Contents Notes on Contributor1:.....................................................................................................5 Introduction: The Sipni£cance of Scauoerapty in a Czech Context (Chriidan M Billing nnd Pavel Drábek)....'................................................................9 Yorick Petr Ulicný ! tuist in Motion: Portable Objects and Scenograpbii: EmiJOEiaientE in The Ijnigy of Medieval Bohemia._......_..............-------..........................24 Kateřina YrsecLa : Towards a way of Reading Scenic Space in Dramatic Texte of due Czech. Middle A^es................................................._____.........-----.....—.................Í5 Jam Spárflorá Libretto at a source of Baroque S cenograpay in die Czech Lands...........SI Svh a Marfcová CoEnmie CoUecdons of the SchTvarzerj'jtr z Conn Theatre at Cesty Knnnlov Castle......._.........._____........_____........_____........-----............................9B J "i rotím' Blecha Toe Hissory and Scano =rapaic Indue ace of C zech Family Marionerre Theatres.___......______..........................____........................-----..........................114 Lada Bartošová | The National Theatre Ballets of František Zelenka.................................147 Eva StehUtová ; Thelaicnw Mapka of Josef Svoboda and Alfréd Radofc._.........______173 Lucie Pehhánová . Tne Scenic Designs of Kare] Zmrzlý....................................................192 Tatjana Lazor rakova Tae Function of Irresmiai Space in Moravian and SilesianTheaoe. Í9ŮO-IPB9: E^permienS, Praiest AJteraaiiie...................................204 Joseph E. Brande-ikr ] Pernaanenl Ia.i eracaom Eeneciions on me Panmngi and Desims of Jaroslav Malina.............__........_..............—..........------..........................22-E Sarka Havhřkova Kyjova A Journey into Theanical Space: The Project of the Stenographic Encyclopaedia and in Prolegomena..................—...........................244 Barbora Příhodovi The Specjficiry of Stenography: a Czech Connibnrion to [he Theory of Scenography...............-------._-------._-------._-------._------------254 Reviews Joseph E. BiandE^Ly ■ Mazier ofDramahc Space: j Documentary on Jarosia\- Uatina................_......._____.............._......._____......----............................263 Eva Stehlíková J DrťůaUo Svoboda (Theatre Si'oboda). A feature-length documentary ňim by Takub Hejna....................................------........-----.........—...............264 Evj Sceltlitoi n. j A Contrit-utioa co cne Knowledge of Nineteenth-Centtisy Czech Sum An: Boiivoj Srta. Vzahrodxh Thezpidotfcfi $n.Tb£2pa" Garden).......................266 Jirka MntnlDva. I On Behalf of the Nation? (More dian) a KosäaJgic Wandern^ thronch The Czech Landi. Bool Review of JifiVfllena fed j A/a toa-owd i^w dna&I£gzfrith jt^J1 (Painted TheaSe Cmtamt in Ute- Czech Lands)........______......_......_..........................2ä£ C liri'itiflD 11. Bühne; ?.eview otJo-zefSxoboda: Scurittgrapbffrhy Helena ALbenova.....2~?Q Archive Nenn Couch | Czech Collection; of die Theatre Re:e?j:h butitLte a? Obo ^tate Unn-Eiaty.................................................................................................El ■" Pamela HoTvnird | Staging Brvucek: The Woiid IVemiere of Ffrfcvpam? Broacka do Mssice by Leos Janaoeki..........................._.................._........................._................- 292