Ref. No. MU-IS/118919/2021/1432563/PdF-1 Masaryk University Faculty of Education Directive No. 2/2021 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University (in the version effective from 24 May 2021) In accordance with Sect. 28 subsect. 1 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as amended, I hereby issue this directive: Part One General Provisions Section 1 Subject (1) This directive of the Faculty of Education (hereinafter “FEdu”), Masaryk University (hereinafter “MU”), entitled Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University (hereinafter the “Principles”) specifies the process of habilitation procedures and professor appointment procedures at FEdu MU, the rules of which are generally laid down in regulations of greater legal significance: a) Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts, as amended (hereinafter the “Act”), in particular Sections 71–75, b) MU Statutes, c) MU Regulations on the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure, d) MU Directive No. 7/2017 Habilitation Procedures and Professor Appointment Procedures (hereinafter the “Directive”). Section 2 General principles concerning habilitation procedures and professor appointment procedures (1) The implementation of habilitation procedures and professor appointment procedures is inspected by the Vice-Dean of FEdu MU, in whose competence is the agenda of habilitation and appointment procedures. (2) Administration connected with the agenda for habilitation and professor appointment procedures, including managing the habilitation or appointment files, and the paper and electronic archiving of documents, is provided by an employee of the Office for Research and Development, Quality, and Academic Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the “ORDQAA”), FEdu MU. (3) The board chair and its members are responsible for the preparation of the procedures (including administrative aspects), their course, and negotiations within procedures. All documents on the actions of the Board shall be delivered by the Chair without delay to the ORDQAA. Masaryk University Faculty of Education Directive No. 2/2021 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University 2 (4) The publication and archiving of data on procedures and habilitation theses are governed by the provisions of the Directive (Sect. 2, 5, 16, and 17). Part Two Habilitation Procedure Section 3 Initiating Habilitation Procedures (1) The habilitation procedure at FEdu MU may be initiated by an applicant who submits a proposal to initiate the procedure in the English language (Directive Sect. 3 subsect. 2 together with documents according to the Directive (Sect. 4 and 5), and who meets the professional requirements for applicants according to these Principles (Sect. 5). (2) Documents for the procedure initiated by submitting the applicant’s proposal to the Dean of the faculty through the faculty’s designated office shall be delivered to: Office for Research and Development, Quality and Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Poříčí 7, 603 00 BRNO.1 (3) An overview of documents submitted to initiate the habilitation procedure is given in Sect. 4 of the Directive. Applicants for the procedure at the FEdu MU also submit an outline of their scholarly or artistic activity in Czech and English (Sect. 4 subsect. 2 letter (j) of the Directive) and the Dean’s or Rector’s opinion (Sect. 4 subsect. 2 letter (c) of the Directive). All documents shall be submitted in one copy, unstapled, dated, and signed (with the exception of documents on education and the opinion of the Dean or Rector). (4) In addition, the applicant shall submit their habilitation thesis (according to Sect. 5 of the Directive and Sect. 6 of the Principles) in four copies and electronically (pdf format, without any signature on the author’s statement, max. 200 MB). The habilitation thesis must always contain an abstract of the thesis, or a commentary in English. The abstract or commentary can be a direct part of the habilitation thesis or it can be attached as a separate document (file). If the whole thesis cannot be published, the applicant shall submit one file (a set of two files, one with the text of the thesis and the other with the abstract or commentary) with the full version of the thesis, incl. the abstract or commentary, and second file (a set of two files) with the parts of the thesis that can be published, incl. the abstract or commentary. The abstract or commentary are always published. (5) The applicant may, on an extra sheet, state a proposal for the experts to implement the procedure, stating the first name, surname, degrees, exact address of the unit, incl. postal code, e-mail addresses, or other suitable contact information. Section 4 Other formal requirements for documenting the habilitation procedure at FEdu MU (1) If the applicant has been awarded the degree of Bc., it is necessary to provide evidence of having attained this level of education (and to provide the relevant information in the CV). (2) In the case of completing a doctoral programme (obtaining a scientific degree) abroad, it is necessary to provide a certificate for the recognition of the equivalence of foreign education and degrees – provided by the Research Office at the Rector’s Office, possibly recognition on the basis of interstate equivalence agreements. (3) In the case of academic degrees obtained abroad, the wording of the abbreviations of degrees awarded to the applicant must be stated in the documentation (the abbreviation of the degree is stated on the diploma or in the equivalence agreement). 1 Contact person: D. Nesnídalová, tel.: 549 49 5872, e-mail: Masaryk University Faculty of Education Directive No. 2/2021 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University 3 (4) The lists must include all items mentioned by the Directive (in the forms it prescribes), or a note that the applicant does not have activities of this type. (5) In the CV (Annex No. 3 of the Directive) it is necessary to state all used surnames, if they are also stated on documents of education or in overviews of publishing and other activities. (6) Information in the lists is in chronological, ascending order (i.e. from the oldest to the newest) to enable new activities to be easily added to the end of the list without shifting already used serial numbers. (7) The inclusion of the types of outcomes in the lists corresponds to the definitions of the Methodology for Evaluating the Outcomes of Research Organizations (R&D&I Council) valid at the time of initiating the procedure2 . (8) In the list of scholarly, scientific and artistic works (Annex No. 5 of the Directive) and in the list of citations and additional responses (Annex No. 6 of the Directive), in order for the record of the reported outcome in the database and the quartile to be recognized (WoS for the purpose of qualification procedures – quartile according to AIS, SCOPUS – quartile according to SJR), the inclusion of the article/journal/conference proceedings in the database at the time of publishing the reported text is decisive3 . (9) The bibliographic citation of publications, responses, and other activities is governed by the practices of the field, the title of the reported outcome is given in the language in which it was published, it is mandatory to state the: a) ISBN, or ISSN, if it exists; b) scope or number of pages of the reported outcome (for unnumbered electronic, online, and similar texts, it is necessary to state the estimated scope, e.g. according to their printout); c) author’s share of the applicant for works prepared in co-authorship (indicate the percentage). (10) In the case of publication in another language version, or publication in another publication source, or another edition of the same work, such publications are listed under one item (one serial number), as they do not represent new outcomes of the applicant’s scholarly work, although they do indicate interest in the text. If a new chapter has been included in a subsequent edition of a scholarly book publication, it shall be reported as a separate chapter in the book with the appropriate note. (11) No publication/activity can be duplicated in the documentation. If any of the publication outcomes simultaneously corresponds to more than one type, the applicant shall place it in the most appropriate category, or in the section according to the highest rated database. (12) It is recommended to state citations and responses without self-citations (i.e. citations of work by the applicant). If the applicant decides to include self-citations, they must state this in the introduction to the list of citations and responses (Annex No. 6 of the Directive) and state the percentage of the total number of citations and self-citations in the summary table (Annex No. 7 of the Directive). In accordance with the text of Annex No. 6 of the Directive, a citation analysis prepared by the Research Office of the MU Rector’s Office can also be submitted; a consultation can also be provided by the ORDQAA. Only WoS and Scopus are considered to be international databases for the purposes of the citation list. Citations in the final theses of students are not reported. (13) In accordance with Sect. 4 subsect. 2 letter (i) of the Directive, relating to the requirements for the applicants according to Sect. 5 of the Principles, the applicant shall further state in the documentation: a) In the list of scholarly, scientific, and artistic works (Annex No. 5 of the Directive) 2 The methodology and definitions are available at → (on the page below) Methodology for Evaluating Research Organisations and R&D&I Purpose-tied Aid Programmes (2017+) and Definitions of Types of Results_Appendix 4. 3 If the text in a journal is published in 2012 and the journal is included in the database only from 2013, it is not possible to mark the relevant article of the applicant with the abbreviation of the database in the list of works (this text is not included in the database). The reported article must be directly recorded in the WoS and SCOPUS databases (the databases do not record all texts of the given publication source). Masaryk University Faculty of Education Directive No. 2/2021 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University 4 1. in section (iv) Article in proceedings: the name of the relevant database for articles registered in the WoS and Scopus databases; 2. in section (xxi) Other works considered important by the applicant, broken down by the relevant subheadings: i. comprehensive works associated with the awarding of academic degrees in the structure: title of the thesis in the original language (English), type of thesis and degree obtained4 , name of the academic institution, year of awarding the degree; ii. invited lectures in the structure: author(s), title of the lecture, name of the institution that requested it, event at which it was given, place and date (month and year) of the lecture, or % of the author’s share; iii. conference presentations in the structure: author(s), title of the presentation, name of the conference, place and date of the event (month and year), or % of the author’s share; iv. in addition, at their discretion, the applicant may state for example: research reports, audio-visual works, editorship of a scholarly book publication, thematic proceedings, single-topic scholarly journal issue, expert opinions and reviews, translations, reviews for journals and publishers, reviews of doctoral and habilitation theses, assessments of the project proposals, and project final reports. b) In the list of documents certifying pedagogical experience (Annex No. 4 to the Directive), or in the conclusion supplemented by the section Other activities and membership, the applicant 1. shall state their share in the curricular concept of the study programme (field, specialization, subject) within the accreditation; 2. furthermore, at their discretion, the applicant may state, for example, the function of the guarantor of the study programme, participation in the evaluation of teaching, etc. c) In the list of additional information documenting scientific or artistic qualifications (Annex No. 9 of the Directive), the applicant may state, in section vii) Additional information submitted by the applicant, a list of internal projects in which they participated, in the structure: title of the project, provider, project period, project investigator, institution where the project was investigated, position of the applicant in investigating the project. (14) Works in the press, in the review procedure, etc. can be mentioned only in Appendix No. 7 in the section Additional comments on publication activities. (15) In accordance with the Directive, Sect. 4 subsect. 4, when initiating the procedure, the applicant shall submit one copy of the three scientific publications which they have identified as the most important in the list, pursuant to Annex No. 7 of the Directive. Copies of other significant works are submitted by the applicant at their own discretion at the meeting of the Scientific Board of FEdu MU, where their procedure is taking place, or at the request of the committee or the Rector according to Sect. 7 subsect. 4 letter (c) of the Directive. Section 5 Professional requirements of applicants for the habilitation procedure (1) Qualification requirements of the applicant: obtaining a university degree and the degree of CSc. or the academic title of Ph.D. (Dr.) stated after the name (or a foreign or other equivalent) in identical or similar fields5 to the one in which the applicant intends to habilitate. 4 Bachelor thesis – Bc., Diploma thesis – Mgr., Rigorous thesis – PhDr., Doctoral thesis – Ph.D. … 5 To assess the relationship to the field, the relevant vice-dean shall call upon the guarantor of the field in which the applicant requests the initiation of the procedure. In contested cases, the assessment is submitted to the Scientific Board of the faculty. Masaryk University Faculty of Education Directive No. 2/2021 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University 5 (2) Professional prerequisites of the applicant: Publication and scholarly activity in the field of the procedure is assessed. The stated criteria should be considered as a minimum requirement; the quality, not the quantity, of the applicant’s activities is decisive for the evaluation of the applicant. Nonetheless, it is necessary to present the applicant’s outcomes in the international field. In artistically oriented fields, professional prerequisites can be adequately substituted by artistic activities (examples are in italics): a) 1 research monograph (reviewed, in the range of at least 100 printed pages; in the case of a monograph published in co-authorship, the applicant’s share must be at least 100 pages; unless the scope of authorship is clearly stated in the publication, e.g. in the form of authorship of chapters, it is necessary to submit a declaration of all co-authors on the share of their work)6 ; b) 15 beneficial scientific studies published in the Czech Republic and abroad in the form of 1. a scholarly book publication (except for monographs according to point a)), 2. a chapter in a scholarly book publication, 3. an original scholarly article in a journal, 4. an original scholarly article in the proceedings registered in WoS or SCOPUS; In artistically oriented fields: composition or performance of compositions, or performances at renowned music festivals, important stage performances, with renowned orchestras or media, exhibitions in renowned institutions, performances, realizations in architecture, publications, in the field of visual communication, etc.; i. 5 of these studies must be published in a world language7 ; ii. at least 2 journal studies must be registered in WoS or SCOPUS, another 2 studies in a journal published in the form of a peer-reviewed scholarly article meeting the requirements of the definition of the Methodology for Evaluating the Outcomes of Research Organizations (R&D&I Council) valid at the time of initiating the procedure2 ; c) 20 positive citations and responses (excluding self-citations) published in the Czech Republic and abroad for the applicant’s work, including citations and responses published in world languages7 (representation in collections, recognition and awards from art competitions, reviews, criticisms, work performances, etc.); d) 3 textbooks, other teaching texts (incl. chapters in textbooks), e-learning courses, on-line teaching applications, other teaching aids and materials, overview and educational texts and presentations, popularizing scientific texts and activities, share in the curricular conception of a study programme (field, specialization, subject) within accreditation (organizational and scholarly work in creative workshops, interpretation courses, juries); e) participation in investigating scientific research and other projects (except for internal projects of the institution employing the applicant at the time of project implementation); f) 3 years of successful pedagogical work at a university in the given or related field; g) 10 active appearances at scientific conferences, symposia, seminars, of which at least 1 is invited, including appearances made in world languages7 in the Czech Republic and abroad (art symposia, exhibitions, music festivals, presentations of artistic activity in the media, curation of exhibitions, etc.); h) foreign scientific, scholarly, pedagogical and/or artistic internships, of which at least 1 is longer than one month, in a total length of at least 3 months; in justified cases, this can be substituted by activities with a demonstrable international impact (e.g. by comparatively demanding participation in investigating international projects, completing, for example, doctoral studies abroad); i) membership in scientific and scholarly (artistic) societies, national or international bodies and committees, such as DSP doctoral committees, editorial boards of scientific and scholarly (artistic) journals, scientific (artistic) boards, grant 6 This publication may also be presented as a habilitation thesis in the form of a monograph published in print. 7 English, Chinese, French, German, Russian and Spanish are considered to be world languages. Masaryk University Faculty of Education Directive No. 2/2021 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University 6 committees, committees of scholarly societies, committees of important congresses, conferences, festivals and exhibitions, editorial boards, etc. (3) In exceptional circumstances, it is possible to substitute for a smaller number of activities in one category by increasing the number of activities in another category, so that the overall professional level is not affected. Such substitution, incl. the substitution of publishing activities by artistic activities, will be proposed and documented by an explicit statement before the initiation of the procedure by the guarantor of the relevant field and approved by the responsible vice-dean. Section 6 Habilitation Thesis (1) The habilitation thesis is defined by Sect. 72 subsect. 3 of the Act, and its requisites are laid down in more detail in Sect. 5 of the Directive. (2) Habilitation Thesis pursuant to Sect. 5 subsect. 1 letter (a) of the Directive must be in A4 format, line spacing 1.5–2 lines (may be printed on both sides), bound in a non-detachable hardcover, the plates and the title page must be uniform and the thesis must include a statement by the author.8 The formal arrangement of the habilitation thesis pursuant to Sect. 5 subsect. 1 letters (b)–(d) of the Directive shall be as close as possible to this provision. (3) The habilitation thesis must not be identical to any thesis on the basis of which another degree has already been awarded. (4) The content and scope of the habilitation thesis arise from the specifics of the individual fields9 . (5) The requisites for submitting a habilitation thesis at the initiation of the procedure are stated in Sect. 3 subsect. 4 of these Principles. Section 7 Implementation of the habilitation procedure (1) The course of the habilitation procedure is governed by the provisions of the Directive, especially its Part Two. (2) After the initiation of the procedure, the ORDQAA shall perform an electronic check for plagiarism of the habilitation thesis10 via the IS MU, acquaint the guarantor of the field with the result, and request their opinion in case of any similarities found. The result of the check and the opinion of the guarantor are placed in the habilitation file. (3) The composition and work of the Board is described in Sect. 6 of the Directive. In the event of an equal number of votes at the Board’s meeting, the board chair shall decide on the conclusion of the item under discussion. (4) The appointment of reviewers of the habilitation thesis at FEdu MU takes place within the Board by its members, including the Chair, proposing experts, from whom the board chair then selects those reviewers whose composition complies with the Act, the Directive, and professional requirements, and justifies the selection to the Board. (5) Reviewers of habilitation theses will comment on the following points in their reviews: a) topicality of the subject, b) approach to investigating and placing the issue in a scholarly (incl. international) context, c) methodology used, d) quality, accuracy and originality of the reached outcomes, e) applicability of the outcomes for the development of the field and further research, applicability of the outcomes in practice, 8 A template is available at the faculty’s website: 9 Previously submitted habilitation theses are available at the website after clicking on the procedure record for the relevant name, and then clicking on the title of the habilitation thesis. 10 The check for plagiarism is performed on the publishable part of the thesis, excluding files less than 5% similar. Masaryk University Faculty of Education Directive No. 2/2021 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University 7 f) formal arrangement and language of the thesis. (6) The lecture of the applicant for the specialist public lasts 45 minutes, the lecture before the Scientific Board of the FEdu MU lasts 20 minutes. Both lectures must present the outcomes of the applicant’s own research/work/activities with a variety of thematic accents. Lectures are always followed by a discussion. Part Three Professor Appointment Procedure Section 8 Initiating the Professor Appointment Procedure (1) The professor appointment procedure at FEdu MU may be initiated by an applicant who submits a proposal to initiate the procedure in the English language (Directive Sect. 10 subsect. 4 together with documents according to the Directive (Sect. 11) and meets the professional requirements for applicants according to these Principles (Sect. 10). (2) Documents for the procedure initiated by submitting the applicant’s proposal to the Dean of the faculty through the faculty’s designated office shall be delivered to: Office for Research and Development, Quality and Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Poříčí 7, 603 00 BRNO.11 (3) An overview of the documents submitted when initiating the professor appointment procedure is given in the Directive Sect. 11. Applicants for the procedure at the FEdu MU also submit an outline of their scholarly or artistic activity in Czech and English (Sect. 11 subsect. 2 letter (k) of the Directive) and an opinion of the Dean or the Rector (Sect. 11 subsect. 2 letter (d) of the Directive). All documents are submitted unstapled, dated and signed (with the exception of the recommended opinions of foreign professors, certificates of education and opinions of the Dean or Rector) – all in one copy, plus two copies of the CV (Annex No. 3 of the Directive), one copy of documents certifying pedagogical experience (Annex No. 4 of the Directive), a list of scientific, scholarly and artistic works (Annex No. 5 of the Directive), and additional information documenting scientific or artistic qualifications (Annex No. 9 of the Directive). (4) The applicant may, on an extra sheet, state a proposal for the experts to implement the procedure, stating the first name, surname, degrees, exact address of the unit, incl. postal code, e-mail addresses, or other suitable contact information. Section 9 Other formal requirements of the documentation for the professor appointment procedure at FEdu MU (1) If the applicant has been awarded the degree of Bc., it is necessary to provide evidence of having attained this level of education (and to provide the relevant information in the CV). (2) In the case of completing a doctoral programme (obtaining a scientific degree) abroad, it is necessary to provide a certificate for the recognition of the equivalence of foreign education and degrees – provided by the Research Office at the Rector’s Office, possibly recognition on the basis of interstate equivalence agreements. (3) In the case of academic degrees obtained abroad, the wording of the abbreviations of degrees awarded to the applicant must be stated in the documentation (the abbreviation of the degree is stated on the diploma or in the equivalence agreement). (4) The lists must include all items mentioned by the Directive (in the forms it prescribes), or a note that the applicant does not have activities of this type. (5) In the CV (Annex No. 3 of the Directive) it is necessary to state all used surnames, if they are also stated on documents of education or in overviews of publishing and other activities. 11 Contact person: D. Nesnídalová, tel.: 549 49 5872, e-mail: Masaryk University Faculty of Education Directive No. 2/2021 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University 8 (6) Information in the lists is in chronological, ascending order (i.e. from the oldest to the newest) to enable new activities to be easily added to the end of the list without shifting already used serial numbers. (7) The inclusion of the types of outcomes in the lists corresponds to the definitions of the Methodology for Evaluating the Outcomes of Research Organizations (R&D&I Council) valid at the time of initiating the procedure12 . (8) In the list of scholarly, scientific and artistic works (Annex No. 5 of the Directive) and in the list of citations and additional responses (Annex No. 6 of the Directive), in order for the record of the reported outcome in the database and the quartile to be recognized (WoS for the purpose of qualification procedures – quartile according to AIS, SCOPUS – quartile according to SJR), the inclusion of the article/journal/conference proceedings in the database at the time of publishing the reported text is decisive13 . (9) The bibliographic citation of publications, responses, and other activities is governed by the practices of the field, the title of the reported outcome is given in the language in which it was published, it is mandatory to state the: a) ISBN, or ISSN, if it exists; b) scope or number of pages of the reported outcome (for unnumbered electronic, online, and similar texts, it is necessary to state the estimated scope, e.g. according to their printout); c) author’s share of the applicant for works prepared in co-authorship (indicate the percentage). (10) In the case of publication in another language version, or publication in another publication source, or another edition of the same work, such publications are listed under one item (one serial number), as they do not represent new outcomes of the applicant’s scholarly work, although they do indicate interest in the text. If a new chapter has been included in a subsequent edition of a scholarly book publication, it shall be reported as a separate chapter in the book with the appropriate note. (11) No publication/activity can be duplicated in the documentation. If any of the publication outcomes simultaneously corresponds to more than one type, the applicant shall place it in the most appropriate category, or in the section according to the highest rated database. (12) It is recommended to state citations and responses without self-citations (i.e. citations of work by the applicant). If the applicant decides to include self-citations, they must state this in the introduction to the list of citations and responses (Annex No. 6 of the Directive) and state the percentage of the total number of citations and self-citations in the summary table (Annex No. 7 of the Directive). In accordance with the text of Annex No. 6 of the Directive, a citation analysis prepared by the Research Office of the MU Rector’s Office can also be submitted; a consultation can also be provided by the ORDQAA. Only WoS and Scopus are considered to be international databases for the purposes of the citation list. Citations in the final theses of students are not reported. (13) In accordance with Sect. 11 subsect. 2 letter (j) of the Directive, relating to the requirements for the applicants according to Sect. 10 of the Principles, the applicant shall further state in the documentation: a) In the list of scholarly, scientific, and artistic works (Annex No. 5 of the Directive) 1. in section (iv) Article in proceedings: the name of the relevant database for articles registered in the WoS and Scopus databases; 2. in section (xxi) Other works considered important by the applicant, broken down by the relevant subheadings: i. comprehensive works associated with the awarding of academic degrees in the structure: title of the thesis in the original language (English), type of 12 The methodology and definitions are available at → (on the page below) Methodology for Evaluating Research Organisations and R&D&I Purpose-tied Aid Programmes (2017+) and Definitions of Types of Results_Appendix 4. 13 If the text in a journal is published in 2012 and the journal is included in the database only from 2013, it is not possible to mark the relevant article of the applicant with the abbreviation of the database in the list of works (this text is not included in the database). The reported article must be directly recorded in the WoS and SCOPUS databases (the databases do not record all texts of the given publication source). Masaryk University Faculty of Education Directive No. 2/2021 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University 9 thesis and degree obtained14 , name of the academic institution, year of awarding the degree; ii. invited lectures in the structure: author(s), title of the lecture, name of the institution that requested it, event at which it was given, place and date (month and year) of the lecture, or % of the author’s share; iii. conference presentations in the structure: author(s), title of the presentation, name of the conference, place and date of the event (month and year), or % of the author’s share; iv. in addition, at their discretion, the applicant may state for example: research reports, audio-visual works, editorship of a scholarly book publication, thematic proceedings, single-topic scholarly journal issue, expert opinions and reviews, translations, reviews for journals and publishers, reviews of doctoral and habilitation theses, assessments of the project proposals, and project final reports. b) In the list of documents certifying pedagogical experience (Annex No. 4 to the Directive), or in the conclusion supplemented by the section Other activities and membership, the applicant 1. shall state their share in the curricular concept of the study programme (field, specialization, subject) within the accreditation; 2. furthermore, at their discretion, the applicant may state, for example, the function of the guarantor of the study programme, participation in the evaluation of teaching, etc. c) In the list of additional information documenting scientific or artistic qualifications (Annex No. 9 of the Directive), the applicant may state 1. in section ii) Membership in scientific boards, scientific panels, expert committees etc.: membership in habilitation committees, 2. in section vii) Additional information submitted by the applicant: a list of internal projects in which they have participated; the list is structured: title of the project, provider, project period, project investigator, institution where the project was investigated, position of the applicant in investigating the project. (14) Works in the press, in the review procedure, etc. can be mentioned only in Appendix No. 7 in the section Additional comments on publication activities. (15) In accordance with the Directive, Sect. 11 subsect. 4, when initiating the procedure, the applicant shall submit one copy of the three scientific publications which they have identified as the most important in the list pursuant to Annex No. 7 of the Directive. Copies of other significant works are submitted by the applicant at their own discretion at the meeting of the Scientific Board of FEdu MU, where their procedure is taking place, or at the request of the committee or the Rector according to Sect. 13 subsect. 4 of the Directive. Section 10 Professional requirements of applicants for the professor appointment procedure (1) Qualification prerequisites of the applicant: a) obtaining a university degree and the degree of CSc. or the academic title of Ph.D. (Dr.) stated after the name (or a foreign or other equivalent) in identical or similar fields to the one in which the procedure has been initiated; b) previous habilitation in the given or related field15 , if the habilitation procedure included the submission of a habilitation thesis; the possibility of waiving a previous appointment as an associate professor is resolved by Sect. 10 subsect. 3 of the Directive; c) submission of at least two written recommendations of foreign professors (except Slovakia) from identical or similar fields in English, if the appointment starts at the 14 Bachelor thesis – Bc., Diploma thesis – Mgr., Rigorous thesis – PhDr., Doctoral thesis – Ph.D., Habilitation thesis – doc. … 15 To assess the relationship to the field, the relevant vice-dean shall call upon the guarantor of the field in which the applicant requests the initiation of the procedure. In contested cases, the assessment is submitted to the Scientific Board of the faculty pursuant to Sect. 10 subsect. 2 of the Directive. Masaryk University Faculty of Education Directive No. 2/2021 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University 10 proposal of the applicant; more detail in Sect. 11 subsect. 2 letter (a) of the Directive). (2) Professional prerequisites of the applicant: Publication and scholarly activity in the field of the procedure is assessed. The stated criteria should be considered as a minimum requirement; the quality, not the quantity, of the applicant’s activities is decisive for the evaluation of the applicant. Nonetheless, it is necessary to present the applicant’s outcomes in the international field. In artistically oriented fields, professional prerequisites can be adequately substituted by artistic activities (examples are in italics): a) 2 scholarly book publications (reviewed, in the range of at least 100 printed pages; in the case of a co-authorship, the applicant’s share must be at least 100 pages; unless the scope of authorship is clearly stated in the publication, e.g. in the form of authorship of chapters, it is necessary to submit a declaration of all co-authors on the share of their work); at least one of them is a research monograph; one of the expert books is published in a world language16 ; b) 30 beneficial scientific studies published in the Czech Republic and abroad in the form of 1. a scholarly book publication (except for books according to point a)), 2. a chapter in a scholarly book publication, 3. an original scholarly article in a journal, 4. an original scholarly article in the proceedings registered in WoS or SCOPUS; In artistically oriented fields: with regards to a) and b) composition or performance of compositions, or performances at renowned music festivals, important stage performances, with renowned orchestras or media, exhibitions in renowned institutions, performances, realizations in architecture, publications, in the field of visual communication, etc. Only one scholarly book publicaton according to point a) can be substituted in this way. A research monograph is a condition that cannot be substituted by artistic activity; i. at least 10 of these studies must be published in a world language16 ; ii. at least 5 shall be published abroad; iii. at least 4 journal studies must be registered in WoS or SCOPUS, another 4 studies in a journal published in the form of a peer-reviewed scholarly article meeting the requirements of the definition of the Methodology for Evaluating the Outcomes of Research Organizations (R&D&I Council) valid at the time of initiating the procedure12 ; c) 30 positive citations and responses (excluding self-citations) published in the Czech Republic and abroad for the applicant’s work, of which at least 5 citations and responses are published in world languages16 (representation in collections, recognition and awards from art competitions, reviews, criticisms, work performances, etc.); d) 5 textbooks, other teaching texts (incl. chapters in textbooks), e-learning courses, on-line teaching applications, other teaching aids and materials, overview and educational texts and presentations, popularizing scientific texts and activities, share in the curricular conception of a study programme (field, specialization, subject) within accreditation (organizational and scholarly work in creative workshops, interpretation courses, juries); e) participation in the investigation of scientific research and other projects (except for internal projects of the institution employing the applicant at the time of project implementation) – at least one participation in a research project and at the same time at least one participation in a project in the role of responsible investigator; f) 5 years of successful pedagogical work at a university in the given or related field; g) 15 active appearances at scientific conferences, symposia, seminars, of which at least 3 appearances are invited, including appearances made in world languages16 in the Czech Republic and abroad (art symposia, exhibitions, music festivals, presentations of artistic activity in the media, curation of exhibitions, etc.); 16 English, Chinese, French, German, Russian and Spanish are considered to be world languages. Masaryk University Faculty of Education Directive No. 2/2021 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University 11 h) lectures at other universities and possibly other institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad; i) foreign scientific, scholarly, pedagogical and/or artistic internships, lecture stays, visiting professorships, of which at least 1 is longer than one month, in a total length of at least 6 months; in justified cases, this can be substituted by activities with a demonstrable international impact (e.g. by comparatively demanding participation in investigating international projects, completing, for example, doctoral studies abroad); j) successful supervision of researchers, doctoral students (participation in the provision of doctoral studies), at least 1 graduate of a doctoral programme under the supervision of the applicant in the role of supervisor or consultant, creation of their own “school” bringing new perspectives to the field; k) membership in scientific and scholarly (artistic) societies, national or international bodies and committees, such as doctoral committees, editorial boards of scientific, scholarly (artistic) journals, scientific (artistic) boards, grant committees, committees of scholarly societies, committees of important congresses, conferences, festivals and exhibitions, editorial boards, etc. (3) In exceptional circumstances, it is possible to substitute for a smaller number of activities in one category by increasing the number of activities in another category, so that the overall professional level is not affected. Such substitution, incl. the substitution of publishing activities by artistic activities, will be proposed and documented by an explicit statement before initiating the procedure by the guarantor of the relevant field and approved by the responsible vice-dean. Section 11 Implementation of the professor appointment procedure (1) The course of the professor appointment procedure is governed by the provisions of the Directive, especially Part Four. (2) The composition and work of the Board is described in Sect. 12 of the Directive. In the event of an equal number of votes at the Board’s meeting, the board chair shall decide on the conclusion of the item under discussion. (3) The lecture of the applicant for the specialist public lasts 45 minutes, the lecture before the Scientific Board of the FEdu MU lasts 20 minutes. Both lectures must present the outcomes of the applicant’s own research/work/activities with a variety of thematic accents. Lectures are always followed by a discussion. Part Four Common, transitional and final provisions Section 12 Final provisions (1) This Directive of FEdu MU cancels the Dean’s Directive No. 5/2018 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure from 10 September 2018, effective from 17 September 2018. (2) The procedure under this Fedu MU Directive shall apply to procedures initiated on the day it enters effect and subsequently. (3) This FEdu MU Directive builds upon related documents a) Rector’s Directive No. 7/2017 Habilitation Procedures and Professor Appointment Procedures, effective from 1 January 2021. b) MU Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure Regulations, effective from 1 January 2021. Masaryk University Faculty of Education Directive No. 2/2021 Principles of the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University 12 c) Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts. (4) I entrust the interpretation of the individual provisions of this FEdu MU Directive to the Vice-Dean of the FEdu MU, in whose competence is the agenda of habilitation and appointment procedures. (5) I entrust the updates of this FEdu MU Directive to the Vice-Dean of the FEdu MU, in whose competence is the agenda of habilitation and appointment procedures. (6) I entrust the supervision of compliance with this FEdu MU Directive to the Vice-Dean of the FEdu MU, in whose competence is the agenda of habilitation and appointment procedures. (7) This FEdu MU Directive was approved by the Scientific Board of the FEdu MU in a per rollam meeting on 16–25 April 2021. (8) This FEdu MU Directive shall enter into force on the date of signature. (9) This FEdu MU Directive shall take effect on 24 May 2021. In Brno on 20 May 2021 doc. PhDr. Jiří Němec, Ph.D. Dean