From the Editors (Šárka Havlíčková Kysová, Barbora Příhodová) ................................ 7 Prague Semiotic Stage Revisited – programme ........................................................ 9 Yorick Pavel Drábek | Launching a Structuralist Assembly: Convening the Scattered Structures.. 13 Fernando de Toro | The Legacy of the Linguistic Circle of Prague............................... 24 Patrice Pavis | Semiology After Semiology .....................................................................37 Ernest W. B. Hess-Lüttich | The Schools of Structuralism – An Overview ................. 50 Veronika Ambros | Puppets, Statues, Men, Objects, and the Prague School .................74 Šárka Havlíčková Kysová | ʻAsian’ Theatre Sign: Its Potential and Its Limits in the History of the Czech Structuralist Thought...................................................................... 89 Andrés Pérez-Simón | Manufacturing Authenticity: Anonymous Acting Celebrities in Atalaya’s Production of Lorca’s The House of Bernarda Alba (2009)........................100 Herta Schmid | The Concept of Sign, Its Origin and Influence on Mukařovský’s Struc- turalism.............................................................................................................................112 Yana Meerzon | Concretization‒Transduction‒Adaptation: On Prague School Legacy in Theatre Studies Today......................................................................................................125 Eva Šlaisová | “Aktualisaceˮ in English Scholarly Literature: Interpretation, Ignorance and Misunderstanding......................................................................................................154 Emil Volek | Theatrology an Zich, and Beyond: Notes Towards a Metacritical Repositioning of Theory, Semiotics, Theatre, and Aesthetics........................................................168 Reviews Eva Stehlíková | Payment on Debt. Herta Schmid: Struktury a funkce ........................187 Joseph E. Brandesky | Kateřina Miholová. Reproductions of Twentieth Century Czech Theatre in Context: The Coming to Wisdom of Don Quixote (1914) and Julius Caesar (1936) ................................................................................................................................189 Naďa Satková | The Faces of European Direction. Contemporary European Theatre Directors...........................................................................................................................192 Pavel Drábek | John Russell Brown: Studying Shakespeare in Performance ...............194 Pavel Drábek | The Routledge Companion to Actors’ Shakespeare ..............................196 Christian M. Billing | Marie Zdeňková, Josef Vomáčka: Miroslav Melena: Scénograf a architekt (Scenographer and Architect) ..........................................................................199 Pavel Drábek | Alice Dubská: The Travels of the Puppeteers Brát and Pratte Through Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries...................................................... 206 Barbora Příhodová | Donatella Barbieri: Encounters in the Archives......................... 207 Barbora Leštáchová | Ivan R.V. Rumánek: Japonská dráma nó: žáner vo vývoji...... 209 CONTENTS Šárka Havlíčková Kysová | Nicola Savarese: Eurasian Theatre...................................211 Walter Puchner | Jiří Veltruský: An Approach to the Semiotics of Theatre.................. 220 Archive Barbora Příhodová, Šárka Havlíčková Kysová | Miroslav Kouřil’s Theory of Scenography in the Archive Materials: a Research Report ............................................. 227 Jarmila F. Veltrusky | The Background Story of the Book........................................... 232