Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university (effective from 5 June 2017) Pursuant to Sect. 28, para. 1 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), I issue these Statutes of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University: Part 1 General provisions Article 1 Introductory provisions (1) The Statutes of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the “faculty”) in accordance with Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education), as amended, (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), along with the Statutes of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as “MU”), regulate the activities, management, and organization of the faculty. They stipulate which other regulations are issued at the faculty and how they are approved and published. (2) The faculty was first established on the basis of Act No. 100/1946 Coll. of 9 April 1946. Teaching began on 10 November 1946. (3) After organizational changes in the years 1953-1964, the faculty was again established by a statutory measure of the board of the National Assembly No. 166/1964 Coll. of 12 August 1964. Teaching in the sense of this Act was commenced on 5 October 1964. (4) The faculty is a part of MU, which is a public higher education institution and its name is: Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. (5) The address of the Faculty of Education MU is Poříčí 623/7, Brno Company Reg. No.: 00216224. Website: (6) For international communication, the faculty uses either its full name in Czech or its full name in English: Faculty of Education of Masaryk University, or its full name in French: Faculté de Pédagogie, Universitě Masaryk, or its full name in German: Pädagogische Fakultät, Masaryk Universität, or its full name in Russian: педагогический факултет Университета имени Масарика. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 2 (7) The rights of the faculty in relation to MU are given by law and the internal regulations of MU. The faculty uses a round stamp with the coat of arms of the Czech Republic and the text “Masaryk University, Faculty of Education.” For internal needs, the short form “PdF MU” can be used. (8) The mission of the faculty within MU is given in Sect. 1 of the Act. As part of its mission, the faculty, as a part of MU, freely and independently carries out educational activities and, in connection with them, also scientific, research, development and innovation, artistic or other creative activities (hereinafter referred to as “creative activities”) and related activities. Part 2 Academic freedoms, academic community Article 2 Academic freedoms (1) The faculty guarantees academic rights and freedoms according to Sect. 4 of the Act, especially the freedom of science, research (scientific research), artistic creation, teaching, and the right to learn, as stated in paragraphs 2-7 of Art. 2 of the Statutes of MU. Article 3 Academic community of the faculty (1) The academic community of the faculty consists of academic staff working at this faculty and students enrolled in this faculty to study in bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree programs and students of interfaculty degree programs for which PdF MU is a core faculty. Students of interfaculty degree programs exercise the right to vote at the faculty, which is their core faculty. They use all other academic rights and freedoms in the same way as students for whom PdF MU is a core faculty. The social needs of students of interfaculty degree programs are provided by their core faculty. (2) Each member of the academic community of the faculty has the academic rights and freedoms specified in Sect. 4 of the Act and Art. 2 of the Statutes of MU. (3) The academic community of the faculty is a common and integral guarantor of the academic freedoms and rights of each of its members. At the same time, it is the duty of all members of the academic community of the faculty to defend and develop these freedoms and rights. (4) The faculty supports the activities of scientific, expert, professional, student, trade union and other interest associations, and associations of members of the academic community of the faculty, whose activities help to fulfil the mission of MU, and may provide assistance to these associations. (5) Members of the academic community of the faculty are obliged to take care of the good name of MU and the faculty. (6) Other rights and obligations of students and academic staff are not affected by paragraphs 1 to 5. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 3 (7) The academic community of the faculty is convened to discuss serious matters or measures within the activities of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University, especially in connection with the election of members of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Education, MU, proposals for appointment and removal from office, or ceremonial acts of a faculty or social nature. (8) The Rector, the Dean, the chair of the MU Academic Senate, and the chair of the MU PdF Academic Senate have the right to summon a meeting of the academic community of the faculty. Part 3 Bodies of PdF MU Article 4 Self-governing academic bodies and other faculty bodies (1) The self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University are: a) Academic Senate b) Dean c) Scientific Board d) Disciplinary Committee (2) Another body of the faculty is the faculty bursar. Article 5 Academic Senate (1) The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the “AS PdF MU”) is its self-governing representative, a body of self-government, and a guarantee of academic freedoms at the faculty. The members of the senate are responsible for their activities to the academic community of the faculty. (2) The legal status of the AS PdF MU and its scope are determined in Sect. 26 and Sect. 27 of the Act. (3) The Academic Senate of the faculty: a) on the proposal of the Dean decides on the establishment, merger, fusion, division, or abolition of faculty units, b) approves drafts of internal regulations of the faculty, on the proposal of the dean or in the case of the Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of the faculty on the proposal of a member of the Academic Senate of the faculty, for which the Academic Senate of the faculty requested the opinion of the dean, and forwards them through the chair of the Academic Senate MU for approval to the Academic Senate MU, c) approves the distribution of financial resources of the faculty submitted by the dean and controls their use, Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 4 e) approves the annual report on activities and the annual report on the management of the faculty submitted by the dean, f) approves the conditions for admission to study in degree programs carried out at the faculty, g) gives the dean prior consent to the appointment and removal of members of the Scientific Board and members of the Faculty Disciplinary Committee, h) decides on the proposal for the appointment of the dean, or proposes their removal from office, i) on the proposal of the dean approves the strategic plan of the educational and creative activities of the faculty elaborated in accordance with the strategic plan of MU after the discussion of the faculty Scientific Board. (4)The Academic Senate of the faculty discusses in particular: a) proposals for degree programs carried out at the faculty, b) the Dean’s intention to appoint or remove vice-deans. (5) Proposals under para. 3 letter (a) to (e) and (h) and documents for the decision pursuant to para. 3 letter (g) must be made available by their submitter to the members of the academic community of the faculty in a manner enabling remote access at least 7 calendar days before their discussion. (6) Proposals, in particular pursuant to para. 3 letter (g), are decided on by the Academic Senate in a secret vote. The proposal for the appointment of the dean is accepted if an absolute majority of all members of the Academic Senate of the faculty have voted for them; a proposal to dismiss the dean is accepted if at least three-fifths of all members of the Academic Senate have spoken in favour of it. (7) Members of the AS PdF MU are elected from among the members of the academic community of the faculty. Membership in AS PdF MU and performance of the function of a member of AS PdF MU are irreplaceable and incompatible with the performance of the academic function of Rector, vice-rector, bursar, dean, vice-dean, faculty bursar, and director of the University Institute. (8) Based on the principles of the Act, the academic community of the faculty elects a total of 23 members to the AS PdF MU, of which 11 are students. (9) The AS PdF MU is headed by a chair who is elected from among the academic staff and two vice-chairs, one of whom is from among the academic staff and one from among the students of PdF MU. The chair governs the activities of the AS PdF MU and usually also the meetings of the senate and represents the senate externally. They are responsible to the senate for their activities. The chair of the AS PdF MU acquaints the academic community of the faculty with the activities of the Senate at least once a year. (10) AS PdF MU may create committees for its activities, always headed by a member of the academic community of the faculty. Members of the committee may be members of the academic community of the faculty, or other experts on the issues addressed. (11) The term of office of a member of the AS PdF MU is three years. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 5 (12) If, during the term of office, a position of a member of the AS PdF MU becomes vacant, another candidate with the highest number of votes obtained during the regular elections to the Academic Senate of the faculty shall take the position. (13) The method of electing members of the AS PdF MU, its chair, other bodies of the AS PdF MU, the dismissal of members of the senate, and the rules of its meetings and proceedings, including other requisites, are determined by the Election Regulations of the AS PdF MU and Rules of Procedure of the AS PdF MU as internal regulations of PdF MU (Sect. 33 para. 2 letter (b) and (c) of the Act). Regular elections for the AS PdF MU shall take place in the period from 1 to 30 November of the relevant year. (14) In its activities, the AS PdF MU follows the law, the Statutes of MU, the Statutes of the PdF MU, the Election Regulations of the AS PdF MU, and the Rules of Procedure of the AS PdF MU. (15) All meetings of the AS PdF MU are publicly accessible. Article 6 Dean (1) The PdF MU is headed by the dean, whose legal status and competence are determined by law, the Statutes of MU, the Statutes of the PdF MU, and other internal regulations of the MU PdF. (2) The dean is appointed and dismissed by the Rector on the proposal of the AS PdF MU. The proposal is submitted to the Rector by the chair of the AS PdF MU no later than one month before the end of the dean’s term of office. (3) The manner of discussion and adoption of the resolution on the proposal for the appointment of the dean, or on the proposal for their dismissal, is determined by Annex No. 1 to these Statutes. (4) The term of office of the dean is four years and the same person may hold the position of dean for a maximum of two immediately consecutive terms of office. (5) The vice-deans, the faculty bursar, and other senior staff of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University, who are listed in the Organizational Regulations of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University, are directly responsible for their activities to the dean. (6) If necessary, the dean entrusts a member of the academic community of the faculty with the performance of an academic or other position for the time strictly necessary until the proper filling of this position by appointment or selection procedure. (7) The dean shall establish other advisory bodies if necessary. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 6 Article 7 Vice-Deans (1) The vice-deans are appointed and dismissed by the dean after the opinion of the AS PdF MU (Sect. 27 para. 2 letter (b) of the Act). Their legal status is given by Sect. 28 para. 5 of the Act, these Statutes, and internal regulations and other regulations of MU and the PdF MU. The vice-deans are responsible to the dean for the entrusted areas of activity, especially in the field of study and pedagogical activities, science and research, external relations and creative activities, internal relations, and faculty development. The number of vice-deans and their functional duties are determined by the dean. (2) In the entrusted area of activity, the vice-deans act on behalf of the faculty in administrative matters and act in managerial and other relations within the scope of their functional duties. (3) The vice-deans represent each other according to the decision of the dean. In their absence, the dean is fully represented by the vice-dean appointed by the dean, and in their absence by other vice-deans in the order determined by the dean. (4) The term of office of the vice-deans is the same as the term of office of the dean. Article 8 Scientific Board (1) The legal status of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the “SB of the PdF MU”) and its competence is given by Sect. 29 and 30 of the Act, these Statutes, and other internal regulations of the faculty. The competence of the SB of the PdF referred to in Sect. 30 para. 1 letter (b) and (c) of the Act is amended in accordance with Article 8, para. 1 of the Statutes of MU so that the SB of the PdF approves proposals for degree programs to be carried out at the faculty and forwards them through the Rector for approval to the Internal Evaluation Board (hereinafter referred to as the “IEB MU”). (2) The members of the SB of the PdF MU are appointed and dismissed by the dean, who is the chair of the SB of the PdF MU, after the approval of the SB of the PdF MU. (3) The term of office for members of the SB of the PdF MU is the same as the term of office of the dean who appointed them. Membership in the SB of the PdF MU is honorary and irreplaceable. (4) In addition to the powers specified in paragraph 1, the SB of the PdF MU also approves the awarding of faculty medals and other awards at the proposal of the dean. (5) The SB of the PdF MU mainly discusses matters submitted to it by the dean. (6) The rules of the meetings and the manner of the meetings of the SB of the PdF MU are determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Board of the PdF MU as an internal regulation of the faculty (Section 33, para. 2, letter (d) of the Act). Article 9 Disciplinary Committee (1) The members of the disciplinary committee of the faculty are appointed and dismissed by the dean from among the members of the academic community of the faculty. Half of the members of the disciplinary committee of the faculty are students. The disciplinary Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 7 committee of the faculty elects and removes its chair from among the academic staff of the Faculty of Education. (2) The term of office for members of the disciplinary committee of the faculty is a maximum of two years. (3) The disciplinary committee of the faculty discusses disciplinary offenses of students enrolled in the faculty and submits a proposal for a decision to the dean, all in accordance with the Disciplinary Code of the Faculty of Education of MU, which forms the internal regulation of the faculty (Sect. 33 para. 2 letter (e) of the Act). Article 10 Faculty Bursar (1) The faculty bursar is appointed and dismissed on the basis of a selection procedure by the dean, to whom the faculty bursar is directly subordinate and responsible for their activities. (2) The faculty bursar takes care of the management and internal administration of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University, to the extent stipulated by the Organizational Regulations of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. (3) In order to ensure the same procedure for all faculties within MU in the field of management and internal administration, the faculty bursar of the MU Faculty of Education cooperates with the MU bursar. Article 11 Dean’s Board (1) The Dean’s Board (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) is an advisory body to the dean. Its permanent members are the vice-deans, the faculty bursar, the chair of the AS PdF MU, and other members appointed by the dean at their discretion. (2) The Board, summoned by the dean as required, discusses the elementary tasks, economic activities, and management of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University, the cooperation of individual components of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University, personnel, and operational matters. Article 12 Other advisory bodies (1) The dean appoints boards, committees, or other bodies as their other advisory bodies. (2) Members are appointed by the dean at their discretion. (3) The scope, rules of meetings, and manner of meetings of advisory bodies pursuant to para. 1 are regulated by the Organizational Regulations of the PdF, which are issued by the dean. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 8 Part 4 Studies at the PdF MU Article 13 Degree programmes (1) PdF MU implements bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree programmes on the basis of MU Institutional Accreditation or degree programme accreditation, the composition, focus, content, time, and completion of which are regulated by the general provisions of Sect. 44 to 47e) of the Act. When preparing the design of degree programmes and their implementation, it is necessary to pay attention to the effective use of resources and the related degree of interconnection of educational activities. (2) The degree programme can be implemented: a)independently at one faculty, b)separately at each of several faculties, c) together at several faculties, d)as a core programme at one faculty and partly at another faculty, or at other faculties. (3) In the case of degree programmes carried out in accordance with letter (c) or (d), it must be determined at which faculty the student is accepted and enrolled in the degree programme and whose internal regulations and other regulations they are obliged to follow. (4) The degree programme can be specified in the study plans. (5) Study plans stipulate the time and content sequence of study courses, the form of study, and the method of verifying study results (Section 44, para. 3 of the Act). (6) The authorization of the MU Faculty of Education to carry out degree programmes under the conditions stipulated by the Act and the Statutes of MU arises from institutional accreditation or from the accreditation of the degree programme. (7) A guarantor from among the academic staff is appointed for each degree programme. The guarantor of the degree programme is appointed and dismissed by the dean of the relevant faculty. If the degree programme is carried out according to paragraph 2 letter (c) or (d), the guarantor is appointed by the dean of the faculty that administers the degree programme, unless the deans of the faculties concerned agree otherwise. The guarantor of the degree programme is responsible for the provision and development of the professional level of the degree programme, regular evaluation and quality assurance, and the coordination of teaching content. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 9 Article 14 Conditions for admission to study, method of submitting applications, and course of study (1) The conditions for admission to study at the MU PdF, matters of the admissions procedure, and the course of study are generally given in Sections 48 to 57 of the Act and further elaborated especially in the Statutes of MU, Study and Examination Regulations of MU, and other internal regulations of MU and the PdF. (2) The decision on admission to study is regulated by the Act and in accordance with it the internal regulations of MU and the PdF; if the Act cannot be applied, it is governed by Act No. 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Procedure Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Administrative Procedure Code”), unless the Act provides otherwise or excludes the application of the Act. Article 15 Study-related fees (1) Fees for acts connected with the admissions procedure, study fees, and fees for study in a degree programme conducted in a foreign language are set by MU in accordance with the provisions of the Sect. 58 para. 1 to 5 of the Act. Annex No. 2 to the Statutes of MU, titled Study-related Fees, sets out the types of these fees, the rules for determining their amount, maturity, form of payment, as well as other conditions for their application. (2) The Rector may, in individual cases, reduce, waive, or postpone the study-related fees pursuant to Sect. 58, para.3 to 4 of the Act, taking into account reasons worthy of special consideration. These reasons are mainly study results, school representation, social and health situation, and family reasons. Article 16 Payment for certain acts (1) Reimbursement up to the amount of costs may be charged for some acts if they do not directly consist of the implementation of accredited degree programmes. (2) The list of acts for which payment can be collected is determined by the Rector with the consent of the AS MU. The amount, maturity, and form of payment will be determined by a measure of the Rector, after discussion by the Rector’s Board. Article 17 Conditions for the admission of foreigners to study (1) The admission of foreigners to study in the degree programmes carried out at the MU Faculty of Education is generally stipulated in Article 20 of the Statutes of MU. More detailed conditions for admission, the course of this study, and its recognition are set out in the Study and Examination Regulations of MU. Article 18 Advanced Master’s procedure (1) Graduates of master's degree programmes who have obtained the academic degree of “master” may take an Advanced Master’s examination in the same field of study under the conditions stipulated by the Act (Sect. 46 para. 5, and Sect. 99 para. 5 of the Act) and the Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 10 Study and Examination Regulations of MU. Part of the Advanced Master’s examination is the defence of an Advanced Master’s thesis. After its successful completion, the academic degree specified in the Act is awarded. (2) The method and procedure for submitting and accepting applications for the state Advanced Master’s examination, which is not part of the degree programme, details of these examinations, their course and evaluation, as well as the rules for the reimbursement of costs associated with providing the opportunity to use equipment and information technology necessary for the preparation of this Advanced Master’s examination according to para. 1 are determined by the implementing regulation to the Study and Examination Regulations of MU. (3) The form of reimbursement for costs and their maturity will be published for the academic year no later than one month before its start electronically on the relevant part of the website of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. Article 19 Lifelong learning and education in an internationally recognized course (1) As part of its educational activities, the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University provides, on behalf of MU, free of charge or for a fee studies in lifelong learning programmes pursuant to Section 60 of the Act or education in an internationally recognized course pursuant to Section 60a of the Act and Article 31 of the Statutes of MU. (2) More detailed conditions for lifelong learning are set out in the Lifelong Learning Regulations of MU and the dean’s directive for the Implementation of Lifelong Learning Programmes at the MU Faculty of Education. (3) Education in a lifelong learning programme or in an internationally recognized course does not establish for its participants the legal status of a student. Part 5 Students and staff Article 20 Students (1) An applicant for a degree programme carried out at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, becomes a student on the day of their enrolment in the study (Section 51 of the Act). A person whose studies have been interrupted in accordance with Section 54 of the Act becomes a student on the day of their re-enrolment in studies. (2) The person ceases to be a student on the day of the termination of their studies pursuant to Section 55 para. 1 and Section 56 para. 1 and 2 of the Act or by the interruption of their studies pursuant to Section 54 of the Act. (3) The rights and obligations of PdF MU students are regulated by Sections 62 and 63 of the Act. (4) The consequences of a culpable breach of duty by a student are addressed by Sections 64 to 67 of the Act as disciplinary offenses. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 11 (5) The issuance of decisions on the rights and obligations of the student, which are exhaustively defined in Sect. 68 para. 1 of the Act, is regulated in particular by para. 2 and 3 thereof and the relevant provisions of the Administrative Procedure Code. (6) The student may appeal against the decision in matters pursuant to para. 5 within 30 days of its notification; missing the deadline can be forgiven for serious reasons that occurred without the fault of the student, provided that other conditions set out in Sect. 41 of the Administrative Procedure Code are met. The appellate administrative body is the Rector. (7) The Rector, or the dean within the procedure pursuant to Section 87 of the Administrative Procedure Code, shall review the compliance of the contested decision and the proceedings that preceded the issuance of the decision with the legal regulations and internal regulations of MU and PdF. The decision on a disciplinary offense and expulsion from studies pursuant to Section 67 of the Act shall be revoked by the Rector even in the event that additional facts come to light which would justify the termination of the proceedings. (8) Following the decision of the dean or the Rector pursuant to para. 7, the MU and PdF bodies shall, if necessary, take such measures that the student’s rights are restored and the consequences caused by the defective decision are removed or at least mitigated. Article 21 Delivery of decisions (1) Articles 27 and 36 of the Statutes of MU apply to the delivery of decisions to students and applicants for studies. Article 22 Disciplinary proceedings (2) In disciplinary proceedings, students’ disciplinary offenses and cases that would entitle a student to be excluded from studies pursuant to Section 67 of the Act are discussed. (3) Details concerning in particular the nature and manner of dealing with disciplinary offenses and the imposition of sanctions provided for in Section 65 para. 1 of the Act are regulated by the Disciplinary Code for PdF MU students as an internal regulation of the PdF MU (Section 33 para. 2 letter (e) of the Act). Article 23 Academic staff of the faculty (1) The academic staff of the faculty are those professors, associate professors, extraordinary professors, assistant professors, assistants, lecturers, and scientific, research, and development staff who are employees of the faculty performing both pedagogical and creative activities according to the agreed type of work. (2) These employees are in an employment relation with MU, while in accordance with Sect 24 para. 1 letter (e) of the Act, unless otherwise provided by the Act, the faculty bodies have the right to decide or act on behalf of MU in the employment relations of academic staff working at the faculty in matters concerning the faculty. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 12 Article 24 Associate professors and professors (1) An associate professor for a certain field is appointed by the Rector on the proposal of the SB of the PdF MU. The habilitation procedure, which is initiated at the proposal of the applicant, is regulated by Sections 72 and 75 of the Act, the Rules of the habilitation procedure and the Procedure for appointment as a professor at MU, and the dean’s directive Principles of the habilitation procedure and the procedure for appointment as a professor at the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. (2) The professor for a certain field is appointed by the President of the Republic on the proposal of the MU Scientific Board submitted through the Minister. The conditions of the procedure for appointment as a professor are regulated by Sections 74 and 75 of the Act, the Rector’s directive Conditions of the habilitation and appointment procedure as a professor of MU, and the dean's directive Principles of the habilitation procedure and procedure for appointment as a professor at the PdF MU. (3) The general regulations on administrative proceedings do not apply to habilitation proceedings and proceedings for the appointment of a professor. The details of the habilitation procedure and the procedure for appointment as a professor are set out in the Rules of the habilitation procedure and the Procedure for appointment as a professor at MU as an internal regulation of MU (Sect. 17 para. 1 letter (k) of the Act). (4) The authorization of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University to conduct a habilitation procedure or a procedure for appointment as a professor in a given field is subject to accreditation granted by the National Accreditation Office for Higher Education pursuant to Section 82 of the Act. The list of accredited fields in which MU is authorized to conduct habilitation proceedings or proceedings for appointment as a professor is published in the public part of the MU website. Article 25 Visiting professors (1) The position of visiting professors at the MU Faculty of Education is determined by Article 42 of the Statutes of MU. The scope of work and legal relations of visiting professors with MU are regulated by contract. The contract is negotiated by the relevant employee (Rector, dean, or director of the higher education institution). (2) Section 77 para. 1 of the Act does not apply to the filling of the posts of visiting professors. Article 26 Selection procedures (1) The positions of academic staff at the MU Faculty of Education are filled on the basis of a selection procedure in accordance with Section 77 of the Act and in accordance with the Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures of MU. The selection procedure may be waived under the conditions set out in Section 77 of the Act. (2) Selection procedures can also be held for the recruitment of scientific and professional staff or other employees of the PdF MU. (3) The rules for selection procedures are set out in the internal regulations of the Selection Procedures Regulations of MU. The rules of the selection procedure shall apply mutatis mutandis to selection procedures held in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 13 Article 27 Other employees (1) In addition to members of the academic community of the faculty (cf. Article 3 of these statutes), there are also other employees at the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University who participate in scientific, research, development, or other creative activities or provide other professional, administrative, economic, and technical activities necessary for the fulfilment of the mission of the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University. (2) These employees referred to in paragraph 1 are in employment relations with MU, while in accordance with Sect. 24 para 1. letter (e) of the Act, the faculty bodies have the right to decide or act on behalf of MU in the employment relations of these other employees working at the faculty in matters concerning the faculty. (3) The remuneration of these employees is governed by the Internal Wage Regulations of MU. Part 6 Organizational structure of PdF MU Article 28 Faculty division (1) The faculty is organizationally divided into departments, institutes, and the Dean’s Office. (2) The heads of departments and institutes are responsible to the dean for their activities. (3) All units of the faculty, except for departments and institutes, are concentrated under the Dean’s Office. (4) The head of the Dean’s Office is the faculty bursar. (5) On the proposal of the dean of the faculty, they decide on the establishment, merger, fusion, division, or cancellation of the above-mentioned units. (6) The internal organization of PdF MU and its units is determined by the Organizational Regulations of PdF MU, which are issued by the dean. Article 29 Position and competence of departments and institutes (1) A department or institute is a basic organizational unit for pedagogical, scientific research work, and artistic activity. Departments or institutes that provide pedagogical, scientific, and artistic activities in several sub-fields may be further divided into sub-units (e.g. offices). For a transitional period, special-purpose units established on the basis of a project approved by the grant agency may also become part of a department or institute. The institutes have the same rights and obligations as the departments and primarily focus on further creative activities or the development of doctoral degree programmes. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 14 (2) A department or institute consists of: (a) teachers, i.e. professors, associate professors, assistant professors, assistants, and lecturers, (b) scientific, research, and artistic staff. (3) Other employees may also work at the department or institute, in particular: a)external teachers and trainees, b)PhD students, c)university students, in particular as student forces and members of scientific teams, d)foreign teachers, e)professional, technical, and administrative staff, f) visiting professors, g)professors emeriti. The department or institute may have an advisory group of external experts appointed by the head of the department or institute, who are invited to extended meetings, professional meetings, or otherwise cooperate with the unit. (4) Departments or institutes may voluntarily associate in sections, based on the affinity of the scientific disciplines being developed, joint research or joint guarantees, and the affinity of degree programmes. The section is represented by one of the heads of associated units appointed by the dean on the proposal of associated departments and institutes. The structure of the sections falls under the Organizational Regulations of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. (5) The head of the department or institute is the head who is appointed by the dean on the basis of a selection procedure, especially from among professors and associate professors. The term of office for the head of the department is four years. (6) The head of the department or institute may be removed by the dean after discussion at the department even during the term of office. (7) The head of a department or institute is led by the dean and is responsible to the dean for their activities. (8) Fundamental matters are discussed by the head of the department or institute in advance in the plenary of the unit and a record thereof is made. (9) The head of a department or institute, with the consent of the dean, appoints their deputy, bursar of the department, head of department, laboratories, etc. These employees report to the head of the department or institute and assist them in managing and organizing activities. The scope of their competence is determined by the head of the department. (10) The head of a department or institute acts on behalf of the faculty to the extent specified in the Organizational Regulations of the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University. Article 30 Dean’s Office (1) The Dean’s Office ensures the management, personnel, and material provision of all activities of the faculty. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 15 (2) The organizational structure of the Dean’s Office and the scope of activities of its units are regulated by the Organizational Regulations of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. Part 7 Financial management Article 31 Faculty financial management, property management (1) The budget of the faculty is approved by the academic senate of the faculty on the proposal of the dean, who also checks the use of financial resources available to the faculty (Sect. 27 para. 1 letter (c) of the Act). The faculty handles the financial resources at its disposal on the basis of rules issued pursuant to Article 47, para. 3 of the Statutes of MU separately (Sect. 24 para. 1 letter (d) of the Act) and Article 47, para. 5 of the Statute of MU. (2) The management of MU property, on which the PdF decides and acts on behalf of MU, is regulated by Article 48 para. 2 letter (c) of the Statutes of MU. Part 8 Documents Article 32 Annual reports, evaluation of activities, and strategic plan (1) The method of processing annual reports, the evaluation of activities, and long-term plans is regulated by Section 21 of the Act. Article 33 Register of students (1) The register of students is kept at the faculty, usually by the employees of the office for studies who are specially authorized to do so by the Dean. (2) The content of the register and the keeping of records on students, their updating, and the issuance of extracts and transcripts from the register are regulated by Sect. 88, para. 2 to 4 of the Act. Article 34 Recognition of foreign university education and qualifications (1) The conditions under which a certificate of recognition of higher education or its part may be issued in the Czech Republic are set out in Sect. 89 and 90 of the Act and Article 32 of the Statutes of MU. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 16 (2) In matters of recognizing foreign higher education and MU qualifications, the Rector shall decide; documents for such a decision shall be provided to them at the request of the Rector by the dean of the Faculty at which a similar degree programme is carried out. Article 35 Scholarships (1) Scholarships may be awarded to faculty students. (2) The conditions under which scholarships paid from a subsidy or contribution may be awarded to students are set out in Sect. 91, para. 2 to 4 and Sect. 6 of the Act. (3) The principles for the provision of scholarships to students in accordance with the Act are set out in the Scholarship Regulations of MU as an internal regulation (Sect. 17, para. 1, letter (h) of the Act). Part 9 Symbols of PdF MU and its academic ceremonies Article 36 Insignia, gowns (1) Academic faculty officials are authorized to use PdF academic insignia (academic sceptre and chains) and robes, which are an outward expression of their dignity, authority, and responsibility. Their documentation is stored in the MU archives. (2) University gowns can be used by the dean, vice-deans, professors, associate professors, and bedel on ceremonial occasions; with the dean’s consent, they may also be used by other teachers and researchers of the faculty and important guests of the faculty. (3) The rules for the use of academic insignia and gowns and for the holding of academic ceremonies at MU are described in Annex No. 4 to the Statutes of MU. Article 37 Academic ceremonies (1) The Rector and the deans are usually inaugurated by a ceremonial inauguration with the participation of members of the relevant academic community and invited guests. On this occasion, the Rector and the dean give an inaugural speech. (2) Matriculation is a ceremonial act of admitting students to the position of MU students. (3) Graduation is a ceremonial act in which academic officials submit a university diploma to graduates of degree programs with an indication of the academic degree obtained and a supplement to the diploma. Furthermore, persons awarded the honorary scientific degree of “doctor honoris causa” are graduated. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 17 (4) The course of inaugurations, matriculations, graduations, and other ceremonial acts is determined by the Rector. (5) The matriculation and graduation promises of students and graduates are listed in Annex 2 to theses Statutes. Article 38 Honorary titles, medals, and awards (1) As a token of appreciation for merits for the development of the faculty or for the development of education, science, and artistic activities, the faculty may award commemorative medals to its employees and other persons. (2) The medal is awarded by the dean. Documentation on the awarding of individual medals and their associated diplomas is stored at the Dean’s Secretariat. (3) Other means of rewarding outstanding achievements in the field of pedagogy, science (for staff), and study (for students) are regulated by a special directive of the Dean. Part 10 Common, transitional, and final provisions Article 39 Common provisions (1) Related documents: a) Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts, as amended b) Statutes of MU c) Election Regulations of the AS of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University d) Rules of Procedure of the AS of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University e) Disciplinary Code for students of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University (2) Annexes: a) Annex No. 1 Manner of discussing and accepting the candidate’s proposal for the position of dean or for the removal of dean b) Annex No. 2 Matriculation and graduation promise (3) The Dean of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University, is responsible for interpreting the provisions of the Statutes of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 18 Article 40 Final provisions (1) These Statutes shall be valid on the day of the approval of the AS MU and shall take effect on the day of its publication in the PdF MU website. (2) These Statutes of PdF repeal the MU PdF Statutes of 8 April 2014 with all their amendments. (3) These Statues PdF MU were approved by the Academic Senate of the PdF MU on 7 March 2017. (4) These Statues PdF MU were approved by the Academic Senate of MU on 5 June 2017. In Brno on 5 June 2017 doc. PhDr. Jiří Němec, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 19 Annex No. 1 MANNER OF DISCUSSING AND ACCEPTING THE CANDIDATE’S PROPOSAL FOR THE POSITION OF DEAN OR FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE DEAN 1. The candidate for the position of Dean is elected from the academic staff of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. 2. The elections are prepared and chaired by a five-member election committee elected by the senate. The chair must be a member of the senate and is elected by the senate. 3. Proposals for a candidate for the position of Dean may be submitted in writing by groups of at least ten academic staff, groups of at least twenty students, and members of the Senate. 4. Only the candidate who agrees with the candidacy can be elected. 5. The date of the elections is set at least 2 weeks in advance by the Senate. 6. At least three days before the election, all candidates for the position of Dean will present themselves at the public meeting of the academic community of the faculty and other employees of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. At this meeting, candidates publish the names of teachers who, if elected, they will nominate for the positions of vice- deans. 7. The elections are secret and usually have no more than two rounds, when the two most successful candidates advance after an unsuccessful 1st round. In the event of a tie for two or more 2nd place candidates, all 2nd place candidates advance to the second round. This may be followed by a third and subsequent round of elections. If the candidate for the position of Dean is still not elected, the members of the Senate gradually vote only on individual candidates. The order of voting is determined by the number of votes obtained in the 1st round of elections. In the case of the same number of votes in the 1st round, the order of voting is decided by lot. 8. The candidate who obtains at least an absolute majority of the votes of all members of the Senate is elected. 9. In the event of unsuccessful elections, new elections shall be held no later than 6 weeks after the last elections. Other candidates may then be elected in accordance with the procedure set out in points 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8. Statutes of the Faculty of education of Masaryk university 20 Annex No. 2 MATRICULATING PROMISE I solemnly promise to fulfil all the obligations arising from my admission to the university, and I declare that I will apply the results of my studies especially in areas where it is most needed. By becoming a student of the Faculty of Education at Masaryk University, I honestly promise that my work and actions will strive to preserve the good name of the university and that I will not do anything to damage its generally recognized reverence. GRADUATION PROMISE I promise that in my job I will keep in mind the mission of education and training, which aims at the universal and free development of the human personality. I will do my job responsibly and conscientiously and I will never knowingly abuse my position. I will constantly deepen and develop the knowledge I have gained through further study so that the education of the nation, its culture, and science will increase. Throughout my life and in all my work, I will strive to always act in accordance with humane principles and to honour Masaryk University in Brno, where I graduated.