SBORNÍK PRACÍ FILOZOFICKÉ FAKULTY BRNĚNSKÉ UNIVERZITY STUDIA MINORA FACULTATIS PHILOSOPHICAL UNIVERSIT ATIS BRUNENSIS _______ S 5, 1998 — BRNO STUDIES IN ENGLISH 25 CONTENTS LINGUISTICS Jan FIRBAS, „Dogs must be carried on the escalator*' (A case study in FSP potentiality) .............7 Naděžda KUDRNÁČOVÁ, On impulsive verbs in body part movements....................................19 Renata POVOLNÁ, Some notes on realization types of spatial and temporal adverbials with regard to their syntactic obligatoriness and semantic classification (Based on Conversational Texts from the LLC) .........................................................27 Milan RŮŽIČKA, Some marginal notes on polarity and negation................................................43 Dana ŠLANCAROVÁ, On the use of italics in English and Czech ..............................................59 Pavol STEKAUER, Fundamental principles of an onomasiological theory of word-formation in English......................................................................................75 Ludmila URBANOVÁ, On vagueness in authentic english conversation.....................................99 LITERATURE Anthony CHENNELLS, Essential diversity: Post-colonial theory and African literature...........109 Milada FRANKOVÁ, Angela Carter's mannerism in Rudolf Iľs curious room.........................127 Lidia KYZLINKOVÁ, Darley's and Tennyson's verse tragedies on Thomas Becket.................135 Kateřina PRAJZNEROVÁ, Female relationships and social transformation in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The house of the Seven Gables and William Faulkner's Flags in the dust........................................................................................................147 CULTURAL STUDIES Steve HARDY, Old places, new spaces: Recent developments in British cultural geography .... 157 Tomáš POSPÍŠIL, Narrative cinema as teacher's pleasure: The importance of American film in the American studies classroom ...............................................171 REVIEWS Sabine Coelsch-Foisner, Hanna Wallinger, Gerhild Reisner (editors), Daughters of Restlessness (Milada Franková).....................................................................................................177 Josef Vachek, Prolegomena k dejinám Pražské školy jazykovedné [Prolegomena to the History of the Prague School of Linguistics] (Ludmila Uranová) .........................................180