15 June 2019 at 2:00 p.m. TRADE FAIRS BRNO, HALL A FESTIVAL Now, or 100 Years From Now! Masaryk University Alumni Day 9:00 – 15:00 MUNI 100 Festival programme Presentation of small commemorative bronze medals to notable Masaryk University alumni Musical programme Vojtěch Dyk & B-Side Band, bandleader Josef Buchta, VÚS Ondráš Ensemble, Ukulele Orchestra jako Brno, DJ Jindra Eliáš, the Masaryk University Symphony Orchestra and the Masaryk University Choir Theatre Divadlo Bolka Polívky, ProFIdivadlo – student ensemble of the Faculty of Informatics EXPO MUNI interactive presentation of faculties, departments and MUNI student associations MUNIPRESS book fair Scala University Cinema film screenings Programme for children outdoor displays of VIDA! Science Park Brno, Czech Television’s afternoon for children, Virtual Brno Zoo, creative workshops organised by the Bongo family park Food programme Relax zone in Hall A, Retro canteen, Food trucks Ignis Brunensis fireworks Tickets to the MUNI 100 Festival can be purchased through the Masaryk University Shopping Centre (MUNI100.CZ) The MUNI 100 Festival programme is mostly in Czech.