MU-IS/306251/2022/1906542/PdF-1 Dean’s Measure No. 7/2022 Selection Procedure Rules of the Faculty of Education MU (in the version effective from 1 January 2023) Pursuant to Section 28 (1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as later amended, and pursuant to the Organisational Regulations of the Faculty of Education, I hereby issue this measure: Section 1 General Provisions (1) Purpose: This measure specifies the internal regulation of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as MU) – Masaryk University Selection Procedure Regulations (Section 8 in particular) – and details the rules for the recruitment of employees at the Faculty of Education (hereinafter referred to as the Faculty of Education). The measure regulates the recruitment of academic staff members at the Faculty of Education in accordance with Section 77 of the Higher Education Act, and the recruitment of other employees of the Faculty of Education. For the purposes of this measure, a selection procedure means a procedure which verifies the prerequisites of candidates for a particular position, according to predefined requirements. (2) The generic masculine used in the Czech language version of the document refers to any gender. (3) List of terms and abbreviations: MU – Masaryk University Faculty of Education/Faculty – the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University R1–R4 – Guidelines of the Personnel Management Office of the MU Rector’s Office – Classification of academic and non-academic staff in research and development at MU into categories R1–R4 RMU PMO – Personnel Management Office of the MU Rector’s Office Committee – selection committee Section 2 Announcement of Selection Procedures (1) The announcement of a selection procedure is preceded by the need for a job advertisement, which is specified by the head in cooperation with the Faculty Personnel Office. (2) The announcer of a selection procedure for filling the posts of academic employees is the Dean of the Faculty of Education. The announcer of a selection procedure for filling the posts of other employees is the Faculty Bursar. (3) Selection procedures are administratively handled by the Faculty’s Personnel Office which, throughout the process, cooperates with the head of the relevant unit for which a selection procedure has been announced. (4) Selection procedures are announced by being published in Czech on the public part of the MU website and at the same time on the Career page of the Faculty of Education website. Selection procedures announced in English are automatically published on THEuniJobs. Selection procedures for selected posts are simultaneously published in English on the Euraxess website. Job vacancies can be also advertised on other platforms, portals, and social networks depending on the specifics of the field and the position. Section 3 Course of Selection Procedures (1) In cooperation with the Personnel Office, the head of the respective unit for which the selection procedure has been announced specifies the text of the selection procedure, the content of which includes: ● Job title and job specification stating the job’s characteristics; ● Name of the organisational unit and the specific unit; ● Start date, application deadline, number of open positions; ● Type of employment and its duration, level of workload; ● Stating the career profile of research staff R1–R4; ● Range of remuneration (recommended); ● Selection conditions and criteria, including knowledge and professional experience; ● Information on the hiring process (including a list of required documents) and how to apply; ● Information regarding working terms and conditions; ● Reference to the current MU Selection Procedure Regulations and non-discrimination statement; ● And/or any other relevant information; (2) The Jobs.MU electronic application in INET MU is used for the registration and administration of selection procedures. (3) The number of rounds of a selection procedure is decided by the chair of the selection committee. Selection procedures usually have two rounds – the first round is always administrative, in the second round, a personal interview will generally take place. During the selection procedure, the Committee may use methods to assess in particular professional competence, e.g. knowledge tests or other tests, case studies, individual assignments, or public lectures. (4) After the deadline for receiving applications, the first administrative round takes place in which the formalrequisites – materials submitted by candidates and their compliance with the requirements of the position – are evaluated. If a candidate meets the conditions of the selection procedure and has not submitted all the relevant documents, the Personnel Office will ask the candidate to provide them by an alternative deadline. If the candidate fails to submit the materials even by the alternative deadline, they may not be invited to the next round of the selection procedure. (5) The committee chair has the right to exclude applications that do not meet the conditions and criteria of the announced selection procedure. The chair will inform the Committee of the exclusion afterwards. Disputed cases will be left for the whole Committee to decide. (6) Candidates whose profile and experience best match the requirements of the position (taking into account the needs of the unit) are then invited to the next round of the selection process. (7) At the latest in the last round of the selection procedure, the selection procedure must always be conducted by means of a personal interview, either in person or using electronic communication tools that enable the interview to be conducted. Use of electronic communication tools is decided by the Committee chair. (8) After each round of the selection procedure, the representative of the Personnel Office, the chair of the Committee, and members of the Committee shall record the degree of the compliance of the candidate’s profile with the selection criteria in an evaluation matrix. Section 4 Selection Procedure Committee (1) The announcer appoints a Committee for the respective selection procedure and its chair by the end of the period for submitting applications. The announcer may be a member of the Committee or its chair. (2) The chair of the Committee for academic positions is always the Dean or one of the Vice-Deans of the Faculty of Education. (3) The Committee is composed in such a way that its members are able to evaluate the candidate’s prerequisites across the full spectrum of the given field or the specifics of the position, as well as skills in the different specialisations in the field for which the selection procedure has been announced. (4) When appointing the Committee, as far as possible the gender balance in its composition must be taken into account, while also upholding the Committee’s requirement for expertise. (5) The number of members of the Committee for academic positions must be odd and the Committee must consist of at least five members, including the chair. The number of Committee members for other staff positions is not fixed; it is decided by the announcer for each selection procedure. (6) The chair, members of the Committee, and other participants in the selection procedure shall comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) throughout the selection procedure. (7) The chair and members of the Committee are required to complete training on the recruitment and selection of employees via e-learning in the IS MU (before their first participation in the Committee from 1 January, 2023). For further training, the Practical Guide to Selection Procedures at the Faculty of Education is available. (8) The Committee for selection procedures for academic positions is able to act in the presence of at least three members, including the chair; however, it must always involve an absolute majority of all members of the Committee. (9) The absence of a member will not deprive the Committee of a quorum if it causes an even number of members to be present. (10) The Committee decides by voting by open ballot, unless otherwise agreed. The Committee will first exclude unsuccessful candidates, and then rank the successful candidates in order of their suitability for the position (the most suitable candidate is ranked first, followed by the others). If the vote is tied, the Committee chair decides on the final order. (11) In exceptional and duly justified cases (e.g. epidemics), the Committee chair may decide to vote per rollam. In this case, the Committee chair will submit the documents to the members of the Committee in electronic form, informing them of the time limit within which they have to make written comments regarding which candidates are successful and which unsuccessful, and to rank the successful candidates. A decision on the success of a candidate requires the consent of at lest three Committee members; however, it must always be an absolute majority of all members of the Committee. The Committee chair will then announce the results of the voting in the minutes, which are only signed by the Committee chair. The minutes shall include the comments of the members of the Committee. It is the duty of the chair to acquaint the other members of the Committee with the minutes. (12) The course of the selection procedure and the evaluation of candidates in its individual rounds according to the predetermined criteria is recorded in the evaluation matrix. (13) At the request of the Committee chair, a representative of the Personnel Office may participate in the selection procedure and interviews for academic positions as administrative support. In such case, the representative of the Personnel Office is not a voting member of the Committee. Section 5 Communication with Candidates (1) Only applications sent in electronic form – so-called e-applications – are accepted for selection procedures at the Faculty of Education. (2) Upon successful submission of the e-application, candidates will receive automatic confirmation of acceptance. (3) All candidates will be informed by e-mail within 10 days following the closing date for applications whether or not they have met the formal conditions of the selection procedure. (4) Candidates who have met the conditions of the selection procedure are informed, after the end of the given round, by e-mail regarding the composition of the Committee, the further progress of the selection procedure, and regarding their advancement or non-advancement in each individual round. (5) Feedback for unsuccessful candidates is provided by the Personnel Office upon request. Section 6 Conclusion of Selection Procedures and the Method of their Documentation (1) A selection procedure is concluded by the decision of the announcer on the result of the selection procedure. If there is no suitablecandidate, the announcer shall decide to repeat the selection procedure for the position in question, or to find another solution. (2) A candidate may lodge a complaint about the course of, or result of a selection procedure. From the date of the announcement of a selection procedure until 30 days after its conclusion, a complaint may be lodged in writing by sending an e-mail to the head of the Personnel Office. (3) The evaluation matrix from the selection procedure in question is kept at the Personnel Office; it is not part of the minutes. (4) Minutes of the Committee meeting are drawn up and signed by all members of the Committee present. The minutes are not made public. The minutes are kept at the Personnel Office in paper form or electronically in the Jobs.MU application in the INET MU. (5) Selection procedures are monitored and evaluated annually according to set indicators. Section 7 Final Provisions (1) This measure comes into force on the publication date. (2) This measure comes into effect on 1 January, 2023. In Brno on 20 December, 2022 doc. PhDr. Jiří Němec, Ph.D. Dean of the FEdu MU