Measure of the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University No. 6/2020 Criteria and conditions for the allocation of exceptional rewards to academic staff (as amended with effect from 19 February 2024) Pursuant to Section 28(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Additions to Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Higher Education Act"), I issue the following measure (hereinafter referred to as the "Measure"): I. General provisions (1) Taking into account the fulfilment of the economic centre's interim economic indicators, funds may be made available at the end of the relevant calendar year for the payment of exceptional (target) rewards to academic staff for exceptional scientific and research results and other activities. (2) The relevant period for which the individual criteria are reported and the extraordinary bonuses are granted under this measure is the period from 1 November of the preceding calendar year to 31 October of the calendar year in which the extraordinary bonuses are to be paid. (3) The condition for the award of the publication reward is the registration of the result in the MUNI IS. The publication must be published at least in the form of "Online First" or it has been assigned a DOI. (4) Academic staff (in the case of co-authored results, first authors or principal investigators) fill in the documents for extraordinary rewards online in the faculty application, where they enter data proving that the relevant criteria have been met. (5) Criteria for exceptional rewards are announced in the following areas: I. Projects II. Research and Development III. Teaching and Curriculum Development and Service to Society (6) The specific criteria and the corresponding financial evaluation approved by the Dean of the Faculty are set for the following reference period as of 30 January of the calendar year in the form of an annex to this measure. 2 (7) The criteria for extraordinary remuneration are determined with regard to the objectives set out in the Strategic Plan of Masaryk University and the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University, the strategic requirements of the management of Masaryk University or the management of the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University. (8) The dean may reduce extraordinary remuneration with regard to the expected economic result of the faculty in a given year or in subsequent years. II. Reduction or non-payment of funds The dean may withhold, reduce, or not pay the extraordinary remuneration to the employee if: a) the employee has violated his or her employment obligations or the obligations set out in the MU Code of Ethics for Academic and Professional Staff, b) where complaints about the work or conduct of an academic staff member are found by the responsible manager to be justified, c) in cases of conduct by an academic staff member that is contrary to the legitimate interests of the faculty, in particular commercial teaching carried out for entities that are in competition with the faculty, or d) if the criterion shown clearly does not correspond to the qualitative requirements which, under the conditions set out in the criterion, can be expected in a universitytype higher education institution. III. Repealing, final and transitional provisions (1) For the period of 2020, the decisive period for which the results intended for obtaining the extraordinary remuneration are to be reported is the period from 1 November 2019 to 31 October 2020. The determination of the criteria, as well as the amounts for individual criteria, may be changed in the course of 2020 with regard to the situation related to the occurrence of coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) in the Czech Republic. (2) By this measure, the Instructions of the Dean of the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University No.1/2019, No.2/2019 and No.5/2019 are repealed. (3) I entrust the Secretary of the Faculty with the control of compliance with this measure and any updates. (4) I hereby delegate the interpretation of the individual provisions of this measure to the Vice-Dean for Science and Research. (5) This text replaces the text of 7 February 2023. (6) This text shall enter into force on 19 February 2024. In Brno, 19 February 2024 Martin Škop Dean 3 Annex - Criteria for the evaluation period from 1 November 2023 to 31 October 2024 The determination of the criteria, as well as the amounts for individual criteria, may be changed during 2024 in view of the economic, epidemiological and security situation in the Czech Republic. For the year 2024, an amount of approximately EUR 1 million will be provisionally allocated for extraordinary remuneration under this measure. CZK 1 million. I. Project area (excluding FRMU and specific research projects) (1) For the preparation of a grant project submitted on behalf of the faculty in a given calendar year, a reward of up to CZK 7,000 may be awarded for a domestic project and CZK 20,000 for a foreign project. In the event that more than one person is involved in the project, the person who is listed as the principal investigator in the project application will determine the distribution of the total amount of the remuneration among the individual staff members. The proposal for the distribution of the remuneration is entered into the faculty application by each of the co-investigators according to the decision of the principal investigator. (2) A reward of up to CZK 15,000 for a domestic scientific research project and CZK 25,000 for a foreign scientific research or teaching project (e.g. Jean Monet Chair), which is financed from sources outside the Faculty of Law and MU, may be awarded for successful acquisition of a scientific research or teaching project. In the event that more than one person is involved in the project for the faculty, the person who is listed as the principal investigator proposes the distribution of the total amount of the remuneration among the individual staff members. The proposal for the distribution of the remuneration is entered into the faculty application by each of the coinvestigators according to the decision of the principal investigator. (3) A reward of up to CZK 10,000 for a domestic scientific research project and CZK 20,000 for a foreign scientific research or teaching project funded from sources outside the Faculty of Law and MU may be granted for successful completion of a scientific research or teaching project in due time and without reservations as to the performance of the project (both in the professional and financial parts). In the event that more than one person is involved in the project for the faculty, the person who is listed as the principal investigator proposes the distribution of the total amount of the remuneration among the individual staff members. The proposal for the distribution of the remuneration is entered into the faculty application by each of the coinvestigators according to the decision of the principal investigator. II. Research and development Provided that a publication abroad (outside the Slovak Republic) meeting the criteria below has been entered into the MUNI IS system in a form recognizable for RIV (exclusively for the faculty), it can be: a) for a professional article in a journal indexed in the Web of Knowledge - Web of Science database in the Q1 quartile in the relevant period, a reward of up to CZK 55,000; 4 b) for a professional article in a journal indexed in the Web of Knowledge - Web of Science database in the Q2 quartile in the relevant period, an award of up to CZK 45,000; c) for a professional article in a journal indexed in the Web of Knowledge - Web of Science database in the Q3 quartile in the relevant period, an award of up to CZK 35,000; d) for a professional article in a journal indexed in the Scopus database in the Q1 quartile in the relevant period, a reward of up to CZK 35,000; e) for a professional article in a journal indexed in the Scopus database in the Q2 quartile in the relevant period, an award of up to CZK 25,000; f) for the publication of a contribution in the form of a chapter with a minimum length of 15 standard pages in a foreign monograph according to the list of publishers contained in point IV. of this annex, a reward of up to CZK 15,000. g) for a publication in the form of a foreign monograph prepared by an employee of the faculty (or in a team of authors) published in the list of publishers contained in point IV. of this annex, which is not divided into chapters that would be assigned to specific authors, a reward of up to CZK 85,000 . In the event that more than one faculty author is involved in a given publication, the distribution of the total amount of remuneration among the individual co-authors is determined by the person listed as the first author. The proposal for the distribution of the fees is entered into the faculty application by each of the co-authors according to the decision of the first author. III. Areas of teaching and curriculum development and community service (1) A reward of up to CZK 3,000 may be granted for the holding of a benefit popularization lecture or a series of lectures for the general public lasting at least 80 minutes, which was organized, for example, in cooperation with public benefit associations, foundations or institutes, local governments, and educational legal entities. (2) An award of up to CZK 5,000 may be granted for an artistic or charitable presentation of the faculty. (3) A remuneration of up to CZK 15,000 may be granted for the processing of a publicly available teaching aid in the form of an e-book or a set of texts available online, which is published through the Masaryk University Publishing House or the Masaryk University Portal. (4) For presenting one's own scientific results at a university forum intended for scientists (MUNI Grant Week, Night of Scientists, MUNI SCIENTIST), a reward of up to CZK 2,000 may be awarded. IV. List of publishers English publishers: CUP, OUP, Hart, Routledge, Edward Elgar, Kluwer Law International, Intersentia, Brill, Nomos, Springer, Palgrave Macmillan, Eleven International Publishing, BIICL (British Institute of International and Comparative Law), Peter Lang, Edinburgh University Press German, Austrian and Swiss publishers: Nomos, C.H. Beck Verlag, De Gruyter, Mohr Siebeck, Carl Heymanns, Verlag Otto Schmidt, Sellier European Law Publishers, Manz, 5 Facultas, Verlag Österreich, Linde Verlag, LexisNexis, Medien und Recht, Springer-Verlag, Stämpfli, Schulthess, Helbing und Lichtenhahn, Dike Verlag. Francophone publishers: Bruylant-Larcier, Dalloz, L.G.D.J., A. Pedone. Translated with DeepL-Translator