1Password Account SIGN-IN ADDRESS EMAIL ADDRESS SECRET KEY MASTER PASSWORD Once you fill in your Master Password, the details below can be used to sign in to your 1Password account in an emergency. 1. Print out this document (and/or put it on a USB key or external drive). 2. Fill in your Master Password below. 3. Store your kit in a secure place where you can find it, e.g. a safe deposit box. Need help? Contact 1Password at: support@1password.com Setup code Scan this code from the 1Password apps to set up your account quickly and easily. Created for Ondra Krajtl on 1. 3. 2019. https://my.1password.com o.krajtl@gmail.com A3-A2YAYL-RLV6Q2-ESAMJ-K2EK3-QYEVJ-ZV3F9