SURVEY 2017 APPLICANTS FOR STUDIES AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY Admission procedure 2017/2018 40,780 Bachelor's and long cycle Master's studies applications submitted. Most applicants submitted 1-2 applications at MU. 55 % of all applicants submitted only 1 application at MU. 23,055 applicants in total. 65 % of all applicants were women. Average applicant age stood at 21.5 years. 80 % of all applicants were from the Czech Republic, 17% from Slovakia and 3% from other countries. Applicants for studies at MU 2017/2018: survey results applicants chose a university primarily based on the personal experience of university students and graduates. 4,669 completed questionnaires, 20.3 % return rate. 42% 8 5 ^/o most applicants had always planned to study at university. Q \ ^/f\ applicants wished to acquire work experience in the field during WW /U their studies. 8 out of 10 plan to earn money while studying. Which entrance examination type do you prefer? Field-specific test related to the study programme ) Learning Potential Test Subject-specific test by SCIO General Academic Prerequisites Test by SCIO University-administered oral examination Comparison of MU with other universities in the Czech Republic Applicants were asked to compare MU with a Czech university of their choice. Most selected Charles University in Prague (952] and Palacký University in Olomouc (925). In comparison with other universities applicants consider the following to be MU's strongest points: FIELD OF MU PRESTIGE STUDY ATTRACTIVE AND OFFER PLEASANT ENVIRONMENT MU vs Charles University University prestige 37% MU vs Palacký University i% Attractive and pleasant university environment 9 4% 10% Study content manageability 4% 11% 46% 12% i Better at MU Same at both universities • Better at CU/PU The total percentage does not add up to 100 due to the exclusion of the following responses: "I don't know /1 cannot judge" and "Both universities are equally bad". Produced by the Strategy Office of the MU Rector's Office, 2017