Walking and the Iconic Presence 27.—28. Nov 2017 Brno MONDAY NOVEMBER 27 9·30 \ INTRODUCTION: Ivan Foletti Hans Belting \ Iconic Presence of the Face Martin Lešák \ Silhouettes, Horizons and the Iconic Presence Katarína Kravčíková \ Opening to the Iconic Presence: The Narthex and the Doors of Le Puy-en-Velay Zuzana Frantová \ Liminality, Embodiment and “Iconic Presence”. Serial Images in French Pilgrimage Churches \ LUNCH 14·00 Adrien Palladino \ Surrounded by Presence: Notre-Dame de Lausanne between Liminality and Intimacy Ivan Foletti \ Dancing with Saint Faith. Movements and the Iconic Presence \ ONE LITTLE WALK AND VISITING BRNO TUESDAY NOVEMBER 28 10·00 Ondřej Jakubec \ Discipline of Sight, Vision and Action of a Baroque Pilgrim Bissera Pentcheva \ Personare Vladimir Ivanovici \ Walking on Mirrors. Movement, Immobility, and Iconic Presence Late Antique Churches Michele Bacci \ Kinetic Devotions and Site-Bound Holiness in the Late Middle Ages \ LUNCH 14·00 Johanna Abel \ From Ritual toTheatre. Spanish Corpus Christi-plays between procession and stage Martin Treml \ Pilgrimage as technique du corps Francesco Lovino \ Iconic Presence, Real Absence. The 1931 Exposition internationale d’art byzantin in Paris \ ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION: Hans Belting, Ivan Foletti, Sigrid Weigel and Friederike Wille