, and the conditions of the semester in which the interruption occurred shall not be assessed. If studies were interrupted after the end of teaching, i.e. during the exam period or before the lapse of the last day of the period for enrolment in the next semester, then the conditions for that semester must be fulfilled at the latest by the end of the exam period of the semester in which the student+ again enrolled. Section 11 – Organization of Examination Dates in RPP During RPP, the student+ is entitled to take exams also outside the standard exam period. The teacher shall accommodate the student+ if possible. Examination dates shall be scheduled to the first 14 days after the beginning of teaching and to the exam period of the following semester. Upon agreement with the student+, the teacher may schedule the examination date to any time, not just the specified periods. (A written request need not be filed; the student+ may ask the teacher in person or by e-mail). In case the student+ is not comfortable with any of the announced examination dates and applies for a different date, he/she must reason the request. In case an agreement is not reached even after giving the reason, the student+ shall refer the request to the dean. The dean shall issue a written decision on the examination date. 13 Section 12 – Exceptional Situations in RPP Obstacle to performance of obligations If the student+ knows he/she will not be able to fulfil a study obligation by the deadline, he/she shall discuss the situation with the teacher and the Office for Studies or the vice-dean in advance or promptly after the situation arises, i.e. within 5 working days at the maximum. Death In the event of the child’s death (to be documented by the death certificate), the student+ is entitled to - RPP34 of up to one year from the date of death plus EIP. If the student+ decides to terminate the interruption during this period, RPP34 cannot be renewed. Then the studies may be interrupted in accordance with Section 13 of the Regulations. - RPP35 until the end of the semester immediately following the semester in which the child deceased. Section 13 – Final Provisions Unless stipulated otherwise herein, the provisions of the Regulations shall apply. This Instruction shall enter into effect on 1 September 2024, and repeals Methodology Instruction No. 1/2016 of 1 December 2016 (“Methodology Instruction Regarding the Recognized Parental Period – Modifications to MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations in accordance with modification of the Higher Education Act implemented by Act No. 48/2013 Coll. effective from 1 April 2013”). Michal Bulant Vice-rector for Education and Quality