Virtues and Action in Philosophy of the 18th Century October 30-31, 2020, Institute of Philosophy, C.A.S. / University of Hradec Králové Friday (October 30) 15:30-16:20 CET Lorenzo Greco (Uni. Oxford/Uni. of Hradec Králové/Uni. of l’Aquila) The Role of Reflection in Hume's Ethics 16:30-17:20 CET Adéla Rádková (ISTR, Prague) Coping with the Confessional Divide: Tolerance as an Artificial Virtue 17:30-18:20 CET Marek Tomeček (University of Hradec Králové/CTU, Prague) Pride as a Vice and Virtue Saturday (October 31) 10:00-10:50 CET Josef Moural (J.E. Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem) Learning and Conversation in 'Of Essay Writing' 11:00-11:50 CET Hynek Janoušek (Institute of Philosophy, Prague) Sympathy, Quality, and Liveliness in Hume’s Treatise 13:30-14:20 CET James Hill (Charles University, Prague) Berkeley’s Notion of the Good 14:30-15:20 CET Filip Tvrdý (Palacký University, Olomouc) Humean Epistemology of Conspiracy Theories The conference will be held on Zoom. If you want to attend write to to get a link.