var demos = /* [ "

Après avoir emprunté le/un pont enjambant le torrent qui nous éclabousse au passage d´une fine poussière humide, nous prenons la direction du col. Dans le lointain, une barrière de montagnes se dégage à peine des vapeurs encore toutes fraîches de la nuit.

", "", "Moje oblíbené město je: PrahaBrnoOstravaOlomouc." ] */ { gap_input: [ {title: "", task: "", content: "", }, {title: "", task: "2. Completa con el verbo en el tiempo más adecuado (imperfecto o indefinido).", content: "
  1. El domingo yo (conocer) conocí a una chica que (ser) era de un país centroamericano.
  2. Cuando él (tener) tenía 27 años, (vivir) vivía todavía en casa de sus padres.
  3. Luisa (irse) se fue de casa porque su padre (ser) era muy autoritario.
  4. La película que (ver, yo) vi el viernes me (gustar) gustó mucho.
  5. Como no (haber) había entradas, no (poder, nosotros) pudimos ir al concierto.
", }, ], gap_select: [ {title: "INDEFINIDO × IMPERFECTO ", task: "1. Elige y escribe los verbos correctos.", content: "
  1. Mi abuela *cantaba / cantó ópera.
  2. Ayer los vecinos *tuvieron / tenían la radio puesta hasta las tres de la madrugada.
  3. En verano por las noches siempre *tomábamos / tomamos  cocteles.
  4. El lunes, cuando recibía / *recibí  tus mensajes, me *puse / ponía  muy contento.
"} ], gap_dad: [ {title: "", task: "Match the list of words describing things you might find in particular kinds of books with an appropriate type of book from the list.", content: "
1section on 'troubleshooting' [problem-solving]manual
2concise information about a subjectcompendium
3record of a recent examination or test of a lorrylogbook
4day-to-day record of life during a war in 1776journal
"}, {title: "", task: "Complete the sentences with one of the verbs from the clue.", content: "
  1. Do you really hope you will ever get the money you have lent him?

  2. The conference will be held in our faculty.

  3. She slid on the icy sidewalk.

  4. The dam burst and flooded the whole valley.

  5. The sculpture was cast in bronze.

  6. Tourists flocked to the shrine where the statue was said to have shed tears.

  7. The label was stuck to the box.

  8. We have run out of petrol.

  9. The sun rose at 5:30 a.m.

  10. They raised enough money to build a new center for research.

"} ], desc_input: [ {title: "", task: "", background: { img: "examples/cell/plantcell_11_blank.jpg", x: 0, y:0 }, descs: [ {title: "cytoplasm", x: 452, y: 41}, {title: "cell wall", x: 36, y: 52}, {title: "vacuole", x: 466, y: 127}, {title: "centrosome", x: 467, y: 158}, {title: "mitochondrion", x: 28, y: 147}, {title: "ribosomes", x: 458, y: 339}, {title: "Golgi body", x: 417, y: 380} ] } ], desc_dad: [ {title: "", task: "", background: { img: "examples/cell/plantcell_11_blank.jpg", x: 0, y:0 }, descs: [ {title: "cytoplasm", x: 452, y: 41}, {title: "cell wall", x: 36, y: 52}, {title: "vacuole", x: 466, y: 127}, {title: "centrosome", x: 467, y: 158}, {title: "mitochondrion", x: 28, y: 147}, {title: "ribosomes", x: 458, y: 339}, {title: "Golgi body", x: 417, y: 380} ] } ], pic_dad: [ {title: "", task: "Do mapky vyznač místa, kde se těží následující nerostné suroviny.", background: { img: "examples/nerosty/australie_slepa500.png", x: 0, y:0 }, dragitems: [ {id: "drag_1", src:"examples/nerosty/Fe.png", width:11, height: 20}, {id: "drag_2", src:"examples/nerosty/ropa_plyn.png", width:23, height: 20}, {id: "drag_3", src:"examples/nerosty/uhli.png", width:20, height: 20} ], dropareas: [ {id: "drag_2", x: 425, y: 362, width: 23, height: 25 }, {id: "drag_2", x: 37, y: 76, width: 23, height: 25 }, {id: "drag_2", x: 353, y: 188, width: 23, height: 25 }, {id: "drag_1", x: 157, y: 71, width: 23, height: 25 }, {id: "drag_1", x: 53, y: 157, width: 23, height: 25 }, {id: "drag_1", x: 96, y: 235, width: 23, height: 25 }, {id: "drag_1", x: 266, y: 249, width: 23, height: 25 }, {id: "drag_3", x: 388, y: 145, width: 23, height: 25 }, {id: "drag_3", x: 430, y: 247, width: 23, height: 25 }, {id: "drag_3", x: 400, y: 288, width: 23, height: 25 }, {id: "drag_3", x: 54, y: 270, width: 23, height: 25 } ] } ] } function showDemo(evt) { // Get the editor instance that we want to interact with. resetAll() var index = parseInt(evt.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-index")) var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1; var demo = demos[mainMode][index]; document.getElementById("edit_title").innerHTML = demo.title; document.getElementById("edit_task").innerHTML = demo.task; if (mainMode == "gap_input" || mainMode == "gap_select" || mainMode == "gap_dad" ) { editor.setData( demo.content ); // Check the active editing mode. if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' ) { // Insert HTML code. //!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertHtml editor.setData( demo.content ); } else alert( 'Editor musí být v modu WYSIWYG!' ); } if (mainMode == "desc_input") { loadImage(demo.background.img); for (var i = 0; i < demo.descs.length; i++) { var desc = demo.descs[i] addDraggableText(desc.title, desc.x, desc.y) } } if (mainMode == "desc_dad") { loadImage(demo.background.img); for (var i = 0; i < demo.descs.length; i++) { var desc = demo.descs[i] addDraggableText(desc.title, desc.x, desc.y) } } if (mainMode == "pic_dad") { loadImage(demo.background.img); for (var i = 0; i < demo.dragitems.length; i++) { var di = demo.dragitems[i] addDraggable(di.src, di.width, di.height) } for (var i = 0; i < demo.dropareas.length; i++) { var da = demo.dropareas[i] addInstanceOf($("#dragbase [data-id='" + + "']")[0], da.x, da.y) //addDraggable(di.src, di.width, di.height) } } getInputMaxLength() }