Guidelines on creating web presentations of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University specifying the essential requirements defined by MU Faculty of Arts Directive No. 2/2022 On the methods and principles of internal and external communication Last update of the guidelines: 9 March 2023 2/5 Guidelines on creating web presentations of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University Basic starting points and definitions of terms The Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as "FF MU" or "the Faculty") strives to ensure good accessibility of information for employees, students, applicants for studies or jobs, and the general public. The website plays a primary role in this, according to Article 4 of FF MU Directive No. 2/2022 On the methods and principles of internal and external communication. Therefore, exceptional attention and care must be paid to their creation. Faculty web presentations can be divided into three primary groups: – Central faculty website on the domain – Websites of faculty departments or other organizational units according to the organizational structure on subdomains such as – Additional websites Additional websites are independent web presentations that are separated from the faculty or faculty department website's structure and have their own header (including logo and menu) and footer. These include, for example, websites for research projects, databases, recurring conferences, student clubs activities, or other events or activities that require it. ATTENTION! All websites that use the support of the MU Faculty of Arts work with the MU Unified Visual Style, or at least with the MUNI ARTS logotype, are considered additional websites, even if they use their own domain outside Creation and deletion of additional websites Rules for assigning addresses to new websites Address pattern Standard designation long-term research projects, conferences, and other activities related to teams beyond the scope of a single department additional website at the level of the faculty department additional website at the faculty level (mainly activities of the dean's office and special purpose departments) own external domain for any of the above cases, it is of course, possible to purchase a separate domain from the department/project budget with subsequent redirection Procedure for the creation of an additional website A request for the creation of new additional websites is submitted by a faculty member or a representative of a student club registered at the MU Faculty of Arts2 via the contact form. 1 An exception to this rule may be made for sites where, for technical reasons, setting up a redirect from an address with a slash is impossible (typically sites operated outside of Umbraco). 2 See here for a list of registered FF MU student clubs. 3/5 Guidelines on creating web presentations of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University The form contains: the title of the website, annotation, relation to the activities of the department/faculty, target group, preliminary proposal of the web address (see rules above), name and UČO of the guarantor/applicant. Based on the information sent, the MU Faculty of Arts Office for External Relations will assess the request, consult it with the vice-dean responsible for strategic management of web communication, propose an optimal solution, wording of the URL, and, in cooperation with the MU Faculty of Arts CIT, arrange for the creation of the website. The OVV then provides methodological support in implementing the MU Unified Visual Style and other requirements for FF MU websites and approves the finished website before its publication. ATTENTION! Creating a new website will take at least two weeks, so contact the FF MU OVV well in advance. Deletion and archiving of additional websites An authorized employee of CIT FF MU will delete or archive additional websites based on a request from the website guarantor. Requests can be sent to The vice-dean in charge of the strategic management of web communication may also decide to delete the website if it is not maintained for a long time or if its content is in violation of applicable laws and other internal regulations or good morals. Graphic design of websites The following overview contains requirements and recommendations for the structure and graphic design (mainly) of the additional websites and aims to maintain the consistency of the faculty's web presentations. Newly created websites that do not follow the required header and footer structure will not receive approval for publication. Mandatory header structure (list ordered from top to bottom) – Line in the faculty blue color3 – On the left, the brand (logo) of the organizing entity (typically a department/faculty) created according to the rules of a uniform visual style – The project/website name is used for the header on the homepage of the website; we recommend not including it in the brand – An overview of existing faculty department brands can be found here; please consult with the MU FF OVV to request a new brand – On the right, the search box4 – Menu according to websites in the Umbraco editorial system4 – Header (hero box) – The homepage contains the full name of the project (additional site) in style Heading 1 – We recommend not retracting the hero box under the menu – We recommend stretching to the entire width of the page 3 In the case of websites connecting the activities of several faculties within MU, we recommend choosing stripes in the university blue colour. 4 This applies especially to sites not administered in the Umbraco editorial system, where this is set automatically. 4/5 Guidelines on creating web presentations of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University Mandatory footer structure (list ordered from top to bottom) – If necessary, a separate banner with mandatory publicity (logo + project description, according to the rules of the support provider and the JVS principles), for the full width of the page (see e.g. – Optionally site map (see the footer of – Affiliation of the website to the Faculty of Arts MU – Blue stripe with large faculty logo (see – Signposting of links – In the 1st place faculty website in the format "Faculty of Arts MU" – In the 2nd place, optionally the name of the department in the format "Department of History FF MU" – Or other solutions according to individual consultation with the OVV FF MU – Copyright MU, link to "Webmaster" – In the right, optionally social networks – Line in the faculty blue color5 Recommendations on the structure of individual web pages – Header (Herobox component in Umbraco editorial system) with Heading 1 (basic or extended version, see sample page) – Headers are recommended to stretch to the full width of the page – The homepage of the website is usually used as a signpost of the website and/or a place for presenting news (calendar, news, etc.) – The content of each page should not be too long; it can be broken up for clarity by using colored rows or columns (two shades of grey or white, see here or here) – For clarity, we also recommend the appropriate use of images, info boxes, buttons, and signposts – When creating content in the Umbraco editorial system, it is advisable to keep in mind the responsiveness of the website – Columns that appear side by side on a computer monitor will be displayed below each other on a mobile device; thus, the content on the right is less important – We recommend not setting fixed widths for images, columns in tables, etc. – Avoid embedding pdf readers directly into pages - this is an impractical solution for mobile devices and problematic with regard to web accessibility for blind users Selected notes on the application of the MU Unified Visual Style – Do not use block alignment – Work with non-breaking spaces for single-letter prepositions and conjunctions (in Umbraco, you can use the shortcut Shift+spaces or use automated insertion or Alt+0160) – Use only a few components within the whole website; it is not advisable to process each additional subpage with a different layout/design and different elements of the editorial system – Make sure you work consistently with text elements, especially with heading types - correct use of headings helps to improve the ranking of the page in search engines and makes it easier to navigate the site, e.g., when using assistive readers for blind users – Use Heading 1 style for the main title of the page, ideally in the header – For other subheadings, use the Heading 2 and lower styles 5 In the case of websites connecting the activities of several faculties within MU, we recommend choosing stripes in the university blue colour. 5/5 Guidelines on creating web presentations of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University – Don't use the heading style to highlight longer text information that is not a heading - for example, the Medium and Large text styles in combination with bold typeface or "nonheading" variants of individual headings are used for this purpose in the Umbraco – Use Munifont or change of font color very cautiously and only when appropriate – For the button component in the Umbraco editorial system – Choose the university blue color and rather smaller size – Use verbs in the button text – The button text should optimally contain 2-3 words Gender-sensitive communication – Avoid illustrative photographs that promote gender stereotypes or do not reflect the gender representation of participants in the event/activity Web accessibility for blind users – Follow the structure of headings (see above) – Work correctly with the division of content into columns and rows – Caption non-illustrative images – Create hyperlinks from meaningful sections of text (e.g. "download the full text of the message", not "find the full text of the message here") or use a hidden caption Linking sites in the Umbraco system According to an agreement with the FF MU OVV, it is possible to crosspost content from the news module or the events calendar to the relevant modules on the central faculty website or in the Portal for Employees for a relevant content. Responsibility The guarantor of the website is responsible for the compliance with the above-defined requirements for the design of the website, but also for the correctness of its content: – The head of the Office for External Relations is the guarantor of the central faculty website – Selected parts of the central website may be entrusted to other persons who are subsequently responsible for the correctness of their content and make adjustments in this respect; however, they may not interfere with the structure of the website (create or remove entire pages) or significantly change the structure and graphic design of individual pages without consulting the OVV FF MU – The Head of the department or his/her delegated person is the guarantor of the department's website – The guarantor of a supplementary website can be any designated person listed in the register of websites Evidence of websites The registration of faculty web presentations, their assigned domains, and their guarantors is kept in a shared database by an authorized employee of the CIT FF MU.