1 Measure of the Director of the Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University No. 3/2022 Amendment of CEITEC MU Organisational Structure (effective as of 1 January 2023) Pursuant to Article 7.4 g) of the Rules of Organisation of the Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University (the “Rules of Organisation”), I hereby issue the following measure: Article 1 Organisational Change This Measure determines the organisational change in the structure of the CEITEC MU institute. It further implements the appropriate amendment to the Director’s Measure No. 3/2016 “Organisational Structure of CEITEC MU”. Article 2 Organisational Change (1) As of January 1, 2023, the workplace „Panagiotis Alexiou Research Group“ of the Centre for Molecular Medicine is dissoluted. (2) As of January 1, 2023, the workplace „Communications Department“ changes its name to „Events Department“. (3) As of January 1, 2023, the PR and communications agenda is unified under the „Director’s Office“ workplace, and the related determination of powers of the Events Department (previously Communications Department) and the Director’s Office are amended accordingly as specified by the Annex 2 of the Director’s Measure no. 3/2016 Organisational Structure of CEITEC MU. Article 3 Amendment to the Director’s Measure No. 3/2016 “Organisational Structure of CEITEC MU” (1) In Art. 2.1 c) point A of the Director’s Measure No. 3/2016 “Organisational Structure of CEITEC MU”, the indent “Panagiotis Alexiou Research Group” shall be deleted. (2) In Art. 2.2 d) point B of the Director’s Measure No. 3/2016 “Organisational Structure of CEITEC MU”, the indent „Communications Department (official abbreviation „COM“)“ is replaced by the text „Events Department (official abbreviation „Events“)“. (3) The annex 1 „Organisational scheme“ of the Director’s Measure No. 3/2016 “Organisational Structure of CEITEC MU” is replaced by the annex 1 of this measure. (4) The annex 2 „Determination of Powers of Individual Departments within the Administrative Section and the Director’s Office“ of the Director’s Measure No. 3/2016 “Organisational Structure of CEITEC MU” is replaced by the annex 2 of this measure. 2 Article 4 Final Provisions (1) The Head of the Director’s Office shall be responsible for the interpretation of this Measure and for the execution of the full wording of the amended Measure No. 3/2016 “Organisational Structure of CEITEC MU”, as per Art. 2 and 3 hereof. (2) The Head of the Director’s Office shall be responsible for the supervision over the compliance with this Measure. (3) This Measure shall become valid as of the execution date hereof. (4) This Measure shall become effective as of 1 January 2023. Annexes: (1) Annex 1: Organisational scheme (2) Annex 2: Determination of Powers of Individual Departments within the Administrative Section and the Director’s Office Electronically signed Jiří Nantl Director 3 Director's Office Deputy Director for Administration Deputy Director for Science Deputy Director for Research Infrastructure Director Centre for Structural Biology Mendel Centre for Plant Genomics and Proteomics Research Groups Core Facilities Scientific Board Director's Board Committees Administration Secretary Secretary for Science Operations Department Finance Department Grant Administration Department Events Department HR Department Grant Office Research and Innovation Support Department Line management Methodical (subject-based) management Organisational Chart of CEITEC MU (as of 1st January 2023) Centre for Neuroscience Centre for Molecular Medicine Annex No. 1: Organisational Chart effective as of 1 January 2023 4 Annex No. 2: Determination of Powers of Individual Departments within the Administrative Section and the Director’s Office. 1) HR Department is responsible for the management of HR policy and employee policy, as well as for personnel agenda of the Institute, in which respect it performs in particular the following activities: • creation of the HR policy concept and employee policy, personnel rules and instructions associated with the operation of the Institute in line with applicable standards and legislation; • setting up and implementation of policies to support career development of employees at all career levels; • creation and administration of the jobs systemisation process; • preparation of labour-law and employment documents and other documents associated with the establishment, changes and termination of employment; • ensuring of the agenda of agreements on alternative forms of employment; • keeping of personal files of employees; • updates of the personnel system data; • ensuring of the processing of attendance records of the economic unit’s worksites, vacation plans and review of the entitlement to vacation; • administration of the boarding (meals) agenda; • reviews and entering of remunerations; • issuance of employee ID cards; • keeping records of ITIC stickers; • preparation of information materials relating to HR policy; • provision of methodical management in the area of setting up salary funds when submitting projects; • setting up and continuous monitoring of the drawing of salary funds at all projects in line with the project rules and overheads rules, review of non-eligible costs of the projects, preparation of supporting materials necessary for re-invoicing of salaries; • co-operation in planning the numbers of employees and personnel costs of the economic unit; • keeping of payroll accounts; • provision of methodical support of the Institute’s employees within the scope of the entrusted powers; • implementation and coordination of tenders for new employees, ensuring adaptation of new employees; • coordination of the employee exit process; • creation, coordination and implementation of work-life balance policy for the Institute’s employees; • preparation of supporting materials for statistics and other personnel reports, including reports for the Labour Office; • ensuring the agenda associated with employing foreign nationals; • ensuring and coordination of internal and external training for employees; • coordination of mandatory medical examinations; • ensuring of social security support for employees; • compilation and updates of financial review overviews relating to salary costs; • preparation of supporting materials for internal legislation of the Institute within the scope of the entrusted powers; • participation in audits and review of projects, preparation of supporting materials for auditors; • responsibility for the data of the given department published on the websites; • preparation of supporting materials for internal legislation within the scope of the entrusted powers. 5 2) Research and Innovation Support Department provides support and services to the Institute in the area of responsible research and open science, doctoral and postdoctoral studies and training, as well as in the area of applied research and innovations. In this respect, it performs in particular the following activities: • scientific evaluation (preparation of supporting materials for internal and external evaluation, processing of data for national evaluation, communication with the Rector’s Office of MU and other evaluation entities, proposing evaluation strategies and criteria, compilation of scientometric analyses and benchmarks at various levels); • keeping the awards agenda (information and consulting services for employees and students or CEITEC MU, assistance in creating nominations, internal collections, statistics); • keeping of the agenda of scientific outputs and the Results Information Register (RIV) (preparation of supporting materials for RIV evaluation in each of the evaluation pillars, data analysis, resolution of disputed evaluations with the Research and Development Council (RVVI), assistance in reporting the results and administration of the results database within the scope of IS MU, information service); • analytic activities within the scope of the department’s powers; • accreditation of study programs (meetings coordination, collection and processing of supporting materials, preparation of partnership agreements, communication with the Accreditation Committee); • keeping of studies agenda (introduction of newly accredited programs in the curriculum, admission procedures, nostrification of earlier education, assistance for international students, compilation of syllabuses, communication with the teachers, consulting services for students, setting up the study concepts, coordination of joint activities of CEITEC PhD School – PhD day, joint seminars, etc., organisation of international internships (incoming, outgoing), coordination of ERASMUS+ contracts); • setting up and implementation of policies to support career development of PhD students; • setting up and implementation of policies to support career development of postdocs, support of the postdoc platform; • setting up and implementation of the open science strategy and responsible research and innovation strategy; • keeping of agenda associated with technology transfer and co-operation with the application sphere; • co-operation with the Technology Transfer Centre of MU ; • co-operation with the International Cooperation Centre of MU; • representation of the Institute in the Library Board (active participation at the meetings of the campus library director, information service for students and employees of CEITEC MU, ensuring of new acquisitions); • communication with business partners in the field of sponsoring; • responsibility for the data of the given department published on the websites; • preparation of supporting materials for internal legislation within the scope of the entrusted powers; • ensuring and coordination of processes within the scope of its powers, close cooperation with other departments within the Administration Section, the Director’s Office and relevant departments of the Rector’s Office of MU. 3) Grant Office is responsible for the management of the agenda of the acquisition and development of research and other projects and grants, in which respect it performs in particular the following activities: • creation and identification of opportunities for the preparation of projects and research grants for the calls of national and international providers, including prestigious and 6 developmental project schemes, presentation and representation of CEITEC MU at various events in the Czech Republic and abroad with the aim of establishing project cooperation and improving the chances of success in grant contests; • participation at program platforms and networking of grant offices within CEITEC, Masaryk University, and at the regional and national level; • regular information service relating to the prepared and announced calls provided to the research groups, compilation of summaries of the assignment documentation and internal guidelines pertaining to individual calls for project submission; • preparation and provision of training, information seminars and courses for scientists and PhD students within the scope of the entrusted powers; • expert and consulting services provided to the sites in the preparation of applications for grant funds or other forms of public support - close cooperation with applicants, including formulations of some parts of the projects, budgets, consulting and feedback, time schedules, internal opponency, organisation of preparation meetings of the consortia, ensuring communication and cooperation with partners, communication with the subsidy provider, or, if required, ensuring of external experts and consulting services; • negotiations of grant agreements with the providers and of contractual relations with partners or, if applicable, with the project coordinator; • ensuring administrative measures associated with the submission of projects to MU and CEITEC MU in line with applicable internal guidelines and regulations; • creation and updates of project processes within the scope of the entrusted powers and their linking to the processes within CEITEC MU and Masaryk University, maintenance and development of the project know-how within CEITEC MU, provision of methodical support, cooperation with the other departments within the Administration Section in the management of the project portfolio of CEITEC MU; • provision of information on project opportunities and acquired grants; • maintenance of data in the information system of project records (ISEP) of Masaryk University - updates of data relating to the submitted projects; • responsibility for the data of the given department published on the websites; • preparation of supporting materials for internal legislation within the scope of the entrusted powers; • ensuring and coordination of processes within the scope of its powers, close cooperation with other departments within the Administration Section, the Director’s Office and relevant departments of the Rector’s Office of MU. 4) Finance Department is responsible for the management of the Institute’s economic agenda, in which respect it performs in particular the following activities: • preparation, monitoring and evaluation of the budget of CEITEC MU; • analytic activities in the field of economic management; • coordination of financial review; • supervision over the drawdowns of budgets of individual sites, projects and of the economic unit, preparation of overviews of economic management; • methodological management of operational economics activities, accounting, taxes, economic information system and the IS and INET systems; • issuing of orders, including internal orders, in the EIS Magion and issuing of cover letters for orders when approved by means of a dispatch bill, responsibility for correct performance of financial audits; • issuing of cover letters for assumed obligations, entering of received invoices in the EIS Magion, ensuring of their payment and accounting; • issuing of Intrastat reports, international payment requests, requests for issuance of cheques; • issuing of cover letters for contracts and agreements, agreements pursuant to Section 1746 of the Civil Code, tax questionnaire; 7 • ensuring of keeping records of contracts in Magion system and their physical storage; • cooperation with the Economic Department of the RectorRector’s Office of MU in the course of customs clearance of goods from third countries; • issuing of requests for the issuance of receivables and subsequent issuance and accounting of receivables in the EIS Magion, monitoring of their payment and resolution of unsettled documents with the Legal Department of the Rector’s Office of MU; • ordering of goods via the Central Procurement application in INET system; • management of the agenda of travel orders, i.e. entering of travel orders in the INET system or their approval by a cover sheet prior to travel, their settlement after travel and their submission for approval and reimbursement; • asset management agenda at the determined sites, i.e. issuing of receipt notes with respect to minor assets, handover of labels and signs for labelling of such assets to the laboratory staff, processing of transfer requirements among worksites and discarding of assets from inventory, stocktaking of assets, entering the placement of the assets in the rooms and other information on the registered assets in the INET system; • management of minor expenditures, i.e. issuing of requests for cash purchases and settlement of minor expenditures, keeping of the cash registers of the economic unit, processing of income and expenditure receipts; • processing of applications for extraordinary or permanent advance payments and their settlement on a regular basis; • issuing of payment or credit cards to employees who are themselves responsible for the handling of data pertaining to the card and regular settlement of payments; • issuing requests for correction of account entries and accounting of manual documents; • keeping accounts of the creation and drawdowns of funds; • keeping accounts of documents pertaining to re-invoicing of salaries based on supporting materials provided by the HR Department; • ordering of meal vouchers in line with the guidelines of the HR Department, their distribution to the worksites, including their accounting settlement and returns for excess meals; • issuing of cover letters to individual contracts (assignments); • issuing calculations for commercial contracts in cooperation with the investigators and with the CF manager; • ensuring of communication with project investigators regarding the plan of assignment drawdowns and submitting overviews of the drawn funds at the agreed dates; • financial settlement of projects at the dates determined by the providers; • processing of requests for funds transfer to the Special Purpose Fund and subsequent monitoring of the funds drawdowns based on individual cost items; • accounting and monitoring the fund movements on the project bank accounts and, if necessary, funds transfers between different accounts of MU; • issuing of requests for opening and closing of the project bank accounts and their financial settlement; • supervision over the settlement of receivables within the business centre and processing of requests for the set-off of unsettled receivables; • accounting of applications for the payment of scholarships received by the Strategy and Science Department; • processing of all accounting documents with the use of the EIS and the IS and INET systems, with the exception of documents falling within the scope of powers of the HR Department and the Rector’s Office of MU; • keeping of records and archiving of documents in line with the Accounting Act and applicable tax laws; • preparation of supporting materials for the Liquidation and Damage Settlement Committee; 8 • methodological and organisational administration of stocktaking of assets and accounts, including ongoing inspections of such stocktaking; • ensuring of operations associated with the financial statements and transition to the next accounting period; • keeping of records and review of the funding resources of the economic unit, performance of the annual settlement of such resources; • support in the area of project budgets and finances; • responsibility for financial management and payments within the projects; • participation in audits and reviews of projects, preparation of supporting materials for auditors; • responsibility for the data of the given department published on the websites; • preparation of supporting materials for internal legislation within the scope of the entrusted powers; • ensuring and coordination of processes within the scope of its powers, close cooperation with other departments within the Administration Section, the Director’s Office and relevant departments of the Rector’s Office of MU. 5) Operations Department is responsible for the management of the Institute’s operation in technical sense, including the acquisition and administration of assets, management of the occupational safety and health protection agenda and fire prevention agenda, in which respect it performs in particular the following activities: • coordination of repairs and technical appreciation of buildings; • coordination of constructional preparedness for installation and operation of instruments and devices within the premises of CEITEC MU; • administration of public contracts; • legal support; • occupational safety and health protection agenda and fire prevention agenda; • management and administration of the filing department services; • preparation, administration and updates of the Institute’s dislocation plan; • preparation, administration and updates of the Institute’s IT policy; • administration and organisation of meeting rooms; • coordination of the acquisitions of assets, goods and services; • coordination of central procurement; • support of the participation of CEITEC MU in tenders held by other entities; • responsibility for the data of the given department published on the websites; • preparation of supporting materials for internal legislation within the scope of the entrusted powers; • ensuring and coordination of processes within the scope of its powers, close cooperation with other departments within the Administration Section, the Director’s Office and relevant departments of the Rector’s Office of MU. 6) Grant Administration Department is responsible for the administrative management of projects implemented at the Institute in economic, administrative and reporting terms. The department further administers the agenda associated with the operation and further development of core facilities and research infrastructure, in which respect it performs in particular the following activities: • ensuring administrative measures associated with the implementation of projects at CEITEC MU in line with the supplier’s terms and conditions and applicable internal guidelines and regulations; • administration and management of the implementation of national and international projects in cooperation with the project investigators in line with the project management principles; 9 • ensuring of internal and external communication within the project and communication with the grant provider; • creation and updates of project processes within the scope of the entrusted powers and their linking to the processes within CEITEC MU and Masaryk University, maintenance and development of the project know-how within CEITEC MU, provision of methodical support and interpretation of the grant provider’s rules; • setting up and ongoing reviews of meeting the project schedule in cooperation with the project investigator; • change management within the project; • risk management within the project and ongoing risk assessment and proposals of measures aimed at their elimination or mitigation of their impacts, ensuring of timely information in connection with risk management; • coordination of preparation works and drafting of required monitoring reports and review of their formal correctness in cooperation with the project investigator; • keeping of records and monitoring of the outputs, goals and other undertakings of the projects during the implementation period and during the sustainability period; • monitoring of the sustainability period of projects and ensuring the preparation of the monitoring sustainability reports, if relevant; • cooperation with the project investigators and other departments of CEITEC MU and of Masaryk University in the course of project audits • cooperation with the Events Department in organising events within the scope of project cooperation - events, conferences, workshops, lectures, summer schools, etc.; • ensuring of supporting materials for internal and external audit in cooperation with the project investigator and other departments within the Administration Section; • setting up the plan of purchases and public procurement in cooperation with the Operations Department; • provision of information on the implemented grants for the IS CEITEC and for CEITEC websites; • archiving of project documentation; • maintenance of data in the information system of implemented project records (ISEP) of Masaryk University; • preparation of budgets of core facilities, overall overview of the financing of core facilities, including planned investments in infrastructure; • coordination of the participation of core facilities in various consortia of research infrastructures; • coordination of the preparation of supporting materials for evaluation of the core facilities, including subsequent implementation of recommendations; • calculations of prices for the use of the core facilities, overall supervision over the implementation of pricing measures; • preparation of the analysis of usability and cost ratio of the core facilities; • responsibility for the data of the given department published on the websites; • preparation of supporting materials for internal legislation within the scope of the entrusted powers; • ensuring and coordination of processes within the scope of its powers, close cooperation with other departments within the Administration Section, the Director’s Office and relevant departments of the Rector’s Office of MU. 7) Events Department is responsible for the agenda of events organized by the Institute, in connection with which it performs in particular the following activities: • organization of events of institutional nature and other significant events taking place at the Institute; • coordination of and cooperation with all departments and scientific sites in organising events; 10 • provision of methodological support to other worksites in the field of event organization; • responsibility for the data of the department published on the website; • ensuring and coordination of processes within the scope of its powers, close cooperation with the departments within the Administration Section, the Director’s Office and relevant departments of the Rector’s Office of MU. 8) The Director’s Office ensures support for the activities of the Director, Scientific Board and advisory bodies, management and implementation of the communications agenda and management of institutional relations of the Institute, in which respect it performs in particular the following activities: • coordination of the preparation and evaluation of the Institute’s strategic plan and other concepts and policies linked to the strategic plan in co-operation with other departments responsible for the given subject matter; • comprehensive coordination of support activities for the Director (Art. 7 of the Rules of Organisation of CEITEC MU); • administrative support for the activities of the deputy director for science and the deputy director for research infrastructure; • ensuring the operation and activities of the Institute management, Director’s Board, Scientific Board and advisory bodies of the Institute (Art. 11-14 of the Rules of Organisation); • ensuring the planning and coordination of the activities of the Institute’s management and other advisory bodies; • ensuring coordination, preparation of regular evaluations of the fulfilment of the Institute’s strategy plan; • management and administration of the Institute’s internal legislation department and of the documentary service; • management of the Institute’s institutional relations; • ensuring coordination of the Institute’s cooperation with other parts of MU, in particular with the Rector’s Office, and with external organisations; • coordination and supervision over the implementation of the Director’s decisions; • management, coordination and review of the implementation of the process of obtaining and maintaining the “HR Excellence in Research” certification (HR Award); • coordination of the system of monitoring and reporting for the Institute’s management; • administration and management of the process of receiving and processing complaints, suggestions and petitions; • implementation and coordination of gender mainstreaming within the scope of the Institute’s management and functioning; • management of internal and external communication of the Institute and its communication with the media, including ensuring and supervision over gendersensitive communication (language, images); • management and administration of unified visual style of CEITEC in line with the visual style of MU, creation of graphic materials; • website administration; • administration of internal communication channels/tools; • management, development and administration of social media; • cooperation with the Grant Office and with the Grant Administration Department in the distribution of information on the results of national and international projects; • international presentation of the Institute and its activities; • coordination of official visits with the participation of members of the Institute management; • responsibility for the data of the given department published on the websites; 11 • preparation of supporting materials for internal legislation within the scope of the entrusted powers; • ensuring and coordination of processes within the scope of its powers, close cooperation with the departments within the Administration Section and relevant departments of the Rector’s Office of MU.