M 2021 2028 Masaryk University Strategic Plan MASARYK UNIVERSITY Masaryk University Strategic Plan 2021–2028 Brno 2021 © Masaryk University, 2021 ISBN 978-80-210-9862-6 6 Institution Management and Infrastructure 58–63 5 Information Systems and IT Support 52–57 4 HR Management and Staff Development 46–51 3 Internal Culture and Social Contribution Activities 38–45 2 Research and Doctoral Studies 26–37 1 Teaching and Education 12–25 M Foreword / Mission / Values / Vision 4–11 Table of contents Ladies and gentlemen, You have in your hands the Masaryk University Strategic Plan for 2021–2028, a fundamental conceptual development document determining the direction of our university in education, research, its social role and infrastructural development in the coming years, which is the result of intensive university­‑wide debate. I consider this strategy to be an important milestone in my work as rector and I am glad that we have managed its preparation through university­‑wide discussion, despite everything taking place in this period of crisis. When I took over the rector’s office in September 2019, little did I think that we, as a university and society, would face such a serious epidemic. The coronavirus crisis is testing our prudence, resilience, coherence, foresight and will. However I believe that we will manage everything and that we can face the coming years in the hope that we will emerge all the stronger from this unprecedented crisis. I also believe that the Masaryk University Strategic Plan for 2021–2028 creates the basic ideological and conceptual preconditions for further growth and development and shows a clear direction for our university. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the deans, all the directors of parts of the university, all colleagues from our university staff and students who have been involved in thinking about the future of our university and put in work preparing this strategic document. I really appreciate that, as a university, we can look for a common vision and speak with one voice. And I am also pleased that our new, tenth faculty – the Faculty of Pharmacy – also took part in the preparation of the strategy. Its establishment in 2020 was an important strategic and developmental step for our university. In my inaugural address in the autumn of 2019, I mentioned two fundamental factors I consider important for the functioning of a university: movement and time. I think that every wise institution must move forward, must be able to anticipate subsequent events, and should allow for previously unsuspected interconnections of its individual components. To be dynamic, agile and creative as a whole. And time is a fundamental variable; which in practice means that it is impossible to have endless discussions and postpone decisions; to wait for the most opportune time, which may never come. I believe that Masaryk University has shown that it can be a dynamic, versatile and creative institution. And at the same time an institution that can make timely decisions and choose the right solutions. I think that for a community such as our university, it remains imperative not only to have a common vision as an academic community, but also to be coherent and united in today’s “fluid” world. To work together for academic freedom, to ensure academic integrity, to be a critical institution in society and to be a prudent voice of reason in a world where it is often lacking. Above all to simply be what the university is supposed to be in the deepest sense – a community of ideas, values and spirit. T.G. Masaryk said: “A person must find their way. If they truly seek it, they’ll quickly find it. But then they have to hold on or they’ll lose it.” I think we, as Masaryk University, have been seeking – and we are seeking together. And that we have found something together – and continue to do so. Let the Masaryk University Strategic Plan for 2021–2028 be proof of this. Martin Bareš Rector Foreword 5 Těmito hodnotami jsou: - Úcta, jako základ vnitřní kultury, vzájemný respekt, solidarita a partnerství při veškerém jednání. Úcta k principům zakládajícím rovnost příležitostí a transparentnost. Jakož i úcta k zásadám akademické etiky. - Svoboda, respektovaná a  obhajovaná jako společenský imperativ. Taktéž jako princip vnitřního uspořádání univerzity v podobě akademické svobody výuky a bádání či svobody zodpovědné volby vlastní studijní cesty, ale také jako princip institucionální autonomie univerzity vůči státu. - Zodpovědnost, zdůrazňující úlohu univerzity jako spolutvůrce veřejného mínění, řešitele lokálních i celospolečenských témat a poskytovatele veřejné služby otevřeného všem. Rovněž individuální zodpovědnost studentů a zaměstnanců odrážející se v respektu k univerzitním pravidlům a v sounáležitosti s univerzitou. The mission of Masaryk University is to contribute through its scientific activities, student education and social activities to the high quality and healthy life of all generations, and to a free, cohesive and secure society. MI S SI ON Respect, as the basis of internal culture, solidarity and partnership in all negotiations. Respect for the principles establishing equal opportunities and transparency, as well as respect for the principles of academic ethics. Freedom, respected and defended as a social imperative. Also, freedom as a principle of internal organisation of the university in the form of academic freedom of teaching and research or freedom of choice of students’ own curriculum profile, but also as a principle of institutional autonomy of the university vis­‑à-vis the state. Responsibility, emphasising the role of the university as a co­‑creator of public opinion, a solver of local and society‑wide issues and a provider of a public service open to all. Also, the individual responsibility of students and staff reflected in respect for university rules and belonging to the university. Since its founding, Masaryk University has always respected and professed the democratic values of a Free Republic. To this day these values have formed the basis of its internal culture and are widely shared by the university’s academic community. These values are:V A LU ES Respect Freedom Responsibility 9 An internationally‑recognised research university and an excellent Czech higher education institution, setting trends in fulfilling all the roles of a university A university where education and science transcend the boundaries of individual disciplines, as it supports interdisciplinarity and the personalisation of studies, the creation of interdisciplinary research teams and synergies between workplaces A university where teaching, research and social activities are an integral part of the professional portfolios of academic staff A university that is demanding in its study requirements, whose graduates are successful personalities, with promising careers and an active approach to life, where they have diligently taken up the opportunities for development offered A university that is an inspiring community which, in its principles and daily activities, fully respects and fulfils the principles of social responsibility and contributes to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, in accordance with which it leads its students and employees A university where students are perceived as respected colleagues, with established processes and practices for cooperation with staff in solving important issues of the direction and functioning of individual agendas and the institution as a whole A university that is a responsible and demanding employer, acting according to the principles of transparency, equality and non­‑discrimination, supporting the achievement of professional goals and at the same time providing employees with a work­‑life balance A university that is a model in its internal culture, in its ability to reach consensus, in the harmonisation of its components to the benefit of the university as a whole and in the integrity of a work and study environment characterised by high ethical and professional standards VI SI ON10 In 2028, Masaryk University will be Teaching and Education1Strategic Goals 1.1 Strengthen the importance of teaching as a prestigious academic mission focusing on the success of students in study and in life, and to become an institution characterised by its excellent teaching, which is sought after by quality and talented candidates 1.2 Ensure the flexibility of study paths with an emphasis on the personalisation of studies, interdisciplinarity of the curriculum and its long­‑term applicability and strengthen students’ motivation for their own development and learning 1.3 Develop progressive modern teaching methods, distance and online forms of education and strengthen the participation of students and practitioners in teaching and the evaluation of its quality 1.4 Enable education for professional growth and personal development throughout life by providing an appropriate degree programmes and strengthening the importance of lifelong learning 1.5 Perceive and further strengthen internationalisation as an integral part of the degree programmes, curriculum, content and forms of teaching and services provided at all faculties of the university they are educated beyond their main discipline in the areas they have chosen from the wide portfolio of study and creative opportunities the university offers, they are proficient in a world language corresponding to their field of study and professional orientation, and have reached a communicative level in a second world language, have completed an internship abroad or part of their studies in a foreign language and can succeed in a globalised world, they can think analytically and critically, work with others, have digital competencies, practical experience and are ready to learn and develop throughout life, they perceive trends and problems in society, can think about them and formulate their own attitudes, are engaged in events around them, understand issues of social responsibility and sustainable development, and wish to be active citizens striving to change society for the better. A Masaryk University graduate is a figure who is in demand and employable in the labour market in accordance with society’s needs, because: GRA DU A TE During their studies, a Masaryk University graduate will acquire professional knowledge and related skills, which by their nature reflect the specifics of the chosen degree programme, as well as the relevant scientific discipline and at higher levels of study also the individual focus of each student. To ensure the long­‑term employability of its graduates, the university strives to form, in addition to the above, transferable competencies in its students, which will enable them to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in their professional and personal lives on a long­‑term basis, with an appropriate degree of independence and personal responsibility and an understanding of the wider social context. 14 1 Teaching and Education Profile of a Masaryk University Graduate 1.1 1 Teaching competencies and experience are fully integrated into the criteria of habilitation and professor appointment procedures and are taken into account and specified in job descriptions 2 The system of evaluating excellent pedagogical work rewards individuals and academic teams and supports the creation and dissemination of educational innovations with specific tools 3 Number of students per teacher (maintaining a favourable ratio reflecting the quality of education while taking into account growth in numbers of applicants) 4 Proportion of unsuccessful students in degree programmes in various phases of study (declining trend) 1.2 1 Students of Bachelor’s degree programmes (not regulated) have a practical opportunity to choose a study plan up to the second semester 2 Rules implemented allowing flexible transfers of students between degree programmes 3 Number of students who have successfully completed shared university core courses (growing trend) 4 Number of students choosing interdisciplinary studies combining a main (major) and secondary (minor) study plan (growing trend) 5 Established tools to compensate disadvantaged students in the early stages of study 1.3 1 The number of degree programmes implemented in a purely distance form (growing trend) 2 Online education is an integral part of teaching and learning in all study modes at all faculties 3 The number of students and practitioners involved in evaluating teaching quality (in the processes of evaluation of degree programmes, within boards for studies, etc.; growing trend) 1.4 1 Systematised new offer of all possibilities of lifelong learning available on the university website structured according to the typical needs of potential applicants (combined and distance degree programmes for studying while employed, short career-oriented programmes for changes in qualifications, online courses for acquiring specific skills, etc.) 2 The university offers its students the opportunity to identify their skills portfolio before entering professional life 16 17 1 1Teaching and Education Teaching and Education Key Results and Indicators 1 1 1.5 1 An obligation to complete at least one course in a foreign language within Czech degree programmes introduced at all faculties of the university 2 The number of courses taught in foreign languages in non­‑philological degree programmes carried out in Czech (growing trend) 3 The number of foreign language courses in the blended learning mode included in the degree programmes at individual faculties (growing trend) 4 The number of degree programmes in English in all types of taught studies (growing trend) 5 The share of foreign students in degree programmes (growing trend) 6 The proportion of students completing a placement abroad during their studies (lasting one month, one semester, etc.; growing trend) 7 University­‑wide Welcome Centre with a wide range of services for international students and staff 18 1 Teaching and Education1 I. Degree Programmes and Course of Studies Degree programmes and lifelong learning Identification of elite degree programmes at MU and support of their development in order to strengthen their prestige in the eyes of applicants within competition in the Czech Republic and abroad Creating career-oriented degree programmes with integrated compulsory internships during studies, with the direct participation of companies or other potential employers in teaching, etc. Rationalisation of the structure of degree programmes by considering the demand for degree programmes, reducing duplication, etc. Support for further development of joint degree programmes created and implemented by several faculties The creation of the concept of combined and distance studies in connection with the national debate and the concepts considered in it Preparation of related processes and implementing teaching of the shared university core across faculties Completing internal rules and processes related to implementation of so­‑called deferred choice within degree programmes and encouraging the necessary external legislative changes for its practical implementation Setting up internal rules enabling transfers between degree programmes without needing to dropout and at the same time with the maximum extent of recognition of already completed parts of studies Introduction of practical tools supporting personalisation of studies, e.g. combinability of modules within MU, recognition of previous education, completion of a distance learning course online in English, etc. Revision of final state examinations content and requirements for writing final theses so as to reflect the diversification of degree programmes in connection with the graduate profile and learning outcomes of given degree programmes (e.g. replacement of factual examinations by a professional discussion on the topic of the final thesis, replacement of the final thesis by a project investigated in cooperation with a potential employer, etc.) Preparing short­‑cycle, non­‑degree, micro­‑credentialing programmes, in the mode of lifelong learning, combined or distance forms, enabling supplementing or changing qualifications for applicants during their professional life Creating online courses from a range of disciplines in Czech and English for various target groups and the use of MU’s own and international platforms for their sharing Sharing recorded lectures by university experts in order to (among other things) address motivated applicants (as well as current students) looking for professional information Preparing and implementing of educational programmes within the framework of specialised education (certification of doctors, approval of teachers, further education of schoolteachers, etc.) Creating and implementing rules corresponding to the specifics of degree programmes for the recognition of the results of previous non­‑formal education and informal learning II. Applicants, Admissions Procedure, Cooperation with Schools and Student Dropout Rate Applicants and admissions procedures Regulation of the number of students in individual degree programmes according to demand, success in studies and employment of graduates Unification of minimum requirements for applicants across degree programmes and faculties Completion, piloting and introduction of a new MU Learning Potential Test in the form of adaptive testing Strengthening alternative forms of admissions procedures by taking into account the extracurricular activities of applicants, participation in professional competitions, certified language exams, excellent results in specific subjects at secondary schools, artistic talent, sports talent, etc., in addition to tests of knowledge and learning potential Developing various forms of support to open up educational opportunities to candidates with health, social and other disadvantages The expansion of careers counselling services, e.g. towards changing or increasing the qualifications of already employed graduates, towards the public through lifelong learning courses, etc. Maintaining contact with its graduates by offering further development through professional lectures at the university, online courses, etc. Strengthening the coordination of lifelong learning provided by the various parts of the university with an emphasis on its promotion, development and quality assurance The establishment of an educational institution with a specific educational offer focused on satisfying the demand for studying and society­‑wide needs Shared university core, so­‑called deferred choice, personalisation of studies and graduation Completion of the shared university core consisting of courses from various disciplines, interdisciplinary courses, including courses in English, following the example of courses at world universities Support for increasing social mobility through projects ensuring a level playing field for university studies Informing and motivating to study potential applicants from the Roma and national, cultural or other minorities, people with disabilities or special needs, people at risk of social exclusion and those with other disadvantages Differentiation of admissions procedures for full­‑time and part­‑time study modes with regard to different motivations of applicants Cooperation with schools and activities for pupils, students and teachers Creating a comprehensive range of educational, creative, leisure and sports events for pupils and students by age category and field and their promotion to primary and secondary schools and parents Strengthening active forms of university presentation at secondary schools, e.g. by expanding the network of university ambassadors from among students, by involving academic staff in visits to secondary schools, etc. Maximising use of the potential of Students’ Professional Activities to identify talented students 20 21 1 1Teaching and Education Teaching and Education Measures to Meet Strategic Goals 1 1 Development of existing and creation of new comprehensive programmes to develop the talents of motivated secondary school students and primary school pupils, e.g. Bioskop, Children’s University, Junior Academy, Mini‑Erasmus, etc., to strengthen their enthusiasm for further education and help them make the right choices for further study Enabling secondary school students to access the teaching of selected courses with anticipated subsequent recognition of credits obtained within regular studies at the university Creating an offer of specialised courses (in the social sciences, humanities, natural sciences and informatics) intended for secondary school students (thanks to which they can gain, for example, a bonus within the admissions procedure at MU) Providing professional advice to secondary school teachers on the content and form of the teaching of key subjects as well as the pitfalls of university studies from the student’s point of view, or establishing systematic cooperation in this area with secondary schools (e.g. the organisation of seminars for secondary school teachers, headteachers, counsellors, the teaching of secondary school subjects by academic staff and supervision of secondary school teachers on university grounds) Standardisation of the development of the relevant competencies of academic staff and doctoral students for quality teaching, e.g. in the field of new forms of teaching, methods of student evaluation, teaching of foreign students, supervision of final theses, etc. Developing the ICT literacy of academic staff for distance forms of synchronous and asynchronous teaching, including supporting them in the active use of available tools Setting rules for cooperation with degree programme guarantors, obtaining their feedback and supervision of their activities by the MU Internal Evaluation Board, etc. Care for the quality of educational activities through the implementation of regular evaluations of degree programmes and thematic evaluations in various areas of teaching and forms of education (teaching methods, learning outcomes, testing and verification of knowledge and competencies, etc.) Setting up quality monitoring mechanisms within degree programmes, including reflection of students’ views, for example through boards in Bachelor’s, Mas- ter’s and follow­‑up Master’s degree programmes Prevention of student dropout Ensuring the availability of data and relevant analyses for teachers and guarantors of degree programmes with the aim of continuous evaluation of sources of student dropout and obtaining feedback on various aspects of teaching, subjects and degree programmes Revision of requirements for students at the beginning of and during their studies at the level of degree programmes, distribution of study requirements to a reasonable extent throughout the semester and ensuring timely information for students about all requirements during the academic year Early identification of students at risk of dropping out through data in the MU Information System and other indicators reflecting current study efforts and other contexts Providing individualised support and various types of counselling to students at risk of dropping out Training the staff of offices for studies (or others) in communication with students and the appropriate approach to solving students’ problems, etc. Providing support to academics in teaching methods and communication with students to help them properly motivate students and develop their potential as much as possible to support academic success Revision of the current student evaluation of teaching, discussion of possible models and new elements of student evaluation during the semester or according to specific needs Strengthening the use of knowledge gained from student evaluation of teaching at the level of individual courses, within the evaluation of degree programmes, within the evaluation of academic staff, at the level of faculty management, etc. and informing students of the usefulness of this feedback and the measures taken Implementation of applicant, student and graduate surveys and extension of work with the results of student surveys, projection of their conclusions into consideration of innovation in teaching, the choice of educational methods, the structure of the curriculum, services to applicants, students, graduates, etc. Forms of teaching and innovation Creating conditions for reflection on the learning styles of current students, e.g. teaching designed with the participation of students (both in the content of the curriculum and the teaching itself), by involving digital technologies in teaching and application of other relevant forms of teaching Enrichment of frontal teaching with interactive, distance, project and simulation teaching, etc. where relevant Development of mentoring by senior students of lower grade students and institutionalising this at faculty level Strengthening methodological support aimed at students and supervisors and implementation of other necessary measures to strengthen academic ethics III. Teaching and Learning, Quality Assurance and Innovative Elements Development of pedagogical competencies, teaching quality and obtaining feedback Strengthening the importance and prestige of academic staff’s teaching work, e.g. by projecting pedagogical careers into habilitation and professor appointment procedures, evaluation of pedagogical competencies of teachers, discussions on various issues at faculty and university level, within the MU Internal Evaluation Board, etc. Identification of the best examples of quality teaching (e.g. through student evaluation) and their proper formal and informal appreciation (e.g. recommending observations of the classes of excellently evaluated lecturers) Modernisation of teaching spaces in line with the goals and methods of teaching, creating an environment for interdisciplinary opportunities and student cooperation Introduction of tools for the systematic support, sharing, validation and evaluation of educational innovations Talent development, involving students in research, gaining practical experience and supporting entrepreneurship Systematic identification of gifted students and offering them appropriate educational and creative activities at the level of degree programmes, faculties and university (e.g. team projects and participation in international competitions, specific courses, etc.) Creating opportunities for the involvement of students in research activities, including the offer of scholarship awards or participation directly in the grant, or the introduction of research‑oriented courses in the curricula of degree programmes Offer a variety of scholarship programmes to strengthen students’ motivation, reward their talent and exceptional results or to overcome various disadvantages in their studies Building a functioning system of support for internships during studies and not just for career‑oriented studies 22 23 1 1Teaching and Education Teaching and Education Support for practical internships of students at home and abroad within the framework of academic and career-oriented degree programmes and creating other opportunities to deepen cooperation with partner companies, institutions, organisations, etc. Entrepreneurship support for students of all disciplines by offering appropriate courses in cooperation with partners (e.g. South Moravian Innovation Centre) Providing teaching of courses focused on innovations and trends in the field with the participation of experts from practice Creating technology­‑oriented courses and their teaching across faculties IV. Curriculum and Degree Pro‑ gramme Interna‑ tionalisation and Related Services Internationalisation of curricula and language competencies Determination of minimum requirements for the implementation of elements of internationalisation into the curriculum and study obligations at all faculties (obligation to take at least one course in a foreign language in the given type of study or complete part of studies abroad) Foreign language degree programmes Creation of an interdisciplinary and interfaculty Liberal Arts degree programme in English for Bachelor studies Preparation of the prestigious PPE interdisciplinary degree programme (Politics, Philosophy and Economics) in English Realisation of joint international Master’s courses of the Erasmus Mundus type Implementation of interdisciplinary degree programmes in English or other foreign languages in cooperation between several departments within one faculty or cooperation of several faculties for Bachelor’s and follow­‑up Master’s studies (e.g. also with a technological focus) Monitoring and evaluating the study demand from foreign students and offering corresponding foreign language degree programmes Streamlining processes in the field of double degree accreditation, etc. Foreign mobility Creating a comprehensive offer of international mobility for students and staff, including introducing new types of mobility such as blended mobility, virtual seminars, COIL courses, etc. Requirement of foreign language competencies, depending on the field, for entry to Bachelor’s, Mas- ter’s and follow­‑up Master’s studies and subsequent targeted development of professional language competencies of students in various forms as an integral part of studies for their successful completion (e.g. teaching courses in a foreign language, foreign language summer schools, language courses and online education) Developing students’ global and intercultural competencies by strengthening curriculum internationalisation in degree programmes Increasing the share of courses taught in foreign languages in Czech degree programmes at all faculties Strengthening foreign language teaching (especially English) for specific and professional purposes, depending on the focus of degree programmes Systematic development of competencies of academic and other staff involved in teaching (including doctoral students) in the internationalisation of the curriculum, teaching in a foreign language, teaching shared with foreign lecturers, etc. Adopt measures to monitor the quality of foreign language courses and degree programmes Use of consortia of cooperating universities, EDUC, CGU, the Hague Network, etc., for non‑traditional types of mobility and other forms of internationalisation Introduction of support tools to motivate groups of students who generally travel less and students with special needs to go abroad Creating scholarship programmes to support mutual student mobility Implementation of the processes required for the Erasmus Without Paper initiative Support services and adaptation tools for students and staff Offer of possibilities of intensive preparation of students and employees for a stay abroad (e.g. a two­‑week intensive language course, online consultations with partner universities, targeted language preparation for the departure of non­‑academic staff, etc.) Providing comprehensive information to foreign students interested in studying on the offer of degree programmes, services for students, the process of recognition of previous education obtained abroad, obtaining a visa, etc. Building book collections in libraries, including electronic information sources, to support internationalisation of the curriculum Providing a sufficient and diverse range of foreign language courses for students, academics and non­‑academics Support and motivation to write final theses in foreign languages in Czech degree programmes as well Increasing the motivation of academic staff for teaching shared with lecturers from foreign universities Developing the offer of common courses for domestic and foreign students with the aim of streamlining teaching and strengthening opportunities for students from various countries to meet Support and expansion of the offer of courses with visiting foreign staff accessible to students of all faculties in order to strengthen interdisciplinary ties Organisation of summer schools in foreign languages Adoption of measures for the maximum automatic recognition of results from the period of study abroad Developing counselling services for foreign students and staff through the Centre for International Cooperation, International Support Office, the Language Centre, international or study offices at faculties and the interconnection of these units in the service provided Offer of adaptation tools and opportunities for incoming foreign students (e.g. orientation week in the Czech environment, Czech language courses, etc.) Strengthening psychological counselling in English offered to foreign students Promotion and cooperation Strengthening the promotion of study opportunities in foreign languages through active marketing abroad, online forms and campaigns on social networks, the use of dedicated portals, through student ambassadors, etc. Setting up a system of cooperation with foreign students and graduates and developing MU’s own scholarship and graduate programme Involving the university in strategic international cooperation, building partnerships and participation in international organisations and consortia associating universities from different countries 24 25 1 1Teaching and Education Teaching and Education Research and Doctoral Studies2Strategic Goals 2.1 Contribute to addressing global and local challenges through basic and applied research and the application of its results in society in the areas of health and quality of life, education, historical and cultural heritage, sustainable development, technological progress, security, rights and equality in society 2.2 Strive for excellence in the international research area by developing interdisciplinary strategic topics, emphasising promising research areas, effective use and sharing of excellence and the ability to employ and motivate exceptional scientists and young researchers 2.3 Strengthen internationally­‑recognised quality scientific performance in all parts of the university, with appropriate tools taking into account disciplinary differences and the range of resting levels of research 2.4 Introduce higher standards in doctoral studies across disciplines with an emphasis on the quality of scientific results of doctoral students, gaining international experience during doctoral studies and adherence to the study schedule 2.5 Pay due attention to the socio­‑economic status of doctoral students and their full integration into the scientific community as promising colleagues so as to strengthen their motivation for the successful completion of studies and subsequent careers 2.1 1 Successful implementation of a strategic development project in the field of innovations for a healthy and secure society 2 Established high­‑quality university facilities connecting basic and clinical research in the field of human health and full use of the research potential of the MU Faculty of Pharmacy 3 Number of proposals and obtained projects in grant schemes of international providers, where MU is the principal investigator or co­‑investigator (especially in Horizon Europe) 4 Number of projects in cooperation with industry / state administration / local government (TA CR, MIT, etc.; growing trend) 2.2 1 Proportion of highly­‑cited publications according to the Web of Science 2 Number of proposals submitted and individual international prestigious research grants received (e.g. ERC; growing trend) 3 All key infrastructures of the university in science, informatics, social sciences and humanities operate in the mode of shared laboratories (core facilities) 4 New successfully established teams of holders of the MUNI Award in Science and Humanities 5 Periodic evaluation of research quality introduced as a standard part of management at all faculties and university institutes (functional peer review panels, etc.) 2.3 1 Proportion of scientific results indexed by the world’s major multidisciplinary citation databases (Web of Science, Scopus and other relevant ones; growing trend) 2 Proportion of scientific publications of authors from MU published in the first and second quartile of rankings according to the citation index (e.g. IF and AIS) of relevant journals on the Web of Science (growing trend) 3 Number of scientific publications in the top 1%, 5% and 10% of the world’s most cited publications according to the Web of Science with a key role of authors from MU (first/ corresponding author; growing trend) 2.4 1 Established standards of doctoral studies at faculties and as part of the internal evaluation of doctoral degree programmes 2 Implemented standardised requirements for the quality of work of doctoral students’ supervisors 3 Proportion of scientific results of doctoral students, which are indexed by the world’s major multidisciplinary citation databases (Web of Science, Scopus and other relevant ones) out of the total number of results of doctoral students from MU (growing trend) 4 Proportion of scientific publications of doctoral students in prestigious sources (journals and publishers) with regard to the given scientific discipline’s quality criteria (growing trend) 5 The share of doctoral students completing a foreign internship (of minimum length one month, one semester, etc.; growing trend) 6 Proportion of successful doctoral studies graduates within the standard duration of study (growing trend) 28 29 2 2Research and Doctoral Studies Research and Doctoral Studies Key Results and Indicators 2.5 1 Average amount of financial remuneration per doctoral student at individual faculties (growing trend) 2 Number of supported doctoral students from scholarship programmes to reward excellent results in doctoral studies (growing trend) 3 Portfolio of motivational tools for doctoral students and supervisors within MUNI PhD Academia 4 Established system to monitor the employment and career paths of doctoral graduates 30 31 2 2Research and Doctoral Studies Research and Doctoral Studies I. Direction of Research, Support for Excellence and Social Relevance and Cooperation with the Application Sector Targeted development of strategic research priorities based on the health, social, technical and economic challenges of society, especially in the fields of biomedicine, pharmacy, safety, health and quality of life, environment and sustainable development, with the support of artificial intelligence and synergies across the university Identification of promising fields according to defined criteria (e.g. according to internal formative evaluation of research, bibliometric analyses of publication performance and international comparison in the field) and support for their development through new principles of standard budgets of individual constituent parts and internal grant schemes Linking research and teaching by involving all research institutes at the university in educational activities with the aim of strengthening the transfer of the latest scientific knowledge to students and postgraduates Strengthening active communication and popularisation of science and research as a crucial part of academic and scientific work across the academic community through appropriate tools and measures within the workplace II. Internationalisa‑ tion Use of the institute of extraordinary professors for the recruitment and employment of top senior academics and researchers from abroad Strengthening use of creative sabbaticals and supporting the horizontal mobility of academics and researchers between institu- tions Regular monitoring of scientific outputs to identify new dynamic topics and personalities with extremely rapid growth in scientific recognition, topics or personalities with traditionally long­‑term excellent scientific recognition and the use of results monitoring in the system of individualised support and university strategies Motivation and practical support for the creation of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams from the natural sciences, informatics, social sciences and humanities Strengthening the technological direction of the university’s creative activities and identifying opportunities for practical application of scientific knowledge Institutional anchoring of cooperation with important partners, such as the University Hospital Brno, St. Anne’s University Hospital including the ICRC, the Czech Academy of Sciences, institutions in the CEITEC consortium, etc. Introducing support tools to motivate researchers to choose topics not only for basic but also applied research Expansion of targeted support to attract excellent scientists from abroad and development of a system for their subsequent integration in the environments of the Czech Republic, Brno and the university Maximising use of the potential of foreign academics and researchers through their involvement in teaching, university events, etc. Implementing rules and motivational tools to support the publication of results in the most influential international journals according to Journal Citation Reports rankings and their equivalents in fields under­‑represented in the international Web of Science and Scopus commercial databases Creating grant strategies at the level of faculties and other units to obtain grants from international schemes and strengthen involvement in international consortia (e.g. in Horizon Europe and connected initiatives) Increasing the application of research results by developing a related service for cooperation with partners from the application sector (i.e. industry, state administration, local government, etc.) and technology and knowledge transfer support, Proof of Concept projects and the establishment of spin­‑off companies Creating motivational tools to increase the relevance of research and the development of cooperation with the application sector, inter alia, in connection with the priorities of the Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2019–2030 and the Regional Innovation Strategy of the South Moravian Region 2021–2027 Developing long­‑term cross­‑sector cooperation and strengthening close research cooperation with industry, state administration and local government Creating opportunities (discussions, workshops and seminars) for the transfer of practical experience of academic staff and students from cooperation with the application sector within the university, popularisation of applied research, concepts for start­‑ups and spin‑offs and rewarding exceptional cooperation with practice III. Evaluation of the Creative Activities of Constituent Parts of the University, Units and Individuals Introduction of internal formative evaluation of research at the level of faculties, university institutes and individual research teams Strengthening the importance of internal research evaluation in order to define binding strategic decisions Acquisition of independent critical peer reviews when assessing the quality of scientific work as a part of the internal evaluation system Cooperation with the Masaryk University International Scientific Advisory Board and other panels of experts in the evaluation of research and reflection on the obtained recommendations 32 33 2 2Research and Doctoral Studies Research and Doctoral Studies Measures to Meet Strategic Goals Development of tools to evaluate the quality of work and performance of academic and research staff and continuing regular evaluation of employees using applicable internal procedures Creation of bibliometric analyses and consideration of knowledge acquired in evaluations of faculties and university institutes, in searching for opportunities for cooperation, in evaluating the performance of individual workplaces, etc. Ensuring the interconnection of requirements for applicants in habilitation and professor appointment procedures with a multi‑criteria bibliometric analysis of their publication activities Support for the registration of scientific results in local bibliographic databases in order to provide data for relevant analysis of the scientific performance of the university across all disciplines, taking into account field­‑specific types of results and multilingu- alism Maintaining the favourable position of the university on the Roadmap of the Czech Republic of large infrastructures for research, experimental development and innovation Support for large research infrastructure projects in their integration into the European Roadmap for Research Infra- structures VI. Doctoral Studies Admissions procedure for doctoral studies Active communication with doctoral studies applicants in order to present possible career paths (professional v. academic) and the requirements for creative activity and teaching that will be placed on them during studies Setting up an admissions procedure verifying the motivation of applicants for a given topic to strengthen the selection of talented and motivated applicants with the potential to complete the studies (e.g. setting an obligation to prepare an essay on a given topic, designing a project for a research goal, etc.) Implementation of international selection procedures for doctoral studies and the corresponding advertising of recruitment activities with the aim of also attracting promising foreign students IV. R&D Financing System, Obtaining Grants and Internal Grant Schemes Introducing a motivational system of funding science and research at the university in accordance with the internal definition of high­‑quality science and the principles of responsible research evaluation following internationally­‑recognised principles respecting the field focus of workplaces and reflecting the results of national evaluation according to Methodology 2017+ Internal discussion on the economic context of creative activity and practical financial implications for university­‑wide and faculty budgets Strengthening the link between quality of scientific activity and funding of science in the budget strategies of individual constituent parts and units of the university Strengthening grant success rates in units and constituent parts with below­‑average scientific performance through a clear grant strategy and specific follow­‑up support Identification of staff and research teams with the potential for scientific excellence and ensuring their maximum individualised support in obtaining grants and related infrastructure Admission of applicants for doctoral studies in favour of a narrower selection of high­‑quality and promising students (optimising the number of admissions according to the specifics of individual fields) and regulation of the number of doctoral students per supervisor Prevention of student dropout Monitoring the success of doctoral students in various phases of study, analysing the causes of dropping out and subsequent work with the results within doctoral boards and faculty management Systematic work with doctoral boards at individual faculties to strengthen their active role harmonising the management of doctoral studies, providing feedback to students, working with supervisors and other aspects Revision of procedures for planning the course of doctoral studies and introduction of a system of regular verification of the fulfilment of doctoral students’ individual study plans’ objectives where not already standard The introduction of motivational tools for doctoral students and supervisors to strengthen graduation rates within the standard duration of study Revision of teaching duties of doctoral students with the aim of focusing students’ activities related to research on the doctoral thesis topic Revision of internal grant schemes (e.g. Grant Agency of Masaryk University) with an emphasis on obtaining international grants (ERC and others), to support interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary topics and young researchers Creation of financial instruments to compensate for fluctuations in research teams following the termination of highly prestigious grants (e.g. ERC) Creating tools that will enable the transfer of knowledge and experience from successful applicants for prestigious grants to other academic and research staff and doctoral students V. Research Centres and Infrastructures Creating and implementing an investment strategy for the renewal and development of research infrastructure Care for the established research centres and core facilities and support for their synergies with other constituent parts and units of the university Increasing the number of core facilities and ensuring transparent access to such research infrastructures for internal and external users Standardisation of requirements for supervisors defining the extent of responsibilities when leading doctoral students and providing methodological support to supervisors, e.g. in the form of seminars and workshops Evaluation of the quality of supervisors’ work by monitoring completion rates for doctoral studies, the average duration of study, the quality of research results, the employment of doctoral students after graduation and the projection of selected parameters into qualification procedures Introduction of mentoring as another means of providing feedback to doctoral students in the relevant fields Doctoral studies conception Implementation of doctoral studies standards across degree programmes with respect to field specifics Revision of field­‑specific requirements for doctoral theses and publication results and definition of recommendations and principles for publication activities of doctoral students Support and guidance for doctoral students’ publishing research results in prestigious sources (journals and publishers) in accordance with the given discipli- ne’s quality requirements 34 35 2 2Research and Doctoral Studies Research and Doctoral Studies Revision of the credit system in doctoral studies Development of the concept of doctoral schools in MUNI PhD Academia in the form of university‑wide and faculty activities with the aim of providing common elements of studies (e.g. education in transferable skills, seminars for knowledge sharing, courses with foreign researchers, etc.) Strengthening international ties in the preparation of doctoral students and the use of the principles of cotutelles of doctoral theses in international cooperation Support for the implementation of national and international collaborative doctorates Strengthening the interdisciplinarity of doctoral studies by offering courses from other scientific disciplines, involving students in interdisciplinary projects, etc. Development of information literacy of doctoral students to increase the quality of their scientific results Involving doctoral students in the popularisation of science and research and providing appropriate support by strengthening their communication and other skills Socioeconomic status of doctoral students Setting the motivational amount of financial remuneration with clear qualitative criteria for ongoing success in study and related publishing and teaching activities Creating scholarship programmes to reward excellent results in doctoral studies Extension of support for scientific projects of doctoral students in the form of internal grant competitions and involvement in research grants of external providers Ensuring adequate facilities for doctoral students as new researchers within workplaces International mobility, internships and careers of doctoral students Making requirements for international mobility of doctoral students more concrete Motivation of doctoral students for stays abroad, even for more than one month Support for internships for doctoral students in the application sector (industry, state administration, etc.) and research institutions Providing support for reconciling doctoral studies and beginning careers with family life Providing career counselling for the best possible employment of graduate doctoral students in the academic sphere and in professional positions outside it Motivation of doctoral graduates to continue their careers in postdoctoral positions abroad as much as possible Career mapping of successful doctoral graduates and maintaining active contact with them 36 37 2 2Research and Doctoral Studies Research and Doctoral Studies Internal Culture and Social Contribution Activities3 Strategic Goals 3.1 Create a coordinated university policy for fulfilment of its social role and to incorporate it into the evaluation of quality at the level of the university, faculties and units as a desirable mission together with education and research 3.2 Act as a credible and strategic partner which, with its broad portfolio of professional, independent expertise and ability to clearly reach the whole of society, actively contributes to solving local and global challenges, raises new issues and cultivates public discussion 3.3 Support altruistic initiatives initiated by students and staff aimed at the public through an open environment to help those in need, by developing association activities and by volunteering 3.4 Act as a centre of social, cultural and sports life for students, staff and the public and to create platforms and opportunities for meetings and knowledge dissemination 3.5 Strengthen the esprit de corps of the university’s students, staff and graduates and create a university community sharing common values as a basic prerequisite for fulfilling all university roles 40 41 3 3Internal Culture and Social Contribution Activities Internal Culture and Social Contribution Activities Key Results and Indicators 3.1 1 Implemented evaluation of the university’s social role as part of quality assurance 2 An established process of selection of priority topics arising from social needs and their solution in cooperation of the university’s constituent parts 3 A working tool for mapping the fulfilment of the social role of the university by individual students, employees and units 3.2 1 An overview of implemented activities within the fulfilment of social roles, social responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) published on www.muni.cz/en 2 Number of statements of university experts on issues being addressed in society in the relevant media and in public debate (growing trend) 3.3 1 Creation of a fund to support the implementation of projects of students and employees with a socially beneficial impact and the volume of allocated and drawn funds 2 Institutionalised volunteering in the university structure and an overview of its activities 3.4 1 Establishment of a university Centre for Culture, Art and Events 2 Overview and attendance of social, cultural and sports events organised for the university and the general public 3.5 1 Establishment of internal evaluation of employees taking into account fulfilment of the university’s social role within the work portfolio 2 Awards and other rewards for socially responsible initiatives of students and staff 3 Indicators of satisfaction and esprit de corps of students, graduates and staff resulting from university surveys I. Conceptions and Systematic Measures in Fulfilling the Social Role Creation of a conception for and gradual introduction of evaluation of the fulfilment of the social role at the level of the university and its constituent parts Setting thematic priorities, in relation to social need, with the aim of strengthening the impact of implemented projects on society (e.g. thematic year / thematic semester for the involvement of several faculties in coordinated activities, etc.) Creating a strategy for the university’s contribution to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including a method of monitoring its implementation across university activities, in connection with the Strategic Framework of the Czech Republic 2030 Participation in resolving strategic issues of the statutory city of Brno and the South Moravian Region (social, environmental, economic, etc.) Cooperation with industry and companies, educational institutions, providers of health and social services, non­‑profit and non­‑governmental organisations, professional associations, public administration, state administration, etc. on specific projects and entering into new partnerships Strengthening awareness, within the university and towards the public, of the range of activities undertaken for society and their effects (e.g. by creating a separate section of the university website, publishing an annual summary of fulfilment of the university’s social role, etc.) Acting in a regional, national and international environment as a standard setter in inclusive policy (in the field of education of people with disabilities or special needs, those at risk of social exclusion or with other disadvantages, etc.) Cultivation of public discussion by developing media activities through social networks, the university’s own portal em.muni. cz, MU experts’ appearances in the media, etc. Strengthening coordination of activities aimed at various target groups across the university with the aim of streamlining communication and the overall impact of implemented activities (e.g. by creating thematic working groups, and monitoring planned activities for a given year and their greater synchronisation across components) Incorporating feedback on the fulfilment of the social role into relevant student, graduate and employee surveys Creating a fund managing finances for socially­‑beneficial activities and setting rules to support specific projects initiated by students and staff Support for volunteering and its development within university associations or initiatives at individual faculties and other units and its institutionalisation Strengthening the cooperation of university units (Masaryk University Press, Mendel Museum, MU Archive, University Centre Telč, University Cinema Scala and others) in fulfilling the university’s cultural role and in cultivating the internal and external environment Creation and implementation of media training for doctoral students, new academics and researchers, staff in leadership positions, etc. in order to develop their competencies and strengthen motivation for media appearances Evaluation of the media image of Masaryk University compared to institutions of a similar type Support for the implementation of activities and initiatives expanding knowledge and skills contributing to personal development of the individual and society (e.g. IT skills, financial and legal literacy, personal health care and prevention, etc.) Carrying out a wide range of educational, awareness­‑raising, counselling and beneficial activities to various target groups needing such help (those disadvantaged in any way, physically and mentally handicapped, socially excluded, sick, elderly, etc.) Building a professional identity according to the focus of a given part of the university by participating in the activities of professional and interest chambers and organisations strengthening the dissemination of good practice in a given scientific field and the transfer of knowledge to social life Building a Masaryk University cultural and social centre, including finding suitable premises, and strengthening meetings between students, staff, graduates and the general public on various occasions Creating a platform to present a comprehensive range of cultural and educational activities for the general public Institutionalisation of cooperation with key actors of the region in priority topics (South Moravian Region, statutory city of Brno, South Moravian Innovation Centre, key employers, major non­‑profit organisations, providers of health and social services, schools, sports and cultural organisations, etc.) II. The Impact of the Social Role of the University Active participation in the creation of policies, strategies and legislation at regional, national and international levels, especially in key areas reflecting the expertise of MU Implementation of initiatives and activities with the aim of the informal dissemination of knowledge in the form of online open teaching courses, public debates, popularisation of scientific results, exhibitions, etc. Development of the universi­ ty’s publishing activities to various target groups through the publication of professional titles and scientific­‑popularisation titles Creating subject collections in libraries with the aim of preserving the historical development of scientific knowledge Sharing of cultural heritage administered by the university, especially the library fund, archives, collections, etc., in digital form to strengthen the cultural role of the university and the dissemination of knowledge to the public Organising a portfolio of events for the public and academia to develop social, cultural and sporting life in the city and in the region 42 43 3 3Internal Culture and Social Contribution Activities Internal Culture and Social Contribution Activities Measures to Meet Strategic Goals III. Motivation of Students and Employees to Fulfil the Social Role of the University Raising awareness of the university‘s social role, social responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), of implemented and potential activities in these areas, global and national trends, across the university (e.g. separate sections on the website, seminars and internal conferences) Inclusion of social responsibility issues and sustainable development in the university curriculum in the form of variously focused courses, including the shared university core Rewarding socially­‑beneficial activities of academic, research and non­‑academic staff as part of their professional portfolio Support for socially­‑beneficial student projects and motivation to undertake these activities, such as a symbolic number of credits within specified subjects Motivation of employees to fulfil the university’s social role through various measures (e.g. organisation of charity days, etc.) Support for activities and provision of facilities to university associations and various initiatives IV. Strengthening the Esprit de Corps and Building a University Community Appreciation (in various ways) of quality work by students, graduates and staff to strengthen a culture based on mutual recog- nition Strengthening communication within the internal environment of the university with the use of current communication options in the online environment and through print media to various internal target groups Development of intercultural communication and integration of foreign staff and students into university life Building an alumni network and caring for relationships with graduates by informing them about news at the university, offering interesting services and creating opportunities for their involvement in the activities and life of the university (e.g. involvement in internal quality assessment, thematic working groups in solving various conceptual issues, etc.) Bringing the university work environment closer to families of employees, especially children, through specially prepared events (e.g. excursions to workplaces, Children’s Day, etc.) Introduction of open days of individual constituent parts of the university and their workplaces and other similar events intended for the internal public Implementation of cultural, social, sports and leisure programmes for students and employees and creating other opportunities for informal meetings of employees and students Provision of information and counselling and other services for students, graduates and employees (careers counselling, specialised services and advice for people with special needs or disadvantages, services for parents who are students and employees, etc.) 44 45 3 3Internal Culture and Social Contribution Activities Internal Culture and Social Contribution Activities HR Management and Staff Development4 Strategic Goals 4.1 To be a prestigious employer with a shared internal culture and an open HR policy at the level of leading European universities with appropriate processes and HR tools 4.2 Create a motivating environment by rewarding high­‑quality and exceptional work results, providing equal opportunities and conditions for individual development and career growth of employees, as well as supporting a work­‑life balance 48 49 4 4HR Management and Staff Development HR Management and Staff Development Key Results and Indicators 4.1 1 An established system of positions of associate professors and professors according to selected foreign practice 2 A specified maximum possible length of term of office for managers of academic and research institutes 3 Number of foreign academic, research and non­‑academic staff at MU (growing trend) 4 Proportion of academic, research and non­‑academic staff with work experience also outside MU, especially acquired abroad (growing trend) 4.2 1 Acquired HR Award for all the university faculties and institutes 2 A fully implemented of internal employee evaluation systems in connection with other types of evaluation at the university 3 Rate of use of tools to support the reconciliation of work and personal life in individual constituent parts of the university (growing trend) I. Human Resources Management Determination of the maximum possible length of term of office for managers of academic and research institutes (e.g. heads of departments and institutes) and corresponding amendment of the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures Setting rules, following university­‑wide discussion, on the incompatibility and cumulation of leading positions within the university Setting rules, following university‑wide discussion, for the parallel work of academics and researchers at several institutions Building a system of positions of associate professors and professors according to foreign models with internationally comparable conditions Implementation of measures to prevent academic ‘inbreeding’, particularly by filling positions of academics and researchers on the basis of open competition advertised internationally and the application of the criterion of non­‑university work engagement Setting up an adaptation process for academic and non­‑academic staff entering new positions (supervisor, head of department, etc.) with the aim of accelerating their incorporation regarding the new job description and responsi- bilities Introduction of tools to prevent unwanted behaviour (e.g. bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, etc.) as well as to help if possible Application of existing tools supporting part­‑time involvement, and subsequently full return, of those caring for children or loved ones to working life within individual constituent parts and their units – part­‑time work (and other forms of employment), flexible working hours, home office (incl. use of IT tools for online participation in meetings, remote access to data, etc.), job sharing Support for the children’s groups or nursery schools within individual (or multiple) constituent parts of the university Implementation of specialised programmes and headhunting focused on acquiring exceptional employees Implementation of support tools to ensure continuous generational turnover of middle management and motivation to educate their successors Creation and implementation of a conception setting out procedures and criteria in the employment of staff in postdoctoral positions (recruitment, conditions, care for these staff, etc.) Revision of qualification requirements and criteria for habilitation and professor appointment procedures Implementation of programmes to support career development for academic staff (aimed at habilitation or appointment as a professor within the various parts of the university), research and non­‑academic staff Strengthening awareness of ethics in work and the conduct of all employees as part of personal integrity, as well as information and methodological measures in this area, including legal services Development of HR marketing with the aim of strengthening Masaryk University’s brand as a prestigious employer III. Systematic Development and Training of Employees Expansion of the education offer of the Pedagogical Competence Development Centre of MU in the form and content of courses provided according to functioning and transferable foreign practice and depending on the needs of individual target groups Creating a comprehensive offer of employee training and development in personal and managerial competencies, as well as those for the effective use of IT technologies, foreign languages, etc. II. HR Award, Acquiring and Retaining High­ ‑Performing and Exceptional Employees and Employee Care Preparation and implementation of related processes, completing evaluation, obtaining and maintaining the HR Excellence in Research Award by individual constituent parts of the university Modernisation and implementation of individual evaluations of academic, research and non­‑academic staff, including harmonisation with other evaluation types at the university Mapping the needs of employees at all functional levels and setting requirements specifying the criteria for their career growth and further development Defining criteria and creating a system for identifying talent among university employees with the aim of their further development and preparation for future leadership or professional positions Support for specific target groups of employees in the area of further development and acquisition of key competencies in order to increase the efficiency and quality of their work (e.g. new academic and research staff, academic, research and non­‑academic staff in management positions, staff in various non­‑academic positions, etc.) Motivation and support of academic and non­‑academic staff to gain experience abroad in the form of internships, work placements, blended mobility, etc. 50 51 4 4HR Management and Staff Development HR Management and Staff Development Measures to Meet Strategic Goals Information Systems and IT Support5 Strategic Goals 5.1 Fulfil the role of academic leader in the computerisation of processes at public universities, in the development of their own information systems and in the level of IT infrastructure 5.2 Strengthen the competencies and position of the university as a strategic partner in cybersecurity and actively participate in the development of an information society 5.3 Strengthen the efficiency and flexibility of the university’s operation in all areas through IT support, electronic processes and services to users according to their current needs and become, as far as possible, a paperless institution 54 55 5 5Information Systems and IT Support Information Systems and IT Support Key Results and Indicators 5.1 1 Implemented unified enterprise architecture as a new means of managing and developing information systems and MU IT services 2 Areas of university strategic management with full data­‑based decision support 3 Comprehensive digital services provision through the MU Information System 5.2 1 The level of security and the ability of IT MU to process classified information, special categories of personal data and other data with special protection 2 Extent of digital content available to students, employees, graduates and the public through IT MU (growing trend) 5.3 1 Overview of fully digitised agendas within the university 2 Overview of electronic tools for communication with applicants to study, graduates, partners, for internal communication and for online commercial activities 3 Overview of electronic tools for synchronous and asynchronous teaching I. Information Systems and Communication Building a unified enterprise architecture of IT MU (including effective assignment, evaluation and coordination of requirements for the creation and modification of information systems according to user needs, interoperability of individual components of IT MU, unified management of access rights, unified registration of licenses, etc.) Further development of the MU Information System (IS MU), information systems for the administration and operation of IT MU, learning management systems and tools to support synchronous and asynchronous teaching and study administration in all study modes Implementation of advanced technologies, including those based on artificial intelligence (AI), to extract data from university information systems for decision­‑making processes at all levels of management Generational change in the univer- sity’s economic and management information system to reflect current technological trends and user needs Coordinated development of tools for fully electronic legal proceedings, and the development and implementation of tools for electronic controls III. Information Sources, Data for Decision Support and Scientific Data Optimisation of the portfolio of electronic information resources, especially key scientific and professional resources with online access, and continuing to operate within the National Centre for Electronic Information Resources Strengthening the role of MU libraries in the field of information support of science and research aiming to build closer contact with the academic community in the field of registration of publication results and the informational‑educational support of publication activities Providing support for the comprehensive and effective use of electronic information resources with remote access in research and teaching Ensuring access to data for various users and individual levels of decision­‑making in an accessible form with appropriate software support Modernisation of the approach to selling products and services offered by the university through user­‑friendly platforms, including mobile applications Implementation of a new generation of the university library system and continuing the computerisation of libraries, digitisation of collections and implementation of tools for further use of digitised cultural heritage managed by MU in the sense of Directive (EU) 2019/1024 Implementation of a CRM system (Customer Relationship Management) for effective communication with study applicants, graduates and MU partners Strengthening the university environment’s international character by continuing to translate key applications in the university’s information systems into English (or other languages) Revising existing internal communication platforms and determining further strategies for their development across the university Coordinated development of MU IT functionalities for the requirements of crisis operation and management Creation and implementation of a university strategy for wider use of Open Access and Open Data IV. Cybersecurity, IT Infrastructure and Data Protection Completion of the Masaryk University CYBER CAMPUS CZ Strengthening the competencies of the CSIRT­‑MU team and developing its national and international contacts Development of organisational and technical measures to ensure the security of IT MU Strengthening cooperation with the National Cyber and Information Security Agency, the National Agency for Communication and Information Technologies and other national and international bodies and organisations in the field of cybersecurity and cyber defence Ensuring a competitive data and computing infrastructure (including setting up a mechanism for its coordinated demand) for demanding scientific applications (e.g. research into biotechnology, medicine, advanced materials, etc.) Development of tools for the long­‑term preservation of digital data (LTP) II. Digitalisation of Processes and Agendas Continuation of full electronic processes in accordance with the requirements of legal and internal regulations in all relevant agendas, including economic and HR administration, administration of receivables and payables, legal proceedings, etc. IT support for transforming the file service into a fully electronic form Development of tools for recording scientific outputs and evaluating scientific performance Development of systems for checking originality and implementation of new algorithms for similarity searches Implementation of Single Digital Gateway principles according to Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 and the right to digital service in the sense of Act No. 12/2020 Coll. into IT tools for communication with applicants, students, staff and the public Preparation and implementation of the necessary processes for the Erasmus Without Paper initiative Active participation in developing the national e­‑infrastructure (e­‑INFRA CZ) for science, research and education, and active involvement in building the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) and European Open Science / Open Data platforms Building data and computing infrastructure for the development, simulation and testing of autonomous systems based on artificial intelligence (AI) Providing infrastructure capacity and support services to strengthen online learning and the use of other online tools for negotiation, information sharing and cross‑agenda cooperation Further development of systemic measures and rules for personal data protection Development of tools and procedures for working with sensitive data and special categories of personal data (especially medical records) Building and operating infrastructure for processing classified information for the purpose of implementing security projects and cooperating with security forces 56 57 5 5Information Systems and IT Support Information Systems and IT Support Measures to Meet Strategic Goals Institution Management and Infrastructure6 Strategic Goals 6.1 Strengthen strategic management and ensure the economic stability of the university through responsible management, with an emphasis on funding clear priorities in education and research as well as the creation of reserves, through a performance­‑oriented budget linked to the university’s strategic goals 6.2 Sustainably and responsibly manage the renewal, development and construction of the university infrastructure as well as the acquisition of related technologies and equipment to ensure adequate functional facilities for excellent research and quality teaching as well as a pleasant environment for students and staff 6.3 In accordance with the principles of sustainable development, manage energy resources, water and waste and strengthen informed management enabling the efficient use of the built premises as well as property management 6.1 1 Adjusted budget rules depending on selected qualitative parameters, reflecting current numbers of students at faculties and the motivational system of research funding 2 Higher success of the university in the competition for institutional education and research funding due to growth in qualitative budget indicators of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 3 Creating university financial reserves, in connection with the set rules for their creation, covering the requirements for co­‑financing of strategic development activities 6.2 1 Use of certified procedures in accordance with environmental responsibility in the implementation of new construction, reconstruction and repairs to buildings 2 Implementing a responsible public procurement strategy 3 Proportion of green areas on university campuses (growing trend) 6.3 1 Implemented strategies for energy, water and waste management and their measurable effects 2 Share of SMART buildings, monitored and managed by IT systems, within the university (growing trend) 3 Establishing a training system for employees and students for the efficient and environmentally­‑responsible operation of the university 60 61 6 6Institution Management and Infrastructure Institution Management and Infrastructure Key Results and Indicators I. University Budget and Management Analysing the performance and quality of university activities, international benchmarking, prediction of the development of key indicators, evaluation of the impact of national policies and trends in society in order to support strategic management Raising awareness of budgeting methodology to improve the informedness of the academic community and strengthen the motivation to achieve better results in budgetary quality indicators Adjustment of the internal distribution of contributions to educational activities reflecting the number of students, the economic intensity of degree programmes and quality indicators in education and research Modification of institutional support for the long­‑term conceptual development of a research organisation by introducing a motivational and performance system for funding science and research with the support of internal grant schemes Creation and implementation of an investment strategy for infrastructure renewal and development Completion of the necessary infrastructure background facilities for teaching and research at the Faculty of Education Reconstruction of attic spaces in the building on Comenius Square for educational purposes Reconstruction of attic spaces connected with construction in the premises of the Faculty of Science on Kotlářská Street Reconstruction of a building on Tvrdého Street for educational and cultural activities Renovation of the Faculty of Sports Studies premises on Veslařská Street Optimisation of the scope and quality of services provided by the MU Accommodation and Catering Services to achieve the expected standard Implementation of the MU Accommodation and Catering Services investment strategy Completion of the necessary barrier­‑free access to university buildings, including appropriate internal modifications Reconstruction of existing MU buildings in accordance with current needs and finances while preserving their historical and cultural value Seeking and acquiring suitable real estate in accordance with long­‑term development needs and funding opportunities Integration of the MU Faculty of Pharmacy into the economic structure of the university and support for its economic self­ ‑sufficiency Optimisation of university funds management for strategic and development needs while maintaining sufficient reserves II. Operation of the University Accor‑ ding to Sustainable Development Principles Creation and implementation of a responsible public procurement strategy taking into account economic, environmental and social concerns, including the application of qualitative criteria Creation and implementation of strategies for energy, water and waste management Implementation of systemic measures to reduce the volume of non­‑recyclable waste produced, to increase the share renewable energy sources used, for saving water, the use of rainwater and the use of grey water IV. Development of University Campus Bohunice Location of the Faculty of Pharmacy in the new University Campus Bohunice (UCB) buildings and in the existing premises Construction investment within a strategic development project focused on innovation for a healthy and secure society Completion of a multi­‑purpose open athletics centre and a hall for indoor sports at the Faculty of Sports Studies Installation of a movement laboratory and diagnostic centre at the Faculty of Sports Studies Relocation and construction of a building for the archives and arts disciplines in the UCB complex Construction of a student and catering centre in the UCB Completion of research and educational capacities in the UCB by extension and completion of existing pavilions, especially in the northern part of the complex Construction of a science park for applied research Construction of a congress centre in the existing premises of the UCB Replacement of heating and cooling technology in the UCB buildings Producing clear principles of efficient and responsible management of energy and water and motivation of students and employees to comply with them Reducing the energy intensity of buildings and modernising related technological equipment Cultivation of the university environment by increasing the proportion of green areas and increasing the availability of clean transport Monitoring the university’s carbon and overall environmental footprints and taking measures to reduce them III. Investments in the Development of Faculties and Related Facilities Reconstruction and completion of the Botanická complex for the Faculty of Informatics Location of the Institute of Computer Science in the universi- ty’s own building Development of the external environment of the university campus and integration of green areas for active use in the existing campus V. Information and Control Systems of Buildings, Facility Management Streamlining the construction of new university buildings using the Concept of Implementing the BIM Method (Building Information Modelling) in the Czech Republic Using data from BIM to optimise the operation of buildings and technologies Implementation and development of the MU BMS (Building Management System) and related methodologies within capital construction and repairs to university buildings Streamlining the operation of university buildings by integrating data from BIM with the BMS Expansion and optimisation of CAFM (Computer Aided Facility Management) for the efficient operation of university buildings, including space management Implementation of active infrastructure energy management to strengthen its efficient use 62 63 6 6Institution Management and Infrastructure Institution Management and Infrastructure Measures to Meet Strategic Goals Masaryk University Strategic Plan 2021–2028 Published by Masaryk University, Žerotínovo nám. 617/9, 601 77 Brno Editor-in-chief: Šárka Řehořová Editor: Ivana Staveník, Martina Vidová Production: Pavla Hudcová Graphic design and DTP: Milan Katovský, Pavel Kotrla Translation: Simon Hooper and Lenka Bělková Photography: Martin Indruch, Jitka Janů, David Konečný, Martin Kopáček, Ludmila Korešová, Aleš Ležatka 1 st edition, 2021 Print run: 80 Print: Tiskárna Didot spol. s r. o., Trnkova 119, 628 00 Brno ISBN 978-80-210-9862-6 www.muni.cz/en MASARYK UNIVERSITY