ORGANISATIONAL RULES OF THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE, MASARYK UNIVERSITY Effective from 12 September 2022 ORGANISATIONAL RULES OF THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE, MASARYK UNIVERSITY Pursuant to Section 24 (1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on higher education institutions and amending and supplementing other laws (Higher Education Institutions Act), as amended (hereinafter the “Act”), I hereby issue these Organisational Rules. Article I Introduction 1. These Organisational Rules are also based on the Statute of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University (hereinafter the “Statute”) and the Organisational Rules of Masaryk University. 2. The Organisational Rules of the Faculty of Science (hereinafter the “Faculty”) further specify certain provisions of the above legal regulations in terms of the organisational structure and stipulate the competences and powers of individual workplaces and positions at the Faculty. Article II Management Structure of the Faculty 1. In terms of organisation, the Faculty is divided into the following component parts: • Departments • Dean’s Office • Botanical Garden • Institute of Physics of the Earth The organisational chart of the Faculty is given in Annex 1. 2. The bodies of the Faculty are as follows: • Academic Senate • Dean • Scientific Board • Disciplinary Committee • Faculty Bursar 2.1. The Academic Senate of the Faculty (hereinafter also the “Academic Senate”) is an autonomous representative academic body. Its legal status, manner of its establishment and competence are stipulated by the Act and the Statute of the Faculty. 2.2. The legal status of the Dean and his/her competence are based on the Act and the Statute of the Faculty. 2.3. The legal status of the Scientific Board of the Faculty (hereinafter also the “Scientific Board”) and its competence are stipulated by the Act and the Statute of the Faculty. 2.4. The legal status of the Disciplinary Committee and its competence are stipulated by the Act and the Statute of the Faculty. 2.5. The legal status of the Faculty Bursar and his/her competence are based on the Act and the Statute of the Faculty. Article III Economic Structure of the Faculty 1. The Faculty is operated as an independent economic centre of Masaryk University. For internal purposes of monitoring and evaluating the costs and revenues and their allocation, it is divided into workplaces that manage autonomously the entrusted funds. 2. Budgeted workplaces are defined in the Dean’s Measure “Rules for Allocation of Funds of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University”. 3. All projects are dealt with at the Faculty by staff members assigned to the individual workplaces pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Article. Management of project funds is monitored by means of individual contract orders. 4. The head of each workplace is responsible for comprehensive management of the workplace, management of the entrusted funds and financial control in conformity with regulations governing financial control. Article IV Faculty Management System 1. Direct management is governed by the rule of indivisible management (decision-making) powers and responsibilities of senior employees in a direct management line. The following are senior line employees: a) at the central management level • the Dean • the Faculty Bursar b) at the second management level • heads of departments • heads of other workplaces • heads of individual offices of the Dean’s Office c) at the third management level • heads of individual units and research groups at the departments d) in departments implementing projects included in the Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures, a different organisational structure with (at most) a fourth management level may be established with the Dean’s consent. 2. The organisational structure of the departments is determined by their rules of organisation, which are publicly accessible. 3. The powers and obligations of senior employees at the third and fourth management levels, as well as other organisational issues, may be regulated by the rules of organisation of the department in derogation from the Organisational Rules of the Faculty. If this is not the case, the Organisational Rules of the Faculty shall apply. This shall in no way prejudice the obligations of senior employees under the Labour Code. 4. The Dean’s Board, consisting of Vice-Deans and the Faculty Bursar, and the Dean’s Extended Board, also comprising the department heads, form the Dean’s advisory bodies. Furthermore, the Chairperson of the Academic Senate may participate in meetings of the Dean’s Board. The chairpersons of the two Senate’s chambers may also participate in meetings of the Dean’s Extended Board. The Dean may appoint further members of the Dean’s Board and invite other guests, as appropriate. 5. The Vice-Deans represent the Dean within the scope determined by the Dean. 6. The Faculty’s management system is formalised through a system of organisational and management standards. The Academic Senate is to approve the following: • Statute of the Faculty • Election Rules of the Academic Senate of the Faculty • Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of the Faculty • Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Board • Disciplinary Rules for Students of the Faculty • Teaching and Creation of Degree Programmes at the Faculty • Terms of Scholarship Programmes of the Faculty • Operational Rules of the Faculty • Rules and Conditions of the Admission Procedure The Organisational Rules of the Faculty are issued by the Dean as his/her Measure. The Dean issues internal standards of the Faculty (guidelines, measures and instructions). The Faculty Bursar may issue instructions. 7. The economic management of the Faculty is governed by the following standards approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty: • Budget of the Faculty; • Rules for Allocation of the Resources of the Faculty. Article V Functional Positions at the Faculty 1. Functional positions at the Faculty mean the positions of staff members of the Faculty who perform managerial activities. 2. The central level functional positions are as follows: 2.1. Dean The Dean is appointed and removed by the Rector. The Dean has the right to make decisions and/or act on behalf of Masaryk University in matters concerning the Faculty as specified in the Act, the Statute, the Organisational Rules of Masaryk University and other internal standards of Masaryk University, within the scope stipulated in those standards. The Dean methodically guides and supervises the economic management of the Faculty. Unless the Rector specifies otherwise, the Dean represents the Faculty in commercial, civil-law and administrative matters. The Dean’s exclusive competence is as follows: a) submitting draft internal standards to the Academic Senate of the Faculty, except for the Rules of Procedure of the Senate; b) appointing and removing Vice-Deans; c) appointing and removing members of the Scientific Board of the Faculty following approval by the Academic Senate of the Faculty; d) appointing and removing the Faculty Bursar; e) appointing, authorising and removing senior employees of further individual workplaces at the Faculty; f) announcing selection procedures for the positions of employees in his/her direct management competence and academic staff assigned to the Faculty; g) concluding, modifying and terminating employment contracts of senior employees within the Dean’s direct management competence and members of academic staff assigned to the Faculty; h) setting and modifying salaries and their components for Vice-Deans, the Faculty Bursar and senior employees within the Dean’s direct management competence, and approving salaries and their components for members of academic staff assigned to the Faculty; i) concluding agreements on work performed outside employment with external teachers; j) exercising competence in relation to the habilitation procedures and procedures for appointing professors at the level of the Faculty; k) concluding agreements on the Faculty’ membership in multinational or international organisations; l) concluding co-operation agreements for the Faculty in teaching, science and research; m) concluding further contracts and agreements unless this has been reserved for the Rector or University Bursar; n) approval of statistical reports on students of the Faculty; o) awarding public contracts for the Faculty; p) admission to study in degree programmes organised by the Faculty; q) admission to lifelong learning programmes organised by the Faculty; r) issuing certificates of completing lifelong learning study organised by the Faculty; s) issuing supplements to diplomas and certificates on completing studies organised by the Faculty; t) granting scholarships in conformity with the Terms of Scholarship Programmes of the Faculty; u) issuing the Organisational Rules of the Faculty; v) issuing and updating internal standards of the Faculty; w) approving investments; x) appointing degree programme supervisors based on approval by the Scientific Board of the Faculty. 2.1.2. The Dean may delegate his/her powers through the Organisational Rules or through his/her measure permanently or temporarily to Vice-Deans, the Faculty Bursar and other authorised persons, as appropriate. 2.1.3. The Dean exercises direct management competence vis-à-vis: a) Vice-Deans b) Faculty Bursar c) Heads of departments d) Heads of other component parts of the Faculty e) Degree programme supervisors 2.1.4. The Dean is required to appoint from among the Vice-Deans his/her statutory representative, who will substitute for him/her in his/her absence to the full extent. 2.2. Vice-Deans The Vice-Deans are appointed and removed by the Dean. The Dean authorises the Vice-Deans to arrange for comprehensive co-ordinated procedures in specific areas of activity. Vice-Deans act as permanent representatives of the Dean in the areas entrusted to them and act in those areas on behalf of the Dean unless the Statute, these Organisational Rules or other internal rules of the Faculty stipulate otherwise. 2.2.1 The Vice-Deans carry out their activities primarily in the following areas: a) Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies: • admission procedures for bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes; • co-ordination of pedagogical, admission and timetable committees; • international undergraduate study programmes; • tuition fees; • scholarships related to studies (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 – according to the Scholarship Rules of the Faculty); • student affairs related to undergraduate studies; • mobility programmes related to particular undergraduate programmes; • rigorous examination; • preparation of materials for evaluation of undergraduate study activities. b) Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies: • arranging for the admission procedure for doctoral programmes; • student affairs related to doctoral studies; • scholarships (A2, A3, A4, A6 – according to the Scholarship Rules of the Faculty); • international doctoral programmes; • doctoral boards; • mobility programmes related to particular doctoral programmes; • preparation of materials for evaluation of doctoral study activities. c) Vice-Dean for External Relations, Communication and Marketing: • external relations of the Faculty – concept and implementation; • uniform visual style of the Faculty – implementation, merchandising; • communication strategy of the Faculty, including the Faculty’s website and social media accounts, communication campaigns for study applicants – preparation, implementation and evaluation; • cultural, social and promotional activities of the Faculty – preparation, implementation and evaluation; • preparation of underlying documents for evaluation of external relations activities. d) Vice-Dean for Economics: • preparation of the budgetary rules; • analysis of the budgetary rules of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and Masaryk University; • rules for the allocation of the Faculty’s resources; • putting together the Faculty’s budget; • economic analyses; e) Vice-Dean for Research, Development and Quality: • co-ordination of quality evaluation; • preparation of the internal system of quality assurance and evaluation; • preparation of the relevant projects for new operational and other development programmes; • co-ordination of scientific and research activities and specific research; • preparation of materials for evaluation of the Faculty’s activities in the area of science and research and editorial activities; • ensuring and co-ordinating reporting of the results of scientific and research activities at the Faculty and methodological management of the Faculty’s academic staff in this area; • submission of draft materials in the habilitation procedure and appointment of professors; • methodical management of the HR Award, related changes in the academic environment, evaluation of academic staff, support for career development and evaluation of science; • methodological management of activities of the Department for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Matters and Internationalisation and Project Support Department in the entrusted area; • submission of proposals to the Scientific Board of the Faculty for awarding honorary scientific titles, degrees, medals and awards of the Faculty and, where applicable, other bodies and institutions. f) Vice-Dean for Teacher Programmes: • preparation of long-term Master’s degree programmes in teaching; • implementation of the teacher education reform; • development of programmes focusing on teaching; • co-ordination of the activities of the Joint Teachers Programme Board; • fulfilment of the P-indicator; • popularisation of teaching at secondary schools; • co-operation with secondary schools to provide teaching practice placements; • lifelong learning for primary and secondary schools teachers; • preparation of materials for evaluation of activities in teacher education. g) Vice-Dean for Co-operation with Secondary Schools, Talent Management, Social Affairs and Lifelong Learning: • student affairs and issues; • scholarships for extra-curricular activities (A3, A4 – according to the Scholarship Rules of the Faculty); • library boards, co-ordination of library and information activities of the Faculty’s libraries; • dormitories, accommodation and canteens; • lifelong learning (other than teaching), the University of the Third Age; • co-operation with secondary schools (other than teacher training programmes); • talent management; • students’ social affairs; • preparation of materials for evaluation of external relations activities in the areas of responsibility entrusted to him/her. h) Vice-Dean for Internationalisation: • management of responsibilities related to internationalisation and international cooperation agendas; • co-operation with the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation regarding the coordination of Faculty and University activities; • co-ordination of international studies and student exchanges; • co-operation with the Vice-Dean for External Relations and Vice-Dean for Lifelong Learning on the Faculty policy concerning the communication of science and research to the public and partners involved in science and research internationally; • international co-operation, including Innolec, contacts and mobility; • management of the responsibilities regarding foreign students studying at the Faculty; • scholarships for extra-curricular activities (A2–4 – according to the Scholarship Rules of the Faculty); • preparation of materials for evaluation of external relations activities in the areas of responsibility entrusted to him/her. 2.2.2 The following powers are permanently delegated to the Vice-Deans: a) Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies: • decision-making on the rights and obligations of students studying in bachelor’s and master’s programmes organised by the Faculty, except for admission procedures; • management powers vis-à-vis the head of the Studies Office, within the scope of the tasks entrusted to him/her. b) Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies: • decision-making on the rights and obligations of students studying in doctoral degree programmes organised by the Faculty, except for admission procedures; • management powers vis-à-vis the head of the Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internalisation within the scope of the tasks entrusted to him/her. c) Vice-Dean for Research, Development and Quality: • management powers vis-à-vis the head of the Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internalisation within the scope of the tasks entrusted to him/her; • management powers vis-à-vis the head of the Project Support Office within the scope of responsibilities entrusted to him/her. d) Vice-Dean for Economics: • management powers vis-à-vis the head of the Finance Office in respect of underlying documents for the preparation of the Faculty’s budget, within the scope of the responsibilities entrusted to him/her. e) Vice-Dean for External Relations, Communication and Marketing • management powers vis-à-vis the head of the External Relations, Communication and Marketing Office within the scope of the responsibilities entrusted to him/her. f) Vice-Dean for Teacher Programmes: • management powers vis-à-vis the head of the Studies Office, within the scope of the tasks entrusted to him/her. g) Vice-Dean for Co-operation with Secondary Schools, Talent Management, Social Affairs and Lifelong Learning: • management powers vis-à-vis the head of the Studies Office, within the scope of the tasks entrusted to him/her. • management powers vis-à-vis the Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internalisation within the scope of the tasks entrusted to it; • management powers vis-à-vis the head of the Central Library, within the scope of the tasks entrusted to him/her. h) Vice-Dean for Internationalisation: • management powers vis-à-vis the Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internalisation within the scope of the tasks entrusted to it; 2.3.1. Faculty Bursar The Faculty Bursar is the Dean’s representative in entrusted areas, where the Faculty Bursar acts on behalf of the Dean unless the Statute, these Organisational Rules or other internal rules of the Faculty or Masaryk University stipulate otherwise. To ensure a comprehensive co-ordinated procedure of the Faculty, the Faculty Bursar manages and supervises the workplaces of the Dean’s Office, co-operates with the heads of other workplaces at the Faculty, methodologically manages them and supervises their work in the entrusted areas. The Faculty Bursar directly manages the Faculty Bursar’s Office. 2.3.2. The entrusted areas of activities of the Faculty Bursar are defined as follows: • labour-law matters of non-academic staff of the Faculty other than employees within direct managerial competence of the Dean; • agreements on work performed outside of an employment relationship, other than teaching; • budgetary management and budgetary control; • financial control; • administrative agenda; • administration of property; • construction, maintenance and repairs; • operation of the Faculty; • operational and technical development of the Faculty; • operation of information and communication technologies; • occupational safety and health protection; • fire protection. 2.3.3. The Faculty Bursar’s exclusive competence encompasses the following: a) announcing selection procedures for the positions of non-academic staff assigned to the Faculty, other than senior employees directly reporting to the Dean; b) concluding, modifying and terminating employment contracts with non-academic staff assigned to the c) Faculty, other than employees within direct managerial competence of the Dean; d) concluding, modifying and terminating agreements on work performed outside employment and external staff, other than external teaching; e) approving and modifying all components of salaries for non-academic employees of the Faculty, other than employees within direct managerial competence of the Dean; f) issuing internal standards of the Faculty and their updating within the entrusted areas of activities; g) approving an application for issuing a cheque for bank withdrawal of cash for the Faculty’s cash office; h) approving applications for payment of a standing advance; i) exercising all management powers vis-à-vis subordinate workplaces; j) approving administrators of the contracts budget other than projects; k) approving agreements on material liability and confirmations concerning management of entrusted work equipment; l) approving persons in whose names payment cards will be issued; m) preparing a plan of follow-up checks for selected operations for the given accounting period; n) approving agreements within additional activities. 2.3.4. Activities not falling within the exclusive competence of the Faculty Bursar may be delegated by the Faculty Bursar to the heads of subordinate workplaces. 3. Functional positions at the second management level: 3.1.1. Heads of departments • exercise all management powers vis-à-vis all staff members of their respective departments, other than powers falling within the exclusive competence of the Dean or Faculty Bursar; • are responsible for teaching and scientific activities of the department; • are responsible for economical, efficient and purposeful use of resources allocated to the budget; • propose to the Dean the performance of legal acts whereby their respective departments dispose of property; • are authorised to send employees of their respective departments on domestic and foreign business trips; • enter with staff members into agreements on use of private vehicles for business trips; • carry out approval procedures of transaction originators for liabilities, claims and one-off advances that are not reserved for the Rector, Bursar, Dean, Faculty Bursar or project leaders, or which are not delegated by them to the third or fourth level managers according to the department’s rules of organisation; • provide for the performance of preliminary, interim and subsequent checks of financial operations of their respective departments; • are responsible for the performance of financial control in accordance with the regulations governing financial control. 3.1.2. Heads of other component parts of the Faculty • exercise all management powers vis-à-vis the staff members at their respective workplaces, other than powers falling within the exclusive competence of the Dean or Faculty Bursar; • are responsible for the activities of their respective workplaces; • are responsible for economical, efficient and effective use of resources allocated within the budget; • perform legal acts whereby their respective workplaces dispose of property and which are not reserved for the Rector, Bursar, Dean or Faculty Bursar; • are authorised to send the workplace staff members on domestic business trips, carry out approval procedures of transaction originators for liabilities, claims and one-off advances that are not reserved for the Rector, Bursar, Dean or Faculty Bursar; • are responsible for the performance of financial control in accordance with the regulations governing financial control. 3.1.3. Heads of individual offices of the Dean’s Office • exercise management powers vis-à-vis employees of their respective offices; • methodologically direct the activities in their fields of competence within the entire Faculty; • are responsible for the work of their respective offices according to the descriptions of activities; • inform subordinate employees of important facts and underlying documents necessary for their activities; • submit proposals in the area of labour law and salaries in relation to subordinate employees; • provide for improving the professional level of subordinate employees, lead employees to maintain discipline at work; • are responsible for the performance of financial control in accordance with the regulations governing financial control. 4.1. Functional positions at the third and fourth management levels: 4.1.2. Supervisors on the third and fourth management levels. • exercise all management powers vis-à-vis subordinate employees, except for those powers that are within the exclusive competence of the department head or a superior according to the department’s rules of organisation; • are responsible for economical, efficient and purposeful use of resources allocated to the budget; • are authorised to send their subordinates on business trips; • carry out approval procedures of transaction originators for liabilities, claims and one-off advances that are not carried out by superiors or project leaders; • are responsible for the performance of financial control in accordance with the regulations governing financial control; • submit proposals in the area of labour law and salaries in relation to subordinate employees; • provide for improving the professional level of subordinate employees, lead subordinate employees to maintain discipline at work; 5. Department Bursar 5.1. To the extent determined by the department head, the Department Bursar is responsible for the economic matters and administration of the department. He/she provides for technical and administrative support of the department head and performs the duties of occupational safety and health protection coordinator. To ensure a comprehensive co-ordinated performance of the department’s tasks, the Department Bursar supervises the department workplaces, methodologically manages them and supervises their work in the entrusted areas and co-operates with the heads of other departments at the Faculty. The Department Bursar may give instructions to employees for the purpose of ensuring the entrusted areas of activities. 5.2. The entrusted areas of activities of the Department Bursar are defined as follows: • personnel affairs within the entrusted scope; • financial control; • administration of property; • operation of the department; • operation of information and communication technologies; • occupational safety and health protection; • fire protection; • management of the Secretariat’s activities. 5.3. The Department Bursar shall act as the budget administrator within the scope decided by the department head. 6. Substitution for senior employees of the Faculty: 6.1. In all matters falling within the Dean’s competence, the Dean is substituted for by the statutory representative appointed by the Dean, and if both are absent, by the oldest Vice-Dean present. In matters not related to research and teaching, the Dean may be substituted for, in the absence of his/her statutory representative, by the Faculty Bursar. 6.2. The Faculty Bursar is substituted for by the head of the Finance Office of the Dean’s Office and, in the latter’s absence, by the head of the Personnel Office of the Dean’s Office. 6.3. The department head is substituted for by a deputy department head. In the department head’s absence, the deputy department head shall perform all the acts which the department head is authorised to perform, except for the acts reserved for the department head. 6.4. In the case of absence of a senior employee at the third and fourth management level, his/her powers shall be exercised by his/her immediate superior. 7. Degree programme supervisors • In conformity with Articles 14 and 23 of the Statute, the supervisors of bachelor’s and master’s programmes are appointed by the Dean from among the academic staff of the Faculty. As a rule, one and the same employee serves as the supervisor of a bachelor’s degree programme and the relevant follow-up master’s degree programme. • The programme supervisor co-ordinates the preparation of materials for applications for accreditation, prolongation of accreditation of a programme, or application for extension of an accredited programme. • The programme supervisor regularly assesses the availability of staff for teaching courses in the given programme and the current composition of courses. • The programme supervisor regularly evaluates the quality of teaching, inter alia by means of an institutional feedback from students, and proposes personnel measures in the field of teaching to the head of the relevant department. • If necessary, the programme supervisor provides students with consultations in the preparation of their study plans. • The programme supervisor reports to the Dean in respect of his/her activities. 8. Pedagogical representative of the department head • ensures compliance with the regulations concerning teaching and with study and examination rules at the workplace; • is responsible for the correctness of data concerning the study agenda entered in the IS MU in the case of programmes and courses taught at the department; • is responsible for the preparation of study catalogues; • co-ordinates the pedagogical matters of the department; • performs other tasks related to the pedagogical activities of the department according to the instructions of the department head. Article VI Departments 1. The legal status and competence of departments are based on the Statute of the Faculty. 2. According to the Statute, a department is the basic organisational unit for the management and development of teaching, research, developmental and other creative activities of the Faculty. In terms of the Organisational Rules of the Faculty, a department is an autonomous workplace which independently manages the allocated budget. Article VII Dean’s Office 1. The legal status and competence of the Dean’s Office are based on the Statute of the Faculty. 2. The Dean’s Office is divided in organisational terms into: 1. Faculty Bursar’s Office • Secretariat • Coordinator of the Secretary's Office • Lawyer • Occupational Safety and Health Protection Manager • HR AWARD • Strategic Development Coordinator • Media Communication • Filing Department 2. Individual Offices of the Dean’s Office • Finance Office • Personnel Office • Office for Studies • Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization • Project Support Office • Technical and Operational Office • Office for Information and Communication Technologies • External Relations and Marketing • Central Library 3. Workplaces methodologically subordinate to Vice-Deans • Office for Studies • Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization • Finance Office • External Relations, Communication and Marketing • Project Support Office 4. Employees who are not assigned to work in any of the individual workplaces of the Dean’s Office shall be assigned, in terms of organisation, to the Faculty Bursar’s Office. 5. The organisational chart of the Dean’s Office is given in Annex 2. 6. The Dean’s Office’s workplaces co-operate with each other, provide services to all workplaces of the Faculty, closely co-operate with the Rector’s Office of Masaryk University and other workplaces. Article VII Faculty Bursar’s Office Employees assigned to the Faculty Bursar’s Office are directly supervised by the Faculty Bursar. The employees of the Faculty Bursar’s Office perform the agenda according to the division below. 1. Secretariat • carries out organisational and administrative work related to the performance of duties of the Dean and Faculty Bursar; • arranges contacts for the Dean and the Faculty Bursar with the staff and organisations; • keeps records of tasks, monitors their performance and informs the Dean or the Faculty Bursar and the designated employees about them; • prepares and convenes meetings, and draws up minutes on them; • hands out, receives and keeps records of assigned faculty stamps; • organises visits by the Dean and Faculty Bursar; • accepts and forwards correspondence addressed to the Dean or Faculty Bursar; • organises and monitors the filing service at the Faculty; • procures stationery and ensures reimbursement of minor expenses made by the Dean’s Office; • arranges the performance of duties of the beadle; • is responsible for the data displayed by the Secretariat on the Faculty website. 2. Coordinator of the Secretary's Office • carries out organisational and administrative work related to the running of the Faculty Bursar’s Office, • arranges contacts for the Faculty Bursar with the staff, individual offices of the Dean’s Office and organisations; • keeps records of executed lease contracts, co-operation of workplaces, etc.; • is responsible for the publication of contracts in the Contracts Register; • organises visits by the Faculty Bursar; • accepts and forwards correspondence addressed to the Faculty Bursar; • organises and monitors the filing service at the Faculty; • ensures the operation of filing desks; • procures stationery and ensures reimbursement of minor expenses made by the Dean’s Office; • is responsible for the data displayed by the Secretariat on the Faculty website. • keeps records of the Faculty’s internal standards and updates them; deposits and lends out the Faculty's organisational standards. 3. HR AWARD • is responsible for the preparation of underlying documents for maintaining the HR Award; • co-operates with other individual offices of the Faculty in the preparation of documents and processes for subsequent implementation; • is responsible for internal communication of the HR Award agenda to all staff members of the Faculty and externally to all affected institutions and the public; • co-ordinates newly created internal standards with standards of Masaryk University; • is responsible for the HR Award data displayed on the Faculty website. 4. Lawyer • Provides legal consultations to all the workplaces especially in the following areas: • organisation of the Faculty (creation of internal standards, consultations on the Faculty’s competences); • labour-law matters (consultations, employment contracts); • intellectual property (licence agreements, copyright law); • contracts and agreements; • study affairs; • project support (consortia and partnership agreements, agreements on utilisation of project results); • contracts with industrial partners and other entities; • public contracts; • proposing procedures and methodologies in administrative matters and supervisory activities at the Faculty; • methodical opinions and consultations on external inspections; • assessment of risks in activities of the Faculty; • preparation of the inspection plan at the Faculty in administrative matters; • interpretation of legislation; • is responsible for his/her data on the Faculty website. 5. Occupational and Fire Safety Manager • prepares proposals of Faculty regulations in the entrusted area; • provides for checks of compliance with regulations in the area of occupational safety and health protection and fire protection; • provides for training in occupational safety and health protection and fire protection; • fulfils the record-keeping and statistical duties in the entrusted area (records of injuries, trainings, inspections, etc.); • co-operates with the expert unit of the Rector’s Office and Management of the University Campus at Bohunice (SUKB) and follows the methodological guidelines of the Rector’s Office. 6. Strategic Development Coordinator • information and coordination support for the continuous funding of the Faculty’s scientific activities; • active monitoring of challenges and opportunities; • participation in working and planning groups and seminars of support providers; • communication/consultations with support providers; • developing a network of strategic contacts and partnerships – Managing Authorities of Operational Programmes, Ministry of Education, CZELO, National Information Centre for European Research, foreign programme providers, etc.; • co-operation with the Office for Project Support, Finance Office and Legal Office of the Faculty; 7. Media Communication Manager • co-ordinates media relations and media strategy; • Faculty relations with the media and media partnerships; • co-ordinates the Faculty’s presentation in the media; • ensures the building of the Faculty’s positive media image; • is responsible for the preparation and holding of press conferences. 8. Filing Department • receiving shipments (parcels, samples, etc.) and ensuring delivery to those who ordered them; • receiving incoming documents and invoices; • records of incoming and outgoing documents in the Document Office as requested by individual workplaces; • records of incoming invoices; • distribution of mail to Faculty workplaces, preparation of mail for transport between Kotlářská and the Bohunice University Campus; • archiving of summary delivery notes of registered mail, handling of delivery notes; • archiving and shredding of the Filing Department documents; • other related activities as instructed by a supervisor. Article IX Individual Offices of the Dean’s Office The individual offices of the Dean’s Office perform the following activities: 1. Office for Studies • organises, based on methodological guidance by Vice-Deans, all work related to the teaching process in master’s and bachelor’s studies and lifelong learning; • manages and arranges the agenda of advanced master’s State examination; • arranges the agenda of committees whose activities pertain to the teaching process; • prepares underlying documents for setting the proposed numbers of students to be admitted; • prepares underlying documents for the preparation of proposals for the creation of degree programmes of the Faculty; • prepares the course catalogue for the relevant academic year for all forms of studies; • gathers underlying documents and supervises the preparation of the timetable of full-time studies; • co-operates with the Masaryk University study department in admission procedures; • prepares underlying documents for decisions on the admission of students to study; • gathers and processes underlying documents for review (appellate) proceedings; • keeps files for all students; • arranges for student matriculation and prepares matriculation sheets; • checks compliance with all the conditions for enrolment in the next semester; • checks compliance with all the conditions for admission to State final examinations; • enrols students in the individual semesters; • gathers underlying documents and arranges the graduation agenda, and issues certificates of the examinations passed; • arranges the administrative aspects of admission to study based on the previous history of studies at other higher education institutions; • arranges the administrative aspects of decisions made by the disciplinary committee; • carries out all registration work related to the numbers, changes in numbers and study results of students via the IS MU; • arranges the graduation ceremonies in organisational and administrative terms; • prepares diplomas and appendices to diplomas for the graduates of bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes; • keeps records of diplomas issued; • prepares underlying documents for the recognition of diplomas; • prepares and submits for storage in the Registry all the prescribed files regarding study affairs; • arranges the administrative aspects of the students’ needs in relation to their studies (information, confirmations, requests, etc.); • issues and keeps records of students’ cards; • processes information and requirements on admission examinations for the relevant academic year; • prepares assessments and pay slips for all types of scholarships for students in bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes; • ensures publication of information on the Faculty website; • provides for the assessment of tuition fees; • confirms forms for payment of sickness insurance and social security benefits to students (maternity benefits); • prepares underlying documents for concluding agreements to complete a job with external teachers; • provides for administration related to edition activities, including the agenda of mandatory copies; • arranges the process of compiling and checking the Faculty’s edition plan; • records concluded contracts with co-operating institutions in the area of education; • is responsible for the data of the office on the Faculty website; • is responsible for the external teachers’ records in the IS MU. 2. Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization • organises, based on methodological guidance by the relevant Vice-Deans, all work related to the teaching process in doctoral degree programmes (DDP), research and foreign affairs and provides materials for methodological guidance and organisation of the processes of accreditation of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, habilitation and appointment procedures; • provides for administrative and organisational activities related to meetings of the Scientific Board of the Faculty; • arranges organisational and administrative aspects of habilitation procedures and procedures for appointment of professors; • prepares underlying documents for the preparation of proposals for accreditation of habilitation procedures and procedures for appointment of professors; • prepares individual underlying documents for the concept of research and developmental activities; • co-ordinates the entry of information on the results of research and development projects and publishing activities in the Results Information Register in co-operation with the Central Library; • processes information and requirements on the admission examinations for doctoral degree programmes; • prepares underlying documents for decisions on the admission of students to DDPs; • gathers and processes underlying documents for appellate procedures; • arranges the agenda of doctoral degree programmes; • checks compliance by DDP students with all the conditions for advancing to the next semester; • checks compliance with all the conditions for admission to doctoral State examinations and dissertation defence; • enrols DDP students in the semester; • gathers underlying documents and arranges the graduation agenda for DDPs, and issues certificates of the examinations passed; • carries out all registration work related to the numbers, changes in numbers and study results of students via the IS MU; • prepares diplomas and appendices to diplomas for DDP graduates; • keeps records of diplomas issued to DDP graduates; • prepares underlying documents for the recognition of diplomas and arranges the agenda of recognising previous studies for the purposes of admission of graduates of foreign universities to the DDPs organised at the Faculty; • arranges the administrative aspects of the DDP students’ needs in relation to their studies (information, confirmations, requests, etc.); • issues and keeps records of DDP students’ cards; • prepares assessments and pay slips for all types of scholarships for students in DDPs; • prepares a plan of important events of the Faculty for the next calendar year within DDPs; • publishes information on internships and study abroad, and other foreign projects, as the case may be; • in co-operation with Centre for International Cooperation of the Rector’s Office at Masaryk University, keeps records of agreements concluded with foreign partners and evaluates them; • arranges the organisational, administrative and legal aspects of foreign visits (lecturers, visiting professors, postdoctoral stays); • provides services for foreign applicants and students of DDP; • provides support in the preparation of contracts for reviewers and international teachers; • prepares and submits for storage in the Registry all the prescribed files regarding study affairs, habilitation procedures and procedures for appointing professors, and foreign relations. In the area of quality assurance, it is responsible in particular for the following: • support for activities of programme and doctoral boards in the area of quality of studies; • arranges the agenda of institutional accreditation; • arranges the agenda of authorisation to implement degree programmes at the Faculty; • arranges the process of evaluation of degree programmes at the Faculty. Furthermore, in general: • it is responsible for the data of the office on the Faculty website. 3. Project Support Office • prepares underlying documents for the concept of research and development activities; • monitors national and international grant competitions and provides timely information to relevant employees; • searches for new sources of grant support for research; • provides professional assistance to investigators in preparing applications; • studies rules of selected grant agencies, monitors their changes and informs the investigators and other relevant employees of the Faculty; • co-operates methodically with the investigators in utilisation of funds for these projects in accordance with the generally applicable regulations, rules of contracting authorities and guidelines of Masaryk University or the Faculty, and arranges the agenda related to project closing – peer review, final reports; • manages project agenda, including foreign projects, elaborates the conditions of individual projects for the Finance and Personnel Offices based on the requirements of grant agencies; • co-operates with the Finance and Personnel Offices in settlement of project accounts; • co-operates in the preparation of new projects financed from operational programmes of the EU; • arranges support for implementation of projects financed from operational programmes of the EU and co-ordinates the activities of economists of these projects; • arranges the awarding of public contracts, especially in projects financed from the operational programmes of the EU. • arranges the draft internal development projects of Masaryk University and projects to support students’ creative activities (specialised secondary school activities, the Development Fund of Masaryk University, the Grant Agency of Masaryk University including specific research projects); supervises utilisation of funds for these projects in accordance with the generally applicable regulations, rules of contracting authorities and guidelines of Masaryk University or the Faculty; • is responsible for the data of the office on the Faculty website; 4. Personnel Office • arranges comprehensive personnel and payroll agenda of the Faculty in co-operation with the Dean and the Faculty Bursar; co-operates in the development of the University and Faculty standards in the personnel area; • deals with matters of creating, changing and terminating all labour-law relationships and salary terms of the Faculty staff; • deals with the matters of agreements on work outside employment; • enters information on employees into the HR and payroll systems; • keeps personal files of employees; • arranges matters related to employment of foreigners; • prepares underlying documents for statistical and other reports on employees; • checks the utilisation of salary means in budgets and contract orders from time to time; • checks the remuneration of employees according to the internal payroll regulations from time to time; • prepares a plan for the volume of salary appropriations as a basis for the creation of the budget of the Faculty and workplaces; • deals with matters of payroll calculation; • arranges for the payment of remuneration; • deals with matters of additional pension insurance; • deals with matters of the Czech Social Security Administration register; • keeps the agenda of less able and disabled employees, and employees unfit to work; • prepares underlying documents for granting pensions and social benefits; • deals with matters related to utilisation of the social fund; • keeps records of work anniversaries, provides for payment of special bonuses on employees’ business anniversaries and upon termination of employment due to retirement; • provides for co-operation with the trade unions; • keeps records of specimen signatures; • organises selection procedures for hiring new employees; • deals with requests for adjustment of the working time; • keeps job descriptions for non-academic staff; • sends employees for medical check-ups; • defines the claims for regular annual leave and checks the taking of leave; • keeps records of attendance and absence for the individual offices of the Dean’s Office and enters the data in the HR and payroll systems; • checks attendance for all workplaces of the Faculty; • analyses attendance for the Faculty and proposes remedial measures; • is responsible for issuing personal cards to employees; • places in the Registry all employee files and materials related to the personnel and payroll agenda; • is responsible for the data of the office on the website. 5. Finance Office • prepares underlying documents and co-operates in the preparation of the Faculty’s budget; • checks from time to time the utilisation of budgets of workplaces, projects and the Faculty, prepares overviews of the Faculty’s economic management; • keeps records of and checks the sources of the Faculty’s funding, and carries out annual settlement of accounts for these sources; • check from time to time compliance with the regulations governing the Faculty’s management of public funds and funds from other activities; • methodologically guides the activities of the operating economics, accounting, taxes, economic information • system (EIS) and Inet system; • processes accounts using the EIS and the Inet system; • checks formal accuracy of accounting documents; • updates the code lists and access rights used by the Faculty in the EIS and the Inet system; • provides, in terms of methodology and organisation, for inventories of assets and accounts, including regular checks of these inventories; • prepares underlying documents for the liquidation and loss committee; • prepares underlying documents on overdue outstanding receivables for the Legal Office of Masaryk University; • arranges for operations related to the closing of accounts and transition to the next accounting period; • ensures methodical guidance regarding the processing of orders; • issues tax receipts for taxable supplies or supplies exempt from VAT with an entitlement to deduction; • organises and manages the cash office services; • keeps records of and updates agreements on material liability and confirmations of management of entrusted means; • provides for co-operation with the accountancy office of the Rector’s office and with internal and external audit; • co-ordinates internal and external education in the area of bookkeeping, taxes, EIS and the Inet system; • trains employees of the Faculty newly accessing tasks in the EIS and the Inet system; • is responsible for integration of implemented EIS solutions in the conditions of the Faculty; • carries out regular inspections of VAT processing at the Faculty; • keeps records and files accounting and tax documents, including accounting books, in archives in conformity with the Accounting Act and tax laws; • provides barcodes for newly acquired assets and checks from time to time the location of barcodes on the assets; • accounts for domestic and foreign business trips; • arranges insurance for employees in case of trips abroad; • arranges INTRASTAT CZ reporting for the Faculty; • keeps records of valuables and strictly accountable forms; • compiles underlying documents for payment of road tax for the use of private road vehicles; • arranges the main accountant’s approval procedures; • arranges the issue of contracts under Section 51 of the Civil Code; • is responsible for information regarding the office on the Faculty website. 6. Office for Information and Communication Technologies • provides for administration and development of the Faculty’s computer network, co-operates with the authorised employees of departments and other workplaces; • keeps records of and, in co-operation with the workplaces, monitors the use of audiovisual technology in classrooms; • provides for maintenance of computers of the Dean’s Office, Central Library and Botanical Garden; • provides for administration of computer classrooms and reading rooms; • arranges purchases of ICT for the Dean’s Office, Central Library and Botanical Garden; • provides consultancy and advisory services in the area of computer networks, information systems, hardware and software; • creates methodological materials, organises training and guides users; • monitors and applies modern ICT procedures; • provides for administration of audiovisual technology in the auditorium; • co-operates in the development of the Faculty’s editing web system and other administrative applications; • is responsible for information regarding the office on the Faculty website. 7. Technical and Operational Office • organises and guides persons ensuring operability of buildings, machines and equipment, both through own staff and via contractors; • prepares concepts, plans and timetables of technical administration, maintenance, building refurbishment and underlying documents for financing; • procures underlying documents and statements of professional institutions for construction maintenance, refurbishment and modernisation of buildings; • procures the necessary design documents financed by the Faculty; • ensures smooth operation of the reception desk service, including the outsourced security guard services; • manages usual maintenance of buildings using joint workshop staff and contractors; • provides for all inspections related to the operation of the buildings; • checks waste management at the Faculty, including waste separation, and provides for collection of municipal waste; • provides for the operation of Faculty’s vehicles; • ensures and co-ordinates the withdrawal and consumption of utilities at the Faculty, and provides for their effective utilisation; • performs regular checks and prepares proposals and measures; • monitors and checks water management; • monitors and provides for the operation of the installed air-handling technology; • keeps records of high-risk workplaces and co-operates with the occupational health doctor in the area of preventive medical check-ups; • co-ordinates the settlement of claims with insurance companies; • keeps records of accidents at work and school; • arranges and organises training of the drivers of Faculty’s vehicles and training of drivers who are allowed to use their private vehicles for business trips; • keeps records of and administers telephone switchboards within the scope of the respective competences of ICT services; • arranges the moving of workplaces in connection with new construction and repairs; • keeps up-to-date records of areas used by the Faculty’s workplaces; • co-operates in ensuring installation of instruments for science, research and teaching; • is responsible for the data of the office on the website. 8. External Relations, Communication and Marketing • creates and implements a uniform visual and communication style of the Faculty’s external relations; • popularises and promotes the Faculty in the media, including the Internet and social networks; • prepares and creates promotional materials and advertising items for presentation of the Faculty; • create and actively manages the Faculty’s website; • systematically co-operates with secondary schools in lifelong learning of teachers; • creates a positive image of the University and ensures promotion of the Faculty at events for applicants for study (e.g. the Gaudeamus fair, etc.); • supports co-operation among the individual component parts of the Faculty in co-operation with partner secondary schools; • maintains regular and systematic contacts with other co-operating institutions; • organises cultural and social events and popularisation events for both the Faculty staff and the general public as well as various target groups (e.g. Scientists’ Night, Children’s University, Open Day, Campus Day); • co-operates with the University during University-wide promotional events; • is responsible for public relations data on the Faculty website. 9. Central Library • Provides for comprehensive library and information services, ensures support for R&D&I evaluation and performs the following professional activities: • manages, organises and co-ordinates library and information activities of the Faculty’s libraries; • prepares concepts, programmes and plans of activities and development in its area; • prepares underlying documents for the financial plan and budget and monitors the actual developments; • arranges methodological, consultancy, training and advisory activities in its area; • creates, saves, protects and makes accessible both traditional and electronic information sources profiled in accordance with the organised degree programmes and scientific and research activities of the Faculty; • provides library, bibliographic, reference and information services to users; • provides reprographic and print services and digital copies for personal needs of users in accordance with the general regulations on copyright; • arranges for services within inter-library and international library systems; • creates an interface for making electronic information sources accessible in connection with the University-wide library and information system; • operates an automated library and information system and other modern information technologies; • organises information education for users; • ensures support for R&D&I evaluation: bibliometrics, citation analysis, monitoring of scientific performance using superstructure tools, national and international R&D evaluation policies – entering information on the results of research and development projects and publishing activities in the Results Information Register; • is responsible for the data of the office on the Faculty website; • arranges further education of the staff of the Faculty’s libraries so that they can perform tasks in accordance with the state of the art in the field; • co-operates with other library-information institutions; co-ordinates activities in the interest of purposeful and economical use of stocks and means in optimal provision of services; • co-operates with other workplaces of the Faculty and University in areas related to the activities of the Central Library. The Faculty’s library is registered under Act No. 257/2001 Coll. as a public, specialised library with a specialised stock. The “Rules of Operation of the Central Library of the Faculty of Science” have been drawn up in conformity with the aforementioned Act to regulate its activities. Its activities are further regulated by the Library Rules of Masaryk University. The organisational chart of the Central Library is given in Annex 3. The organisational chart of the Dean’s Office is given in Annex 2. Article X Other Workplaces 1. Other workplaces subordinate to the Dean that serve to ensure other activities of the Faculty. Institute of Physics of the Earth The Institute of Physics of the Earth is a special workplace engaged in research, teaching and economic activities in the field of geological and geophysical sciences and provides for: • research in the area of physics of the Earth, geophysics and geology; • monitoring compliance with the prohibition of nuclear tests; • regional monitoring of seismicity and provision of seismological information to governmental authorities; • seismological monitoring of important locations, evaluation of the seismic threats and maintenance of archives for the needs of both national and international expert opinions; • geophysical work for verification of geological conditions of underground storage of nuclear waste. The Institute of Physics of the Earth also contributes to the implementation of degree programmes guaranteed at the Department of Geological Sciences. A National Data Centre has been established at the Institute of Physics of the Earth to perform the obligations of the Czech Republic following from the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty; in particular, it ensures the operation of a seismological monitoring station in Vranov u Brna. This activity is regulated by Resolutions of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 883/1998 and No. 826/2002. 1. Other workplaces subordinate to the Faculty Bursar that serve to ensure other activities of the Faculty. The Botanical Garden is a workplace under the authority of the Faculty Bursar. The expert supervisor is the Vice-Dean selected by the Dean, who organises the Scientific Board of the Botanical Garden as an advisory body to the Faculty management. Botanical Garden • maintains and expands living plant collections in outdoor areas, greenhouses and in the premises at Kotlářská street, their arrangement and determination; • the collections are used for presentation, education and research; • co-operates with the relevant workplaces of the Faculty and provides materials for research and teaching; • co-operates with botanical gardens in the Czech Republic and is a member of the Union of Botanical Gardens of the Czech Republic; • issues the Index Seminum and ensures international co-operation with botanical gardens; • ensures promotion of the garden in the media, co-operates with the PR department of the Faculty and the University; • organises exhibitions and events for the public, participates in events organised by the Faculty; • provides floral decoration for events and ceremonies of the Faculty and the University; • offers professional excursions for schools (at all levels), the public and the University of the Third Age; • supervises and consults the work of students of various schools and faculties; • carries out information and advisory activities in its field; • participates in gene pool rescue projects for plant conservation; • supports and engages in environmental projects related to climate change; • provides for maintenance of green areas and year-round maintenance of roads in the Kotlářská complex; • is responsible for data on its website, the Faculty’s website and social media accounts. The organisational chart of the Botanical Garden is given in Annex 4. The composition of the Scientific Council of the Botanical Garden is published on the website of the workplace. Article XI Miscellaneous 1. The heads of workplaces draw up job descriptions for individual members of non-academic staff in accordance with the “Catalogue of Jobs at Masaryk University”. The job descriptions are drawn up in three counterparts, one for the employee, one for the workplace and one to be placed in the personal file at the Personnel Office. The job descriptions for members of the academic staff are based on the Higher Education Institutions Act and the Salary Regulation for Academic Staff of Masaryk University. 2. Senior employees at all management levels are responsible, inter alia, for the filing service and archiving documents within their competence. Final Provisions 1. The Faculty Bursar is authorised to interpret the individual provisions of the Rules of Organisation of the Faculty. 2. The Faculty Bursar is authorised to update and check compliance with these Organisational Rules from time to time. 3. Annexes 1 to 4 form an integral part of these Organisational Rules. 4. These Organisational Rules are issued as Measure of the Dean of the Faculty of Science No. 12/2018. Measure of the Dean of the Faculty of Science No. 12/2018 in the wording applicable from 15 February 2022 is hereby repealed. 5. These Organisational Rules enter into effect on 12 September 2022. In Brno, on 9 September 2022 prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kašparovský, Ph.D. Dean Annexes: 1. Organisational chart of the Faculty 2. Organisational chart of the Dean’s Office 3. Organisational chart of the Central Library 4. Organisational chart of the Botanical Garden Annex 1 – Organisational chart of the Faculty FACULTY OF SCIENCE OF MASARYK UNIVERSITY Dean Dean’s Office Lawyer Faculty Bursar Other workplaces Institute of Physics of the Earth Botanical Garden Vice-Deans Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies Vice-Dean for Teacher Programmes Vice-Dean for Economics Vice-Dean for Research, Development and Quality Vice-Dean for Cooperation with Secondary Schools, Talent Management, Social Affairs and Lifelong Learning Vice-Dean for Internationalisation Vice-Dean for External Relations, Communication and Marketing Finance Office Personnel Office Office for Studies Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization Project Support Office Office for Information and Communication Technologies Technical and Operational Office Central Library External Relations, Communication and Marketing Faculty Bursar’s Office Secretariat of the Dean and Faculty Bursar Coordinator of the Secretary's Office Occupational Safety and Health Protection Manager HR Award Strategic Development Coordinator Media Communication Filing Department Departments Department of Geological Sciences Department of Mathematics and Statistics Department of Geography Department of Physical Electronics Department of Chemistry Department of Condensed Matter Physics Department of Biochemistry Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics RECETOX Department of Experimental Biology National Centre for Biomolecular Research Department of Botany and Zoology Department of Anthropology The department head always acts in the department’s position The relevant head always acts in the position of the individual office, Central Library and Botanical Garden The Faculty Bursar provides methodological guidance for administration at the departments Organisational Rules of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University – Annex 1 Organisational chart of the FacultyMUNI FACULTY OF SCIENCE Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies Annex 2 Organisational chart of the Dean’s Office Dean Vice-Deans Faculty Bursar Organisational chart of the Dean’s MUNI FACULTY OF SCIENCE Finance Office Personnel Office Payroll Office Office for Studies Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization Project Support Office Faculty Bursar’s Office Filing Department External Relations, Communication and Marketing Secretariat of the Dean and Faculty Bursar Coordinator of the Secretary's Office Occupational Safety and Health Protection Manager HR Award Strategic Development Coordinator Media Communication Filing Department Lawyer Office for Information and Communication Technologies Technical and Operational Office Central Library Botanical Garden Joint workshops Reception desk service Organisational Rules of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University – Annex 2 The head of the individual office always acts in the office’s position Methodological guidance by Vice-Deans (see the organisational Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies Annex 3 – Organisational chart of the Central Library Organisational chart of the Central Library Organisational Rules of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University – Annex 3 Head of the Central Library Department of Library Stocks Acquisitions - Continuing resources - Books - Exchange - Cataloguing - Name description - Subject description - Stock administration - Storage, transfers - Revisions, write-off Department of Services for Users Lending and information services Information education and literacy Electronic information sources Inter-library loan services (ILS, IILS) Multimedia IT administration and security Head of the Botanical Garden Botanist Deputy Manager Greenhouse section Outdoor section Faculty section Annex 4 – Organisational chart of the Botanical Garden ∆ Organisational chart of the Botanical Garden Organisational Rules of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University – Annex 4