How to search the library catalogue  open the Library Catalogue on it is set up for the basic search  click on English  type a word or phrase into the box — select suitable information for searching the required book (the whole title, part of the title, author, key words etc.)  the nearest possible search results by year of publication will be displayed, by the author, title, availability (the more precise the definition of the lower the number of results)  results are automatically sorted by relevance. It can be changed in the Sort by link  You may encounter the following forms of availability of the title you are looking for (status): • Available Monthly — off-site loan of the title per month • Available Monthly STOCK — check out loan of title for a month; the title from the warehouse needs to be BOOKED • Available In-house — you can’t borrow it outside the library • Monthly — title is borrowed until the specified date (it is advisable to make a reservation) Advanced Search offers additional search specifications when various criteria can be selected (language, document type, year of publication and others). You can influence advanced search results by adding another search box and using the Match tool: • AND — connects expressions in the sense of +, limits the number of results • OR — combines expressions with the same meaning, used to expand the search • NOT — used to exclude the term from the searched area Location of the title in the library Collection (location) — basement, 1st floor, 2nd floor (loan desk), 3rd floor or depository (reservation / ordering in the library is neccesary)