In accordance with section 14, subsection 1 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as amended by Act No. 137/2016 Coll., I hereby approve the Masaryk University Board of Trustees Statutes on 13 February 2017 under Ref. No. MSMT-2374/2017. …………………………………………………………………. Mgr. Kateřina Valachová, Ph.D. Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Masaryk University Board of Trustees Statutes Section 1 Introductory Provisions In accordance with section 14, subsection 1 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as amended, (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), the Masaryk University Board of Trustees Statutes regulate the election of the Masaryk University Board of Trustees (hereinafter referred to as “MUBoT”) chair and vice-chairs and all MUBoT procedural matters. Section 2 MUBoT Chair, Vice-Chairs and Secretary (1) The MUBoT chair a) convenes MUBoT sessions, b) manages MUBoT sessions, c) proposes the MUBoT agenda and prepares resolutions, d) signs MUBoT documents, in particular prior written consent issued by MUBoT in accordance with section 15, subsection 1 of the Act, e) is authorized to request documents and reviews essential for MUBoT activities in accordance with section 15 of the Act, f) is authorized to act on behalf of the MUBoT, g) is authorized to invite guests to a MUBoT session, h) manages the activities of the MUBoT secretary. (2) In the event of absence, the MUBoT chair is represented by an authorized MUBoT vice-chair. In the event of the termination of the position of MUBoT chair for reasons stated in section 24, subsection 3 of the Act, the position is filled by the senior MUBoT vice-chair. He or she fulfils the requirements of the position until the election of a new MUBoT chair. The election is carried out at the next MUBoT session. (3) The MUBoT secretary performs the administrative and technical activities necessary for MUBoT activity. The duties of MUBoT secretary are performed by the executive assistant to the Rector of MU. Section 3 Election of the Chair and Vice-Chairs (1) The MUBoT chair and vice-chairs are elected to two-year terms. The position of MUBoT chair or vice-chair may be held by the same individual for a maximum of two consecutive terms. (2) The MUBoT chair and vice-chairs are selected from among MUBoT members by secret ballot. (3) An election is valid only in case an absolute majority of MUBoT members are present. A candidate who has won the votes of an absolute majority of all MUBoT members is elected in the first round. In case the required number of votes is not obtained by any of the candidates, voting is repeated and the candidate with the highest number of votes is elected in the second round. Section 4 MUBoT Sessions (1) MUBoT convenes at least twice per year. (2) A MUBoT member's attendance cannot be substituted. (3) If requested by at least three MUBoT members, the MUBoT chair convenes a session within three weeks of receiving the request. (4) If requested by the Rector, the MUBoT chair convenes an extraordinary MUBoT session within three weeks of receiving the request. (5) MUBoT forms quorum if an absolute majority of all MUBoT members are present. (6) The session agenda is proposed by the MUBoT chair. The session agenda is communicated to MUBoT members in advance, at the latest in the form of an invitation to attend a MUBoT session. The session agenda is approved at the beginning of the session following a discussion of proposals for amendments to the agenda. Proposals for amendments may be submitted by all MUBoT members. Recommendations for session agenda changes and amendments may be made by the MUBoT secretary and invited guests. (7) The results of MUBoT negotiations relevant to individual points of the agenda are decided by voting. The approval of a proposal requires the agreement of a majority of all MUBoT members. This does not apply to a situation stipulated by section 8. (8) Following a proposal submitted by the Rector, the MUBoT chair may propose a correspondence vote on the approval of a proposal. This voting mechanism is implemented in case no more than three MUBoT members propose to convene a MUBoT session within the stipulated deadline. The approval of a proposal requires the agreement of a two thirds majority of all MUBoT members. (9) MUBoT must decide on proposals for the approval of the MU budget and the MU strategic plan within two weeks of receiving an approved proposal from the MU Academic Senate via the Rector. Should MUBoT fail to decide within this period of time, the proposal is considered approved. In case MUBoT does not approve the proposal, it shall be returned to the MU Academic Senate along with reasons for re-examination. (10) The Rector, or an authorized vice-rector, the bursar, the MU Academic Senate chair, or an authorized MU Academic Senate member, and an MU Internal Evaluation Board member authorized by the MU Internal Evaluation Board chair, have the right to attend and participate in MUBoT sessions whenever they so request. (11) Vice-rectors may be present at MUBoT sessions even if the Rector is also present. (12) MUBoT sessions are public. Some or all parts of the MUBoT proceedings may be designated as non-public following a vote. (13) In case some documents which form part of the MUBoT agenda are marked by their originator as confidential, MUBoT members, secretary and invited guests are bound by a confidentiality obligation in accordance with generally binding legal regulations. Section 5 Common Provisions (1) MUBoT may request expert opinions necessary for reaching a decision. Costs associated with the preparation of such expert opinions are covered by MU. (2) A MUBoT resolution must be published in a suitable manner within five days of the vote. In cases specified by the Act, MUBoT is obligated to notify the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of its decision within seven days (section 15, subsection 6 of the Act). (3) Administrative costs associated with MUBoT activities are covered by MU. Section 6 Concluding Provisions (1) MUBoT Statutes, approved by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports on 26 July 2004 under Ref. No. 16 501/04-30, are hereby cancelled. (2) These MUBoT Statutes have been discussed with the Rector. (3) These MUBoT Statutes enter into force on the day of approval by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports. MgA. Petr Pleva, m.p. MUBoT chair