Masaryk University Žerotínovo nám. 617/9, 601 77 Brno, Czech Republic Masaryk University Strategic Plan Implementation Scheme for 2021 2 1 Teaching and Education Strategic goals for 2021–2028 and measures planned for 2021 Goal 1.1 Strengthen the importance of teaching as a prestigious academic mission focusing on the success of students in study and in life, and to become an institution characterised by its excellent teaching, which is sought after by quality and talented candidates Key measures for 2021: − 1.1.1 Internal discussion on tools to support students’ academic integrity with a focus on verifying educational outcomes through qualification theses and testing in full-time and remote form − 1.1.2 Creation of a new offer for teaching staff within the Pedagogical Competence Development Centre in the form of online courses and a course for new teachers − 1.1.3 Continuation of preparation of the adaptive version of the MU Learning Potential Test, completion of the first version and its pilot verification − 1.1.4 Unification of minimum requirements for applicants across faculties and degree programmes − 1.1.5 Creating a university-wide strategy of cooperation with schools with an offer of activities for students and teachers − 1.1.6 Mapping of current tools and care for talented applicants and students at individual faculties − 1.1.7 Implementation of the internal evaluation of degree programmes according to the approved concept − 1.1.8 Carrying out a thematic evaluation in the field of verification of learning outcomes (testing methods and examinations) − 1.1.9 Implementation of the thematic evaluation of combined forms of study Goal 1.2 Ensure the flexibility of study paths with an emphasis on the personalisation of studies, interdisciplinarity of the curriculum and its long-term applicability and strengthen students’ motivation for their own development and learning Key measures for 2021: − 1.2.1 Mapping of current barriers across faculties, their evaluation and subsequent setting of internal rules enabling transfers between degree programmes without the need to terminate studies and maximise the extent of recognition of already completed parts of studies − 1.2.2 Preparation and pilot testing of the first 20 courses of the so-called shared university core − 1.2.3 Creating a concept of individual counselling for students with the best potential for successful study (e.g. according to the results of the admissions procedure) − 1.2.4 Providing support to students for successful study (e.g. psychological counselling) − 1.2.5 Revision of existing and specification of new measures to prevent student dropout − 1.2.6 Reinforcement activities within the framework of internal communication aimed at the prevention of student dropout (e.g. special issue of Magazín M and newsletter) − 1.2.7 Amendment of the MU Study and Examination Regulations reflecting the new form of degree programmes, the principle of administrative discretion and the new concept of doctoral studies 3 Goal 1.3 Develop progressive modern teaching methods, distance and online forms of education and strengthen the participation of students and practitioners in teaching and the evaluation of its quality Key measures for 2021: − 1.3.1 Support for innovations in remote and online education through synchronous and asynchronous teaching within full-time studies − 1.3.2 Development of tools for evaluating the quality of contactless education (remote/online teaching and learning) − 1.3.3 Evaluation of the current activities of programme boards with special regard to the role of students in ensuring the quality of degree programmes − 1.3.4 Ensuring appropriate regulation of student surveys and integration of students of the Faculty of Pharmacy into all university-wide surveys − 1.3.5 Introduction of an innovative system of teaching practice with a comprehensive offer and harmonised procedures for its implementation across the university − 1.3.6 Organising a series of workshops with employers to develop students’ practical knowledge Goal 1.4 Enable education for professional growth and personal development throughout life by providing an appropriate degree programmes and strengthening the importance of lifelong learning Key measures for 2021: − 1.4.1 Evaluation of the current offer of lifelong learning provided by the university and elaboration of the concept of expanding this offer to include other target groups − 1.4.2 Elaboration of a university-wide concept to improve the quality of training of future teachers and to innovate additional studies to expand professional qualifications, in cooperation between the newlyestablished coordinating council for teachers and the faculties concerned − 1.4.3 Implementation of a communication campaign on the online form and services of careers counselling with an emphasis on personal development not only during studies, but also after their completion − 1.4.4 Creating an offer of online careers services and development webinars for students, graduates and the public − 1.4.5 Developing the concept of a new educational institute and its potential offer of degree programmes Goal 1.5 Perceive and further strengthen internationalisation as an integral part of the degree programmes, curriculum, content and forms of teaching and services provided at all faculties of the university Key measures for 2021: − 1.5.1 Creation of an internationalisation strategy, an implementation document reflecting the specifics of individual constituent parts of the university, in connection with the MU Strategic Plan for 2021–2028 − 1.5.2 Commencement of preparation of the interdisciplinary and interfaculty Liberal Arts degree programme in English for Bachelor’s studies − 1.5.3 Active support for the establishment of joint degree programmes within the Erasmus Mundus programme 4 − 1.5.4 Creation of new short-term programmes (semester and summer) in academic areas where the university also offers full degree programmes, with the aim of bringing this study closer particularly to students from the USA and UK − 1.5.5 Creating an overview of universities with appropriate international prestige and the quality of education provided and directing students to select these quality foreign institutions for a study stay abroad − 1.5.6 Initiation of non-traditional types of mobility (e.g. virtual seminars, blended learning, COIL courses, etc.) within the consortium of EDUC universities − 1.5.7 Initiation of non-traditional types of mobility (e.g. virtual seminars, blended learning, COIL courses, etc.) within consortia of cooperating CGU universities, the Hague Network, etc. − 1.5.8 Using the implementation of the Erasmus Without Paper project to revise existing contracts in the Erasmus+ programme and further streamline administrative processes in international mobility − 1.5.9 Targeted use of modern marketing tools to streamline the promotion of Masaryk University in countries with high potential of applicants to study and work at MU − 1.5.10 Creation and publication of comprehensive information for applicants with previous foreign education on the university’s website regarding the process of verifying the fulfilment of the condition for admission to study under Section 48 of the Higher Education Act − 1.5.11 Creation of an e-learning course for MU employees focused on verifying the conditions for admission to study for graduates with foreign education − 1.5.12 Launch of a programme for establishing closer cooperation with foreign graduates in order to use this potential to strengthen the brand of Masaryk University abroad and to recruit new students 5 2 Research and Doctoral Studies Strategic goals for 2021–2028 and measures planned for 2021 Goal 2.1 Contribute to addressing global and local challenges through basic and applied research and the application of its results in society in the areas of health and quality of life, education, historical and cultural heritage, sustainable development, technological progress, security, rights and equality in society Key measures for 2021: − 2.1.1 Successful implementation of a strategic development project in the field of innovations for a healthy and secure society − 2.1.2 Integration of the Faculty of Pharmacy into the system of support for science and research at the university (training and consultation) − 2.1.3 Preparation and launch of the innovated programme of the Grant Agency of MU with a new evaluation process, with a stronger emphasis on the submission of grants within Horizon Europe, with support for the return of researchers after a career break, etc. − 2.1.4 Establishment of a spin-off platform of Masaryk University for strengthening communication, sharing experience and informing people about opportunities and possibilities of establishing university spinoff companies Goal 2.2 Strive for excellence in the international research area by developing interdisciplinary strategic topics, emphasising promising research areas, effective use and sharing of excellence and the ability to employ and motivate exceptional scientists and young researchers Key measures for 2021: − 2.2.1 Launch of formative evaluation of R&D at university faculties through the participation of foreign experts to identify the potential of individual disciplines, and strong and promising research teams − 2.2.2 Active support for the preparation of the European Research Council (ERC) grant applications − 2.2.3 Support for the involvement of Masaryk University research teams in important infrastructures in which the university is not yet represented − 2.2.4 Continued support for the arrival of ERC grant holders or world-renowned foreign researchers through the MUNI Award in Science and Humanities scheme Goal 2.3 Strengthen internationally-recognised quality scientific performance in all parts of the university, with appropriate tools taking into account disciplinary differences and the range of resting levels of research Key measures for 2021: − 2.3.1 University-wide debate on different models strengthening motivational components and qualitative indicators in R&D financing in the university budget (e.g. by taking into account pillars 3, 4 and 5 according to Methodology 2017+) − 2.3.2 Processing of bibliometric analyses of university constituent parts with a focus on citation of publications and international cooperation 6 − 2.3.3 Creation of a comprehensive programme to support the involvement of research teams in Horizon Europe and its implementation in cooperation with faculties (e.g. identification of the potential for applying for ERC grants and collaborative projects) Goal 2.4 Introduce higher standards in doctoral studies across disciplines with an emphasis on the quality of scientific results of doctoral students, gaining international experience during doctoral studies and adherence to the study schedule Key measures for 2021: − 2.4.1 Completion and approval of the concept of continuous internal evaluation of doctoral degree programmes − 2.4.2 Designing new procedures and requirements in the admissions procedure to strengthen the selection of talented and motivated applicants to prevent student dropout − 2.4.3 Discussion and elaboration of draft recommendations and principles for individual elements of doctoral studies (e.g. preparation and evaluation of individual study plans, international dimension of doctoral studies, completion of studies, development of supervisors’ competencies, etc.) − 2.4.4 Elaboration and approval of the concept of support for doctoral students’ mobility Goal 2.5 Pay due attention to the socio-economic status of doctoral students and their full integration into the scientific community as promising colleagues so as to strengthen their motivation for the successful completion of studies and subsequent careers Key measures for 2021: − 2.5.1 Creating a database of supervisors with an overview of successful doctoral graduates and unsuccessful students − 2.5.2 Development of the MUNI PhD Academia concept by expanding the portfolio of educational and development activities for doctoral students and supervisors 7 3 Internal Culture and Social Contribution Activities Strategic goals for 2021–2028 and measures planned for 2021 Goal 3.1 Create a coordinated university policy for fulfilment of its social role and to incorporate it into the evaluation of quality at the level of the university, faculties and units as a desirable mission together with education and research Key measures for 2021: − 3.1.1 Selection of a priority theme for the so-called thematic year reflecting social need and implementation of activities across the university in line with this selected theme and related target groups − 3.1.2 Creation of the first part of the university strategy for the fulfilment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) − 3.1.3 Involvement of the university in international rankings of universities focused on the issue of social responsibility and fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals − 3.1.4 Preparation and launch of a separate section on the university website on the university’s social responsibility and fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals (Part 1) Goal 3.2 Act as a credible and strategic partner which, with its broad portfolio of professional, independent expertise and ability to clearly reach the whole of society, actively contributes to solving local and global challenges, raises new issues and cultivates public discussion Key measures for 2021: − 3.2.1 Public education on the coronavirus crisis − 3.2.2 Creation of a new media strategy for Masaryk University − 3.2.3 Creation of a concept of systematic education and motivation of academics and researchers to appear in the media when giving opinions on contemporary topics and starting media training − 3.2.4 Revision of the current setting of presentation and popularisation of science and research Goal 3.3 Support altruistic initiatives of students and staff aimed at the public through an open environment to help those in need, by developing association activities and by volunteering Key measures for 2021: − 3.3.1 Continuation of the volunteer project MUNI Helps and its embedding in the organisational structure of the university − 3.3.2 Creating a concept for the operation of a fund managing money for socially beneficial activities initiated by students and staff 8 Goal 3.4 Act as a centre of social, cultural and sports life for students, staff and the public and to create platforms and opportunities for meetings and knowledge dissemination Key measures for 2021: − 3.4.1 Coordination of activities of university units in the spirit of the emerging cultural and social centre (Mendel Museum, MU Archive, University Centre Telč, Masaryk University Press, University Cinema Scala and others) to jointly organise events – Mendel Days, Masaryk Days, etc. − 3.4.2 Proposal of the form of institutionalisation of the cultural and social centre of Masaryk University − 3.4.3 Organising new activities, especially discussions on societal topics, within the University Cinema Scala − 3.4.4 Involvement of the Masaryk University Archives in university-wide events and awareness-raising for its activities across the university − 3.4.5 Creation of a support programme for the Masaryk University Press with the aim of publishing popularising series of works, books in e-format and audio books Goal 3.5 Strengthen the esprit de corps of the university’s students, staff and graduates and create a university community sharing common values as a basic prerequisite for fulfilling all university roles Key measures for 2021: − 3.5.1 Strengthening relations with important figures who are no longer employed by the university (professors emeriti, holders of important awards, etc.), e.g. by organising a social event − 3.5.2 Strengthening communication with future and current graduates using new tools for organisation of events for future graduates, publication of the M Magazine annual, including an English version, etc. − 3.5.3 Revision of existing university events held under the auspices of the Rector and setting the concept of these traditional university events in the coming years − 3.5.4 Continuation of the university-wide strategy for the implementation of a unified visual style of the university 9 4 HR Management and Staff Development Strategic goals for 2021–2028 and measures planned for 2021 Goal 4.1 To be a prestigious employer with a shared internal culture and an open HR policy at the level of leading European universities with appropriate processes and HR tools Key measures for 2021: − 4.1.1 Obtaining HR Award certification by further constituent parts of the university (i.e. FMed, FLaw, FEdu, FSS, FEA, FA, FSpS, FI and ICS) and start of implementation of action plans − 4.1.2 Strengthening the use of the institution of extraordinary professors at individual faculties − 4.1.3 Amendment of the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures, especially by reflecting the requirements of the HR Award − 4.1.4 Continuation of the integration of the Faculty of Pharmacy in the form of practical implementation of all university standards, procedures and tools in the field of HR and ensuring adequate support from the university Goal 4.2 Create a motivating environment by rewarding high-quality and exceptional work results, providing equal opportunities and conditions for individual development and career growth of employees, as well as supporting a work-life balance Key measures for 2021: − 4.2.1 University-wide discussion on the modification of the internal evaluation of academic staff in connection with Methodology 2017+ through the EVAK tool − 4.2.2 Incorporating the fulfilment of the social role of the university into the internal evaluation of employees − 4.2.3 Identification of target groups of employees for the preparation of a specific offer of training and development 10 5. Information Systems and IT Support Strategic goals for 2021–2028 and measures planned for 2021 Goal 5.1 Fulfil the role of academic leader in the computerisation of processes at public universities, in the development of their own information systems and in the level of IT infrastructure Key measures for 2021: − 5.1.1 Initiation of an internal discussion on the unified architecture of IT MU (e.g. inclusion of the Institute of Computer Science of FI MU in the management structure of IT MU) − 5.1.2 Identification and development of infrastructure for so-called smart mobility (e.g. video conferencing, e-course sharing, etc.) − 5.1.3 Implementation of the university methodology for electronic legal proceedings (incl. signing, use of the electronic records management, authorised conversions) and unification of the technology of qualified electronic signing − 5.1.4 Introduction of the right to digital services into study-related agendas within the MU Information System − 5.1.5 Implementation of BankID and eID as tools for electronic identification − 5.1.6 Integration of agendas and processes of the Faculty of Pharmacy into information systems and IT support at the university and development of IT infrastructure and services to support education and research in the field of pharmacy − 5.1.7 Investment in the development of data processing infrastructure for biomedical research Goal 5.2 Strengthen the competencies and position of the university as a strategic partner in cybersecurity and actively participate in the development of an information society Key measures for 2021: − 5.2.1 Accreditation of a registered MU, CTU and BUT institute as a conformity assessment body in the sense of the Act on Cyber Security and commencement of its activities as a European digital innovation hub in the field of cyber security − 5.2.2 Continuation of new capacity building within CYBER CAMPUS CZ of Masaryk University − 5.2.3 Commencement of cooperation with the National Agency for Communication and Information Technologies in the form of applied research in the processing of medical documentation − 5.2.4 Completion of a university strategy for wider use of Open Access and Open Data − 5.2.5 Implementation of the Open Access Gold policy in the processing so-called grey literature and project publications at MU Goal 5.3 Strengthen the efficiency and flexibility of the university’s operation in all areas through IT support, electronic processes and services to users according to their current needs and become, as far as possible, a paperless institution Key measures for 2021: − 5.3.1 Providing support for remote and online learning through synchronous and asynchronous teaching − 5.3.2 Implementation of a pilot project of data analysis with advanced tools to support the management activities of the university and its constituent parts − 5.3.3 Development of employee portal functions and launching of its English version 11 − 5.3.4 Improving processes for providing feedback on existing applications and services in information systems − 5.3.5 Continuation of selecting a new generation of the management and economic system (preparation of tender documentation) − 5.3.6 Preparation for the acquisition of a CRM system in the form of a definition of requirements and links to existing MU information systems − 5.3.7 Continuation of the implementation of Erasmus Without Paper and its electronic support 12 6 Institution Management and Infrastructure Strategic goals for 2021–2028 and measures planned for 2021 Goal 6.1 Strengthen strategic management and ensure the economic stability of the university through responsible management, with an emphasis on funding clear priorities in education and research as well as the creation of reserves, through a performance-oriented budget linked to the university’s strategic goals Key measures for 2021: − 6.1.1 Adjustment of the internal distribution of the fixed part of the contribution to educational activities reflecting the number of students and the financial demands of degree programmes − 6.1.2 Strengthening the indicators of the performance part of the contribution to educational activities evaluating, for example, internationalisation and academic success − 6.1.3 Modification of the methodology of distribution of the subsidy for the long-term conceptual development of a research organisation with emphasis on citation indicators and internal grant schemes Goal 6.2 Sustainably and responsibly manage the renewal, development and construction of the university infrastructure as well as the acquisition of related technologies and equipment to ensure adequate functional facilities for excellent research and quality teaching as well as a pleasant environment for students and staff Key measures for 2021: − 6.2.1 Preparation of construction investment within a strategic development project focused on innovation for a healthy and secure society − 6.2.2 Implementation of investments in infrastructure in accordance with the MU Plan of Investment Activities for 2021 − 6.2.3 Reducing the energy intensity of buildings and modernisation of related technological equipment (building adaptations and energy management) − 6.2.4 Preparation for the start of implementation of the Concept of Introducing the BIM (Building Information Modelling) method in the Czech Republic for the needs of MU infrastructure construction Goal 6.3 In accordance with the principles of sustainable development, manage energy resources, water and waste and strengthen informed management enabling the efficient use of the built premises as well as property management Key measures for 2021: − 6.3.1 Creation and implementation of a responsible public procurement strategy taking into account economic, environmental and social concerns, including the application of qualitative criteria − 6.3.2 Creating and launching the implementation of strategies for energy, water and waste management, including the creation of clear principles for effective and responsible management and motivating students and staff to comply with them − 6.3.3 Preparation for monitoring the carbon and overall environmental footprint of the university 13 − 6.3.4 Expansion and optimisation of CAFM (Computer Aided Facility Management) for the efficient operation of university buildings, including space management