DVE063 „Metaphors at Center Stage" Prof. Zoltán Kôvecses (Department of American Studies, Eôtvôs Loránd University) 1-4 Oct 2018, each day 10-11.30 am and 2-3.30 pm Brno, Gorkého 7, building G, room G 01 The course focuses on the introduction to the metaphor theory from the linguistic perspective, including: the role of metaphor in culture; multimodality; the (conceptual) metaphor theory(ies) as an analytical tool in drama and theatre performance analysis. In lectures and seminary discussion, renowned expert in cognitive science Zoltán Kôvecses will guide you through the amazing world of brain, explaining what happens when we perceive a piece of art. Zoltán Kôvecses is Professor of Linguistics in the Department of American Studies at Eôtvôs Loránd University, Budapest. He is one of the four editors of the international scholarly journal, Metaphor and Symbol, published in the U.S. He is a world famous cognitive scholar whose expertise is the language and conceptualization of emotions, cross-cultural variation in metaphor, and the issue of the relationship between language, mind, and culture from a cognitive linguistic perspective. His seminal book is the Where Metaphors Come From. Reconsidering Context in Metaphor (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2015). Find more at http://www.phil.muni.cz/kds/index.php and FB page of the Department