8 Teaching Conditions 1. Period: September 1, 2018 - August 31, 2019(University may allow up to 3 years) (The contract may be extended before last contract year finishes) 2. Qualifications 1) Theory Faculty (teaching theoretical subjects) In order to be qualified as a member of the Theory Faculty, the faculty member should be either (i) one who has been, by the commencement of employment at the University, a member of a full-time faculty for two years or more at a university or college in the country where the language concerned is spoken, or (ii) one who has a doctoral degree, speaks the standard variety of the language, and is deemed qualified to teach at the University. 2) Language Faculty (teaching conversational skills) In order to be qualified as a member of the Language Faculty, the faculty member should be one who has master degree or higher conferred and has more than 2 years full time teaching experience (after the degree) at a university or college in the country where the language concerned is spoken, and who speaks the standard variety of the language, and is deemed qualified to teach at the University. (Research and teaching experience converts in accordance to the ratio table of the personnel regulations of the University.) 3. Salary Full Professor : 5,236,000 KRW (Korean Currency) Associate Professor : 4,668,100 KRW Assistant Professor : 1) 4,082,100 KRW, 2) 3,498,600 KRW (*Depending on his or her former educational and teaching experiences either 1) or 2) will apply.) (Foreign Language Education Center: Full professor 3,637,400 KRW, Associate Professor 3,243,000 KRW, Assistant Professor 1) 2,836,000 KRW, 2) 2,430,900 KRW and monthly 800,000 KRW Housing Fee Support) ※ The position can be different from the present position in your country. ※ Additional payment for any extra teaching load shall be made on the basis of the pay-scale for foreign instructors. In case the foreign faculty teaches less than the minimum required load, the salary payment will be deducted based on the deficiency. 9 4. Minimum load of teaching hours - Theory Faculty should teach a minimum of eight hours a week, of which four hours or more should be at the department/division and/or at the graduate school for which s/he is primarily employed. - Language Faculty should teach a minimum of twelve hours a week. ※ The faculty member should be present at the University for four days or more each week. 5. Airfare Support : One-way airplane ticket from (departure) to Seoul (economy class for the faculty member and his/her spouse only) ※ Airplane tickets should be purchased from the Travel agency introduced by the University. (Wonil Agency, ☎ 02-723-5727, circletour@circletour.co.kr) ※ If faculty member purchases air tickets not from Wonil Agency but from other travel agencies, the amount of the reimbursement for air tickets will be decided by comparing the purchase price to the estimated ticket price of Wonil agency. And the cheaper price will be reimbursed. ※ Airfare support does not apply to those who is already staying in Korea. And a faculty member in Foreign Language Education Center. ※ In case of professor's resignation before expiration date of the contract, the travel expenses should be paid back to University. 6. Accomodations : Dormitory for foreign faculty members(single/family size) ※ We do NOT provide housing faculties who belong to Foreign Language Education Center. 7. Required Documents - Resume in English - 3 recent photos (passport and ID use, white background) - Research/publications list in English - Certificate of criminal records in English - Certificate of Employment in English(positions should be identified) - Certificate of Career in English(positions should be identified) * Positions should be specified as one of followings - part-time lecturer, full-time lecturer(former), assistant professor, associate professor, and full professor * If he or she has previous career experience as a part-time lecturer, the weekly teaching hours should be stated on the certificate of employment/career. 9 - A letter of recommendation in English (issued by the organization or university where he/she's employed.) - Photo Copy of diplomas(BA, MA, Ph.D) * It should be translated into Korean or English(Requirements for Immigrations Office) - Copy of passport * If coming with family members, documents below should be added : - Certificate of marriage - Certificate of children's birth - Family member's photos - Family member's copy of passport - Degree verification form(Signed consent form and etc.) - Medical certificate for tuberculosis(you need to hand in when you apply for Visa at the Korean Embassy in your country) 8. Submission Deadline - All the required documents should be submitted to Academic Affairs Team by May 16th, 2018. The departments can set their own deadline(normally one week before May 16th, 2018) depending on their own circumstances to receive all necessary documents before submitting to Academic Affairs Team. 9. Contract Renewal System for Foreign Faculty - In order to renew a contract, department consensus and fulfillment of research requirement are necessary. And also, s/he need to contribute to the development of department.(based on HUFS regulations) [Contract Renewal Standard - Points according to HUFS Research Points Policy and Contribution to the Department] * For foreign faculty members in Science related fields: 2 SCI, SCIE, SCOPUS papers are required at the third year renewal of contract.(Foreign faculty members in College of Natural Sciences & College of Engineering) * Theory professors except in Science related fields are required more than one domestic(accredited journal) or international general journal or a prominent international academic journal at the fifth year renewal of contract. Category Research Points Theory Faculty Minimum of 120 points per year Language Faculty Minimum of 100 points per year 10 1. The degree to which a foreign faculty member has contributed to the department shall be evaluated in a faculty meeting of the department, considering the following criteria. Area Major criteria Teacher qualifications (50 points) - Court sentence (a crime falling under imprisonment without labor or heavier punishment) - The honor and integrity of the faculty members - Results of physical examination - Job performance - Observance of relevant Acts, Service Regulations (esp. Articles 3 through 16), and Regulations on Foreign Faculty Personnel (esp. Articles 8 and 15) Quality of teaching (30 points) - Attitude during class - Class evaluation (by students) - Quality of teaching Contribution in matters related to the department and student guidance (20 points) - Participation in meetings and events related to the department - Contribution in matters related to the department - Attitude towards students - Student guidance 2. A faculty member is subject to reappointment only when they get a minimum of 70 points in the evaluation category of Contribution to the Department. 10. System for staying abroad - For foreign faculty member, in principle, the length of stay for any return trip home should not exceed one month per semester. - However, depending on the personal situation, the faculty member may stay abroad two consecutive months during the four month period of recesses(summer and winter) at his/her discretion. * For example : In an academic year, if a faculty member stays abroad during the summer recess for two months, he or she has to stay in Korea during the winter recess. - When going abroad during the semester or recess for some reasons, the faculty member should submit an ‘Overseas Travel Permit’ to the Office of Academic Affairs by online(University Intranet system). 11 11. HUFS Faculty Research Grant - Incentives are provided for the professors who write the journals at the level of SCI(E) and Domestic prominent journals if a published article is submitted only when a foreign faculty member is being employed by the HUFS. - Amount of grant and the number of support for each of the journals are in accordance with the University research support rule. - Inquiries : Research Support Team (T.82-2-2173-2053 ~ 5) 12 과(원)  문서번호 시행일자 2018. . . 수신 교무처장 참조 교무행정팀장 제목 외국인교원 신규 임용 서류 제출 2018-2학기 외국인 신임교원 임용을 아래와 같이 제출합니다. - 아 래 - 1. 인적사항 성 명 영 문 Family Name(성) 한 자 가족 동반 여부 배우자( ) Given Name(이름) 자녀( ) 국 문 국 적 성 별 생년월일 전 공 계약기간 학위명 최종출신대학 여권 번호 2. 학력사항 학 위 수학 연월일 학 위 명 대학명 및 전공 (영어로 작성) 학 사 . . . - . . . 석 사 . . . - . . . 박 사 . . . - . . . 추가사항 . . . - . . . (학위가 2개 이상인 경우 추가 사항에 작성함) 선람 지 시 접 수 일자 시간 결 재 공 람 번호 처 리 과 담 당 자 심 사 자 심 사 일 13 3. 경력사항(재학기간과 중복될 경우 제외) 근 무 처 직 위 근 무 기 간(연월일) . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . 4. 연락처 및 이메일 본국주소 (영어로 기입바람) 근무지 자 택 전화번호 근무지 Fax 근무지 자 택 자 택 이메일 주소 5. 동반가족사항 관 계 성 명 (여권상 기록된 이름) 성 별 연 령 직 업 첨부 : 1. 이력서 원본(사진 포함) 및 번역본(소정 양식 이용) 각 1부. 2. 학력(학위)증명서(번역문 포함) 각 1부. 3. 재직증명서 원본 및 번역문 각 1부. 4. 경력증명서 원본 및 번역문 각 1부. 5. 영문 범죄사실증명서 6. 연구실적목록 및 번역문 각 1부. 7. 반명함판 사진 3장. 8. 혼인증명서(대사관 공증요, 부인동반에 한함) 및 번역문 각 1부. 9. 자녀출생증명서(대사관 공증요, 자녀동반에 한함) 및 번역문 각 1부. 10. 초청 대상자 여권사본 각 1부. 11. 학위조회동의서 각 1부. 끝. 장 (印) 14 <별표1> 과(원) 이 력 서 사 진 ( 3×4 ) 성 명 (국문) 성명(한자) 성 명 (영문) 성 별 생 년 월 일 국 적 현 주 소 전 화 번 호 이메일 학 력 사 항 수학 기간 대학명 전공 학위명 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 경 력 사 항 근무 기간 근무 기관명 직위 비고 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (뒷면계속) 15 주 요 연 구 실 적 목 록 발행일 제목 게재지 및 집권호 기 타 번역확인 학과(부)장(주임교수) 인(서명) 16 ○ 취 지 국내 타대학, 기관 및 연구소 근무 중인 외국인 교원이 우리대학 교원으로 임용되고자 할 때 E1 비자를 소지하지 않은 자가 있을 수 있기에 국내 체류중이나 E1 비자를 소지하지 않은 외국인교원 예정자는 근무시작일 전(2018년 9월 1일자 계약서 작성전) E1 비 자로의 변경이 반드시 완료되어야 함. ※ F2, F5, F6 비자 소지자는 E1 비자로의 변경 없이도 임용가능 ※ F1(취업 불가), F3(자격외 활동 신청이 되면 가능하나 임용전 E1비 자로 변경필요), E3(연구비자), E2(회화강의 비자) ○ 내 용 가. 해당 임용예정자는 임용전(2018년 9월1일 이전) 반드시 개인이 출입국관리사무소를 방문하여 E1비자 변경을 완료해야함.(미이 행시 본인과 해당 대학에 벌금형 구형) 나. 교무행정팀에서 인사위원회 심의 이후 임용예정증명서를 해당 교원에게 발급하여 이메일로 발송하며, 외국인교원은 관련문 서, 임용예정증명서를 소지하고 출입국관리소 방문(임용예정 증명서로 계약서를 대체하여 수속업무 일체를 진행할 수 있음) ※ 외국인교원이 외국에서 초빙되어 오는 경우에는 교무행정팀에서 해당 교원예정자의 E1 비자 신청 및 수속 업무를 일괄 처리하 므로 상기 내용에는 해당 사항 없음. 국내체류 신임 외국인교원 VISA 업무 안내