PREFEKT 2019: Transferable skills + Financing Research & Training in Grant Applications date - time 1.3.2019 9:00 – 11:00 8.3.2019 9:00 – 12:00 15.3.2019 9:00 – 12:00 22.3.2019 9:00 – 13:00 at Rektorát MU 11:00 – 15:00 at Kampus 5.4.2019 9:00 – 13:00 at Rektorát MU 11:00 – 15:00 at Kampus 12. 4.2019 10:00 – 12:00 10.5.2019 9:00 – 11:00 17.05.2019 9:00 – 11:00 lecture / seminar Research Career Research and Publication Ethics (best practices in scholarly publishing and evaluation culture) General Introduction to Financing Research Preparing International Grant Application terminology, general instructions Preparing International Grant Application - specific parts of proposal, examples of proposals (MSCA, IVF) Communicating Science IPR + Authorship From Idea to Entrepreneurship lecturer Markéta Štěpáníková, Jan Křivánek Monika Sieberová, Michal Petr, Veronika Smítková Roman Badík, Gill Wells, University of Oxford Radka Martincová, Ida Součková Olšová (SSH) Jakub Zeman, Ladislav Čoček, Zdenka Žampachová, Anida Krajina (LS) Radka Martincová, Ida Součková Olšová (SSH) Jakub Zeman, Ladislav Čoček, Zdenka Žampachová, Anida Krajina (LS) Michael Londesborough, AV ČR Markéta Vlasáková Jakub Tížek, Podnikni to! place Čechyňská 19 Čechyňská 19 Čechyňská 19 Rektorát MU and Kampus MU Rektorát MU and Kampus MU Čechyňská 19 Čechyňská 19 Čechyňská 19 Parts of the training: the training will be divided into 3 main parts – part one will include 2 lectures (research career, research integrity etc.), part two contains a lecture and 2 practical trainings on grant applications, part three will be based on the transition from the world of an academia to the world of business Who can participate: doctoral candidates in the 1st or 2nd year of study and early-stage researchers (exceptionally candidates who are later in their PhD study) Capacity: max. 60 participants for the theoretical lectures / for the practical seminars, the participants will be divided into smaller groups Credits: 3 credits 1. The Research Career: Opportunities and Risks 1. 3. 2019 Lecturers: JUDr. Bc. Markéta Štěpáníková (social sciences), Ph.D., Mgr. Jan Křivánek, Ph.D (life science) No of hours: 1 + 1 Place: AV ČR, Čechyňská 19, 602 00 Brno 2. Research Ethics / Best practices in scholarly publishing and evaluation culture 8. 3. 2019 Lecturer: Mgr. Veronika Smítková, Legal Office, Masaryk University; Ing. Monika Sieberová and Mgr. Michal Petr from Centre for Scientometric Support No of hours: 3 Place: AV ČR, Čechyňská 19, 602 00 Brno 3. General Introduction to National and International Funding Schemes + What shall I do? (HORIZON 2020) 15. 3 .2019 How to be prepared to successfully apply for highly competitive individual and collaborative research grants. Lecturers: Mgr. Roman Badík, Head of Department for Research, Masaryk University; Gill Wells, Head of European Team at University of Oxford No of hours: 3 Place: AV ČR, Čechyňská 19, 602 00 Brno 4. Preparing International Grant Applications I – practical training (small groups) 22. 3. 2019 The first practical seminar will be based on basic definition of project management, project life cycle and budgeting. The seminar will also include preparation of project proposal for international grant scheme (esp. Horizon 2020) Lecturers: Mgr. Radka Martincová, Mgr. Ida Součková Olšová – humanities and social sciences; Mgr. Ladislav Čoček, Mgr. Jakub Zeman, Mgr. Zdenka Žampachová, Ing. Anida Krajina, Ph.D. – life sciences No of hours: 4 – 6 Place: to be announced later 5. Preparing International Grant Applications II – practical training (small groups) 5. 4. 2019 The second practical seminar will be based on examples of international grant applications (Horizon 2020, International Visegrad Fund etc.) The examples will be studied to understand the evaluation of project proposals, gaining practical tips and hints to be able to prepare a successful grant application and beware the most common mistakes. Lecturers: Mgr. Radka Martincová, Mgr. Ida Součková Olšová – humanities and social sciences; Mgr. Ladislav Čoček, Mgr. Jakub Zeman, Mgr. Zdenka Žampachová, Ing. Anida Krajina, Ph.D. – life sciences No of hours: 4 – 6 Place: to be announced later 6. Communicating science 12. 4. 2019 Lecturers: Michael Londesborough, The Czech Academy of Sciences, No of hours: 2 Place: AV ČR, Čechyňská 19, 602 00 Brno 7. Intellectual Property + Authorship 10. 5. 2019 Practical introduction to Intellectual Property Rights and Authorship Rights presented by dr. Markéta Vlasáková who works at the Technology Transfer Office Lecturers: Mgr. Markéta Vlasáková, Ph.D. No of hours: 2-3 Place: AV ČR, Čechyňská 19, 602 00 Brno 8. From the first idea to a successful business 17. 5. 2019 Practical tips and experience how to discover the abilities and courage to run own business. Lecturers: Ing. Jakub Tížek, No of hours: 2-3 Place: AV ČR, Čechyňská 19, 602 00 Brno