Rap corpus

french in Czech


Data storage in IS

Data_FR song - data storage for individual song formats (excerpts of texts, ocherized texts, comparison of written version with sung version, plain text, enriched vertical)

Data_FR album - data storage for individual parts of albums (covers, album scans, music)

Data_FR group/interpreter - data repository for resources about groups and performers (excerpts of photos from albums, capture of web pages with metadata, texts published outside of CD carriers, possibly our communication with rappers)


- discussion threads, but especially information about changes in codes for the possibility of retroactive revision.

Google Sheets

Overview of the development of individual albums

RapCor - albums – inventory of new albums (chronological coding).

Overview of songs and performers

RAPCOR - codes and data sources for individual songs (Library) and metadata overview of performers and groups, including sources (Metadata, sources for individuals, sources for groups)

Overview of the development of individual codes

Information about how which format is developed and in what quality. Inventory of songs

Overview of the chronological ordering of songs within the author's work

Completing song codes through tracklists to the albums of processed artists (tracklist = list of songs on the given album) in the document Tracklists des albums.